package org.gbif.checklistbank.cli; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.NameUsage; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.NameUsageMetrics; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.NameUsageIssue; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Origin; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Rank; import org.gbif.checklistbank.cli.model.GraphFormat; import org.gbif.checklistbank.cli.normalizer.Normalizer; import org.gbif.checklistbank.cli.normalizer.NormalizerConfiguration; import org.gbif.checklistbank.cli.normalizer.NormalizerStats; import org.gbif.checklistbank.neo.Labels; import org.gbif.checklistbank.neo.NeoProperties; import org.gbif.checklistbank.neo.RelType; import org.gbif.checklistbank.neo.UsageDao; import org.gbif.checklistbank.neo.traverse.Traversals; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.ResourceIterator; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction; import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.Iterables; import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.Iterators; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static; /** * base class to insert neo integration tests. */ public abstract class BaseTest { protected NormalizerConfiguration cfg; protected UsageDao dao; @Before public void initCfg() throws Exception { cfg = new NormalizerConfiguration(); cfg.neo.neoRepository = Files.createTempDir(); URL dwcasUrl = getClass().getResource("/dwcas"); Path p = Paths.get(dwcasUrl.toURI()); cfg.archiveRepository = p.toFile(); } @After public void cleanup() throws Exception { if (dao != null) { dao.closeAndDelete(); } } public void initDb() { dao = UsageDao.temporaryDao(25); } /** * * @param datasetKey */ protected void openDb(UUID datasetKey) { dao = UsageDao.persistentDao(cfg.neo, datasetKey, false, null, false); } protected void compareStats(NormalizerStats stats) { // get proper counts and compare them to the handler generated one // we only compare some bits as not all are populated equally try (Transaction tx = beginTx()) { NormalizerStats statsExpected = getStats(); System.out.println("Expected: " + statsExpected); System.out.println("Normalizer: " + stats); assertEquals("roots differ", statsExpected.getRoots(), stats.getRoots()); assertEquals("synonyms differ", statsExpected.getSynonyms(), stats.getSynonyms()); assertEquals("ranks differ", statsExpected.getCountByRank(), stats.getCountByRank()); assertEquals("origins differ", statsExpected.getCountByOrigin(), stats.getCountByOrigin()); } } public NormalizerStats insertNeo(UUID datasetKey) { Normalizer norm = Normalizer.create(cfg, datasetKey);; NormalizerStats stats = norm.getStats(); openDb(datasetKey); compareStats(stats); dao.close(); return stats; } public NormalizerStats getStats() { int roots = 0; int depth = -1; int synonyms = 0; int ignored = 0; Map<Origin, Integer> countByOrigin = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<Rank, Integer> countByRank = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Node n : dao.getNeo().getAllNodes()) { if (!n.hasLabel(Labels.TAXON)) { ignored++; continue; } NameUsage u = dao.readUsage(n, false); if (n.hasLabel(Labels.ROOT)) { roots++; } // pro parte relations count as extra synonyms! final int countAs = n.hasLabel(Labels.SYNONYM) ? (int) Iterables.count(Traversals.ACCEPTED.traverse(n).nodes()) : 1; if (n.hasLabel(Labels.SYNONYM)) { synonyms = synonyms + countAs; if (!n.hasRelationship(RelType.SYNONYM_OF)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Node "+n.getId()+" with synonym label but without synonymOf relationship found"); } } else if (u.isSynonym()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Node "+n.getId()+" without synonym label but usage has isSynonym=true"); } if (!countByOrigin.containsKey(u.getOrigin())) { countByOrigin.put(u.getOrigin(), countAs); } else { countByOrigin.put(u.getOrigin(), countByOrigin.get(u.getOrigin()) + countAs); } if (u.getRank() != null) { if (!countByRank.containsKey(u.getRank())) { countByRank.put(u.getRank(), countAs); } else { countByRank.put(u.getRank(), countByRank.get(u.getRank()) + countAs); } } } return new NormalizerStats(roots, depth, synonyms, ignored, countByOrigin, countByRank, Lists.<String>newArrayList()); } public Transaction beginTx() { return dao.beginTx(); } public NameUsage getUsageByKey(int key) { Node n = dao.getNeo().getNodeById(key); return getUsageByNode(n); } /** * gets single usage or null, throws exception if more than 1 usage exist! */ public NameUsage getUsageByTaxonId(String id) { Node n = Iterators.singleOrNull(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.TAXON, NeoProperties.TAXON_ID, id)); return getUsageByNode(n); } public NameUsageMetrics getMetricsByTaxonId(String taxonID) { Node n = Iterators.singleOrNull(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.TAXON, NeoProperties.TAXON_ID, taxonID)); return dao.readFacts(n.getId()).metrics; } public List<NameUsage> getUsagesByName(String name) { List<NameUsage> usages = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Node n : Iterators.loop(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.TAXON, NeoProperties.SCIENTIFIC_NAME, name))) { usages.add(getUsageByNode(n)); } return usages; } /** * Gets single usage by its canonical name. Returns null if none found or throws exception if more than 1 usage with that name exists! */ public NameUsage getUsageByCanonical(String name) { Node n = Iterators.singleOrNull(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.TAXON, NeoProperties.CANONICAL_NAME, name)); return getUsageByNode(n); } /** * Gets single usage by its scientific name. Returns null if none found or throws exception if more than 1 usage with that name exists! */ public NameUsage getUsageByName(String name) { Node n = Iterators.singleOrNull(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.TAXON, NeoProperties.SCIENTIFIC_NAME, name)); return getUsageByNode(n); } public List<Node> getNodesByName(String name) { return Iterators.asList(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.TAXON, NeoProperties.SCIENTIFIC_NAME, name)); } public List<NameUsage> getAllUsages() { List<NameUsage> usages = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Node n : Iterators.loop(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.TAXON))) { usages.add(getUsageByNode(n)); } return usages; } private NameUsage getUsageByNode(Node n) { NameUsage u = null; if (n != null) { u = dao.readUsage(n, true); if (u != null) { u.setKey((int)n.getId()); } } return u; } public void showAll() { try (Transaction tx = beginTx()) { show(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.TAXON)); } } /** * Debug method to show all root nodes in the neo db. */ public void showRoot() { try (Transaction tx = beginTx()) { show(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.ROOT)); } } /** * Debug method to print all nodes with a given rank or above as text. */ public void print(@Nullable Rank rank) throws Exception { try (Transaction tx = dao.beginTx()) { Writer writer = new PrintWriter(System.out); dao.printTree(writer, GraphFormat.TEXT, true, rank, null); } } /** * Debug method to show all synonyms in the neo db. */ public void showSynonyms() { try (Transaction tx = beginTx()) { show(dao.getNeo().findNodes(Labels.SYNONYM)); } } /** * Debug method to show all nodes with a specific issue. */ public void showWithIssue(NameUsageIssue issue) { try (Transaction tx = beginTx()) { for (Node n : dao.allNodes()) { NameUsage u = getUsageByNode(n); if (u.getIssues().contains(issue)) { System.out.println("### " + n.getId() + " " + u.getScientificName()); System.out.println(u); } } } } /** * Debug method to show all nodes with a specific issue. */ public void showOrigin(Origin origin) { try (Transaction tx = beginTx()) { for (Node n : dao.allNodes()) { NameUsage u = getUsageByNode(n); if (u.getOrigin().equals(origin)) { System.out.println("### " + n.getId() + " " + u.getRank() + " " + u.getScientificName()); } } } } private void show(ResourceIterator<Node> iter) { System.out.println("\n\n"); while (iter.hasNext()) { Node n =; NameUsage u = getUsageByNode(n); System.out.println("### " + n.getId() + " " + u.getScientificName()); System.out.println(u); } iter.close(); } public void assertUsage( String sourceID, boolean synonym, String name, String basionym, String accepted, Rank rank, String ... parents ) { NameUsage u = getUsageByTaxonId(sourceID); assertEquals(synonym, u.isSynonym()); assertEquals(rank, u.getRank()); assertEquals(name, u.getScientificName()); NameUsage nu = getUsageByKey(u.getKey()); if (basionym != null) { assertNotNull(nu.getBasionymKey()); NameUsage bas = getUsageByKey(nu.getBasionymKey()); assertEquals(basionym, bas.getScientificName()); } else { assertNull(nu.getBasionymKey()); } Integer pid = u.getParentKey(); for (String pn : parents) { if (pid == null) { fail("Missing expected parent " + pn); } NameUsage p = getUsageByKey(pid); assertEquals(pn, p.getScientificName()); pid = p.getParentKey(); } } }