package net.filebot.ui.sfv; import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import static net.filebot.MediaTypes.*; import static net.filebot.Settings.*; import static net.filebot.hash.VerificationUtilities.*; import static net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.*; import static net.filebot.util.ui.SwingUI.*; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.logging.Level; import net.filebot.hash.HashType; import net.filebot.hash.VerificationFileReader; import net.filebot.platform.mac.MacAppUtilities; import net.filebot.ui.transfer.BackgroundFileTransferablePolicy; import net.filebot.util.ExceptionUtilities; import net.filebot.util.FileSet; class ChecksumTableTransferablePolicy extends BackgroundFileTransferablePolicy<ChecksumCell> { private final ChecksumTable table; private final ChecksumTableModel model; private final ChecksumComputationService computationService; public ChecksumTableTransferablePolicy(ChecksumTable table, ChecksumComputationService checksumComputationService) { this.table = table; this.model = table.getModel(); this.computationService = checksumComputationService; } @Override protected boolean accept(List<File> files) { return true; } @Override protected void clear() { super.clear(); computationService.reset(); model.clear(); } @Override protected void handleInBackground(List<File> files, TransferAction action) { if (files.size() == 1 && getHashType(files.get(0)) != null) { model.setHashType(getHashType(files.get(0))); } super.handleInBackground(files, action); } @Override protected void process(List<ChecksumCell> chunks) { model.addAll(chunks); } @Override protected void process(Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, ExceptionUtilities.getRootCauseMessage(e), e); } private final ThreadLocal<ExecutorService> executor = new ThreadLocal<ExecutorService>(); private final ThreadLocal<VerificationTracker> verificationTracker = new ThreadLocal<VerificationTracker>(); @Override protected void load(List<File> files, TransferAction action) throws IOException { // make sure we have access to the parent folder structure, not just the dropped file if (isMacSandbox()) { MacAppUtilities.askUnlockFolders(getWindow(table), files); } // initialize drop parameters executor.set(computationService.newExecutor()); verificationTracker.set(new VerificationTracker(5)); try { // handle single verification file drop if (containsOnly(files, VERIFICATION_FILES)) { for (File file : files) { loadVerificationFile(file, getHashType(file)); } return; } // handle single folder drop if (files.size() == 1 && containsOnly(files, FOLDERS)) { for (File folder : files) { for (File file : getChildren(folder, NOT_HIDDEN, HUMAN_NAME_ORDER)) { load(file, null, folder); } } return; } // handle files and folders dropped from the same parent folder if (mapByFolder(files).size() == 1) { for (File file : files) { load(file, null, file.getParentFile()); } return; } // handle all other drops and auto-detect common root folder from dropped fileset FileSet fileset = new FileSet(); files.forEach(fileset::add); for (Entry<Path, List<Path>> it : fileset.getRoots().entrySet()) { File root = it.getKey().toFile(); for (Path path : it.getValue()) { File relativeFile = path.toFile().getParentFile(); File absoluteFile = new File(root, path.toString()); load(absoluteFile, relativeFile, root); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // supposed to happen if background execution is aborted } finally { // shutdown executor after all tasks have been completed executor.get().shutdown(); // remove drop parameters executor.remove(); verificationTracker.remove(); } } protected void loadVerificationFile(File file, HashType type) throws IOException, InterruptedException { VerificationFileReader parser = new VerificationFileReader(createTextReader(file), type.getFormat()); try { // root for relative file paths in verification file File baseFolder = file.getParentFile(); while (parser.hasNext()) { // make this possibly long-running operation interruptible if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } Entry<File, String> entry =; String name = normalizePathSeparators(entry.getKey().getPath()); String hash = new String(entry.getValue()); ChecksumCell correct = new ChecksumCell(name, file, singletonMap(type, hash)); ChecksumCell current = createComputationCell(name, baseFolder, type); ChecksumCell[] columns = { correct, current }; publish(columns); } } finally { parser.close(); } } protected void load(File absoluteFile, File relativeFile, File root) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } // ignore hidden files/folders if (absoluteFile.isHidden()) { return; } // add next name to relative path relativeFile = new File(relativeFile, absoluteFile.getName()); if (absoluteFile.isDirectory()) { // load all files in the file tree for (File child : getChildren(absoluteFile, NOT_HIDDEN, HUMAN_NAME_ORDER)) { load(child, relativeFile, root); } } else { String name = normalizePathSeparators(relativeFile.getPath()); // publish computation cell first ChecksumCell[] computeCell = { createComputationCell(name, root, model.getHashType()) }; publish(computeCell); // publish verification cell, if we can Map<File, String> hashByVerificationFile = verificationTracker.get().getHashByVerificationFile(absoluteFile); for (Entry<File, String> entry : hashByVerificationFile.entrySet()) { HashType hashType = verificationTracker.get().getVerificationFileType(entry.getKey()); ChecksumCell[] verifyCell = { new ChecksumCell(name, entry.getKey(), singletonMap(hashType, entry.getValue())) }; publish(verifyCell); } } } protected ChecksumCell createComputationCell(String name, File root, HashType hash) { ChecksumCell cell = new ChecksumCell(name, root, new ChecksumComputationTask(new File(root, name), hash)); // start computation task executor.get().execute(cell.getTask()); return cell; } @Override public String getFileFilterDescription() { return "Folders and SFV Files"; } @Override public List<String> getFileFilterExtensions() { return asList(VERIFICATION_FILES.extensions()); } private static class VerificationTracker { private final Map<File, Integer> seen = new HashMap<File, Integer>(); private final Map<File, Map<File, String>> cache = new HashMap<File, Map<File, String>>(); private final Map<File, HashType> types = new HashMap<File, HashType>(); private final int maxDepth; public VerificationTracker(int maxDepth) { this.maxDepth = maxDepth; } public Map<File, String> getHashByVerificationFile(File file) throws IOException { // cache all verification files File folder = file.getParentFile(); int depth = 0; while (folder != null && depth <= maxDepth) { Integer seenLevel = seen.get(folder); if (seenLevel != null && seenLevel <= depth) { // we have completely seen this parent tree before break; } if (seenLevel == null) { // folder we have never encountered before for (File verificationFile : getChildren(folder, VERIFICATION_FILES)) { HashType hashType = getHashType(verificationFile); cache.put(verificationFile, importVerificationFile(verificationFile, hashType, verificationFile.getParentFile())); types.put(verificationFile, hashType); } } // update seen.put(folder, depth); // step down folder = folder.getParentFile(); depth++; } // just return if we know we won't find anything if (cache.isEmpty()) { return emptyMap(); } // search all cached verification files Map<File, String> result = new HashMap<File, String>(2); for (Entry<File, Map<File, String>> entry : cache.entrySet()) { String hash = entry.getValue().get(file); if (hash != null) { result.put(entry.getKey(), hash); } } return result; } public HashType getVerificationFileType(File verificationFile) { return types.get(verificationFile); } /** * Completely read a verification file and resolve all relative file paths against a given base folder */ private Map<File, String> importVerificationFile(File verificationFile, HashType hashType, File baseFolder) throws IOException { VerificationFileReader parser = new VerificationFileReader(createTextReader(verificationFile), hashType.getFormat()); Map<File, String> result = new HashMap<File, String>(); try { while (parser.hasNext()) { Entry<File, String> entry =; // resolve relative path, the hash is probably a substring, so we compact it, for memory reasons result.put(new File(baseFolder, entry.getKey().getPath()), new String(entry.getValue())); } } finally { parser.close(); } return result; } } }