/* * Copyright 2010-2016 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model; import java.io.Serializable; import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; import com.amazonaws.Request; import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.transform.DescribeVolumeStatusRequestMarshaller; /** * Container for the parameters to the {@link com.amazonaws.services.ec2.AmazonEC2#describeVolumeStatus(DescribeVolumeStatusRequest) DescribeVolumeStatus operation}. * <p> * Describes the status of the specified volumes. Volume status provides * the result of the checks performed on your volumes to determine events * that can impair the performance of your volumes. The performance of a * volume can be affected if an issue occurs on the volume's underlying * host. If the volume's underlying host experiences a power outage or * system issue, after the system is restored, there could be data * inconsistencies on the volume. Volume events notify you if this * occurs. Volume actions notify you if any action needs to be taken in * response to the event. * </p> * <p> * The <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> operation provides the following * information about the specified volumes: * </p> * <p> * <i>Status</i> : Reflects the current status of the volume. The * possible values are <code>ok</code> , * <code>impaired</code> , * <code>warning</code> , or * <code>insufficient-data</code> . If all checks pass, the overall * status of the volume is <code>ok</code> . If the check fails, the * overall status is <code>impaired</code> . If the status is * <code>insufficient-data</code> , then the checks may still be taking * place on your volume at the time. We recommend that you retry the * request. For more information on volume status, see * <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/monitoring-volume-status.html"> Monitoring the Status of Your Volumes </a> * . * </p> * <p> * <i>Events</i> : Reflect the cause of a volume status and may require * you to take action. For example, if your volume returns an * <code>impaired</code> status, then the volume event might be * <code>potential-data-inconsistency</code> . This means that your * volume has been affected by an issue with the underlying host, has all * I/O operations disabled, and may have inconsistent data. * </p> * <p> * <i>Actions</i> : Reflect the actions you may have to take in response * to an event. For example, if the status of the volume is * <code>impaired</code> and the volume event shows * <code>potential-data-inconsistency</code> , then the action shows * <code>enable-volume-io</code> . This means that you may want to enable * the I/O operations for the volume by calling the EnableVolumeIO action * and then check the volume for data consistency. * </p> * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> Volume status is based on the volume status checks, and * does not reflect the volume state. Therefore, volume status does not * indicate volumes in the error state (for example, when a volume is * incapable of accepting I/O.) * </p> * * @see com.amazonaws.services.ec2.AmazonEC2#describeVolumeStatus(DescribeVolumeStatusRequest) */ public class DescribeVolumeStatusRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, DryRunSupportedRequest<DescribeVolumeStatusRequest> { /** * One or more volume IDs. <p>Default: Describes all your volumes. */ private com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<String> volumeIds; /** * One or more filters. <ul> <li> <p><code>action.code</code> - The * action code for the event (for example, * <code>enable-volume-io</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>action.description</code> - A description of the action. * </li> <li> <p><code>action.event-id</code> - The event ID associated * with the action. </li> <li> <p><code>availability-zone</code> - The * Availability Zone of the instance. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.description</code> - A description of the event. </li> * <li> <p><code>event.event-id</code> - The event ID. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.event-type</code> - The event type (for * <code>io-enabled</code>: <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; * for <code>io-performance</code>: <code>io-performance:degraded</code> * | <code>io-performance:severely-degraded</code> | * <code>io-performance:stalled</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>event.not-after</code> - The latest end time for the event. * </li> <li> <p><code>event.not-before</code> - The earliest start time * for the event. </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.details-name</code> - * The cause for <code>volume-status.status</code> * (<code>io-enabled</code> | <code>io-performance</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>volume-status.details-status</code> - The status of * <code>volume-status.details-name</code> (for <code>io-enabled</code>: * <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; for * <code>io-performance</code>: <code>normal</code> | * <code>degraded</code> | <code>severely-degraded</code> | * <code>stalled</code>). </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.status</code> * - The status of the volume (<code>ok</code> | <code>impaired</code> | * <code>warning</code> | <code>insufficient-data</code>). </li> </ul> */ private com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<Filter> filters; /** * The <code>NextToken</code> value to include in a future * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> request. When the results of the * request exceed <code>MaxResults</code>, this value can be used to * retrieve the next page of results. This value is <code>null</code> * when there are no more results to return. */ private String nextToken; /** * The maximum number of volume results returned by * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> in paginated output. When this * parameter is used, the request only returns <code>MaxResults</code> * results in a single page along with a <code>NextToken</code> response * element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by * sending another request with the returned <code>NextToken</code> * value. This value can be between 5 and 1000; if * <code>MaxResults</code> is given a value larger than 1000, only 1000 * results are returned. If this parameter is not used, then * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> returns all results. You cannot * specify this parameter and the volume IDs parameter in the same * request. */ private Integer maxResults; /** * One or more volume IDs. <p>Default: Describes all your volumes. * * @return One or more volume IDs. <p>Default: Describes all your volumes. */ public java.util.List<String> getVolumeIds() { if (volumeIds == null) { volumeIds = new com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<String>(); volumeIds.setAutoConstruct(true); } return volumeIds; } /** * One or more volume IDs. <p>Default: Describes all your volumes. * * @param volumeIds One or more volume IDs. <p>Default: Describes all your volumes. */ public void setVolumeIds(java.util.Collection<String> volumeIds) { if (volumeIds == null) { this.volumeIds = null; return; } com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<String> volumeIdsCopy = new com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<String>(volumeIds.size()); volumeIdsCopy.addAll(volumeIds); this.volumeIds = volumeIdsCopy; } /** * One or more volume IDs. <p>Default: Describes all your volumes. * <p> * Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. * * @param volumeIds One or more volume IDs. <p>Default: Describes all your volumes. * * @return A reference to this updated object so that method calls can be chained * together. */ public DescribeVolumeStatusRequest withVolumeIds(String... volumeIds) { if (getVolumeIds() == null) setVolumeIds(new java.util.ArrayList<String>(volumeIds.length)); for (String value : volumeIds) { getVolumeIds().add(value); } return this; } /** * One or more volume IDs. <p>Default: Describes all your volumes. * <p> * Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. * * @param volumeIds One or more volume IDs. <p>Default: Describes all your volumes. * * @return A reference to this updated object so that method calls can be chained * together. */ public DescribeVolumeStatusRequest withVolumeIds(java.util.Collection<String> volumeIds) { if (volumeIds == null) { this.volumeIds = null; } else { com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<String> volumeIdsCopy = new com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<String>(volumeIds.size()); volumeIdsCopy.addAll(volumeIds); this.volumeIds = volumeIdsCopy; } return this; } /** * One or more filters. <ul> <li> <p><code>action.code</code> - The * action code for the event (for example, * <code>enable-volume-io</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>action.description</code> - A description of the action. * </li> <li> <p><code>action.event-id</code> - The event ID associated * with the action. </li> <li> <p><code>availability-zone</code> - The * Availability Zone of the instance. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.description</code> - A description of the event. </li> * <li> <p><code>event.event-id</code> - The event ID. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.event-type</code> - The event type (for * <code>io-enabled</code>: <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; * for <code>io-performance</code>: <code>io-performance:degraded</code> * | <code>io-performance:severely-degraded</code> | * <code>io-performance:stalled</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>event.not-after</code> - The latest end time for the event. * </li> <li> <p><code>event.not-before</code> - The earliest start time * for the event. </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.details-name</code> - * The cause for <code>volume-status.status</code> * (<code>io-enabled</code> | <code>io-performance</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>volume-status.details-status</code> - The status of * <code>volume-status.details-name</code> (for <code>io-enabled</code>: * <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; for * <code>io-performance</code>: <code>normal</code> | * <code>degraded</code> | <code>severely-degraded</code> | * <code>stalled</code>). </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.status</code> * - The status of the volume (<code>ok</code> | <code>impaired</code> | * <code>warning</code> | <code>insufficient-data</code>). </li> </ul> * * @return One or more filters. <ul> <li> <p><code>action.code</code> - The * action code for the event (for example, * <code>enable-volume-io</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>action.description</code> - A description of the action. * </li> <li> <p><code>action.event-id</code> - The event ID associated * with the action. </li> <li> <p><code>availability-zone</code> - The * Availability Zone of the instance. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.description</code> - A description of the event. </li> * <li> <p><code>event.event-id</code> - The event ID. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.event-type</code> - The event type (for * <code>io-enabled</code>: <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; * for <code>io-performance</code>: <code>io-performance:degraded</code> * | <code>io-performance:severely-degraded</code> | * <code>io-performance:stalled</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>event.not-after</code> - The latest end time for the event. * </li> <li> <p><code>event.not-before</code> - The earliest start time * for the event. </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.details-name</code> - * The cause for <code>volume-status.status</code> * (<code>io-enabled</code> | <code>io-performance</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>volume-status.details-status</code> - The status of * <code>volume-status.details-name</code> (for <code>io-enabled</code>: * <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; for * <code>io-performance</code>: <code>normal</code> | * <code>degraded</code> | <code>severely-degraded</code> | * <code>stalled</code>). </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.status</code> * - The status of the volume (<code>ok</code> | <code>impaired</code> | * <code>warning</code> | <code>insufficient-data</code>). </li> </ul> */ public java.util.List<Filter> getFilters() { if (filters == null) { filters = new com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<Filter>(); filters.setAutoConstruct(true); } return filters; } /** * One or more filters. <ul> <li> <p><code>action.code</code> - The * action code for the event (for example, * <code>enable-volume-io</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>action.description</code> - A description of the action. * </li> <li> <p><code>action.event-id</code> - The event ID associated * with the action. </li> <li> <p><code>availability-zone</code> - The * Availability Zone of the instance. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.description</code> - A description of the event. </li> * <li> <p><code>event.event-id</code> - The event ID. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.event-type</code> - The event type (for * <code>io-enabled</code>: <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; * for <code>io-performance</code>: <code>io-performance:degraded</code> * | <code>io-performance:severely-degraded</code> | * <code>io-performance:stalled</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>event.not-after</code> - The latest end time for the event. * </li> <li> <p><code>event.not-before</code> - The earliest start time * for the event. </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.details-name</code> - * The cause for <code>volume-status.status</code> * (<code>io-enabled</code> | <code>io-performance</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>volume-status.details-status</code> - The status of * <code>volume-status.details-name</code> (for <code>io-enabled</code>: * <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; for * <code>io-performance</code>: <code>normal</code> | * <code>degraded</code> | <code>severely-degraded</code> | * <code>stalled</code>). </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.status</code> * - The status of the volume (<code>ok</code> | <code>impaired</code> | * <code>warning</code> | <code>insufficient-data</code>). </li> </ul> * * @param filters One or more filters. <ul> <li> <p><code>action.code</code> - The * action code for the event (for example, * <code>enable-volume-io</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>action.description</code> - A description of the action. * </li> <li> <p><code>action.event-id</code> - The event ID associated * with the action. </li> <li> <p><code>availability-zone</code> - The * Availability Zone of the instance. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.description</code> - A description of the event. </li> * <li> <p><code>event.event-id</code> - The event ID. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.event-type</code> - The event type (for * <code>io-enabled</code>: <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; * for <code>io-performance</code>: <code>io-performance:degraded</code> * | <code>io-performance:severely-degraded</code> | * <code>io-performance:stalled</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>event.not-after</code> - The latest end time for the event. * </li> <li> <p><code>event.not-before</code> - The earliest start time * for the event. </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.details-name</code> - * The cause for <code>volume-status.status</code> * (<code>io-enabled</code> | <code>io-performance</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>volume-status.details-status</code> - The status of * <code>volume-status.details-name</code> (for <code>io-enabled</code>: * <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; for * <code>io-performance</code>: <code>normal</code> | * <code>degraded</code> | <code>severely-degraded</code> | * <code>stalled</code>). </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.status</code> * - The status of the volume (<code>ok</code> | <code>impaired</code> | * <code>warning</code> | <code>insufficient-data</code>). </li> </ul> */ public void setFilters(java.util.Collection<Filter> filters) { if (filters == null) { this.filters = null; return; } com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<Filter> filtersCopy = new com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<Filter>(filters.size()); filtersCopy.addAll(filters); this.filters = filtersCopy; } /** * One or more filters. <ul> <li> <p><code>action.code</code> - The * action code for the event (for example, * <code>enable-volume-io</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>action.description</code> - A description of the action. * </li> <li> <p><code>action.event-id</code> - The event ID associated * with the action. </li> <li> <p><code>availability-zone</code> - The * Availability Zone of the instance. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.description</code> - A description of the event. </li> * <li> <p><code>event.event-id</code> - The event ID. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.event-type</code> - The event type (for * <code>io-enabled</code>: <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; * for <code>io-performance</code>: <code>io-performance:degraded</code> * | <code>io-performance:severely-degraded</code> | * <code>io-performance:stalled</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>event.not-after</code> - The latest end time for the event. * </li> <li> <p><code>event.not-before</code> - The earliest start time * for the event. </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.details-name</code> - * The cause for <code>volume-status.status</code> * (<code>io-enabled</code> | <code>io-performance</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>volume-status.details-status</code> - The status of * <code>volume-status.details-name</code> (for <code>io-enabled</code>: * <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; for * <code>io-performance</code>: <code>normal</code> | * <code>degraded</code> | <code>severely-degraded</code> | * <code>stalled</code>). </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.status</code> * - The status of the volume (<code>ok</code> | <code>impaired</code> | * <code>warning</code> | <code>insufficient-data</code>). </li> </ul> * <p> * Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. * * @param filters One or more filters. <ul> <li> <p><code>action.code</code> - The * action code for the event (for example, * <code>enable-volume-io</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>action.description</code> - A description of the action. * </li> <li> <p><code>action.event-id</code> - The event ID associated * with the action. </li> <li> <p><code>availability-zone</code> - The * Availability Zone of the instance. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.description</code> - A description of the event. </li> * <li> <p><code>event.event-id</code> - The event ID. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.event-type</code> - The event type (for * <code>io-enabled</code>: <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; * for <code>io-performance</code>: <code>io-performance:degraded</code> * | <code>io-performance:severely-degraded</code> | * <code>io-performance:stalled</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>event.not-after</code> - The latest end time for the event. * </li> <li> <p><code>event.not-before</code> - The earliest start time * for the event. </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.details-name</code> - * The cause for <code>volume-status.status</code> * (<code>io-enabled</code> | <code>io-performance</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>volume-status.details-status</code> - The status of * <code>volume-status.details-name</code> (for <code>io-enabled</code>: * <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; for * <code>io-performance</code>: <code>normal</code> | * <code>degraded</code> | <code>severely-degraded</code> | * <code>stalled</code>). </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.status</code> * - The status of the volume (<code>ok</code> | <code>impaired</code> | * <code>warning</code> | <code>insufficient-data</code>). </li> </ul> * * @return A reference to this updated object so that method calls can be chained * together. */ public DescribeVolumeStatusRequest withFilters(Filter... filters) { if (getFilters() == null) setFilters(new java.util.ArrayList<Filter>(filters.length)); for (Filter value : filters) { getFilters().add(value); } return this; } /** * One or more filters. <ul> <li> <p><code>action.code</code> - The * action code for the event (for example, * <code>enable-volume-io</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>action.description</code> - A description of the action. * </li> <li> <p><code>action.event-id</code> - The event ID associated * with the action. </li> <li> <p><code>availability-zone</code> - The * Availability Zone of the instance. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.description</code> - A description of the event. </li> * <li> <p><code>event.event-id</code> - The event ID. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.event-type</code> - The event type (for * <code>io-enabled</code>: <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; * for <code>io-performance</code>: <code>io-performance:degraded</code> * | <code>io-performance:severely-degraded</code> | * <code>io-performance:stalled</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>event.not-after</code> - The latest end time for the event. * </li> <li> <p><code>event.not-before</code> - The earliest start time * for the event. </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.details-name</code> - * The cause for <code>volume-status.status</code> * (<code>io-enabled</code> | <code>io-performance</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>volume-status.details-status</code> - The status of * <code>volume-status.details-name</code> (for <code>io-enabled</code>: * <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; for * <code>io-performance</code>: <code>normal</code> | * <code>degraded</code> | <code>severely-degraded</code> | * <code>stalled</code>). </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.status</code> * - The status of the volume (<code>ok</code> | <code>impaired</code> | * <code>warning</code> | <code>insufficient-data</code>). </li> </ul> * <p> * Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. * * @param filters One or more filters. <ul> <li> <p><code>action.code</code> - The * action code for the event (for example, * <code>enable-volume-io</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>action.description</code> - A description of the action. * </li> <li> <p><code>action.event-id</code> - The event ID associated * with the action. </li> <li> <p><code>availability-zone</code> - The * Availability Zone of the instance. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.description</code> - A description of the event. </li> * <li> <p><code>event.event-id</code> - The event ID. </li> <li> * <p><code>event.event-type</code> - The event type (for * <code>io-enabled</code>: <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; * for <code>io-performance</code>: <code>io-performance:degraded</code> * | <code>io-performance:severely-degraded</code> | * <code>io-performance:stalled</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>event.not-after</code> - The latest end time for the event. * </li> <li> <p><code>event.not-before</code> - The earliest start time * for the event. </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.details-name</code> - * The cause for <code>volume-status.status</code> * (<code>io-enabled</code> | <code>io-performance</code>). </li> <li> * <p><code>volume-status.details-status</code> - The status of * <code>volume-status.details-name</code> (for <code>io-enabled</code>: * <code>passed</code> | <code>failed</code>; for * <code>io-performance</code>: <code>normal</code> | * <code>degraded</code> | <code>severely-degraded</code> | * <code>stalled</code>). </li> <li> <p><code>volume-status.status</code> * - The status of the volume (<code>ok</code> | <code>impaired</code> | * <code>warning</code> | <code>insufficient-data</code>). </li> </ul> * * @return A reference to this updated object so that method calls can be chained * together. */ public DescribeVolumeStatusRequest withFilters(java.util.Collection<Filter> filters) { if (filters == null) { this.filters = null; } else { com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<Filter> filtersCopy = new com.amazonaws.internal.ListWithAutoConstructFlag<Filter>(filters.size()); filtersCopy.addAll(filters); this.filters = filtersCopy; } return this; } /** * The <code>NextToken</code> value to include in a future * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> request. When the results of the * request exceed <code>MaxResults</code>, this value can be used to * retrieve the next page of results. This value is <code>null</code> * when there are no more results to return. * * @return The <code>NextToken</code> value to include in a future * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> request. When the results of the * request exceed <code>MaxResults</code>, this value can be used to * retrieve the next page of results. This value is <code>null</code> * when there are no more results to return. */ public String getNextToken() { return nextToken; } /** * The <code>NextToken</code> value to include in a future * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> request. When the results of the * request exceed <code>MaxResults</code>, this value can be used to * retrieve the next page of results. This value is <code>null</code> * when there are no more results to return. * * @param nextToken The <code>NextToken</code> value to include in a future * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> request. When the results of the * request exceed <code>MaxResults</code>, this value can be used to * retrieve the next page of results. This value is <code>null</code> * when there are no more results to return. */ public void setNextToken(String nextToken) { this.nextToken = nextToken; } /** * The <code>NextToken</code> value to include in a future * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> request. When the results of the * request exceed <code>MaxResults</code>, this value can be used to * retrieve the next page of results. This value is <code>null</code> * when there are no more results to return. * <p> * Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. * * @param nextToken The <code>NextToken</code> value to include in a future * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> request. When the results of the * request exceed <code>MaxResults</code>, this value can be used to * retrieve the next page of results. This value is <code>null</code> * when there are no more results to return. * * @return A reference to this updated object so that method calls can be chained * together. */ public DescribeVolumeStatusRequest withNextToken(String nextToken) { this.nextToken = nextToken; return this; } /** * The maximum number of volume results returned by * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> in paginated output. When this * parameter is used, the request only returns <code>MaxResults</code> * results in a single page along with a <code>NextToken</code> response * element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by * sending another request with the returned <code>NextToken</code> * value. This value can be between 5 and 1000; if * <code>MaxResults</code> is given a value larger than 1000, only 1000 * results are returned. If this parameter is not used, then * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> returns all results. You cannot * specify this parameter and the volume IDs parameter in the same * request. * * @return The maximum number of volume results returned by * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> in paginated output. When this * parameter is used, the request only returns <code>MaxResults</code> * results in a single page along with a <code>NextToken</code> response * element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by * sending another request with the returned <code>NextToken</code> * value. This value can be between 5 and 1000; if * <code>MaxResults</code> is given a value larger than 1000, only 1000 * results are returned. If this parameter is not used, then * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> returns all results. You cannot * specify this parameter and the volume IDs parameter in the same * request. */ public Integer getMaxResults() { return maxResults; } /** * The maximum number of volume results returned by * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> in paginated output. When this * parameter is used, the request only returns <code>MaxResults</code> * results in a single page along with a <code>NextToken</code> response * element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by * sending another request with the returned <code>NextToken</code> * value. This value can be between 5 and 1000; if * <code>MaxResults</code> is given a value larger than 1000, only 1000 * results are returned. If this parameter is not used, then * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> returns all results. You cannot * specify this parameter and the volume IDs parameter in the same * request. * * @param maxResults The maximum number of volume results returned by * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> in paginated output. When this * parameter is used, the request only returns <code>MaxResults</code> * results in a single page along with a <code>NextToken</code> response * element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by * sending another request with the returned <code>NextToken</code> * value. This value can be between 5 and 1000; if * <code>MaxResults</code> is given a value larger than 1000, only 1000 * results are returned. If this parameter is not used, then * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> returns all results. You cannot * specify this parameter and the volume IDs parameter in the same * request. */ public void setMaxResults(Integer maxResults) { this.maxResults = maxResults; } /** * The maximum number of volume results returned by * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> in paginated output. When this * parameter is used, the request only returns <code>MaxResults</code> * results in a single page along with a <code>NextToken</code> response * element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by * sending another request with the returned <code>NextToken</code> * value. This value can be between 5 and 1000; if * <code>MaxResults</code> is given a value larger than 1000, only 1000 * results are returned. If this parameter is not used, then * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> returns all results. You cannot * specify this parameter and the volume IDs parameter in the same * request. * <p> * Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. * * @param maxResults The maximum number of volume results returned by * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> in paginated output. When this * parameter is used, the request only returns <code>MaxResults</code> * results in a single page along with a <code>NextToken</code> response * element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by * sending another request with the returned <code>NextToken</code> * value. This value can be between 5 and 1000; if * <code>MaxResults</code> is given a value larger than 1000, only 1000 * results are returned. If this parameter is not used, then * <code>DescribeVolumeStatus</code> returns all results. You cannot * specify this parameter and the volume IDs parameter in the same * request. * * @return A reference to this updated object so that method calls can be chained * together. */ public DescribeVolumeStatusRequest withMaxResults(Integer maxResults) { this.maxResults = maxResults; return this; } /** * This method is intended for internal use only. * Returns the marshaled request configured with additional parameters to * enable operation dry-run. */ @Override public Request<DescribeVolumeStatusRequest> getDryRunRequest() { Request<DescribeVolumeStatusRequest> request = new DescribeVolumeStatusRequestMarshaller().marshall(this); request.addParameter("DryRun", Boolean.toString(true)); return request; } /** * Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and * debugging. * * @return A string representation of this object. * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); if (getVolumeIds() != null) sb.append("VolumeIds: " + getVolumeIds() + ","); if (getFilters() != null) sb.append("Filters: " + getFilters() + ","); if (getNextToken() != null) sb.append("NextToken: " + getNextToken() + ","); if (getMaxResults() != null) sb.append("MaxResults: " + getMaxResults() ); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int hashCode = 1; hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getVolumeIds() == null) ? 0 : getVolumeIds().hashCode()); hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getFilters() == null) ? 0 : getFilters().hashCode()); hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getNextToken() == null) ? 0 : getNextToken().hashCode()); hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getMaxResults() == null) ? 0 : getMaxResults().hashCode()); return hashCode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (obj instanceof DescribeVolumeStatusRequest == false) return false; DescribeVolumeStatusRequest other = (DescribeVolumeStatusRequest)obj; if (other.getVolumeIds() == null ^ this.getVolumeIds() == null) return false; if (other.getVolumeIds() != null && other.getVolumeIds().equals(this.getVolumeIds()) == false) return false; if (other.getFilters() == null ^ this.getFilters() == null) return false; if (other.getFilters() != null && other.getFilters().equals(this.getFilters()) == false) return false; if (other.getNextToken() == null ^ this.getNextToken() == null) return false; if (other.getNextToken() != null && other.getNextToken().equals(this.getNextToken()) == false) return false; if (other.getMaxResults() == null ^ this.getMaxResults() == null) return false; if (other.getMaxResults() != null && other.getMaxResults().equals(this.getMaxResults()) == false) return false; return true; } }