package; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.NameUsage; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.NameUsageMetrics; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.ParsedName; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.VerbatimNameUsage; import org.gbif.api.model.common.paging.Pageable; import org.gbif.api.model.common.paging.PagingResponse; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.NameUsageService; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.GenericType; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; /** * Client-side implementation to the ChecklistUsageService. */ public class NameUsageWsClient extends BaseWsGetClient<NameUsage, Integer> implements NameUsageService { protected final GenericType<PagingResponse<NameUsage>> tPage = new GenericType<PagingResponse<NameUsage>>() { }; private final GenericType<List<NameUsage>> list = new GenericType<List<NameUsage>>() { }; private final GenericType<ParsedName> pname = new GenericType<ParsedName>() { }; private final GenericType<NameUsageMetrics> metrics = new GenericType<NameUsageMetrics>() { }; private final GenericType<VerbatimNameUsage> tVerbatim = new GenericType<VerbatimNameUsage>() { }; @Inject public NameUsageWsClient(@ChecklistBankWs WebResource resource) { super(NameUsage.class, resource.path(Constants.SPECIES_PATH), null); } /** * Gets a NameUsage by its key from the Web service. * * @param usageKey key of NubUsage to get the list the synonyms of * @param locale identifier for a region * * @return requested NameUsage or null if none couldn't be found */ @Override public NameUsage get(int usageKey, Locale locale) { return get(locale, String.valueOf(usageKey)); } @Override public VerbatimNameUsage getVerbatim(int usageKey) { return get(tVerbatim, String.valueOf(usageKey), Constants.VERBATIM_PATH); } @Override public ParsedName getParsedName(int usageKey) { return get(pname, String.valueOf(usageKey), Constants.PARSED_NAME_PATH); } @Nullable @Override public NameUsageMetrics getMetrics(int usageKey) { return get(metrics, String.valueOf(usageKey), Constants.METRICS_PATH); } @Override public PagingResponse<NameUsage> list(Locale locale, @Nullable UUID datasetKey, @Nullable String sourceId, @Nullable Pageable page) { return get(tPage, locale, QueryParamBuilder.create(Constants.DATASET_KEY, datasetKey, Constants.SOURCE_ID, sourceId).build(), page); } @Override public PagingResponse<NameUsage> listByCanonicalName(Locale locale, String canonicalName, @Nullable Pageable page, @Nullable UUID... datasetKey) { return get(tPage, locale, QueryParamBuilder.create(Constants.DATASET_KEY, datasetKey, Constants.CANONICAL_NAME, canonicalName).build(), page); } /** * Gets a list of parents for a NameUsage from the web service. * This calls the URL {@code /species/<k1>/parents}. * * @param usageKey key of the NameUsage to get its parents for * @param locale identifier for a region * * @return requested list of NameUsage parents or an empty list if none could be found */ @Override public List<NameUsage> listParents(int usageKey, Locale locale) { return get(list, locale, null, null, String.valueOf(usageKey), Constants.PARENTS_PATH); } /** * Gets a list of root NameUsage for a Checklist from the Web service. * This calls the URL {@code /checklist/<k1>/usages}. * * @param datasetKey key of Checklist to get root NameUsage for * @param locale identifier for a region * @param page paging parameters or null for first page with default size * * @return requested list of NameUsage or an empty list if none could be found */ @Override public PagingResponse<NameUsage> listRoot(UUID datasetKey, Locale locale, @Nullable Pageable page) { return get(tPage, locale, null, page, Constants.ROOT_USAGES_PATH, datasetKey.toString()); } /** * Gets a list of relates NameUsages for a NameUsage from the web service. * This calls the URL {@code /species/<k1>/related}. * * @param usageKey key of the NameUsage to get its related usages for * @param locale identifier for a region * * @return requested list of related NameUsages or an empty list if none could be found */ @Override public PagingResponse<NameUsage> listRelated(int usageKey, Locale locale, @Nullable Pageable page, @Nullable UUID... datasetKey) { return get(tPage, locale, QueryParamBuilder.create(Constants.DATASET_KEY, datasetKey).build(), page, String.valueOf(usageKey), Constants.RELATED_PATH); } /** * Gets a list of children NameUsage for a parent NameUsage from the Web service. * This calls the URL {@code /species/<k1>/children}. * * @param parentKey key of NameUsage to get children NameUsage for * @param locale identifier for a region * @param page paging parameters or null for first page with default size * * @return requested list of NameUsage or an empty list if none could be found */ @Override public PagingResponse<NameUsage> listChildren(int parentKey, Locale locale, @Nullable Pageable page) { return get(tPage, locale, null, page, String.valueOf(parentKey), Constants.CHILDREN_PATH); } /** * Gets a list of synonym NameUsage for a NameUsage from the Web service. * This calls the URL {@code /species/<k1>/synonyms}. * * @param usageKey key of NameUsage to get synonym NameUsage for * @param locale identifier for a region * @param page paging parameters or null for first page with default size * * @return requested list of NameUsage or an empty list if none could be found */ @Override public PagingResponse<NameUsage> listSynonyms(int usageKey, Locale locale, @Nullable Pageable page) { return get(tPage, locale, null, page, String.valueOf(usageKey), Constants.SYNONYMS_PATH); } @Override public List<NameUsage> listCombinations(int basionymKey, Locale locale) { return get(list, locale, null, null, String.valueOf(basionymKey), Constants.COMBINATIONS_PATH); } }