package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; /** * Created by Alexander Christ on 30.04.15. * * The main class to hold the app context for each app. It also holds * information about the time usage of the spoken app. */ public final class AppContext { private String mAppName; private long mTimeUsage = 0; // TimeUsage in milliseconds private long mLastChecked = 0; public AppContext(final String appname) { if (mAppName != null) throw new ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler.EX_APP_NAME_OVERRIDE + " (" + mAppName + ") "); this.mAppName = appname; } /** * Returns the appname of this context (e.g. * @return String, the packagename of the app. */ public final String getAppName() { return mAppName; } /** * Sets the the last checked time to now (in ms). */ public final void setLastCheckedNow() { this.mLastChecked = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Sets the last checked time to a desired time (in ms) * @param lastchecked, the actual value in ms */ public final void setLastChecked(long lastchecked) { this.mLastChecked = lastchecked; } /** * Returns the last checked value, if it hasn't been checked before * it calls setLastCheckedNow() to set the current time. * @return long, the last checked time value */ public final long getLastChecked() { if (mLastChecked == 0) mLastChecked = System.currentTimeMillis(); return mLastChecked; } /** * Increases the timely usage of this context by the passed amount. * @param time long, the amount to increase the usage counter. */ public final void increaseTimeUsage(final long time) { this.mTimeUsage += time; } /** * Returns the current usage time of this app context. * @return long, current timely usage. */ public final long getTimeUsage() { return mTimeUsage; } /** * Sets the current time usage value for this context * @param timeusage long, the amount of total usage in ms */ public final void setTimeUsage(long timeusage) { this.mTimeUsage = timeusage; } /** * Returns a formatted string of the current time usage. * Just a wrapper to call the right method in the Util class * @return String */ public final String getFormatTimeUsage() { return Util.getFormatedTimeString(getTimeUsage()); } /** * Returns true or false whether the current timely usage is above our threshold. * Used for the cleanup-routines. * @return boolean */ public final boolean isAboveThreshold() { return getTimeUsage() >= Configuration.TIME_THRESHOLD; } /** * Small cleanup-routine to reset our last checked time and timely usage values. */ public final void cleanUp() { this.mLastChecked = 0; this.mTimeUsage = 0; } /** * Returns the real appname of this app context (e.g. Aero Control) by searching * for it via the getAppName() method. If we can't find the app (because it has * been removed from the system for example) we return NULL. * @param context Context, a context passed from the caller * @return String, can be NULL otherwise the real app name. */ public final String getRealAppName(final Context context) { final PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); ApplicationInfo appInfo = null; try { appInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo(getAppName(), 0); } catch (final PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { // We didnt find anything :( return null; } return (String) pm.getApplicationLabel(appInfo); } }