package org.gbif.checklistbank.cli.common; import; import java.util.UUID; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import; import org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseBuilder; import org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory; import org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseSettings; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * */ @SuppressWarnings("PublicField") public class NeoConfiguration { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NeoConfiguration.class); @NotNull @Parameter(names = "--neo-repo") public File neoRepository; @NotNull @Parameter(names = "--neo-batchsize") public int batchSize = 10000; @Min(0) @Parameter(names = "--neo-mapped-memory") public int mappedMemory = 128; @Min(1000) @Parameter(names = {"--neo-shell-port"}, required = false) public int port = 1337; @Parameter(names = {"--neo-shell"}, required = false) public boolean shell = false; public File neoDir(UUID datasetKey) { return new File(neoRepository, datasetKey.toString()); } /** * @return the KVP dbmap file used for the given dataset */ public File kvp(UUID datasetKey) { return new File(neoRepository, "kvp" + File.separator + datasetKey.toString()); } /** * Creates a new embedded db in the neoRepository folder. * * @param eraseExisting if true deletes previously existing db */ public GraphDatabaseBuilder newEmbeddedDb(File storeDir, boolean readOnly, boolean eraseExisting) { if (eraseExisting && storeDir.exists()) { // erase previous db LOG.debug("Removing previous neo4j database from {}", storeDir.getAbsolutePath()); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(storeDir); } GraphDatabaseBuilder builder = new GraphDatabaseFactory() .newEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder(storeDir) .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.keep_logical_logs, "false") .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.read_only, Boolean.toString(readOnly)) .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.allow_store_upgrade, "true") .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.pagecache_memory, mappedMemory + "M"); if (shell) {"Enable neo4j shell on port " + port); builder.setConfig(ShellSettings.remote_shell_enabled, "true") .setConfig(ShellSettings.remote_shell_port, String.valueOf(port)) // listen to all IPs, not localhost only .setConfig(ShellSettings.remote_shell_host, ""); } return builder; } }