package; import org.gbif.api.model.Constants; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.Description; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.Distribution; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.NameUsage; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.NameUsageMediaObject; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.NameUsageMetrics; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.ParsedName; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.Reference; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.SpeciesProfile; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.TableOfContents; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.TypeSpecimen; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.VerbatimNameUsage; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.VernacularName; import; import; import; import; import; import org.gbif.api.model.common.Identifier; import org.gbif.api.model.common.paging.Pageable; import org.gbif.api.model.common.paging.PagingResponse; import; import; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.DescriptionService; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.DistributionService; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.IdentifierService; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.MultimediaService; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.NameUsageSearchService; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.NameUsageService; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.ReferenceService; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.SpeciesProfileService; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.TypeSpecimenService; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.VernacularNameService; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Rank; import org.gbif.checklistbank.model.TreeContainer; import org.gbif.checklistbank.model.UsageCount; import org.gbif.checklistbank.service.mybatis.mapper.UsageCountMapper; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Species resource. */ @Path("/species") @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, ExtraMediaTypes.APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT}) public class SpeciesResource { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpeciesResource.class); private static final String DATASET_KEY = "datasetKey"; private static final int DEEP_PAGING_OFFSET_LIMIT = 100000; private final NameUsageService nameUsageService; private final VernacularNameService vernacularNameService; private final TypeSpecimenService typeSpecimenService; private final SpeciesProfileService speciesProfileService; private final ReferenceService referenceService; private final MultimediaService imageService; private final DescriptionService descriptionService; private final DistributionService distributionService; private final IdentifierService identifierService; private final NameUsageSearchService searchService; private final UsageCountMapper usageCountMapper; @Inject public SpeciesResource( NameUsageService nameUsageService, VernacularNameService vernacularNameService, TypeSpecimenService typeSpecimenService, SpeciesProfileService speciesProfileService, ReferenceService referenceService, MultimediaService imageService, DescriptionService descriptionService, DistributionService distributionService, IdentifierService identifierService, NameUsageSearchService searchService, UsageCountMapper usageCountMapper) { this.nameUsageService = nameUsageService; this.vernacularNameService = vernacularNameService; this.typeSpecimenService = typeSpecimenService; this.speciesProfileService = speciesProfileService; this.referenceService = referenceService; this.imageService = imageService; this.descriptionService = descriptionService; this.distributionService = distributionService; this.identifierService = identifierService; this.searchService = searchService; this.usageCountMapper = usageCountMapper; } /** * This retrieves a list of all NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param locale identifier for a region * @param datasetKeys the optional checklist keys to limit paging to * @param page the limit, offset paging information * * @return requested list of NameUsage or an empty list if none could be found */ @GET public PagingResponse<NameUsage> list(@Context Locale locale, @QueryParam(DATASET_KEY) Set<UUID> datasetKeys, @QueryParam("sourceId") String sourceId, @QueryParam("name") String canonicalName, @Context Pageable page) { if (datasetKeys == null) { datasetKeys = ImmutableSet.of(); } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(canonicalName)) { return nameUsageService.list(locale, datasetKeys.isEmpty() ? null : datasetKeys.iterator().next(), sourceId, page); } else { return nameUsageService.listByCanonicalName(locale, canonicalName, page, datasetKeys.isEmpty() ? null : datasetKeys.toArray(new UUID[datasetKeys.size()])); } } /** * This retrieves a NameUsage by its key from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param locale identifier for a region * * @return requested NameUsage or null if none could be found. List of NameUsage in case of a search. * * @see NameUsageService#get(int, Locale) */ @GET @Path("{id}") @NullToNotFound public NameUsage get(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Locale locale) { return nameUsageService.get(usageKey, locale); } @GET @Path("{id}/metrics") @NullToNotFound public NameUsageMetrics getMetrics(@PathParam("id") int usageKey) { return nameUsageService.getMetrics(usageKey); } @GET @Path("{id}/name") @NullToNotFound public ParsedName getParsedName(@PathParam("id") int usageKey) { return nameUsageService.getParsedName(usageKey); } @GET @Path("{id}/verbatim") @NullToNotFound public VerbatimNameUsage getVerbatim(@PathParam("id") int usageKey) { return nameUsageService.getVerbatim(usageKey); } /** * This retrieves a list of children NameUsage for a parent NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param parentKey parent NameUsage key * @param locale identifier for a region * @param page the limit, offset paging information * * @return requested list of NameUsage or an empty list if none could be found * * @see NameUsageService#listChildren(int, Locale, Pageable) */ @GET @Path("{id}/children") public PagingResponse<NameUsage> listChildren(@PathParam("id") int parentKey, @Context Locale locale, @Context Pageable page) { return nameUsageService.listChildren(parentKey, locale, page); } @GET @Path("{id}/childrenAll") public List<UsageCount> listAllChildren(@PathParam("id") int parentKey) { return usageCountMapper.children(parentKey); } /** * This retrieves a list of synonym NameUsage for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey parent NameUsage key * @param locale identifier for a region * @param page the limit, offset, and count paging information * * @return requested list of NameUsage or an empty list if none could be found * * @see NameUsageService#listChildren(int, Locale, Pageable) */ @GET @Path("{id}/synonyms") public PagingResponse<NameUsage> listSynonyms(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Locale locale, @Context Pageable page) { return nameUsageService.listSynonyms(usageKey, locale, page); } /** * This retrieves all VernacularNames for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param page The page and offset and count information * * @return a list of all VernacularNames * * @see VernacularNameService#listByUsage(int, Pageable) */ @GET @Path("{id}/vernacularNames") public PagingResponse<VernacularName> listVernacularNamesByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Pageable page) { return vernacularNameService.listByUsage(usageKey, page); } /** * This retrieves all TypeSpecimens for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param page The page and offset and count information * * @return a list of all TypeSpecimens * * @see TypeSpecimenService#listByUsage(int, Pageable) */ @GET @Path("{id}/typeSpecimens") public PagingResponse<TypeSpecimen> listTypeSpecimensByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Pageable page) { return typeSpecimenService.listByUsage(usageKey, page); } /** * This retrieves all SpeciesProfiles for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param page The page and offset and count information * * @return a list of all SpeciesProfiles * * @see SpeciesProfileService#listByUsage(int, Pageable) */ @GET @Path("{id}/speciesProfiles") public PagingResponse<SpeciesProfile> listSpeciesProfilesByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Pageable page) { return speciesProfileService.listByUsage(usageKey, page); } /** * This retrieves all References for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param page The page and offset and count information * * @return a list of all References * * @see ReferenceService#listByUsage(int, Pageable) */ @GET @Path("{id}/references") public PagingResponse<Reference> listReferencesByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Pageable page) { return referenceService.listByUsage(usageKey, page); } /** * This retrieves all multimedia objects for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param page The page and offset and count information * * @return a list of all Media objects */ @GET @Path("{id}/media") public PagingResponse<NameUsageMediaObject> listImagesByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Pageable page) { return imageService.listByUsage(usageKey, page); } /** * This retrieves all Descriptions for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param page The page and offset and count information * * @return a list of all Descriptions * * @see DescriptionService#listByUsage(int, Pageable) */ @GET @Path("{id}/descriptions") public PagingResponse<Description> listDescriptionsByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Pageable page) { return descriptionService.listByUsage(usageKey, page); } /** * This retrieves a table of contents for all descriptions of a name usage from ChecklistBank. */ @GET @Path("{id}/toc") @NullToNotFound public TableOfContents get(@PathParam("id") Integer key) { return descriptionService.getToc(key); } /** * This retrieves all Distributions for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param page The page and offset and count information * * @return a list of all Distributions * * @see DistributionService#listByUsage(int, Pageable) */ @GET @Path("{id}/distributions") public PagingResponse<Distribution> listDistributionsByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Pageable page) { return distributionService.listByUsage(usageKey, page); } /** * This retrieves all Identifier for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param page The page and offset and count information * * @return a list of all Identifier */ @GET @Path("{id}/identifier") public PagingResponse<Identifier> listIdentifierByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Pageable page) { return identifierService.listByUsage(usageKey, page); } /** * This retrieves all related Usages for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param datasetKeys The optional list of dataset keys to filter related usages * * @return a list of all Related usages * */ @GET @Path("{id}/related") public PagingResponse<NameUsage> listRelatedByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Locale locale, @Context Pageable page, @QueryParam(DATASET_KEY) Set<UUID> datasetKeys) { return nameUsageService.listRelated(usageKey, locale, page, datasetKeys.toArray(new UUID[datasetKeys.size()])); } @GET @Path("{id}/combinations") public List<NameUsage> listCombinations(@PathParam("id") int basionymKey, @Context Locale locale) { return nameUsageService.listCombinations(basionymKey, locale); } /** * This retrieves all Parents for a NameUsage from ChecklistBank. * * @param usageKey NameUsage key * @param page The page and offset and count information * * @return a list of all Parents * * @see NameUsageService#listParents(int, Locale) */ @GET @Path("{id}/parents") public List<NameUsage> listParentsByNameUsage(@PathParam("id") int usageKey, @Context Locale locale, @Context Pageable page) { return nameUsageService.listParents(usageKey, locale); } /** * This retrieves a list of root NameUsage for a Checklist from ChecklistBank. * * @param datasetKey UUID or case insensitive shortname of the Checklist to retrieve * @param locale identifier for a region * @param page the limit, offset, and count paging information * * @return requested list of NameUsage or an empty list if none could be found * * @see NameUsageService#listRoot(UUID, Locale, Pageable) */ @GET @Path("root/{datasetKey}") public PagingResponse<NameUsage> listRootUsages(@PathParam(DATASET_KEY) UUID datasetKey, @Context Locale locale, @Context Pageable page) { return nameUsageService.listRoot(datasetKey, locale, page); } @GET @Path("rootAll/{datasetKey}") public List<UsageCount> root(@PathParam("datasetKey") UUID datasetKey) { return usageCountMapper.root(datasetKey); } @GET @Path("rootNub") public TreeContainer<UsageCount, Integer> rootNub() { TreeContainer<UsageCount, Integer> tree = new TreeContainer<>(); // kingdoms tree.setRoot(usageCountMapper.root(Constants.NUB_DATASET_KEY)); for (UsageCount k : tree.getRoot()) { // phyla ~140, classes ~350, orders ~1400, families are over 22.000 skip addChildrenRecursively(tree, k.getKey(), 0, Rank.PHYLUM, Rank.CLASS, Rank.ORDER); } return tree; } private void addChildrenRecursively(TreeContainer<UsageCount, Integer> tree, int parent, int rankIdx, Rank ... ranks) { List<UsageCount> children = usageCountMapper.childrenUntilRank(parent, ranks[rankIdx]); if (!children.isEmpty()) { tree.getChildren().put(parent, children); if (++rankIdx < ranks.length) { for (UsageCount c : children) { addChildrenRecursively(tree, c.getKey(), rankIdx, ranks); } } } } @GET @Path("search") public SearchResponse<NameUsageSearchResult, NameUsageSearchParameter> search(@Context NameUsageSearchRequest searchRequest) { // POR-2801 // protect SOLR against deep paging requests which blow heap checkDeepPaging(searchRequest); return; } @Path("suggest") @GET public List<NameUsageSuggestResult> suggest(@Context NameUsageSuggestRequest searchSuggestRequest) { // POR-2801 // protect SOLR against deep paging requests which blow heap checkDeepPaging(searchSuggestRequest); return searchService.suggest(searchSuggestRequest); } /** * POR-2801 * * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the offset is considered too high */ private static void checkDeepPaging(SearchRequest searchRequest) { if (searchRequest.getOffset() > DEEP_PAGING_OFFSET_LIMIT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset is limited for this operation to " + DEEP_PAGING_OFFSET_LIMIT); } } }