package net.filebot.cli; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.*; import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static*; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import static net.filebot.MediaTypes.*; import static net.filebot.Settings.*; import static net.filebot.WebServices.*; import static net.filebot.hash.VerificationUtilities.*; import static*; import static*; import static net.filebot.subtitle.SubtitleUtilities.*; import static net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.*; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import net.filebot.HistorySpooler; import net.filebot.Language; import net.filebot.RenameAction; import net.filebot.StandardRenameAction; import net.filebot.archive.Archive; import net.filebot.archive.FileMapper; import net.filebot.format.ExpressionFileFormat; import net.filebot.format.ExpressionFilter; import net.filebot.format.ExpressionFormat; import net.filebot.format.MediaBindingBean; import net.filebot.hash.HashType; import net.filebot.hash.VerificationFileReader; import net.filebot.hash.VerificationFileWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import net.filebot.similarity.CommonSequenceMatcher; import net.filebot.similarity.EpisodeMatcher; import net.filebot.similarity.Match; import net.filebot.subtitle.SubtitleFormat; import net.filebot.subtitle.SubtitleNaming; import net.filebot.util.EntryList; import net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.ParentFilter; import net.filebot.vfs.FileInfo; import net.filebot.vfs.MemoryFile; import net.filebot.vfs.SimpleFileInfo; import net.filebot.web.AudioTrack; import net.filebot.web.Datasource; import net.filebot.web.Episode; import net.filebot.web.EpisodeListProvider; import net.filebot.web.Movie; import net.filebot.web.MovieIdentificationService; import net.filebot.web.MoviePart; import net.filebot.web.MusicIdentificationService; import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesClient; import net.filebot.web.SearchResult; import net.filebot.web.SortOrder; import net.filebot.web.SubtitleDescriptor; import net.filebot.web.SubtitleProvider; import net.filebot.web.VideoHashSubtitleService; public class CmdlineOperations implements CmdlineInterface { @Override public List<File> rename(Collection<File> files, RenameAction action, ConflictAction conflict, File output, ExpressionFileFormat format, Datasource db, String query, SortOrder order, ExpressionFilter filter, Locale locale, boolean strict, ExecCommand exec) throws Exception { // movie mode if (db instanceof MovieIdentificationService) { return renameMovie(files, action, conflict, output, format, (MovieIdentificationService) db, query, filter, locale, strict, exec); } // series mode if (db instanceof EpisodeListProvider) { return renameSeries(files, action, conflict, output, format, (EpisodeListProvider) db, query, order, filter, locale, strict, exec); } // music mode if (db instanceof MusicIdentificationService) { return renameMusic(files, action, conflict, output, format, singletonList((MusicIdentificationService) db), exec); } // generic file / xattr mode if (db instanceof XattrMetaInfoProvider) { return renameFiles(files, action, conflict, output, format, (XattrMetaInfoProvider) db, filter, strict, exec); } // auto-detect mode for each fileset AutoDetection auto = new AutoDetection(files, false, locale); List<File> results = new ArrayList<File>(); for (Entry<Group, Set<File>> it : { if (it.getKey().types().length == 1) { for (Type key : it.getKey().types()) { switch (key) { case Movie: results.addAll(renameMovie(it.getValue(), action, conflict, output, format, TheMovieDB, query, filter, locale, strict, exec)); break; case Series: results.addAll(renameSeries(it.getValue(), action, conflict, output, format, TheTVDB, query, order, filter, locale, strict, exec)); break; case Anime: results.addAll(renameSeries(it.getValue(), action, conflict, output, format, AniDB, query, order, filter, locale, strict, exec)); break; case Music: results.addAll(renameMusic(it.getValue(), action, conflict, output, format, asList(MediaInfoID3, AcoustID), exec)); // prefer existing ID3 tags and use acoustid only when necessary break; } } } else { debug.warning(format("Failed to process group: %s => %s", it.getKey(), it.getValue())); } } if (results.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException("Failed to identify or process any files"); } return results; } @Override public List<File> rename(EpisodeListProvider db, String query, ExpressionFileFormat format, ExpressionFilter filter, SortOrder order, Locale locale, boolean strict, List<File> files, RenameAction action, ConflictAction conflict, File outputDir, ExecCommand exec) throws Exception { // match files and episodes in linear order List<Episode> episodes = fetchEpisodeList(db, query, filter, order, locale, strict); List<Match<File, ?>> matches = new ArrayList<Match<File, ?>>(); for (int i = 0; i < files.size() && i < episodes.size(); i++) { matches.add(new Match<File, Episode>(files.get(i), episodes.get(i))); } // rename episodes return renameAll(formatMatches(matches, format, outputDir), action, conflict, matches, exec); } @Override public List<File> rename(Map<File, File> renameMap, RenameAction renameAction, ConflictAction conflict) throws Exception { // generic rename function that can be passed any set of files return renameAll(renameMap, renameAction, conflict, null, null); } public List<File> renameSeries(Collection<File> files, RenameAction renameAction, ConflictAction conflictAction, File outputDir, ExpressionFileFormat format, EpisodeListProvider db, String query, SortOrder sortOrder, ExpressionFilter filter, Locale locale, boolean strict, ExecCommand exec) throws Exception { log.config(format("Rename episodes using [%s]", db.getName())); // ignore sample files List<File> fileset = sortByUniquePath(filter(files, not(getClutterFileFilter()))); List<File> mediaFiles = filter(fileset, VIDEO_FILES, SUBTITLE_FILES); if (mediaFiles.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException("No media files: " + files); } // similarity metrics for matching List<Match<File, ?>> matches = new ArrayList<Match<File, ?>>(); // auto-determine optimal batch sets for (Entry<Set<File>, Set<String>> sameSeriesGroup : mapSeriesNamesByFiles(mediaFiles, locale, db == AniDB).entrySet()) { List<List<File>> batchSets = new ArrayList<List<File>>(); if (sameSeriesGroup.getValue() != null && sameSeriesGroup.getValue().size() > 0) { // handle series name batch set all at once batchSets.add(new ArrayList<File>(sameSeriesGroup.getKey())); } else { // these files don't seem to belong to any series -> handle folder per folder batchSets.addAll(mapByFolder(sameSeriesGroup.getKey()).values()); } for (List<File> batch : batchSets) { // fetch episode data List<Episode> episodes; if (query == null) { Collection<String> seriesNames = detectSeriesNames(batch, db == AniDB, locale); // detect series name by common word sequence log.config("Auto-detected query: " + seriesNames); if (seriesNames.size() == 0) { log.warning("Failed to detect query for files: " + batch); continue; } if (strict && seriesNames.size() > 1) { throw new CmdlineException("Multiple queries: Processing multiple shows at once requires -non-strict matching: " + seriesNames); } episodes = fetchEpisodeSet(db, seriesNames, sortOrder, locale, strict, 5); // consider episodes of up to N search results for each query } else { episodes = fetchEpisodeSet(db, singleton(query), sortOrder, locale, false, 1); // use --q option and pick first result } if (episodes.isEmpty()) { continue; } // filter episodes episodes = applyExpressionFilter(episodes, filter); for (List<File> filesPerType : mapByMediaExtension(filter(batch, VIDEO_FILES, SUBTITLE_FILES)).values()) { matches.addAll(matchEpisodes(filesPerType, episodes, strict)); } } } if (matches.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException("Failed to match files to episode data"); } // handle derived files List<Match<File, ?>> derivateMatches = new ArrayList<Match<File, ?>>(); SortedSet<File> derivateFiles = new TreeSet<File>(fileset); derivateFiles.removeAll(mediaFiles); for (File file : derivateFiles) { for (Match<File, ?> match : matches) { if (file.getPath().startsWith(match.getValue().getParentFile().getPath()) && isDerived(file, match.getValue()) && match.getCandidate() instanceof Episode) { derivateMatches.add(new Match<File, Object>(file, ((Episode) match.getCandidate()).clone())); break; } } } // add matches from other files that are linked via filenames matches.addAll(derivateMatches); // rename episodes return renameAll(formatMatches(matches, format, outputDir), renameAction, conflictAction, matches, exec); } private List<Match<File, Object>> matchEpisodes(Collection<File> files, Collection<Episode> episodes, boolean strict) throws Exception { // always use strict fail-fast matcher EpisodeMatcher matcher = new EpisodeMatcher(files, episodes, strict); List<Match<File, Object>> matches = matcher.match(); for (File failedMatch : matcher.remainingValues()) { log.warning("No matching episode: " + failedMatch.getName()); } // in non-strict mode just pass back results as we got it from the matcher if (!strict) { return matches; } // in strict mode sanity check the result and only pass back good matches List<Match<File, Object>> validMatches = new ArrayList<Match<File, Object>>(); for (Match<File, Object> it : matches) { if (isEpisodeNumberMatch(it.getValue(), (Episode) it.getCandidate())) { validMatches.add(it); } } return validMatches; } private List<Episode> fetchEpisodeSet(EpisodeListProvider db, Collection<String> names, SortOrder sortOrder, Locale locale, boolean strict, int limit) throws Exception { Set<SearchResult> shows = new LinkedHashSet<SearchResult>(); Set<Episode> episodes = new LinkedHashSet<Episode>(); // detect series names and create episode list fetch tasks for (String query : names) { List<SearchResult> results =, locale); // select search result if (results.size() > 0) { List<SearchResult> selectedSearchResults = selectSearchResult(query, results, true, true, strict, limit); if (selectedSearchResults != null) { for (SearchResult it : selectedSearchResults) { if (shows.add(it)) { try { log.fine(format("Fetching episode data for [%s]", it.getName())); episodes.addAll(db.getEpisodeList(it, sortOrder, locale)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CmdlineException(String.format("Failed to fetch episode data for [%s]: %s", it, e.getMessage()), e); } } } } } } if (episodes.isEmpty()) { log.warning("Failed to fetch episode data: " + names); } return new ArrayList<Episode>(episodes); } public List<File> renameMovie(Collection<File> files, RenameAction renameAction, ConflictAction conflictAction, File outputDir, ExpressionFileFormat format, MovieIdentificationService service, String query, ExpressionFilter filter, Locale locale, boolean strict, ExecCommand exec) throws Exception { log.config(format("Rename movies using [%s]", service.getName())); // ignore sample files List<File> fileset = sortByUniquePath(filter(files, not(getClutterFileFilter()))); // handle movie files Set<File> movieFiles = new TreeSet<File>(filter(fileset, VIDEO_FILES)); Set<File> nfoFiles = new TreeSet<File>(filter(fileset, NFO_FILES)); List<File> orphanedFiles = new ArrayList<File>(filter(fileset, FILES)); orphanedFiles.removeAll(movieFiles); orphanedFiles.removeAll(nfoFiles); Map<File, List<File>> derivatesByMovieFile = new HashMap<File, List<File>>(); for (File movieFile : movieFiles) { derivatesByMovieFile.put(movieFile, new ArrayList<File>()); } for (File file : orphanedFiles) { List<File> orphanParent = listPath(file); for (File movieFile : movieFiles) { if (orphanParent.contains(movieFile.getParentFile()) && isDerived(file, movieFile)) { derivatesByMovieFile.get(movieFile).add(file); break; } } } for (List<File> derivates : derivatesByMovieFile.values()) { orphanedFiles.removeAll(derivates); } // match movie hashes online Map<File, Movie> movieByFile = new TreeMap<File, Movie>(); if (query == null) { // collect useful nfo files even if they are not part of the selected fileset Set<File> effectiveNfoFileSet = new TreeSet<File>(nfoFiles); for (File dir : mapByFolder(movieFiles).keySet()) { effectiveNfoFileSet.addAll(getChildren(dir, NFO_FILES)); } for (File dir : filter(fileset, FOLDERS)) { effectiveNfoFileSet.addAll(getChildren(dir, NFO_FILES)); } for (File nfo : effectiveNfoFileSet) { try { Movie movie = grepMovie(nfo, service, locale); // ignore illegal nfos if (movie == null) { continue; } if (nfoFiles.contains(nfo)) { movieByFile.put(nfo, movie); } if (isDiskFolder(nfo.getParentFile())) { // special handling for disk folders for (File folder : fileset) { if (nfo.getParentFile().equals(folder)) { movieByFile.put(folder, movie); } } } else { // match movie info to movie files that match the nfo file name SortedSet<File> siblingMovieFiles = new TreeSet<File>(filter(movieFiles, new ParentFilter(nfo.getParentFile()))); String baseName = stripReleaseInfo(getName(nfo)).toLowerCase(); for (File movieFile : siblingMovieFiles) { if (!baseName.isEmpty() && stripReleaseInfo(getName(movieFile)).toLowerCase().startsWith(baseName)) { movieByFile.put(movieFile, movie); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to grep IMDbID: " + nfo.getName(), e); } } } else { log.fine(format("Looking up movie by query [%s]", query)); List<Movie> results = service.searchMovie(query, locale); List<Movie> options = applyExpressionFilter(results, filter); if (options.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException("Failed to find a valid match: " + results); } // force all mappings Movie movie = selectSearchResult(query, options); for (File file : files) { movieByFile.put(file, movie); } } // collect files that will be matched one by one List<File> movieMatchFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); movieMatchFiles.addAll(movieFiles); movieMatchFiles.addAll(nfoFiles); movieMatchFiles.addAll(filter(files, FOLDERS)); movieMatchFiles.addAll(filter(orphanedFiles, SUBTITLE_FILES)); // run movie detection only on orphaned subtitle files // sanity check that we have something to do if (fileset.isEmpty() || movieMatchFiles.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException("No media files: " + files); } // map movies to (possibly multiple) files (in natural order) Map<Movie, SortedSet<File>> filesByMovie = new HashMap<Movie, SortedSet<File>>(); // map all files by movie for (File file : movieMatchFiles) { Movie movie = movieByFile.get(file); // unknown hash, try via imdb id from nfo file if (movie == null) { log.fine(format("Auto-detect movie from context: [%s]", file)); List<Movie> options = detectMovie(file, service, locale, strict); // apply filter if defined options = applyExpressionFilter(options, filter); // reduce options to perfect matches if possible List<Movie> perfectMatches = matchMovieByWordSequence(getName(file), options, 0); // narrow down options if possible if (perfectMatches.size() > 0) { options = perfectMatches; } try { // select first element if matches are reliable if (options.size() > 0) { movie = selectSearchResult(stripReleaseInfo(getName(file)), options); // make sure to get the language-specific movie object for the selected option movie = getLocalizedMovie(service, movie, locale); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warning(cause(e)); } } // check if we managed to lookup the movie descriptor if (movie != null) { // get file list for movie SortedSet<File> movieParts = filesByMovie.get(movie); if (movieParts == null) { movieParts = new TreeSet<File>(); filesByMovie.put(movie, movieParts); } movieParts.add(file); } } // collect all File/MoviePart matches List<Match<File, ?>> matches = new ArrayList<Match<File, ?>>(); filesByMovie.forEach((movie, fs) -> { groupByMediaCharacteristics(fs).forEach(moviePartFiles -> { // resolve movie parts for (int i = 0; i < moviePartFiles.size(); i++) { Movie moviePart = moviePartFiles.size() == 1 ? movie : new MoviePart(movie, i + 1, moviePartFiles.size()); matches.add(new Match<File, Movie>(moviePartFiles.get(i), moviePart.clone())); // automatically add matches for derived files List<File> derivates = derivatesByMovieFile.get(moviePartFiles.get(i)); if (derivates != null) { for (File derivate : derivates) { matches.add(new Match<File, Movie>(derivate, moviePart.clone())); } } } }); }); // rename movies return renameAll(formatMatches(matches, format, outputDir), renameAction, conflictAction, matches, exec); } public List<File> renameMusic(Collection<File> files, RenameAction renameAction, ConflictAction conflictAction, File outputDir, ExpressionFileFormat format, List<MusicIdentificationService> services, ExecCommand exec) throws Exception { List<File> audioFiles = sortByUniquePath(filter(files, AUDIO_FILES, VIDEO_FILES)); // check audio files against all services if necessary List<Match<File, ?>> matches = new ArrayList<Match<File, ?>>(); LinkedHashSet<File> remaining = new LinkedHashSet<File>(audioFiles); // check audio files against all services for (MusicIdentificationService service : services) { if (remaining.size() > 0) { log.config(format("Rename music using %s", service.getIdentifier())); service.lookup(remaining).forEach((file, music) -> { if (music != null) { matches.add(new Match<File, AudioTrack>(file, music.clone())); remaining.remove(file); } }); } } // error logging remaining.forEach(f -> log.warning(format("Failed to process music file: %s", f))); // rename movies return renameAll(formatMatches(matches, format, outputDir), renameAction, conflictAction, null, exec); } public List<File> renameFiles(Collection<File> files, RenameAction renameAction, ConflictAction conflictAction, File outputDir, ExpressionFileFormat format, XattrMetaInfoProvider service, ExpressionFilter filter, boolean strict, ExecCommand exec) throws Exception { log.config(format("Rename files using [%s]", service.getName())); Map<File, File> renameMap = new LinkedHashMap<File, File>(); // match to xattr metadata object or the file itself Map<File, Object> matches = service.match(files, strict); service.match(files, strict).forEach((k, v) -> { MediaBindingBean bindingBean = new MediaBindingBean(v, k, matches); if (filter == null || filter.matches(bindingBean)) { String destinationPath = format != null ? format.format(bindingBean) : v instanceof File ? v.toString() : validateFileName(v.toString()); renameMap.put(k, getDestinationFile(k, destinationPath, outputDir)); } }); return renameAll(renameMap, renameAction, conflictAction, null, exec); } private Map<File, Object> getContext(List<Match<File, ?>> matches) { return new AbstractMap<File, Object>() { @Override public Set<Entry<File, Object>> entrySet() { return -> it.getValue(), it -> (Object) it.getCandidate(), (a, b) -> a, LinkedHashMap::new)).entrySet(); } }; } private File getDestinationFile(File original, String newName, File outputDir) { String extension = getExtension(original); File newFile = new File(extension != null ? newName + '.' + extension.toLowerCase() : newName); // resolve against output dir if (outputDir != null && !newFile.isAbsolute()) { newFile = new File(outputDir, newFile.getPath()); } if (isInvalidFilePath(newFile) && !isUnixFS()) { log.config("Stripping invalid characters from new path: " + newName); newFile = validateFilePath(newFile); } return newFile; } private Map<File, File> formatMatches(List<Match<File, ?>> matches, ExpressionFileFormat format, File outputDir) throws Exception { // map old files to new paths by applying formatting and validating filenames Map<File, File> renameMap = new LinkedHashMap<File, File>(); for (Match<File, ?> match : matches) { File file = match.getValue(); Object object = match.getCandidate(); String destinationPath = format != null ? format.format(new MediaBindingBean(object, file, getContext(matches))) : validateFileName(object.toString()); renameMap.put(file, getDestinationFile(file, destinationPath, outputDir)); } return renameMap; } protected List<File> renameAll(Map<File, File> renameMap, RenameAction renameAction, ConflictAction conflictAction, List<Match<File, ?>> matches, ExecCommand exec) throws Exception { if (renameMap.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException("Failed to identify or process any files"); } // rename files Map<File, File> renameLog = new LinkedHashMap<File, File>(); try { for (Entry<File, File> it : renameMap.entrySet()) { try { File source = it.getKey(); File destination = it.getValue(); // resolve destination if (!destination.isAbsolute()) { // same folder, different name destination = resolve(source, destination); } if (!destination.equals(source) && destination.exists()) { if (conflictAction == ConflictAction.FAIL) { throw new CmdlineException(String.format("Failed to process [%s] because [%s] already exists", source, destination)); } // do not allow abuse of online databases by repeatedly processing the same files if (matches != null && renameAction.canRevert() && source.length() > 0 && equalsFileContent(source, destination)) { throw new CmdlineException(String.format("Failed to process [%s] because [%s] is an exact copy and already exists", source, destination)); } // delete existing destination path if necessary if (conflictAction == ConflictAction.OVERRIDE || (conflictAction == ConflictAction.AUTO && VideoQuality.isBetter(source, destination))) { // do not delete files in test mode if (renameAction.canRevert()) { try { log.fine(format("[%s] Delete [%s]", conflictAction, destination)); delete(destination); } catch (Exception e) { log.warning(format("[%s] Failed to delete [%s]: %s", conflictAction, destination, e)); } } } // generate indexed destination path if necessary if (conflictAction == ConflictAction.INDEX) { destination = nextAvailableIndexedName(destination); } } // rename file, throw exception on failure if (!destination.equals(source) && !destination.exists()) {"[%s] from [%s] to [%s]", renameAction, source, destination)); destination = renameAction.rename(source, destination); // remember successfully renamed matches for history entry and possible revert renameLog.put(source, destination); } else {"Skipped [%s] because [%s] already exists", source, destination)); } } catch (IOException e) { log.warning(format("[%s] Failure: %s", renameAction, e)); throw e; } } } finally { // update history and xattr metadata if (renameLog.size() > 0) { writeHistory(renameAction, renameLog, matches); } // print number of processed files log.fine(format("Processed %d files", renameLog.size())); } // execute command if (exec != null) { execute(renameLog.values(), Objects::nonNull, exec); // destination files may include null values } return new ArrayList<File>(renameLog.values()); } protected void writeHistory(RenameAction action, Map<File, File> log, List<Match<File, ?>> matches) { // write rename history if (action.canRevert()) { HistorySpooler.getInstance().append(log.entrySet()); } // write xattr metadata if (matches != null) { for (Match<File, ?> match : matches) { if (match.getCandidate() != null) { File destination = log.get(match.getValue()); if (destination != null && destination.isFile()) { xattr.setMetaInfo(destination, match.getCandidate(), match.getValue().getName()); } } } } } protected File nextAvailableIndexedName(File file) { File parent = file.getParentFile(); String name = getName(file); String ext = getExtension(file); return IntStream.range(1, 100).mapToObj(i -> new File(parent, name + '.' + i + '.' + ext)).filter(f -> !f.exists()).findFirst().get(); } @Override public List<File> getSubtitles(Collection<File> files, String query, Language language, SubtitleFormat output, Charset encoding, SubtitleNaming format, boolean strict) throws Exception { // ignore anything that is not a video files = filter(files, VIDEO_FILES); // ignore sample files files = sortByUniquePath(filter(files, not(getClutterFileFilter()))); // try to find subtitles for each video file List<File> remainingVideos = new ArrayList<File>(files); // parallel download List<File> subtitleFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); log.finest(format("Get [%s] subtitles for %d files", language.getName(), remainingVideos.size())); if (remainingVideos.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException("No video files: " + files); } // lookup subtitles by hash for (VideoHashSubtitleService service : getVideoHashSubtitleServices(language.getLocale())) { if (remainingVideos.isEmpty() || !requireLogin(service)) { continue; } try { log.fine("Looking up subtitles by hash via " + service.getName()); Map<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> options = lookupSubtitlesByHash(service, remainingVideos, language.getLocale(), false, strict); Map<File, File> downloads = downloadSubtitleBatch(service, options, output, encoding, format); remainingVideos.removeAll(downloads.keySet()); subtitleFiles.addAll(downloads.values()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Lookup by hash failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } for (SubtitleProvider service : getSubtitleProviders(language.getLocale())) { if (strict || remainingVideos.isEmpty() || !requireLogin(service)) { continue; } try { log.fine(format("Looking up subtitles by name via %s", service.getName())); Map<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> options = findSubtitlesByName(service, remainingVideos, language.getLocale(), query, false, strict); Map<File, File> downloads = downloadSubtitleBatch(service, options, output, encoding, format); remainingVideos.removeAll(downloads.keySet()); subtitleFiles.addAll(downloads.values()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warning(format("Search by name failed: %s", e.getMessage())); } } // no subtitles for remaining video files for (File it : remainingVideos) { log.warning("No matching subtitles found: " + it); } return subtitleFiles; } protected static boolean requireLogin(Object service) { if (service instanceof OpenSubtitlesClient) { OpenSubtitlesClient osdb = (OpenSubtitlesClient) service; if (osdb.isAnonymous()) { throw new CmdlineException(String.format("%s: Please enter your login details by calling `filebot -script fn:configure`", osdb.getName())); } } return true; // no login => logged in by default } @Override public List<File> getMissingSubtitles(Collection<File> files, String query, Language language, SubtitleFormat output, Charset encoding, SubtitleNaming format, boolean strict) throws Exception { List<File> videoFiles = filter(filter(files, VIDEO_FILES), new FileFilter() { // save time on repeating filesystem calls private Map<File, List<File>> cache = new HashMap<File, List<File>>(); public boolean matchesLanguageCode(File f) { Language languageSuffix = Language.getLanguage(releaseInfo.getSubtitleLanguageTag(getName(f))); if (languageSuffix != null) { return languageSuffix.getCode().equals(language.getCode()); } return false; } @Override public boolean accept(File video) { if (!video.isFile()) { return false; } List<File> subtitleFiles = cache.computeIfAbsent(video.getParentFile(), parent -> { return getChildren(parent, SUBTITLE_FILES); }); // can't tell which subtitle belongs to which file -> if any subtitles exist skip the whole folder if (format == SubtitleNaming.ORIGINAL) { return subtitleFiles.size() == 0; } return -> { if (isDerived(f, video)) { return format != SubtitleNaming.MATCH_VIDEO && !matchesLanguageCode(f); } return true; }); } }); if (videoFiles.isEmpty()) {"No missing subtitles"); return emptyList(); } return getSubtitles(videoFiles, query, language, output, encoding, format, strict); } private Map<File, File> downloadSubtitleBatch(Datasource service, Map<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> subtitles, SubtitleFormat outputFormat, Charset outputEncoding, SubtitleNaming naming) { Map<File, File> downloads = new LinkedHashMap<File, File>(); // fetch subtitle subtitles.forEach((movie, options) -> { if (options.size() > 0) { SubtitleDescriptor subtitle = options.get(0); try { downloads.put(movie, downloadSubtitle(service, subtitle, movie, outputFormat, outputEncoding, naming)); } catch (Exception e) { log.warning(format("Failed to download %s: %s", subtitle, e)); } } }); return downloads; } private File downloadSubtitle(Datasource service, SubtitleDescriptor descriptor, File movieFile, SubtitleFormat outputFormat, Charset outputEncoding, SubtitleNaming naming) throws Exception { // fetch subtitle archive log.config(format("Fetching [%s] subtitles [%s] from [%s]", descriptor.getLanguageName(), descriptor.getPath(), service.getName())); MemoryFile subtitleFile = fetchSubtitle(descriptor); // subtitle filename is based on movie filename String extension = getExtension(subtitleFile.getName()); ByteBuffer data = subtitleFile.getData(); if (outputFormat != null || outputEncoding != null) { // adjust extension of the output file if (outputFormat != null) { extension = outputFormat.getFilter().extension(); } // default to UTF-8 if no other encoding is given if (outputEncoding == null) { outputEncoding = UTF_8; } log.finest(format("Export [%s] as [%s / %s]", subtitleFile.getName(), outputFormat, outputEncoding)); data = exportSubtitles(subtitleFile, outputFormat, 0, outputEncoding); } File destination = new File(movieFile.getParentFile(), naming.format(movieFile, descriptor, extension));"Writing [%s] to [%s]", subtitleFile.getName(), destination.getName())); writeFile(data, destination); return destination; } protected <T> List<T> applyExpressionFilter(List<T> input, ExpressionFilter filter) { if (filter == null) { return input; } log.fine(format("Apply filter [%s] on [%d] items", filter.getExpression(), input.size())); return -> { if (filter.matches(new MediaBindingBean(it, null, new EntryList<File, T>(null, input)))) { log.finest(format("Include [%s]", it)); return true; } return false; }).collect(toList()); } protected <T extends SearchResult> T selectSearchResult(String query, Collection<T> options) throws Exception { List<T> matches = selectSearchResult(query, options, false, false, false, 1); return matches.size() > 0 ? matches.get(0) : null; } protected <T extends SearchResult> List<T> selectSearchResult(String query, Collection<T> options, boolean sort, boolean alias, boolean strict, int limit) throws Exception { List<T> probableMatches = getProbableMatches(sort ? query : null, options, alias, strict); if (probableMatches.isEmpty() || (strict && probableMatches.size() != 1)) { // allow single search results to just pass through in non-strict mode even if match confidence is low if (options.size() == 1 && !strict) { return; } if (strict) { throw new CmdlineException("Multiple options: Advanced auto-selection requires -non-strict matching: " + probableMatches); } // just pick the best N matches if (sort) { probableMatches = sortBySimilarity(options, singleton(query), getSeriesMatchMetric()).stream().collect(toList()); } } // return first and only value return probableMatches.size() <= limit ? probableMatches : probableMatches.subList(0, limit); // trust that the correct match is in the Top N } @Override public boolean check(Collection<File> files) throws Exception { // only check existing hashes boolean result = true; for (File it : filter(files, VERIFICATION_FILES)) { result &= check(it, it.getParentFile()); } return result; } @Override public File compute(Collection<File> files, File output, HashType hash, Charset encoding) throws Exception { // ignore folders and any sort of special files files = filter(files, FILES); if (files.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException("No files: " + files); } // find common parent folder of all files File[] fileList = files.toArray(new File[0]); File[][] pathArray = new File[fileList.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { pathArray[i] = listPath(fileList[i].getParentFile()).toArray(new File[0]); } CommonSequenceMatcher csm = new CommonSequenceMatcher(null, 0, true); File[] common = csm.matchFirstCommonSequence(pathArray); if (common == null) { throw new CmdlineException("All paths must be on the same filesystem: " + files); } // last element in the common sequence must be the root folder File root = common[common.length - 1]; if (output == null) { output = new File(root, root.getName() + '.' + hash.getFilter().extension()); } else if (!output.isAbsolute()) { output = new File(root, output.getPath()); }"Compute %s hash for %s files [%s]", hash, files.size(), output)); compute(root, files, output, hash, encoding); return output; } private boolean check(File verificationFile, File root) throws Exception { HashType type = getHashType(verificationFile); // check if type is supported if (type == null) { throw new CmdlineException("Unsupported format: " + verificationFile); } // add all file names from verification file log.fine(format("Checking [%s]", verificationFile.getName())); VerificationFileReader parser = new VerificationFileReader(createTextReader(verificationFile), type.getFormat()); boolean status = true; try { while (parser.hasNext()) { try { Entry<File, String> it =; File file = new File(root, it.getKey().getPath()).getAbsoluteFile(); String current = computeHash(new File(root, it.getKey().getPath()), type);"%s %s", current, file)); if (current.compareToIgnoreCase(it.getValue()) != 0) { throw new IOException(String.format("Corrupted file found: %s [hash mismatch: %s vs %s]", it.getKey(), current, it.getValue())); } } catch (IOException e) { status = false; log.warning(e.getMessage()); } } } finally { parser.close(); } return status; } private void compute(File root, Collection<File> files, File outputFile, HashType hashType, Charset encoding) throws IOException, Exception { // compute hashes recursively and write to file VerificationFileWriter out = new VerificationFileWriter(outputFile, hashType.getFormat(), encoding != null ? encoding : UTF_8); try { for (File it : files) { if (it.isHidden() || VERIFICATION_FILES.accept(it)) { continue; } String relativePath = normalizePathSeparators(it.getPath().substring(root.getPath().length() + 1)); // skip root and first slash String hash = computeHash(it, hashType);"%s %s", hash, relativePath)); out.write(relativePath, hash); } } catch (Exception e) { outputFile.deleteOnExit(); // delete only partially written files throw e; } finally { out.close(); } } private List<Episode> fetchEpisodeList(EpisodeListProvider db, String query, ExpressionFilter filter, SortOrder order, Locale locale, boolean strict) throws Exception { // sanity check if (query == null) { throw new CmdlineException(String.format("%s: query parameter is required", db.getName())); } // collect all episode objects first List<Episode> episodes = new ArrayList<Episode>(); if (query.matches("\\d{5,9}")) { // lookup by id episodes.addAll(db.getEpisodeList(Integer.parseInt(query), order, locale)); } else { // search by name and select search result List<SearchResult> options = selectSearchResult(query,, locale), false, false, false, strict ? 1 : 5); // fetch episodes for (SearchResult option : options) { episodes.addAll(db.getEpisodeList(option, order, locale)); } } // sanity check if (episodes.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException(String.format("%s: no results", db.getName())); } // apply filter return applyExpressionFilter(episodes, filter); } @Override public Stream<String> fetchEpisodeList(EpisodeListProvider db, String query, ExpressionFormat format, ExpressionFilter filter, SortOrder order, Locale locale, boolean strict) throws Exception { // collect all episode objects first List<Episode> episodes = fetchEpisodeList(db, query, filter, order, locale, strict); // instant format if (format == null) { return; } // lazy format return -> { try { return format.format(new MediaBindingBean(episode, null, new EntryList<File, Episode>(null, episodes))); } catch (Exception e) { debug.warning(e::getMessage); } return null; }).filter(Objects::nonNull); } @Override public Stream<String> getMediaInfo(Collection<File> files, FileFilter filter, ExpressionFormat format) throws Exception { // use default expression format if not set if (format == null) { return getMediaInfo(files, filter, new ExpressionFormat("{fn} [{resolution} {vc} {channels} {ac} {hours}]")); } return -> { try { return format.format(new MediaBindingBean(xattr.getMetaInfo(f), f)); } catch (Exception e) { debug.warning(e::getMessage); } return null; }).filter(Objects::nonNull); } @Override public boolean execute(Collection<File> files, FileFilter filter, ExecCommand exec) throws Exception { // collect files List<File> f = filter(files, filter); if (f.isEmpty()) { return false; } // collect object metadata List<Object> m =; // build and execute commands MediaBindingBean[] group = IntStream.range(0, f.size()).mapToObj(i -> new MediaBindingBean(m.get(i), f.get(i), new EntryList<File, Object>(f, m))).toArray(MediaBindingBean[]::new); exec.execute(group); return true; } @Override public List<File> revert(Collection<File> files, FileFilter filter, RenameAction action) throws Exception { if (files.isEmpty()) { throw new CmdlineException("Expecting at least one input path"); } Set<File> whitelist = new HashSet<File>(files); Map<File, File> history = HistorySpooler.getInstance().getCompleteHistory().getRenameMap(); return history.entrySet().stream().filter(it -> { File original = it.getKey(); File current = it.getValue(); return Stream.of(current, original).flatMap(f -> listPath(f).stream()).anyMatch(whitelist::contains) && current.exists() && filter.accept(current); }).map(it -> { File original = it.getKey(); File current = it.getValue();"Revert [%s] to [%s]", current, original)); if (action.canRevert()) { try { return StandardRenameAction.revert(current, original); } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Failed to revert file: " + e); } } return null; }).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(toList()); } @Override public List<File> extract(Collection<File> files, File output, ConflictAction conflict, FileFilter filter, boolean forceExtractAll) throws Exception { // only keep single-volume archives or first part of multi-volume archives List<File> archiveFiles = filter(files, Archive.VOLUME_ONE_FILTER); List<File> extractedFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File file : archiveFiles) { Archive archive =; try { File outputFolder = output; if (outputFolder == null || !outputFolder.isAbsolute()) { outputFolder = new File(file.getParentFile(), outputFolder == null ? getName(file) : outputFolder.getPath()).getCanonicalFile(); }"Read archive [%s] and extract to [%s]", file.getName(), outputFolder)); FileMapper outputMapper = new FileMapper(outputFolder); List<FileInfo> outputMapping = new ArrayList<FileInfo>(); for (FileInfo it : archive.listFiles()) { File outputPath = outputMapper.getOutputFile(it.toFile()); outputMapping.add(new SimpleFileInfo(outputPath.getPath(), it.getLength())); } Set<FileInfo> selection = new TreeSet<FileInfo>(); for (FileInfo future : outputMapping) { if (filter == null || filter.accept(future.toFile())) { selection.add(future); } } // check if there is anything to extract at all if (selection.isEmpty()) { continue; } boolean skip = true; for (FileInfo future : filter == null || forceExtractAll ? outputMapping : selection) { if (conflict == ConflictAction.AUTO) { skip &= (future.toFile().exists() && future.getLength() == future.toFile().length()); } else { skip &= (future.toFile().exists()); } } if (!skip || conflict == ConflictAction.OVERRIDE) { if (filter == null || forceExtractAll) { log.finest("Extracting files " + outputMapping); // extract all files archive.extract(outputMapper.getOutputDir()); for (FileInfo it : outputMapping) { extractedFiles.add(it.toFile()); } } else { log.finest("Extracting files " + selection); // extract files selected by the given filter archive.extract(outputMapper.getOutputDir(), new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File entry) { return selection.contains(outputMapper.getOutputFile(entry)); } }); for (FileInfo it : selection) { extractedFiles.add(it.toFile()); } } } else { log.finest("Skipped extracting files " + selection); } } finally { archive.close(); } } return extractedFiles; } }