package org.gbif.nub.lookup.fuzzy; import org.gbif.api.exception.UnparsableException; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.NameUsageMatch; import org.gbif.api.model.checklistbank.ParsedName; import org.gbif.api.model.common.LinneanClassification; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.NameParser; import org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank.NameUsageMatchingService; import org.gbif.api.util.ClassificationUtils; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Kingdom; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.NomenclaturalCode; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Rank; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.TaxonomicStatus; import org.gbif.checklistbank.authorship.AuthorComparator; import org.gbif.checklistbank.model.Equality; import org.gbif.nub.lookup.similarity.ScientificNameSimilarity; import org.gbif.nub.lookup.similarity.StringSimilarity; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class NubMatchingServiceImpl implements NameUsageMatchingService { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NubMatchingServiceImpl.class); private static final int MIN_CONFIDENCE = 80; private static final int MIN_CONFIDENCE_FOR_HIGHER_MATCHES = 90; private static final Set<Kingdom> VAGUE_KINGDOMS = ImmutableSet.of(Kingdom.ARCHAEA, Kingdom.BACTERIA, Kingdom.FUNGI, Kingdom.CHROMISTA, Kingdom.PROTOZOA, Kingdom.INCERTAE_SEDIS); private static ConfidenceOrder CONFIDENCE_ORDER = new ConfidenceOrder(); private final NubIndex nubIndex; private final HigherTaxaComparator htComp; private final NameParser parser; // name string to usageId private Map<String, NameUsageMatch> hackMap = Maps.newHashMap(); private final StringSimilarity sim = new ScientificNameSimilarity(); private static final List<Rank> PARSED_QUERY_RANK = ImmutableList.of(Rank.SPECIES, Rank.GENUS); private static final List<Rank> HIGHER_QUERY_RANK = ImmutableList.of(Rank.FAMILY, Rank.ORDER, Rank.CLASS, Rank.PHYLUM, Rank.KINGDOM); public static final Map<TaxonomicStatus, Integer> STATUS_SCORE = ImmutableMap.of(TaxonomicStatus.ACCEPTED, 1, TaxonomicStatus.DOUBTFUL, -5, TaxonomicStatus.SYNONYM, 0); // match order by usageKey lowest to highest to preserve old ids private static final Ordering<NameUsageMatch> USAGE_KEY_ORDER = Ordering.natural().nullsLast().onResultOf(new Function<NameUsageMatch, Integer>() { @Nullable @Override public Integer apply(@Nullable NameUsageMatch m) { return m.getUsageKey(); } }); private static final Pattern FIRST_WORD = Pattern.compile("^(.+?)\\b"); private static final List<Rank> HIGHER_RANKS; static { List<Rank> ranks = Lists.newArrayList(Rank.LINNEAN_RANKS); ranks.remove(Rank.SPECIES); HIGHER_RANKS = ImmutableList.copyOf(ranks); } private final AuthorComparator authComp; protected enum MatchingMode {FUZZY, STRICT, HIGHER}; /** * @param nubIndex * @param htComp * @param parser */ @Inject public NubMatchingServiceImpl(NubIndex nubIndex, HigherTaxaComparator htComp, NameParser parser) { this.nubIndex = nubIndex; this.htComp = htComp; this.parser = parser; authComp = AuthorComparator.createWithAuthormap(); initHackMap(); } private void initHackMap(){ LOG.debug("Add entries to hackmap ..."); try { hackMap.put("radiolaria", nubIndex.matchByUsageId(7)); hackMap.put("hepatic", nubIndex.matchByUsageId(9)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Hackmap entry not existing, skip", e.getMessage()); } } private static boolean isMatch(NameUsageMatch match) { return NameUsageMatch.MatchType.NONE != match.getMatchType(); } private static NameUsageMatch higherMatch(NameUsageMatch match, NameUsageMatch firstMatch) { match.setMatchType(NameUsageMatch.MatchType.HIGHERRANK); setAlternatives(match, firstMatch.getAlternatives()); return match; } /** * Sets the alternative on a match making sure we dont get infinite recursions my clearing all alternate matches on the arguments */ private static void setAlternatives(NameUsageMatch match, List<NameUsageMatch> alts) { if (alts != null) { ListIterator<NameUsageMatch> iter = alts.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { NameUsageMatch m =; if (m.getUsageKey().equals(match.getUsageKey())) { // same usage, remove! iter.remove(); } else if (m.getAlternatives() != null && !m.getAlternatives().isEmpty()) { m.setAlternatives(Lists.<NameUsageMatch>newArrayList()); } } } match.setAlternatives(alts); } // Wrapper method doing the time tracking and logging only. @Override public NameUsageMatch match(String scientificName, @Nullable Rank rank, @Nullable LinneanClassification classification, boolean strict, boolean verbose) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); NameUsageMatch match = matchInternal(scientificName, rank, classification, strict, verbose); LOG.debug("{} Match of scientific name >{}< to {} [{}] in {}", match.getMatchType(), scientificName, match.getUsageKey(), match.getScientificName(), watch.toString()); return match; } /** * Real method doing the work */ private NameUsageMatch matchInternal(String scientificName, @Nullable Rank rank, @Nullable LinneanClassification classification, boolean strict, boolean verbose) { ParsedName pn = null; if (classification == null) { classification = new NameUsageMatch(); } else { cleanClassification(classification); } try { // use name parser to make the name a canonical one // we build the name with flags manually as we wanna exclude indet. names such as "Abies spec." and rather match them to Abies only pn = parser.parse(scientificName, rank); interpretGenus(pn, classification.getGenus()); scientificName = pn.buildName(false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false); // used parsed rank if not given explicitly if (rank == null) { rank = pn.getRank(); } } catch (UnparsableException e) { // hybrid names, virus names & blacklisted ones - dont provide any parsed name LOG.debug("Unparsable [{}] name [{}]", e.type, scientificName); } NameUsageMatch match1 = match(pn, scientificName, rank, classification, strict ? MatchingMode.STRICT : MatchingMode.FUZZY, verbose); // for strict matching do not try higher ranks if (isMatch(match1) || strict) { return match1; } // try to MATCH TO HIGHER RANKS if we can // include species or genus only matches ? NameUsageMatch match; if (pn != null && pn.getGenusOrAbove() != null) { if (pn.getSpecificEpithet() != null || (rank != null && rank.isSpeciesOrBelow())) { if (pn.getInfraSpecificEpithet() != null || (rank != null && rank.isInfraspecific())) { // try with species String species = pn.canonicalSpeciesName(); match = match(null, species, Rank.SPECIES, classification, MatchingMode.FUZZY, verbose); if (isMatch(match)) { return higherMatch(match, match1); } } // try with genus // we're not sure if this is really a genus, so don't set the rank // we get non species names sometimes like "Chaetognatha eyecount" that refer to a phylum called // "Chaetognatha" match = match(null, pn.getGenusOrAbove(), null, classification, MatchingMode.HIGHER, verbose); if (isMatch(match)) { return higherMatch(match, match1); } } } else { // use classification strings instead for (Rank qr : PARSED_QUERY_RANK) { String name = ClassificationUtils.getHigherRank(classification, qr); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { match = match(null, name, qr, classification, MatchingMode.HIGHER, verbose); if (isMatch(match)) { return higherMatch(match, match1); } } } } // last resort - try higher ranks above genus for (Rank qr : HIGHER_QUERY_RANK) { String name = ClassificationUtils.getHigherRank(classification, qr); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { match = match(null, name, qr, classification, MatchingMode.HIGHER, verbose); if (isMatch(match)) { return higherMatch(match, match1); } } } // if finally we cant find anything, return empty match object - but not null! LOG.debug("No match for name {}", scientificName); return noMatch(100, match1.getNote(), verbose ? match1.getAlternatives() : null); } private void cleanClassification(LinneanClassification cl) { for (Rank r : HIGHER_RANKS) { if (cl.getHigherRank(r) != null) { Matcher m = FIRST_WORD.matcher(cl.getHigherRank(r)); if (m.find()) { ClassificationUtils.setHigherRank(cl, r,; } } } } /** * Expands abbreviated genus names with the full genus if provided in the separate classification. * @param pn * @param genus */ @VisibleForTesting protected static void interpretGenus(ParsedName pn, String genus) { // test if name has an abbreviated genus if (pn != null && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(genus) && pn.getGenusOrAbove() != null && genus.length() > 1) { if (pn.getGenusOrAbove().length() == 2 && pn.getGenusOrAbove().charAt(1) == '.' && pn.getGenusOrAbove().charAt(0) == genus.charAt(0) || pn.getGenusOrAbove().length() == 1 && pn.getGenusOrAbove().charAt(0) == genus.charAt(0)) { pn.setGenusOrAbove(genus); } } } private List<NameUsageMatch> queryFuzzy(ParsedName pn, String canonicalName, Rank rank, LinneanClassification lc, boolean verbose) { // do a lucene matching List<NameUsageMatch> matches = nubIndex.matchByName(canonicalName, true, 50); for (NameUsageMatch m : matches) { // 0 - +100 final int nameSimilarity = nameSimilarity(canonicalName, m); // -28 - +40 final int authorSimilarity = incNegScore(authorSimilarity(pn, m)*2, 2); // -50 - +50 final int classificationSimilarity = classificationSimilarity(lc, m); // -10 - +5 final int rankSimilarity = rankSimilarity(rank, m.getRank()); // -5 - +1 final int statusScore = STATUS_SCORE.get(m.getStatus()); // preliminary total score, -5 - 20 distance to next best match coming below! m.setConfidence(nameSimilarity + authorSimilarity + classificationSimilarity + rankSimilarity + statusScore); if (verbose) { addNote(m, "Similarity: name="+nameSimilarity); addNote(m, "authorship="+authorSimilarity); addNote(m, "classification="+classificationSimilarity); addNote(m, "rank="+rankSimilarity); addNote(m, "status="+statusScore); } } return matches; } private List<NameUsageMatch> queryHigher(ParsedName pn, String canonicalName, Rank rank, LinneanClassification lc, boolean verbose) { // do a lucene matching List<NameUsageMatch> matches = nubIndex.matchByName(canonicalName, false, 50); for (NameUsageMatch m : matches) { // 0 - +100 final int nameSimilarity = nameSimilarity(canonicalName, m); // -50 - +50 final int classificationSimilarity = classificationSimilarity(lc, m); // -10 - +5 final int rankSimilarity = rankSimilarity(rank, m.getRank()) * 2; // -5 - +1 final int statusScore = STATUS_SCORE.get(m.getStatus()); // preliminary total score, -5 - 20 distance to next best match coming below! m.setConfidence(nameSimilarity + classificationSimilarity + rankSimilarity + statusScore); if (verbose) { addNote(m, "Similarity: name="+nameSimilarity); addNote(m, "classification="+classificationSimilarity); addNote(m, "rank="+rankSimilarity); addNote(m, "status="+statusScore); } } return matches; } private List<NameUsageMatch> queryStrict(ParsedName pn, String canonicalName, Rank rank, LinneanClassification lc, boolean verbose) { // do a lucene matching List<NameUsageMatch> matches = nubIndex.matchByName(canonicalName, false, 50); for (NameUsageMatch m : matches) { // 0 - +120 final int nameSimilarity = nameSimilarity(canonicalName, m); // -28 - +40 final int authorSimilarity = incNegScore( authorSimilarity(pn, m)*4, 8); // -50 - +50 final int kingdomSimilarity = incNegScore( kingdomSimilarity(htComp.toKingdom(lc.getKingdom()), htComp.toKingdom(m.getKingdom())), 10); // -10 - +5 final int rankSimilarity = incNegScore( rankSimilarity(rank, m.getRank()), 10); // -5 - +1 final int statusScore = STATUS_SCORE.get(m.getStatus()); // preliminary total score, -5 - 20 distance to next best match coming below! m.setConfidence(nameSimilarity + authorSimilarity + kingdomSimilarity + rankSimilarity + statusScore); if (verbose) { addNote(m, "Similarity: name="+nameSimilarity); addNote(m, "authorship="+authorSimilarity); addNote(m, "kingdom="+kingdomSimilarity); addNote(m, "rank="+rankSimilarity); addNote(m, "status="+statusScore); } } return matches; } private int incNegScore(int score, int factor) { return score < 0 ? score * factor : score; } /** * Use our custom similarity algorithm and compare the higher classifications to select the best match * @return the best match, might contain no usageKey */ @VisibleForTesting protected NameUsageMatch match(ParsedName pn, String canonicalName, Rank rank, LinneanClassification lc, final MatchingMode mode, final boolean verbose){ if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(canonicalName)) { return noMatch(100, "No name given", null); } // first try our manual hackmap if (hackMap.containsKey(canonicalName.toLowerCase())) { return hackMap.get(canonicalName.toLowerCase()); } // do the matching List<NameUsageMatch> matches = null; switch (mode) { case FUZZY: matches = queryFuzzy(pn, canonicalName, rank, lc, verbose); break; case STRICT: matches = queryStrict(pn, canonicalName, rank, lc, verbose); break; case HIGHER: matches = queryHigher(pn, canonicalName, rank, lc, verbose); break; } // order by confidence Collections.sort(matches, CONFIDENCE_ORDER); if (matches.size() > 0) { // add 0 - 5 confidence based on distance to next best match NameUsageMatch best = matches.get(0); int bestConfidence = best.getConfidence(); int nextMatchDistance; if (matches.size() == 1) { // boost results with a single match to pick from nextMatchDistance = 5; if (verbose) { addNote(best, "singleMatch=" + nextMatchDistance); } } else { // we have more than one match to chose from int secondBestConfidence = matches.get(1).getConfidence(); if (bestConfidence == secondBestConfidence) { // equally good matches, bummer! // this sometimes happens when there are "homonyms" in the nub as synonyms only List<NameUsageMatch> equalMatches = extractEqualMatches(matches); boolean sameClassification = true; for (NameUsageMatch m : equalMatches) { if (!equalClassification(best, m)) { sameClassification = false; break; } } if (sameClassification) { // if they both have the same classification pick the one with the lowest, hence oldest id! Collections.sort(equalMatches, USAGE_KEY_ORDER); best = equalMatches.get(0); addNote(best, equalMatches.size() + " synonym homonyms"); } else { return noMatch(99, "Multiple equal matches for " + canonicalName, verbose ? matches : null); } } // boost up to 5 based on distance to next match nextMatchDistance = Math.min(5, (bestConfidence - secondBestConfidence) / 2); if (verbose) { addNote(best, "nextMatch=" + nextMatchDistance); } } // normalize confidence values into the range of 0 to 100 best.setConfidence(normConfidence(bestConfidence + nextMatchDistance)); // finally check if match is good enough if (best.getConfidence() < (mode == MatchingMode.HIGHER ? MIN_CONFIDENCE_FOR_HIGHER_MATCHES : MIN_CONFIDENCE)) { return noMatch(99, "No match because of too little confidence", verbose ? matches : null); } // verbose and alternatives? if (verbose && matches.size() > 1) { // remove best match matches.remove(best); setAlternatives(best, matches); for (NameUsageMatch alt : matches) { alt.setConfidence(normConfidence(alt.getConfidence())); } } return best; } return noMatch(100, null, null); } // -12 to 8 private int authorSimilarity(@Nullable ParsedName pn, NameUsageMatch m) { int similarity = 0; if (pn != null) { try { ParsedName mpn = parser.parse(m.getScientificName(), m.getRank()); // authorship comparison was requested! Equality recomb =, pn.getYear(), mpn.getAuthorship(), mpn.getYear()); Equality bracket =, pn.getBracketYear(), mpn.getBracketAuthorship(), mpn.getBracketYear()); similarity = equality2Similarity(recomb, 3); similarity = similarity + equality2Similarity(bracket, 1); } catch (UnparsableException e) { if (e.type.isParsable()) { LOG.warn("Failed to parse name: {}", m.getScientificName()); } } } return similarity; } private int equality2Similarity(Equality eq, int factor) { switch (eq) { case EQUAL: return 2*factor; case DIFFERENT: return -3*factor; } return 0; } private boolean equalClassification(LinneanClassification best, LinneanClassification m) { for (Rank r : Rank.LINNEAN_RANKS) { if (best.getHigherRank(r) == null) { if (m.getHigherRank(r) != null){ return false; } } else { if (m.getHigherRank(r) == null || !best.getHigherRank(r).equals(m.getHigherRank(r))){ return false; } } } return true; } private List<NameUsageMatch> extractEqualMatches(List<NameUsageMatch> matches) { List<NameUsageMatch> equal = Lists.newArrayList(); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { final int conf = matches.get(0).getConfidence(); for (NameUsageMatch m : matches){ if (m.getConfidence().equals(conf)) { equal.add(m); } else { // matches are sorted by confidence! break; } } } return equal; } private static void addNote(NameUsageMatch m, String note) { if (m.getNote() == null) { m.setNote(note); } else { m.setNote(m.getNote() + "; " + note); } } private static NameUsageMatch noMatch(int confidence, String note, List<NameUsageMatch> alternatives) { NameUsageMatch no = new NameUsageMatch(); no.setMatchType(NameUsageMatch.MatchType.NONE); no.setConfidence(confidence); no.setNote(note); setAlternatives(no, alternatives); return no; } private int nameSimilarity(String canonicalName, NameUsageMatch m) { // calculate name distance int confidence; if (canonicalName.equalsIgnoreCase(m.getCanonicalName())) { // straight match confidence = 100; // binomial straight match? That is pretty trustworthy if (canonicalName.contains(" ")) { confidence += 10; } } else { // fuzzy - be careful! confidence = (int) sim.getSimilarity(canonicalName, m.getCanonicalName()) - 5; // modify confidence according to genus comparison in bionomials. // slightly trust binomials with a matching genus more, and trust less if we matched a different genus name int spaceIdx = m.getCanonicalName().indexOf(" "); if (spaceIdx > 0) { String genus = m.getCanonicalName().substring(0, spaceIdx); if (canonicalName.startsWith(genus)) { confidence += 5; } else { confidence -= 10; } } } return confidence; } @VisibleForTesting protected int classificationSimilarity(LinneanClassification query, LinneanClassification reference) { // kingdom is super important int rate = htComp.compareHigherRank(Rank.KINGDOM, query, reference, 5, -10, -1); // plant and animal kingdoms are better delimited than Chromista, Fungi, etc. , so punish those mismatches higher if (rate == -10 && htComp.isInKingdoms(query, Kingdom.ANIMALIA, Kingdom.PLANTAE) && htComp.isInKingdoms(reference, Kingdom.ANIMALIA, Kingdom.PLANTAE)){ //TODO: decrease this to 30 once the backbone is in a better state again !!! rate = -51; } // we rarely ever have a virus name, punish these a little more to avoid false virus matches if (htComp.isInKingdoms(reference, Kingdom.VIRUSES)) { rate -= 10; } // phylum to family rate += htComp.compareHigherRank(Rank.PHYLUM, query, reference, 10, -10, -1); rate += htComp.compareHigherRank(Rank.CLASS, query, reference, 15, -10, 0); rate += htComp.compareHigherRank(Rank.ORDER, query, reference, 15, -10, 0); rate += htComp.compareHigherRank(Rank.FAMILY, query, reference, 25, -15, 0); return minMax(-60, 50, rate); } // rate ranks from -25 to +5, zero if nothing is know private int rankSimilarity(Rank query, Rank ref) { int similarity = 0; if (ref != null) { // rate ranks lower that are not represented in the canonical, e.g. cultivars if (ref.isRestrictedToCode() == NomenclaturalCode.CULTIVARS){ similarity -= 7; } else if (Rank.STRAIN == ref){ similarity -= 7; } if (ref.isUncomparable()){ // this also includes informal again similarity -= 3; } if(query != null){ // both ranks exist. Compare directly if (query.equals(ref)) { similarity += 10; } else if (Rank.INFRASPECIFIC_NAME == query && ref.isInfraspecific() || Rank.INFRASPECIFIC_NAME == ref && query.isInfraspecific()) { // unspecific infraspecific rank similarity += 5; } else if (Rank.INFRASUBSPECIFIC_NAME == query && ref.isInfraspecific() && ref != Rank.SUBSPECIES || Rank.INFRASUBSPECIFIC_NAME == ref && query.isInfraspecific() && query != Rank.SUBSPECIES ) { // unspecific infrasubspecific rank similarity += 5; } else if (query.isUncomparable()) { // uncomparable query ranks similarity -= 5; } else if (ref == Rank.SPECIES && query.isInfraspecific() || ref.isSupraspecific() && query.isSpeciesOrBelow() || query == Rank.SPECIES && ref.isInfraspecific() || query.isSupraspecific() && ref.isSpeciesOrBelow() ) { // not good, different number of epithets means rather unalike similarity -= 25; } else { // rate lower the further away the ranks are similarity -= Math.abs(ref.ordinal() - query.ordinal()); } } } else if (query != null) { // reference has no rank, rate it lower similarity -= 1; } return minMax(-25, 5, similarity); } // rate kingdoms from -10 to +10, zero if nothing is know private int kingdomSimilarity(@Nullable Kingdom k1, @Nullable Kingdom k2) { if (k1 == null || k2 == null) { return 0; } if (k1 == Kingdom.INCERTAE_SEDIS || k2 == Kingdom.INCERTAE_SEDIS) { return 7; } if (k1 == k2) { return 10; } if (VAGUE_KINGDOMS.contains(k1) && VAGUE_KINGDOMS.contains(k2)) { return 8; } return -10; } /** * Produces a value between 0 and 100 by taking the not properly normalized confidence in the expected range of * 0 to 175. This function is optimized to deal with acceptable matches being above 80, good matches above 90 and * very good matches incl and above 100. The maximum of 100 is reached for an input of 175 or above. */ @VisibleForTesting protected static int normConfidence(int s) { return minMax(0, 100, s <= 80 ? s : (int) Math.round(75.8 + (26d * (Math.log10((s - 70d) * 1.5) - 1)))); } private static int minMax(int min, int max, int value) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value)); } /** * Ordering based on match confidence and scientific name secondly. */ public static class ConfidenceOrder implements Comparator<NameUsageMatch> { @Override public int compare(NameUsageMatch o1, NameUsageMatch o2) { return ComparisonChain.start() .compare(o1.getConfidence(), o2.getConfidence(), Ordering.natural().reverse().nullsLast()) .compare(o1.getScientificName(), o2.getScientificName(), Ordering.natural().nullsLast()) .result(); } } }