package net.filebot.ui; import static*; import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.*; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import static net.filebot.Settings.*; import static net.filebot.util.StringUtilities.*; import static net.filebot.util.ui.SwingUI.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import net.filebot.HistorySpooler; import net.filebot.ResourceManager; import net.filebot.Settings; import net.filebot.util.PreferencesMap.PreferencesEntry; public enum SupportDialog { Donation { @Override String getMessage(int renameCount) { return String.format("<html><p style='font-size:16pt; font-weight:bold'>Thank you for using FileBot!</p><br><p>It has taken thousands of hours to develop this application. If you enjoy using it,<br>please consider making a donation. It'll help make FileBot even better!<p><p style='font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold'>You've renamed %,d files.</p><br><html>", renameCount); } @Override String[] getActions(boolean first) { if (first) return new String[] { "Donate! :)", "Nope! Maybe next time." }; else return new String[] { "Donate again! :)", "Nope! Not this time." }; } @Override Icon getIcon() { return ResourceManager.getIcon("message.donate"); } @Override String getTitle() { return "Please Donate"; } @Override public boolean feelingLucky(int sessionRenameCount, int totalRenameCount, int currentRevision, int lastSupportRevision, int supportRevisionCount) { // annoy users that chose not to purchase FileBot on the Store if (sessionRenameCount > 0 && Stream.of("Mac OS X", "Windows 10").anyMatch(Predicate.isEqual(System.getProperty("")))) { return true; } return super.feelingLucky(sessionRenameCount, totalRenameCount, currentRevision, lastSupportRevision, supportRevisionCount); } @Override String getURI() { return getDonateURL(); } }, AppStoreReview { @Override String getMessage(int renameCount) { return String.format("<html><p style='font-size:16pt; font-weight:bold'>Thank you for using FileBot!</p><br><p>It has taken thousands of hours to develop this application. If you enjoy using it,<br>please consider writing a nice review on the %s.<p><p style='font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold'>You've renamed %,d files.</p><br><html>", getAppStoreName(), renameCount); } @Override String[] getActions(boolean first) { if (first) return new String[] { "Write a Review! :)", "Nope! Maybe next time." }; else return new String[] { "Update my Review! :)", "Nope! Not this time." }; } @Override Icon getIcon() { return ResourceManager.getIcon("window.icon.large"); } @Override String getTitle() { return "Please write a Review"; } @Override public boolean feelingLucky(int sessionRenameCount, int totalRenameCount, int currentRevision, int lastSupportRevision, int supportRevisionCount) { // ask for reviews at most once per revision if (currentRevision <= lastSupportRevision) { return false; } // ask for reviews only when a significant number of files have been processed if (sessionRenameCount < 5 || totalRenameCount < 5000) { return false; } // ask for reviews at most every once in a while if (Math.random() <= 0.777) { return false; } return super.feelingLucky(sessionRenameCount, totalRenameCount, currentRevision, lastSupportRevision, supportRevisionCount); } @Override String getURI() { return getAppStoreLink(); } }; public boolean feelingLucky(int sessionRenameCount, int totalRenameCount, int currentRevision, int lastSupportRevision, int supportRevisionCount) { // lucky if many files are processed in a single session if (sessionRenameCount >= 2000 * Math.pow(2, supportRevisionCount)) { return true; } // lucky if many many files have been processed over time if (totalRenameCount >= 2000 * Math.pow(5, supportRevisionCount)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean show(int totalRenameCount, boolean first) { String message = getMessage(totalRenameCount); String[] actions = getActions(first); JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, INFORMATION_MESSAGE, YES_NO_OPTION, getIcon(), actions, actions[0]); pane.createDialog(null, getTitle()).setVisible(true); // open URI of OK if (pane.getValue() == actions[0]) { openURI(getURI()); } // don't ask again for this version regardless of user choice return true; } abstract String getMessage(int totalRenameCount); abstract String[] getActions(boolean first); abstract Icon getIcon(); abstract String getTitle(); abstract String getURI(); public static void maybeShow() { try { PreferencesEntry<String> persistentSupportRevision = Settings.forPackage(SupportDialog.class).entry("support.revision"); List<Integer> supportRevision = matchIntegers(persistentSupportRevision.getValue()); int lastSupportRevision =; int currentRevision = getApplicationRevisionNumber(); int sessionRenameCount = HistorySpooler.getInstance().getSessionHistoryTotalSize(); int totalRenameCount = HistorySpooler.getInstance().getPersistentHistoryTotalSize(); // show donation / review reminders to power users SupportDialog dialog = isAppStore() ? AppStoreReview : Donation; if (dialog.feelingLucky(sessionRenameCount, totalRenameCount, currentRevision, lastSupportRevision, supportRevision.size())) { if (, supportRevision.isEmpty())) { supportRevision = Stream.concat(, Stream.of(currentRevision)).sorted().distinct().collect(toList()); persistentSupportRevision.setValue(supportRevision.toString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e, e::toString); } } }