package; import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static java.util.regex.Pattern.*; import static*; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import static net.filebot.MediaTypes.*; import static net.filebot.Settings.*; import static net.filebot.WebServices.*; import static net.filebot.format.ExpressionFormatMethods.*; import static*; import static*; import static net.filebot.similarity.Normalization.*; import static net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.*; import static net.filebot.util.StringUtilities.*; import; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfo; import net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfo.StreamKind; import net.filebot.similarity.NameSimilarityMetric; import net.filebot.util.FastFile; import net.filebot.web.Episode; import net.filebot.web.Movie; public class AutoDetection { private File[] files; private Locale locale; public AutoDetection(Collection<File> root, boolean resolve, Locale locale) { this.files = (resolve ? resolve(, getSystemFilesFilter()) :[]::new); this.locale = locale; } protected Stream<File> resolve(Stream<File> root, FileFilter excludes) { return root.flatMap(f -> { if (f.isHidden() || excludes.accept(f)) { return Stream.empty(); } if (f.isFile()) { return Stream.of(f); } if (f.isDirectory()) { return isDiskFolder(f) ? Stream.of(f) : resolve(getChildren(f).stream(), excludes); } return Stream.empty(); }); } public List<File> getFiles() { return unmodifiableList(asList(files)); } private static final Pattern MOVIE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Movies", CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern SERIES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("TV.Shows|TV.Series|Season.[0-9]+", CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern ANIME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Anime", CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern EPISODE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("E[P]?\\d{1,3}", CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern SERIES_EPISODE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^tv[sp][ _.-]", CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern ANIME_EPISODE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\\[[^\\]]+Subs\\]", CASE_INSENSITIVE); public boolean isMusic(File f) { return AUDIO_FILES.accept(f) && !VIDEO_FILES.accept(f); } public boolean isMovie(File f) { return anyMatch(f.getParentFile(), MOVIE_PATTERN) || MediaDetection.isMovie(f, true); } public boolean isEpisode(File f) { if (MediaDetection.isEpisode(f.getName(), false) && (anyMatch(f.getParentFile(), SERIES_PATTERN) || find(f.getName(), SERIES_EPISODE_PATTERN))) { return true; } if (MediaDetection.isEpisode(f.getPath(), true)) { return true; } Object metaInfo = xattr.getMetaInfo(f); return metaInfo instanceof Episode && !AniDB.getIdentifier().equals(((Episode) metaInfo).getSeriesInfo().getDatabase()); } public boolean isAnime(File f) { if (MediaDetection.parseEpisodeNumber(f.getName(), false) == null) { return false; } if (anyMatch(f.getParentFile(), ANIME_PATTERN) || find(f.getName(), ANIME_EPISODE_PATTERN) || find(f.getName(), EMBEDDED_CHECKSUM)) { return true; } if (VIDEO_FILES.accept(f) && f.length() > ONE_MEGABYTE) { // check for Japanese audio or characteristic subtitles try (MediaInfo mi = new MediaInfo().open(f)) { long minutes = Duration.ofMillis(Long.parseLong(mi.get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Duration"))).toMinutes(); return minutes < 60 || mi.get(StreamKind.General, 0, "AudioLanguageList").contains("Japanese") && mi.get(StreamKind.General, 0, "TextCodecList").contains("ASS"); } catch (Exception e) { debug.warning("Failed to read audio language: " + e.getMessage()); } } Object metaInfo = xattr.getMetaInfo(f); return metaInfo instanceof Episode && AniDB.getIdentifier().equals(((Episode) metaInfo).getSeriesInfo().getDatabase()); } public boolean anyMatch(File file, Pattern pattern) { // episode characteristics override movie characteristics (e.g. episodes in ~/Movies folder which is considered a volume root) for (File f = file; f != null && !MediaDetection.isVolumeRoot(f); f = f.getParentFile()) { if (pattern.matcher(f.getName()).matches()) { return true; } } return false; } public Map<Group, Set<File>> group() { // sort keys and values Map<Group, Set<File>> groups = new TreeMap<Group, Set<File>>(); // can't use parallel stream because default fork/join pool doesn't play well with the security manager ExecutorService workerThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(getPreferredThreadPoolSize()); try { stream(files).collect(toMap(f -> f, f -> workerThreadPool.submit(() -> detectGroup(f)))).forEach((file, group) -> { try { groups.computeIfAbsent(group.get(), k -> new TreeSet<File>()).add(file); } catch (Exception e) { debug.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } }); } finally { workerThreadPool.shutdownNow(); } return groups; } private Group detectGroup(File f) throws Exception { Group group = new Group(); if (isMusic(f)) return; if (isMovie(f)) return, false)); if (isEpisode(f)) return group.series(getSeriesMatches(f, false)); if (isAnime(f)) return group.anime(getSeriesMatches(f, true)); // ignore movie matches if filename looks like an episode if (find(f.getName(), EPISODE_PATTERN)) return group.series(getSeriesMatches(f, false)); // Movie VS Episode List<Movie> m = getMovieMatches(f, false); List<String> s = getSeriesMatches(f, false); if (m.isEmpty() && s.isEmpty()) return group; if (s.size() > 0 && m.isEmpty()) return group.series(s); if (m.size() > 0 && s.isEmpty()) return; return new Rules(f, s, m).apply(); } private List<String> getSeriesMatches(File f, boolean anime) throws Exception { List<String> names = detectSeriesNames(singleton(f), anime, locale); if (names.isEmpty()) { List<File> episodes = getVideoFiles(f.getParentFile()); if (episodes.size() >= 5) { names = detectSeriesNames(episodes, anime, locale); } } return names; } private List<Movie> getMovieMatches(File file, boolean strict) throws Exception { return MediaDetection.detectMovie(file, TheMovieDB, locale, strict); } private List<File> getVideoFiles(File parent) { return stream(files).filter(it -> parent.equals(it.getParentFile())).filter(VIDEO_FILES::accept).collect(toList()); } private static final Pattern YEAR = Pattern.compile("\\D(?:19|20)\\d{2}\\D"); private static final Pattern EPISODE_NUMBERS = Pattern.compile("\\b\\d{1,3}\\b"); private static final Pattern DASH = Pattern.compile("^.{0,3}\\s[-]\\s.+$", UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS); private static final Pattern NUMBER_PAIR = Pattern.compile("\\D\\d{1,2}\\D{1,3}\\d{1,2}\\D"); private static final Pattern NON_NUMBER_NAME = Pattern.compile("^[\\p{L}\\p{Space}\\p{Punct}]+$", UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS); private class Rules { private final Group group; private final File f; private final String s; private final Movie m; private final String dn, fn, sn, mn, my, asn; private final Pattern snm, mnm; public Rules(File file, List<String> series, List<Movie> movie) throws Exception { group = new Group().series(series).movie(movie); f = file; s = series.get(0); m = movie.get(0); dn = normalize(getName(guessMovieFolder(f))); fn = normalize(getName(f)); sn = normalize(s); mn = normalize(m.getName()); my = Integer.toString(m.getYear()); snm = compile(sn, LITERAL); mnm = compile(mn, LITERAL); asn = after(fn, snm).orElse(fn); } private String normalize(String self) { return self == null ? "" : replaceSpace(normalizePunctuation(ascii(self)).toLowerCase(), " ").trim(); } private float getSimilarity(String self, String other) { return new NameSimilarityMetric().getSimilarity(self, other); } public Group apply() throws Exception { List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<Rule>(15); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 0, this::equalsMovieName)); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 0, this::containsMovieYear)); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 0, this::containsMovieNameYear)); rules.add(new Rule(5, -1, this::containsEpisodeNumbers)); rules.add(new Rule(5, -1, this::commonNumberPattern)); rules.add(new Rule(1, -1, this::episodeWithoutNumbers)); rules.add(new Rule(1, -1, this::episodeNumbers)); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 1, this::hasImdbId)); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 1, this::nonNumberName)); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 5, this::exactMovieMatch)); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 1, this::containsMovieName)); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 1, this::similarNameYear)); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 1, this::similarNameNoNumbers)); rules.add(new Rule(-1, 1, this::aliasNameMatch)); int score_s = 0; int score_m = 0; for (Rule rule : rules) { if (rule.test()) { score_s += rule.s; score_m += rule.m; if (score_s >= 1 && score_m <= -1) { return; } if (score_m >= 1 && score_s <= -1) { return group.series(null); } } } return group; } public boolean equalsMovieName() { return mn.equals(fn); } public boolean containsMovieYear() { return m.getYear() >= 1950 && listPathTail(f, 3, true).stream().anyMatch(it -> it.getName().contains(my) && parseEpisodeNumber(it.getName(), false) == null); } public boolean containsMovieNameYear() { return mn.equals(sn) && Stream.of(dn, fn).anyMatch(it -> { return parseEpisodeNumber(after(it, YEAR).orElse(""), false) == null; }); } public boolean containsEpisodeNumbers() { return parseEpisodeNumber(fn, true) != null || parseDate(fn) != null; } public boolean commonNumberPattern() { return getChildren(f.getParentFile(), VIDEO_FILES, HUMAN_NAME_ORDER).stream().filter(it -> { return find(dn, snm) || find(normalize(it.getName()), snm); }).map(it -> { return streamMatches(it.getName(), EPISODE_NUMBERS).map(Integer::new).collect(toSet()); }).filter(it -> it.size() > 0).distinct().count() >= 10; } public boolean episodeWithoutNumbers() throws Exception { return find(asn, DASH) && getMovieMatches(f, true).isEmpty(); } public boolean episodeNumbers() throws Exception { String n = stripReleaseInfo(asn, false); if (parseEpisodeNumber(n, false) != null || NUMBER_PAIR.matcher(n).find()) { return Stream.of(dn, fn).anyMatch(it -> snm.matcher(it).find()) && getMovieMatches(f, true).isEmpty(); } return false; } public boolean hasImdbId() { return grepImdbId(fn).size() > 0; } public boolean nonNumberName() { return find(getName(f), NON_NUMBER_NAME); } public boolean exactMovieMatch() throws Exception { return getMovieMatches(f, true).size() > 0 && Stream.of(dn, fn).anyMatch(it -> find(it, YEAR)); } public boolean containsMovieName() { return fn.contains(mn) && parseEpisodeNumber(after(fn, mnm).orElse(fn), false) == null; } public boolean similarNameYear() { return getSimilarity(mn, fn) >= 0.8f || Stream.of(dn, fn).anyMatch(it -> { return matchIntegers(it).stream().filter(y -> m.getYear() - 1 <= y && y <= m.getYear() + 1).count() > 0; }); } public boolean similarNameNoNumbers() { return Stream.of(dn, fn).anyMatch(it -> { return find(it, mnm) && !find(after(it, mnm).orElse(it), EPISODE_NUMBERS) && getSimilarity(it, mn) >= 0.2f + getSimilarity(it, sn); }); } public boolean aliasNameMatch() { return m.getEffectiveNamesWithoutYear().stream().map(this::normalize).anyMatch(fn::contains); } } @FunctionalInterface private interface Test { boolean test() throws Exception; } private static class Rule implements Test { public final int s; public final int m; private final Test t; public Rule(int s, int m, Test t) { this.s = s; this.m = m; this.t = t; } @Override public boolean test() throws Exception { return t.test(); } } public enum Type { Movie, Series, Anime, Music; } public static class Group extends EnumMap<Type, Object> implements Comparable<Group> { public Group() { super(Type.class); } public Object getMovie() { return get(Type.Movie); } public Object getSeries() { return get(Type.Series); } public Object getAnime() { return get(Type.Anime); } public Object getMusic() { return get(Type.Music); } public Group movie(List<Movie> movies) { put(Type.Movie, movies == null || movies.isEmpty() ? null : movies.get(0)); return this; } public Group series(List<String> names) { put(Type.Series, names == null || names.isEmpty() ? null : replaceSpace(normalizePunctuation(names.get(0)).toLowerCase(), " ").trim()); return this; } public Group anime(List<String> names) { put(Type.Anime, names == null || names.isEmpty() ? null : replaceSpace(normalizePunctuation(names.get(0)).toLowerCase(), " ").trim()); return this; } public Group music(File f) { put(Type.Music, f == null ? null : f.getParent()); return this; } public Type[] types() { return entrySet().stream().filter(it -> it.getValue() != null).map(it -> it.getKey()).toArray(Type[]::new); } @Override public int compareTo(Group other) { if (size() != other.size()) { return, other.size()); } return stream(Type.values()).mapToInt(t -> { return Comparator.nullsLast(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER).compare(Objects.toString(get(t), null), Objects.toString(other.get(t), null)); }).filter(i -> i != 0).findFirst().orElse(0); } } }