package; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.Preference; import android.preference.PreferenceCategory; import android.preference.PreferenceFragment; import android.preference.PreferenceScreen; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.TextView; import; /** * Created by Alexander Christ on 16.08.14. */ public class TestSuiteFragment extends PreferenceFragment { private PreferenceScreen root; private final static int mNumProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); private static final String LOG_TAG = PreferenceFragment.class.getName(); private double mStartTime, mTargetTime; private double mMFlops = 0; private int mProgress; private ActionBar mActionBar; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setHasOptionsMenu(true); // Load the preferences from an XML resource addPreferencesFromResource(R.layout.testsuite_fragment); root = this.getPreferenceScreen(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { mActionBar = getActivity().getActionBar(); mActionBar.setTitle(getText(R.string.slider_testsuite_settings)); } else { TextView mActionBarTitle = (TextView) getActivity().findViewById(getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar_title", "id", "android")); mActionBarTitle.setText(R.string.slider_testsuite_settings); } // Load our custom preferences; loadSettings(); } public void loadSettings() { final PreferenceCategory TestSuiteCat = (PreferenceCategory) findPreference("testsuite_settings"); Preference lpPreference = (Preference) root.findPreference("linpack_test"); lpPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() { @Override public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) { new RunBenchmark().execute(); return false; } }); TestSuiteCat.addPreference(lpPreference); } /* * Configures how many threads should be started */ public final void setUpBenchmark(int numThreads) { mMFlops = 0; Runnable[] runWorker = new Runnable[numThreads]; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { final Linpack lp = new Linpack(); lp.resetBenchmark(); warmUp(lp); lp.resetBenchmark(); runWorker[i] = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (this) { runTest(lp); } } }; } mStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 5 Second Benchmark mTargetTime = (mStartTime + 5000); for (int j = 0; j < numThreads; j++) { Thread mWorker = new Thread(runWorker[j]); mWorker.start(); Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Running now!"); } } public final void warmUp(Linpack lp) { // WarumUp the hardware; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) lp.run_benchmark(); } /* * Does the real benchmarking via recursive calls */ public final void runTest(Linpack lp) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis()) < mTargetTime) { lp.run_benchmark(); runTest(lp); } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Stopped the test"); gatherResults(lp); } } public final void gatherResults(Linpack lp) { mMFlops += lp.getMFlops(); // Completed another run; mProgress++; Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Average MFLop-Counter: " + mMFlops + " Time Passed:" + lp.getTimePassed()); } private class RunBenchmark extends AsyncTask<Void, Integer, Void> { ProgressDialog progressDialog; @Override protected void onPreExecute() { super.onPreExecute(); progressDialog =, "Running Linpack","Burning your CPUs...", false); progressDialog.setIndeterminateDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.spinner_animation)); mProgress = 0; } @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { while(mProgress < mNumProcessors){ publishProgress(mProgress); setUpBenchmark(mNumProcessors); /* * While the first loop starts up the benchmark, the latter one * takes care of a simple lock. As long as we keep spinning no more * threads are created. Overheat should be negligible, since the cpu * just jumps around. */ while (mProgress < mNumProcessors) {} } return null; } protected void onPostExecute(Void result) { super.onPostExecute(result); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); builder.setTitle("Result"); builder.setMessage("Great! \nYou have achieved; \n" + mMFlops + " MFlops");; mMFlops = 0; progressDialog.dismiss(); }; } }