package net.filebot.cli; import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static*; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import static*; import static net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import javax.script.Bindings; import javax.script.SimpleBindings; import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation; import com.sun.jna.Platform; import groovy.lang.Closure; import groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException; import groovy.lang.Script; import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder; import net.filebot.HistorySpooler; import net.filebot.RenameAction; import net.filebot.StandardRenameAction; import net.filebot.WebServices; import net.filebot.format.AssociativeScriptObject; import net.filebot.format.ExpressionFormat; import net.filebot.format.MediaBindingBean; import net.filebot.format.SuppressedThrowables; import; import net.filebot.similarity.SeasonEpisodeMatcher.SxE; import net.filebot.web.Movie; public abstract class ScriptShellBaseClass extends Script { private final Map<String, Object> defaultValues = synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>()); public void setDefaultValues(Map<String, ?> values) { defaultValues.putAll(values); } public Map<String, Object> getDefaultValues() { return defaultValues; } @Override public Object getProperty(String property) { try { return super.getProperty(property); } catch (MissingPropertyException e) { // try user-defined default values (support null values) if (defaultValues.containsKey(property)) { return defaultValues.get(property); } // can't use default value, rethrow original exception throw e; } } private ArgumentBean getArgumentBean() { return (ArgumentBean) getBinding().getVariable(ScriptShell.SHELL_ARGS_BINDING_NAME); } private ScriptShell getShell() { return (ScriptShell) getBinding().getVariable(ScriptShell.SHELL_BINDING_NAME); } private CmdlineInterface getCLI() { return (CmdlineInterface) getBinding().getVariable(ScriptShell.SHELL_CLI_BINDING_NAME); } public void include(String input) throws Throwable { try { executeScript(input, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e, true); } } public Object runScript(String input, String... argv) throws Throwable { try { ArgumentBean args = argv == null || argv.length == 0 ? getArgumentBean() : new ArgumentBean(argv); return executeScript(input, asList(getArgumentBean().getArgumentArray()), args.defines, args.getFiles(false)); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e, true); } return null; } public Object executeScript(String input, Map<String, ?> bindings, Object... args) throws Throwable { return executeScript(input, asList(getArgumentBean().getArgumentArray()), bindings, asFileList(args)); } public Object executeScript(String input, List<String> argv, Map<String, ?> bindings, List<?> args) throws Throwable { // apply parent script defines Bindings parameters = new SimpleBindings(); // initialize default parameter if (bindings != null) { parameters.putAll(bindings); } parameters.put(ScriptShell.SHELL_ARGS_BINDING_NAME, argv != null ? new ArgumentBean(argv.toArray(new String[0])) : new ArgumentBean()); parameters.put(ScriptShell.ARGV_BINDING_NAME, args != null ? asFileList(args) : new ArrayList<File>()); // run given script return getShell().runScript(input, parameters); } public Object tryQuietly(Closure<?> c) { try { return; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public Object tryLogCatch(Closure<?> c) { try { return; } catch (Exception e) { printException(e, false); return null; } } public void printException(Throwable t) { printException(t, false); } public void printException(Throwable t, boolean severe) { if (severe) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, trace(t)); } else { log.log(Level.WARNING, cause(t)); } } public void die(Object cause) throws Throwable { if (cause instanceof Throwable) { throw new ScriptDeath((Throwable) cause); } throw new ScriptDeath(String.valueOf(cause)); } // define global variable: _args public ArgumentBean get_args() { return getArgumentBean(); } // define global variable: _def public Map<String, String> get_def() { return unmodifiableMap(getArgumentBean().defines); } // define global variable: _system public AssociativeScriptObject get_system() { return new AssociativeScriptObject(System.getProperties()); } // define global variable: _environment public AssociativeScriptObject get_environment() { return new AssociativeScriptObject(System.getenv()); } // Complete or session rename history public Map<File, File> getRenameLog() throws IOException { return getRenameLog(false); } public Map<File, File> getRenameLog(boolean complete) throws IOException { if (complete) { return HistorySpooler.getInstance().getCompleteHistory().getRenameMap(); } else { return HistorySpooler.getInstance().getSessionHistory().getRenameMap(); } } // define global variable: log public Logger getLog() { return log; } // define global variable: console public Object getConsole() { return System.console() != null ? System.console() : PseudoConsole.getSystemConsole(); } public Date getNow() { return new Date(); } @Override public Object run() { return null; } public String getMediaInfo(File file, String format) throws Exception { ExpressionFormat formatter = new ExpressionFormat(format); try { return formatter.format(new MediaBindingBean(xattr.getMetaInfo(file), file)); } catch (SuppressedThrowables e) { debug.finest(format("%s => %s", format, e)); } return null; } public String detectSeriesName(Object files) throws Exception { return detectSeriesName(files, false); } public String detectAnimeName(Object files) throws Exception { return detectSeriesName(files, true); } public String detectSeriesName(Object files, boolean anime) throws Exception { List<File> input = asFileList(files); if (input.isEmpty()) return null; List<String> names = MediaDetection.detectSeriesNames(input, anime, Locale.ENGLISH); return names == null || names.isEmpty() ? null : names.get(0); } public static SxE parseEpisodeNumber(Object object) { List<SxE> matches = MediaDetection.parseEpisodeNumber(object.toString(), true); return matches == null || matches.isEmpty() ? null : matches.get(0); } public Movie detectMovie(File file, boolean strict) { // 1. xattr Object metaObject = xattr.getMetaInfo(file); if (metaObject instanceof Movie) { return (Movie) metaObject; } // 2. perfect filename match try { Movie match = MediaDetection.matchMovie(file, 4); if (match != null) { return match; } } catch (Exception e) { debug.log(Level.WARNING, e::toString); // ignore and move on } // 3. run full-fledged movie detection try { List<Movie> options = MediaDetection.detectMovie(file, WebServices.TheMovieDB, Locale.ENGLISH, strict); if (options.size() > 0) { return options.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { debug.log(Level.WARNING, e::toString); // ignore and fail } return null; } public Movie matchMovie(String name) { List<Movie> matches = MediaDetection.matchMovieName(singleton(name), true, 0); return matches == null || matches.isEmpty() ? null : matches.get(0); } public int execute(Object... args) throws Exception { Stream<String> cmd = stream(args).filter(Objects::nonNull).map(Objects::toString); if (Platform.isWindows()) { // normalize file separator for windows and run with powershell so any executable in PATH will just work cmd = Stream.concat(Stream.of("powershell", "-NonInteractive", "-NoProfile", "-NoLogo", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-Command"), cmd); } else if (args.length == 1) { // make Unix shell parse arguments cmd = Stream.concat(Stream.of("sh", "-c"), cmd); } ProcessBuilder process = new ProcessBuilder(cmd.collect(toList())).inheritIO(); return process.start().waitFor(); } public String XML(Closure<?> buildClosure) { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); MarkupBuilder builder = new MarkupBuilder(out); buildClosure.rehydrate(buildClosure.getDelegate(), builder, builder).call(); // call closure in MarkupBuilder context return out.toString(); } public void telnet(String host, int port, Closure<?> handler) throws IOException { try (Socket socket = new Socket(host, port)) { PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream(), true, "UTF-8"), new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"))); } } /** * Retry given closure until it returns successfully (indefinitely if -1 is passed as retry count) */ public Object retry(int retryCountLimit, int retryWaitTime, Closure<?> c) throws InterruptedException { for (int i = 0; retryCountLimit < 0 || i <= retryCountLimit; i++) { try { return; } catch (Exception e) { if (i >= 0 && i >= retryCountLimit) { throw e; } Thread.sleep(retryWaitTime); } } return null; } public List<File> rename(Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception { // consume all parameters List<File> files = getInputFileList(parameters); Map<File, File> map = files.isEmpty() ? getInputFileMap(parameters) : emptyMap(); // check map parameter if file/folder is not set RenameAction action = getRenameAction(parameters); ArgumentBean args = getArgumentBean(parameters); try { if (files.size() > 0) { return getCLI().rename(files, action, args.getConflictAction(), args.getAbsoluteOutputFolder(), args.getExpressionFileFormat(), args.getDatasource(), args.getSearchQuery(), args.getSortOrder(), args.getExpressionFilter(), args.getLanguage().getLocale(), args.isStrict(), args.getExecCommand()); } if (map.size() > 0) { return getCLI().rename(map, action, args.getConflictAction()); } } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } return null; } public List<File> getSubtitles(Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception { List<File> files = getInputFileList(parameters); ArgumentBean args = getArgumentBean(parameters); try { return getCLI().getSubtitles(files, args.getSearchQuery(), args.getLanguage(), args.getSubtitleOutputFormat(), args.getEncoding(), args.getSubtitleNamingFormat(), args.isStrict()); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } return null; } public List<File> getMissingSubtitles(Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception { List<File> files = getInputFileList(parameters); ArgumentBean args = getArgumentBean(parameters); try { return getCLI().getMissingSubtitles(files, args.getSearchQuery(), args.getLanguage(), args.getSubtitleOutputFormat(), args.getEncoding(), args.getSubtitleNamingFormat(), args.isStrict()); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } return null; } public boolean check(Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception { List<File> files = getInputFileList(parameters); try { return getCLI().check(files); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } return false; } public File compute(Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception { List<File> files = getInputFileList(parameters); ArgumentBean args = getArgumentBean(parameters); try { return getCLI().compute(files, args.getOutputPath(), args.getOutputHashType(), args.getEncoding()); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } return null; } public List<File> extract(Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception { List<File> files = getInputFileList(parameters); FileFilter filter = getFileFilter(parameters); ArgumentBean args = getArgumentBean(parameters); try { return getCLI().extract(files, args.getOutputPath(), args.getConflictAction(), filter, args.isStrict()); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } return null; } public List<String> fetchEpisodeList(Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception { ArgumentBean args = getArgumentBean(parameters); try { return getCLI().fetchEpisodeList(args.getEpisodeListProvider(), args.getSearchQuery(), args.getExpressionFormat(), args.getExpressionFilter(), args.getSortOrder(), args.getLanguage().getLocale(), args.isStrict()).collect(toList()); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } return null; } public Object getMediaInfo(Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception { List<File> files = getInputFileList(parameters); ArgumentBean args = getArgumentBean(parameters); try { return getCLI().getMediaInfo(files, args.getFileFilter(), args.getExpressionFormat()); } catch (Exception e) { printException(e); } return null; } private ArgumentBean getArgumentBean(Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception { // clone default arguments ArgumentBean args = new ArgumentBean(getArgumentBean().getArgumentArray()); // for compatibility reasons [forceExtractAll: true] and [strict: true] is the same as -non-strict Stream.of("forceExtractAll", "strict").map(parameters::remove).filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(v -> { args.nonStrict = !DefaultTypeTransformation.castToBoolean(v); }); // override default values with given values parameters.forEach((k, v) -> { try { Field field = args.getClass().getField(k); Object value = DefaultTypeTransformation.castToType(v, field.getType()); field.set(args, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal parameter: " + k, e); } }); return args; } private List<File> getInputFileList(Map<String, ?> parameters) { // check file parameter add consume File values as they are return consumeParameter(parameters, "file").map(f -> asFileList(f)).findFirst().orElseGet(() -> { // check folder parameter and resolve children return consumeParameter(parameters, "folder").flatMap(f -> asFileList(f).stream()).flatMap(f -> getChildren(f, FILES, HUMAN_NAME_ORDER).stream()).collect(toList()); }); } private Map<File, File> getInputFileMap(Map<String, ?> parameters) { // convert keys and values to files Map<File, File> map = new LinkedHashMap<File, File>(); consumeParameter(parameters, "map").map(Map.class::cast).forEach(m -> { m.forEach((k, v) -> { File from = asFileList(k).get(0); File to = asFileList(v).get(0); map.put(from, to); }); }); return map; } private RenameAction getRenameAction(Map<String, ?> parameters) { return consumeParameter(parameters, "action").map(action -> { return getRenameAction(action); }).findFirst().orElse(getArgumentBean().getRenameAction()); // default to global rename action } private FileFilter getFileFilter(Map<String, ?> parameters) { return consumeParameter(parameters, "filter").map(filter -> { return (FileFilter) DefaultTypeTransformation.castToType(filter, FileFilter.class); }).findFirst().orElse(null); } private Stream<?> consumeParameter(Map<String, ?> parameters, String... names) { return Stream.of(names).map(parameters::remove).filter(Objects::nonNull); } public RenameAction getRenameAction(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof RenameAction) { return (RenameAction) obj; } if (obj instanceof CharSequence) { return StandardRenameAction.forName(obj.toString()); } if (obj instanceof File) { return new ExecutableRenameAction(obj.toString(), getArgumentBean().getOutputPath()); } if (obj instanceof Closure) { return new GroovyRenameAction((Closure) obj); } // object probably can't be casted return (RenameAction) DefaultTypeTransformation.castToType(obj, RenameAction.class); } public <T> T showInputDialog(Collection<T> options, String title, String message) throws Exception { if (options.isEmpty()) { return null; } // use Text UI in interactive mode if (getCLI() instanceof CmdlineOperationsTextUI) { CmdlineOperationsTextUI cli = (CmdlineOperationsTextUI) getCLI(); return cli.showInputDialog(options, title, message); } // use Swing dialog non-headless environments if (!java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { List<T> selection = new ArrayList<T>(1); javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> { T value = (T) javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, message, title, javax.swing.JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options.toArray(), options.iterator().next()); selection.add(0, value); }); return selection.get(0); } // just pick the first option if we can't ask the user log.log(Level.CONFIG, format("Auto-Select [%s] from %s", options.iterator().next(), options)); return options.iterator().next(); } }