package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import buildcraft.api.core.BlockIndex; import buildcraft.api.core.IZone; import buildcraft.api.robots.AIRobot; import buildcraft.api.robots.EntityRobotBase; import buildcraft.api.robots.ResourceIdBlock; import buildcraft.core.lib.utils.BlockScannerExpanding; import buildcraft.core.lib.utils.BlockScannerRandom; import buildcraft.core.lib.utils.BlockScannerZoneRandom; import buildcraft.core.lib.utils.IBlockFilter; import buildcraft.core.lib.utils.IterableAlgorithmRunner; import buildcraft.core.lib.utils.PathFindingSearch; public class AIRobotSearchBlock extends AIRobot { public BlockIndex blockFound; public LinkedList<BlockIndex> path; private PathFindingSearch blockScanner = null; private IterableAlgorithmRunner blockScannerJob; private IBlockFilter pathFound; private Iterator<BlockIndex> blockIter; private double maxDistanceToEnd; private IZone zone; public AIRobotSearchBlock(EntityRobotBase iRobot) { super(iRobot); } public AIRobotSearchBlock(EntityRobotBase iRobot, boolean random, IBlockFilter iPathFound, double iMaxDistanceToEnd) { super(iRobot); pathFound = iPathFound; zone = iRobot.getZoneToWork(); if (!random) { blockIter = new BlockScannerExpanding().iterator(); } else { if (zone != null) { BlockIndex pos = new BlockIndex(iRobot); blockIter = new BlockScannerZoneRandom(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, iRobot.worldObj.rand, zone) .iterator(); } else { blockIter = new BlockScannerRandom(iRobot.worldObj.rand, 64).iterator(); } } blockFound = null; path = null; maxDistanceToEnd = iMaxDistanceToEnd; } @Override public void start() { blockScanner = new PathFindingSearch(robot.worldObj, new BlockIndex( robot), blockIter, pathFound, maxDistanceToEnd, 96, zone); blockScannerJob = new IterableAlgorithmRunner(blockScanner); blockScannerJob.start(); } @Override public void update() { if (blockScannerJob == null) { // This is probably due to a load from NBT. Abort the ai in // that case, since there's no filter to analyze either. abort(); return; } if (blockScannerJob.isDone()) { path = blockScanner.getResult(); if (path != null && path.size() > 0) { path.removeLast(); blockFound = blockScanner.getResultTarget(); } else { path = null; } terminate(); } } @Override public void end() { if (blockScannerJob != null) { blockScannerJob.terminate(); } } @Override public boolean success() { return blockFound != null; } @Override public boolean canLoadFromNBT() { return true; } @Override public void writeSelfToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeSelfToNBT(nbt); if (blockFound != null) { NBTTagCompound sub = new NBTTagCompound(); blockFound.writeTo(sub); nbt.setTag("blockFound", sub); } } @Override public void loadSelfFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.loadSelfFromNBT(nbt); if (nbt.hasKey("blockFound")) { blockFound = new BlockIndex(nbt.getCompoundTag("blockFound")); } } public boolean takeResource() { boolean taken = false; if (robot.getRegistry().take(new ResourceIdBlock(blockFound), robot)) { taken = true; } unreserve(); return taken; } public void unreserve() { blockScanner.unreserve(blockFound); } @Override public int getEnergyCost() { return 2; } }