package org.gbif.checklistbank.neo.printer; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Rank; import org.gbif.checklistbank.neo.Labels; import org.gbif.checklistbank.neo.NeoProperties; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.parboiled.common.StringUtils; /** * A handler that can be used with the TaxonWalker to print a neo4j taxonomy in a simple nested text structure. */ public class TxtPrinter implements TreePrinter { public static final String SYNONYM_SYMBOL = "*"; public static final String BASIONYM_SYMBOL = "$"; private static final int indentation = 2; private int level = 0; private final Function<Node, String> getTitle; private final Writer writer; private final boolean showIds; public TxtPrinter(Writer writer, Function<Node, String> getTitle, boolean showIds) { this.writer = writer; this.getTitle = getTitle; this.showIds = showIds; } public TxtPrinter(Writer writer, Function<Node, String> getTitle) { this(writer, getTitle, false); } public TxtPrinter(Writer writer) { this(writer, new Function<Node, String>() { @Nullable @Override public String apply(@Nullable Node input) { return NeoProperties.getScientificName(input); } }, false); } @Override public void start(Node n) { print(n); level++; } @Override public void end(Node n) { level--; } private void print(Node n) { try { writer.write(StringUtils.repeat(' ', level * indentation)); if (n.hasLabel(Labels.SYNONYM)) { writer.write(SYNONYM_SYMBOL); } if (n.hasLabel(Labels.BASIONYM)) { writer.write(BASIONYM_SYMBOL); } writer.write(getTitle.apply(n)); if (n.hasProperty(NeoProperties.RANK)) { writer.write(" ["); writer.write(Rank.values()[(Integer) n.getProperty(NeoProperties.RANK)].name().toLowerCase()); if (showIds) { writer.write(","); writer.write(String.valueOf(n.getId())); } writer.write("]"); } writer.write("\n"); } catch (IOException e) { Throwables.propagate(e); } } @Override public void close() { } }