package org.gbif.nub.lookup.straight; import org.gbif.api.model.Constants; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Kingdom; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Rank; import org.gbif.checklistbank.authorship.AuthorComparator; import org.gbif.checklistbank.config.ClbConfiguration; import org.gbif.checklistbank.model.Equality; import org.gbif.checklistbank.postgres.TabMapperBase; import org.gbif.checklistbank.utils.SciNameNormalizer; import org.gbif.nub.mapdb.MapDbObjectSerializer; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Spliterator; import java.util.Spliterators; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntOpenHashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.mapdb.DB; import org.mapdb.DBMaker; import org.mapdb.Serializer; import org.postgresql.copy.CopyManager; import org.postgresql.core.BaseConnection; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Does a lookup by canonical name and then leniently filters by rank, kingdom and authorship. * There is no fuzzy matching involved, just simple string normalization to avoid whitespace and punctuation variants. * TODO: normalize */ public class IdLookupImpl implements IdLookup { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IdLookupImpl.class); private final DB db; private final Map<String, List<LookupUsage>> usages; private final AuthorComparator authComp; private int keyMax = 0; private int counter = 0; private int deleted = 0; /** * Creates or opens a persistent lookup store. */ public static IdLookupImpl persistent(File db) { return new IdLookupImpl(DBMaker.fileDB(db) .fileMmapEnableIfSupported() .make()); } /** * Creates or opens a persistent lookup store. */ public static IdLookupImpl temp() { return new IdLookupImpl(DBMaker.tempFileDB() .fileMmapEnableIfSupported() .make()); } private IdLookupImpl(DB db) { this.db = db; usages = db.hashMap("usages") .keySerializer(Serializer.STRING_ASCII) .valueSerializer(new MapDbObjectSerializer(ArrayList.class, new LookupKryoFactory())) .createOrOpen(); authComp = AuthorComparator.createWithAuthormap(); } /** * Loads idlookup with explicit list of known ids. */ public IdLookupImpl load(Iterable<LookupUsage> usages) { int counter = 0; for (LookupUsage u : usages) { add(u); counter++; }"Use {} existing nub with max key {} into id lookup", counter, keyMax); return this; } /** * Loads known usages from checklistbank backbone. */ public IdLookupImpl load(ClbConfiguration clb, boolean includeDeleted) throws SQLException, IOException { try (Connection c = clb.connect()) { final CopyManager cm = new CopyManager((BaseConnection) c); final String delClause = includeDeleted ? "" : " AND deleted is null"; // first read bulk of regular usages - we add pro parte usage later"Reading existing nub usages {}from postgres ...", includeDeleted ? "incl. deleted " : ""); try (Writer writer = new UsageWriter()) { cm.copyOut("COPY (" + "SELECT, coalesce(NULLIF(trim(n.canonical_name), ''), n.scientific_name), n.authorship, n.year, u.rank, u.kingdom_fk, deleted is not null" + " FROM name_usage u join name n ON" + " WHERE dataset_key = '" + Constants.NUB_DATASET_KEY + "'" + delClause + " AND pp_synonym_fk is null)" + " TO STDOUT WITH NULL ''", writer);"Added {} nub usages into id lookup", usages.size()); } final int uCount = usages.size(); // now load pro parte keys separately saving us from doing complex aggregations"Reading existing pro parte nub usages {}from postgres ...", includeDeleted ? "incl. deleted " : ""); try (Writer writer = new ProParteUsageWriter()) { cm.copyOut("COPY (" + "SELECT, u.parent_fk, u.pp_synonym_fk, coalesce(NULLIF(trim(n.canonical_name), ''), n.scientific_name), n.authorship, n.year, u.rank, u.kingdom_fk, deleted is not null" + " FROM name_usage u join name n ON" + " WHERE dataset_key = '" + Constants.NUB_DATASET_KEY + "'" + delClause + " AND pp_synonym_fk is not null" + " ORDER BY pp_synonym_fk)" + " TO STDOUT WITH NULL ''", writer);"Added {} pro parte usages into id lookup", usages.size()-uCount); }"Loaded existing nub with {} usages and max key {} into id lookup", usages.size(), keyMax); } return this; } @Override public void close() throws Exception { db.close(); } /** * int key * String canonical * String authorship * String year * Rank rank * Kingdom kingdom * boolean deleted */ private class UsageWriter extends TabMapperBase { public UsageWriter() { // the number of columns in our query to consume super(7); } @Override protected void addRow(String[] row) { LookupUsage u = new LookupUsage( toInt(row[0]), row[1], row[2], row[3], Rank.valueOf(row[4]), toKingdom(row[5]), "t".equals(row[6]) ); add(u); } } /** * The writer expects the incoming rows to be sorted by the proParteKey! * * int key * int parentKey * int proParteKey * String canonical * String authorship * String year * Rank rank * Kingdom kingdom * boolean deleted */ private class ProParteUsageWriter extends TabMapperBase { private LookupUsage u; private Integer lastProParteKey; public ProParteUsageWriter() { // the number of columns in our query to consume super(9); } @Override protected void addRow(String[] row) { Integer key = toInt(row[0]); Integer parentKey = toInt(row[1]); Integer proParteKey = toInt(row[2]); boolean deleted = "t".equals(row[8]); // only create a new usage if the pro parte key changes if (lastProParteKey == null || !lastProParteKey.equals(proParteKey)) { // add last if existing if (u != null) { add(u); } // start new usage lastProParteKey = proParteKey; u = new LookupUsage( key, new Int2IntOpenHashMap(), row[3], row[4], row[5], Rank.valueOf(row[6]), toKingdom(row[7]), deleted ); } // negate key if its a deleted usage key = deleted ? -1 * key : key; // add parent key -> usage key into map u.getProParteKeys().put(parentKey, key); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { // we need to add the last usage still if (u != null) { add(u); } super.close(); } } /** * Translates the kingdom_fk into a kingdom enum value. * To avoid NPEs it translates null kingdoms into incertae sedis, * see * @return matching kingdom or incertae sedis in case of null (which should *never* happen!) */ private static Kingdom toKingdom(String x) { Integer usageKey = toInt(x); return usageKey == null ? Kingdom.INCERTAE_SEDIS : Kingdom.byNubUsageKey(usageKey); } private static Integer toInt(String x) { return x == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(x); } @VisibleForTesting protected static String norm(String x) { x = SciNameNormalizer.normalize(x); return StringUtils.isBlank(x) ? null : x.toLowerCase(); } /** * @return the largest usage key existing in the backbone */ public int getKeyMax() { return keyMax; } public AuthorComparator getAuthorComparator() { return authComp; } private void add(LookupUsage u) { String key = norm(u.getCanonical()); if (key == null) { LOG.warn("Missing canonical name for {} usage {}", u.getKingdom(), u.getKey()); return; } if (usages.containsKey(key)) { // we need to persistent a new list cause mapdb considers them immutable! usages.put(key, ImmutableList.<LookupUsage>builder().addAll(usages.get(key)).add(u).build()); } else { usages.put(key, ImmutableList.of(u)); } counter++; if (u.isDeleted()) { deleted++; } keyMax = Math.max(keyMax, u.getMaxKey()); } @Override public LookupUsage match(String canonicalName, Rank rank, Kingdom kingdom) { return match(canonicalName, null, null, rank, kingdom); } @Override public List<LookupUsage> match(String canonicalName) { List<LookupUsage> hits = usages.get(norm(canonicalName)); if (hits != null) { return hits; } return Lists.newArrayList(); } private boolean match(Rank r1, Rank r2) { if (r1 == Rank.UNRANKED || r2 == Rank.UNRANKED) return true; if (r1 == Rank.INFRASPECIFIC_NAME) { return r2.isInfraspecific(); } else if (r1 == Rank.INFRASUBSPECIFIC_NAME) { return r2.isInfraspecific() && r2 != Rank.SUBSPECIES; } else if (r2 == Rank.INFRASPECIFIC_NAME) { return r1.isInfraspecific(); } else if (r2 == Rank.INFRASUBSPECIFIC_NAME) { return r1.isInfraspecific() && r1 != Rank.SUBSPECIES; } return r1 == r2; } private boolean match(Kingdom k1, Kingdom k2) { if (k1 == Kingdom.INCERTAE_SEDIS || k2 == Kingdom.INCERTAE_SEDIS) { return true; } return k1 == k2; } @Override public LookupUsage match(final String canonicalName, @Nullable String authorship, @Nullable String year, Rank rank, Kingdom kingdom) { final String canonicalNameNormed = norm(canonicalName); if (canonicalNameNormed == null) return null; List<LookupUsage> hits = usages.get(canonicalNameNormed); if (hits == null) return null; final boolean compareAuthorship = authorship != null || year != null; // filter by rank, kingdom & authorship Iterator<LookupUsage> iter = hits.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { LookupUsage u =; // allow uncertain kingdoms and ranks to match if (rank != null && !match(rank, u.getRank()) || kingdom != null && !match(kingdom, u.getKingdom())) { iter.remove(); } else if (compareAuthorship) { // authorship comparison was requested! Equality eq =, year, u.getAuthorship(), u.getYear()); if (eq == Equality.DIFFERENT) { iter.remove(); } } } // if no authorship was requested and we got 1 result, a hit! if (hits.size() == 1) { return hits.get(0); } else if (hits.size() > 1) { // try a very exact match first to see if we only get 1 hit LookupUsage exact = exactMatch(canonicalName, authorship, year, hits); if (exact != null) { LOG.debug("{} matches, but only 1 exact match {} for {} {} {} {} {}", hits.size(), exact.getKey(), kingdom, rank, canonicalName, authorship, year); return exact; } // Still several matches // If we ever had too many bad usages they might block forever a stable id. // If only one current id is matched use that! LookupUsage curr = null; int currCounter = 0; for (LookupUsage u : hits) { if (!u.isDeleted()) { currCounter++; curr = u; } } if (currCounter == 1) { LOG.debug("{} matches, but only 1 current usage {} for {} {} {} {} {}", hits.size(), curr.getKey(), kingdom, rank, canonicalName, authorship, year); return curr; } else if (rank != Rank.UNRANKED && kingdom != Kingdom.INCERTAE_SEDIS) { // if requested rank & kingdom was clear, use usage with lowest key for (LookupUsage u : hits) { if (curr == null || curr.getKey() > u.getKey()) { curr = u; } } LOG.debug("Use lowest usage key {} for ambiguous match with {} hits for {} {} {} {} {}", curr.getKey(), hits.size(), kingdom, rank, canonicalName, authorship, year); return curr; } } return null; } /** * Checks candidates for a single unambigous exact match */ private LookupUsage exactMatch(String canonicalName, String authorship, String year, List<LookupUsage> candidates) { LookupUsage match = null; for (LookupUsage u : candidates) { if (Objects.equals(canonicalName, u.getCanonical()) && Objects.equals(authorship, u.getAuthorship()) && Objects.equals(year, u.getYear())) { // did we have a match already? if (match != null) { return null; } // no, keep it match = u; } } return match; } /** * @return the number of known usage keys incl deleted ones */ @Override public int size() { return counter; } /** * @return the number of usage keys known which belong to deleted usages. */ @Override public int deletedIds() { return deleted; } @Override public Iterator<LookupUsage> iterator() { return new LookupIterator(); } @Override public Spliterator<LookupUsage> spliterator() { return Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator(), 0); } private class LookupIterator implements Iterator<LookupUsage> { private final Iterator<List<LookupUsage>> canonIter; private Iterator<LookupUsage> iter = null; public LookupIterator() { canonIter = usages.values().iterator(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) || canonIter.hasNext(); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You cannot remove from an id lookup"); } @Override public LookupUsage next() { if (iter == null || !iter.hasNext()) { iter =; } return; } } }