package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Handler; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by Alexander Christ on 05.01.14. */ public class settingsHelper { private static final String PREF_CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE = "set_governor"; private static final String PREF_CPU_MAX_FREQ = "max_frequency"; private static final String PREF_CPU_MIN_FREQ = "min_frequency"; private static final String PREF_CPU_BIG_MAX_FREQ = "big_max_frequency"; private static final String PREF_CPU_BIG_MIN_FREQ = "big_min_frequency"; private static final String PREF_CPU_COMMANDS = "cpu_commands"; private static final String PREF_CURRENT_GPU_GOV_AVAILABLE = "set_gpu_governor"; private static final String PREF_GPU_FREQ_MAX = "gpu_max_freq"; private static final String PREF_GPU_CONTROL_ACTIVE = "gpu_control_enable"; private static final String PREF_DISPLAY_COLOR = "display_control"; private static final String PREF_SWEEP2WAKE = "sweeptowake"; private static final String PREF_DOUBLETAP2WAKE = "doubletaptowake"; private static final String PREF_GOV_IO_FILE = "io_scheduler_list"; private static final String PREF_DYANMIC_FSYNC = "dynFsync"; private static final String PREF_FSYNC = "fsync"; private static final String PREF_KSM = "ksm"; private static final String PREF_READAHEAD = "read_ahead"; private static final String PREF_ENTROPY_SETTINGS = "entropy_settings"; private static final String PREF_WRITEBACK = "writeback"; private static final String PREF_TCP_CONGESTION = "tcp_congestion"; private static final String PREF_TIMER_DELAY = "boot_delay"; private static final String MISC_SETTINGS_STORAGE = "miscSettingsStorage"; private SharedPreferences prefs; private SharedPreferences mMiscSettings; private String gpu_file; private String mHotplugPath; private String mGPUGov; private static final int mNumCpus = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); private static final shellHelper shell = shellHelper.instance(); private static final shellHelper shellPara = shellHelper.forceInstance(); private static final ArrayList<String> defaultProfile = new ArrayList<String>(); private static final GenericHelper genHelper = new GenericHelper(); public void setSettings(final Context context, final String Profile, final boolean onboot) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // We need to sleep here for a short while for the kernel if (shell.setOverclockAddress()) { try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e("Aero", "Something went really wrong...", e); } } // Apply all our saved values; doBackground(context, Profile, onboot); if (onboot) { Handler h = new Handler(context.getMainLooper()); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Toast.makeText(context, context.getText(R.string.app_name) + ": " + context.getText(R.string.finishing_settings), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }); } } }).start(); } private void doBackground(final Context context, final String Profile, final boolean onboot) { if (Profile == null) prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); else prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(Profile, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); mMiscSettings = context.getSharedPreferences(MISC_SETTINGS_STORAGE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); if (onboot) { String timer_delay = prefs.getString(PREF_TIMER_DELAY, null); if (timer_delay != null) { int i = 0; try { i = Integer.parseInt(timer_delay); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // That's ok, we continue with 0 } try { Thread.sleep((i * 1000 * 60)); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } Handler h = new Handler(context.getMainLooper()); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Toast.makeText(context, context.getText(R.string.app_name) + ": " + context.getText(R.string.setonboot_settings), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }); } // GET CPU VALUES AND COMMANDS FROM PREFERENCES String cpu_max = prefs.getString(PREF_CPU_MAX_FREQ, null); String cpu_min = prefs.getString(PREF_CPU_MIN_FREQ, null); String cpu_big_max = prefs.getString(PREF_CPU_BIG_MAX_FREQ, null); String cpu_big_min = prefs.getString(PREF_CPU_BIG_MIN_FREQ, null); String cpu_gov = prefs.getString(PREF_CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE, null); // Overclocking.... try { HashSet<String> hashcpu_cmd = (HashSet<String>) prefs.getStringSet(PREF_CPU_COMMANDS, null); if (hashcpu_cmd != null) { for (String cmd : hashcpu_cmd) { shell.queueWork(cmd); } } } catch (ClassCastException e) { // HashSet didn't work, so we make a fallback; String cpu_cmd = prefs.getString(PREF_CPU_COMMANDS, null); if (cpu_cmd != null) { // Since we can't cast to hashmap, little workaround; String[] array = cpu_cmd.substring(1, cpu_cmd.length() - 1).split(","); for (String cmd : array) { shell.queueWork(cmd); } } } // Entropy settings... try { HashSet<String> hashent_cmd = (HashSet<String>) prefs.getStringSet(PREF_ENTROPY_SETTINGS, null); if (hashent_cmd != null) { for (String cmd : hashent_cmd) { shell.queueWork(cmd); } } } catch (ClassCastException e) { // HashSet didn't work, so we make a fallback; String ent_cmd = prefs.getString(PREF_ENTROPY_SETTINGS, null); if (ent_cmd != null) { // Since we can't cast to hashmap, little workaround; String[] array = ent_cmd.substring(1, ent_cmd.length() - 1).split(","); for (String cmd : array) { shell.queueWork(cmd); } } } String voltage = prefs.getString("voltage_values", null); if (voltage != null) shell.queueWork("echo " + voltage + " > " + FilePath.VOLTAGE_PATH); // GET GPU VALUES FROM PREFERENCES String gpu_gov = prefs.getString(PREF_CURRENT_GPU_GOV_AVAILABLE, null); String gpu_max = prefs.getString(PREF_GPU_FREQ_MAX, null); String display_color = prefs.getString(PREF_DISPLAY_COLOR, null); Boolean gpu_enb = getSaveBoolean(PREF_GPU_CONTROL_ACTIVE); Boolean sweep = getSaveBoolean(PREF_SWEEP2WAKE); Boolean doubletap = getSaveBoolean(PREF_DOUBLETAP2WAKE); String rgbValues = prefs.getString("rgbValues", null); // GET MEM VALUES FROM PREFERENCES String mem_ios = prefs.getString(PREF_GOV_IO_FILE, null); String mem_rah = prefs.getString(PREF_READAHEAD, null); Boolean mem_dfs = getSaveBoolean(PREF_DYANMIC_FSYNC); Boolean mem_wrb = getSaveBoolean(PREF_WRITEBACK); Boolean mem_fsy = getSaveBoolean(PREF_FSYNC) ; Boolean mem_ksm = getSaveBoolean(PREF_KSM); // Get Misc Settings from preferences String misc_vib = prefs.getString(FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILE, null); String misc_amp = prefs.getString(FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILEAMP, null); String misc_thm = prefs.getString(FilePath.MISC_THERMAL_CONTROL_FILE, null); String misc_tcp = prefs.getString(PREF_TCP_CONGESTION, null); String misc_vol = prefs.getString(FilePath.MISC_HEADSET_VOLUME_BOOST_FILE, null); // ADD CPU COMMANDS TO THE ARRAY ArrayList<String> governorSettings = new ArrayList<String>(); String max_freq = shell.getInfo(FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + 0 + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); String min_freq = shell.getInfo(FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + 0 + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); String max_big_freq = shell.getInfo(FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + 4 + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); String min_big_freq = shell.getInfo(FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + 4 + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); int cores = mNumCpus; //big.LITTLE; if (mNumCpus > 4) { cores = mNumCpus / 2; for (int k = 4; k < mNumCpus; k++) { if (cpu_big_max != null) { shell.queueWork("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); if (Profile != null) { defaultProfile.add("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); defaultProfile.add("echo " + max_big_freq + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); } shell.queueWork("echo " + cpu_big_max + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + cpu_big_max + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); } if (cpu_big_min != null) { shell.queueWork("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); if (Profile != null) { defaultProfile.add("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); defaultProfile.add("echo " + min_big_freq + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); } shell.queueWork("echo " + cpu_big_min + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); ///Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + cpu_big_min + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); } if (cpu_gov != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE); /* * Needs to be executed first, otherwise we would get a NullPointer * For safety reasons we sleep this thread later */ if (Profile != null) { defaultProfile.add("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE) + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE); } shell.queueWork("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); shell.queueWork("echo " + cpu_gov + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE); } } } for (int k = 0; k < cores; k++) { if (cpu_max != null) { shell.queueWork("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); if (Profile != null) { defaultProfile.add("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); defaultProfile.add("echo " + max_freq + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); } shell.queueWork("echo " + cpu_max + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + cpu_max + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MAX_FREQ); } if (cpu_min != null) { shell.queueWork("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); if (Profile != null) { defaultProfile.add("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); defaultProfile.add("echo " + min_freq + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); } shell.queueWork("echo " + cpu_min + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + cpu_min + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CPU_MIN_FREQ); } if (cpu_gov != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE); /* * Needs to be executed first, otherwise we would get a NullPointer * For safety reasons we sleep this thread later */ if (Profile != null) { defaultProfile.add("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE) + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE); } shell.queueWork("echo 1 > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + "/online"); shell.queueWork("echo " + cpu_gov + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + k + FilePath.CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE); } } if (mem_ios != null) { governorSettings.add("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.GOV_IO_FILE); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfoString(shell.getInfo(FilePath.GOV_IO_FILE)) + " > " + FilePath.GOV_IO_FILE); governorSettings.add("echo " + mem_ios + " > " + FilePath.GOV_IO_FILE); } if (mem_rah != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.READAHEAD_PARAMETER); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.READAHEAD_PARAMETER) + " > " + FilePath.READAHEAD_PARAMETER); shell.queueWork("echo " + mem_rah + " > " + FilePath.READAHEAD_PARAMETER); } if (cpu_gov != null || mem_ios != null) { // Seriously, we need to set this first because of dependencies; shell.setRootInfo(governorSettings.toArray(new String[0])); } /* GPU Governor */ if (gpu_gov != null) { for (String s: FilePath.GPU_GOV_ARRAY) { if (genHelper.doesExist(s)) mGPUGov = s; } shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + mGPUGov + "governor"); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(mGPUGov + "governor") + " > " + mGPUGov + "governor"); shell.queueWork("echo " + gpu_gov + " > " + mGPUGov + "governor"); } // ADD GPU COMMANDS TO THE ARRAY if (gpu_max != null) { for (String a : FilePath.GPU_FILES) { if (genHelper.doesExist(a)) { gpu_file = a; break; } } if (gpu_file != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + gpu_file); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(gpu_file) + " > " + gpu_file); shell.queueWork("echo " + gpu_max + " > " + gpu_file); } } if(genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.GPU_CONTROL_ACTIVE)) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.GPU_CONTROL_ACTIVE); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.GPU_CONTROL_ACTIVE) + " > " + FilePath.GPU_CONTROL_ACTIVE); shell.queueWork("echo " + (gpu_enb ? "1" : "0") + " > " + FilePath.GPU_CONTROL_ACTIVE); } if(genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.SWEEP2WAKE)) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.SWEEP2WAKE); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.SWEEP2WAKE) + " > " + FilePath.SWEEP2WAKE); shell.queueWork("echo " + (sweep ? "1" : "0") + " > " + FilePath.SWEEP2WAKE); } if(genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.DOUBLETAP2WAKE)) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.DOUBLETAP2WAKE); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.DOUBLETAP2WAKE) + " > " + FilePath.DOUBLETAP2WAKE); shell.queueWork("echo " + (doubletap ? "1" : "0") + " > " + FilePath.DOUBLETAP2WAKE); } if (display_color != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.DISPLAY_COLOR); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.DISPLAY_COLOR) + " > " + FilePath.DISPLAY_COLOR); shell.queueWork("echo " + display_color + " > " + FilePath.DISPLAY_COLOR); } if (rgbValues != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.COLOR_CONTROL); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.COLOR_CONTROL) + " > " + FilePath.COLOR_CONTROL); shell.queueWork("echo " + rgbValues + " > " + FilePath.COLOR_CONTROL); } // ADD MEM COMMANDS TO THE ARRAY if (genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.DYANMIC_FSYNC)) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.DYANMIC_FSYNC); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.DYANMIC_FSYNC) + " > " + FilePath.DYANMIC_FSYNC); shell.queueWork("echo " + (mem_dfs ? "1" : "0") + " > " + FilePath.DYANMIC_FSYNC); } if (genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.WRITEBACK)) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.WRITEBACK); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.WRITEBACK) + " > " + FilePath.WRITEBACK); shell.queueWork("echo " + (mem_wrb ? "1" : "0") + " > " + FilePath.WRITEBACK); } if (genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.FSYNC)) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.FSYNC); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.FSYNC) + " > " + FilePath.FSYNC); shell.queueWork("echo " + (mem_fsy ? "Y" : "N") + " > " + FilePath.FSYNC); } if (genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.KSM_SETTINGS)) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.KSM_SETTINGS); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.KSM_SETTINGS) + " > " + FilePath.KSM_SETTINGS); shell.queueWork("echo " + (mem_ksm ? "1" : "0") + " > " + FilePath.KSM_SETTINGS); } // Add misc commands to array if (misc_vib != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILE); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILE) + " > " + FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILE); shell.queueWork("echo " + misc_vib + " > " + FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILE); } if (misc_amp != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILEAMP); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILEAMP) + " > " + FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILEAMP); shell.queueWork("echo " + misc_amp + " > " + FilePath.MISC_VIBRATOR_CONTROL_FILEAMP); } if (misc_thm != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.MISC_THERMAL_CONTROL_FILE); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.MISC_THERMAL_CONTROL_FILE) + " > " + FilePath.MISC_THERMAL_CONTROL_FILE); shell.queueWork("echo " + misc_thm + " > " + FilePath.MISC_THERMAL_CONTROL_FILE); } if (misc_tcp != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.MISC_TCP_CONGESTION_CURRENT); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.MISC_TCP_CONGESTION_CURRENT) + " > " + FilePath.MISC_TCP_CONGESTION_CURRENT); shell.queueWork("echo " + misc_tcp + " > " + FilePath.MISC_TCP_CONGESTION_CURRENT); } if (misc_vol != null) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.MISC_HEADSET_VOLUME_BOOST_FILE); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.MISC_HEADSET_VOLUME_BOOST_FILE) + " > " + FilePath.MISC_HEADSET_VOLUME_BOOST_FILE); shell.queueWork("echo " + misc_vol + " > " + FilePath.MISC_HEADSET_VOLUME_BOOST_FILE); } // Generic Misc Settings; if (mMiscSettings != null) { final Map<String,?> misc_keys = mMiscSettings.getAll(); final Map<String,?> aero_keys = prefs.getAll(); for (final Map.Entry<String,?> a : misc_keys.entrySet()) { for (final Map.Entry<String,?> b : aero_keys.entrySet()) { if (a.getKey().equals(b.getKey())) { shell.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + b.getKey()); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(b.getKey()) + " > " + b.getKey()); shell.queueWork("echo " + b.getValue() + " > " + b.getKey()); } } } } // EXECUTE ALL THE COMMANDS COLLECTED shell.execWork(); shell.flushWork(); // Sleep here to avoid race conditions; try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e("Aero", "Something interrupted the main Thread, try again.", e); } try { setSubParameters(mem_ios, Profile, gpu_gov); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Log.e("Aero", "This shouldn't happen.. Maybe a race condition. ", e); } } public void executeDefault() { String[] defaultValues = defaultProfile.toArray(new String[0]); shell.setRootInfo(defaultValues); defaultProfile.clear(); } /* * Fallback-method for getting *old* boolean values */ private Boolean getSaveBoolean(final String s) { try { return prefs.getString(s, "0").equals("1") ? true : false; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return prefs.getBoolean(s, false); } } private void setSubParameters(String mem_ios, String Profile, String gpu_gov) throws NullPointerException { shellPara.queueWork("sleep 1"); final String completeVMSettings[] = shellPara.getDirInfo(FilePath.DALVIK_TWEAK, true); final String cpu_governor = shell.getInfo(FilePath.CPU_BASE_PATH + 0 + FilePath.CURRENT_GOV_AVAILABLE); final String completeGovernorSettingList[] = shellPara.getDirInfo(FilePath.CPU_GOV_BASE + cpu_governor, true); if (mem_ios != null) { String completeIOSchedulerSettings[] = shellPara.getDirInfo(FilePath.GOV_IO_PARAMETER, true); /* IO Scheduler Specific Settings at boot */ for (String b : completeIOSchedulerSettings) { final String ioSettings = prefs.getString(FilePath.GOV_IO_PARAMETER + "/" + b, null); if (ioSettings != null) { shellPara.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.GOV_IO_PARAMETER + "/" + b); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shellPara.getInfo(FilePath.GOV_IO_PARAMETER + "/" + b) + " > " + FilePath.GOV_IO_PARAMETER + "/" + b); shellPara.queueWork("echo " + ioSettings + " > " + FilePath.GOV_IO_PARAMETER + "/" + b); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + ioSettings + " > " + FilePath.GOV_IO_PARAMETER + "/" + b); } } } /* VM specific settings at boot */ for (String c : completeVMSettings) { final String vmSettings = prefs.getString(FilePath.DALVIK_TWEAK + "/" + c, null); if (vmSettings != null) { shellPara.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.DALVIK_TWEAK + "/" + c); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shellPara.getInfo(FilePath.DALVIK_TWEAK + "/" + c) + " > " + FilePath.DALVIK_TWEAK + "/" + c); shellPara.queueWork("echo " + vmSettings + " > " + FilePath.DALVIK_TWEAK + "/" + c); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + vmSettings + " > " + FilePath.DALVIK_TWEAK + "/" + c); } } for (String s : FilePath.HOTPLUG_PATH) { if (genHelper.doesExist(s)) mHotplugPath = s; } if (genHelper.doesExist(mHotplugPath)) { final String completeHotplugSettings[] = shellPara.getDirInfo(mHotplugPath, true); /* Hotplug specific settings at boot */ for (String d : completeHotplugSettings) { final String hotplugSettings = prefs.getString(mHotplugPath + "/" + d, null); if (hotplugSettings != null) { shellPara.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + mHotplugPath + "/" + d); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shellPara.getInfo(mHotplugPath + "/" + d) + " > " + mHotplugPath + "/" + d); shellPara.queueWork("echo " + hotplugSettings + " > " + mHotplugPath + "/" + d); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + hotplugSettings + " > " + mHotplugPath + "/" + d); } } } if (genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.CPU_BOOST)) { final String completeCPUBOOSTSettings[] = shellPara.getDirInfo(FilePath.CPU_BOOST, true); /* CPU Boost specific settings at boot */ for (String d : completeCPUBOOSTSettings) { final String cpuBoostSettings = prefs.getString(FilePath.CPU_BOOST + "/" + d, null); if (cpuBoostSettings != null) { shellPara.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.CPU_BOOST + "/" + d); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shellPara.getInfo(FilePath.CPU_BOOST + "/" + d) + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BOOST + "/" + d); shellPara.queueWork("echo " + cpuBoostSettings + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BOOST + "/" + d); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + cpuBoostSettings + " > " + FilePath.CPU_BOOST + "/" + d); } } } if (genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.GPU_GOV_PATH)) { final String completeGPUGovSettings[] = shellPara.getDirInfo(FilePath.GPU_GOV_PATH, true); /* GPU Governor specific settings at boot */ for (String e : completeGPUGovSettings) { final String gpugovSettings = prefs.getString(FilePath.GPU_GOV_PATH + "/" + e, null); if (gpugovSettings != null) { shellPara.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.GPU_GOV_PATH + "/" + e); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shellPara.getInfo(FilePath.GPU_GOV_PATH + "/" + e) + " > " + FilePath.GPU_GOV_PATH + "/" + e); shellPara.queueWork("echo " + gpugovSettings + " > " + FilePath.GPU_GOV_PATH + "/" + e); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + gpugovSettings + " > " + FilePath.GPU_GOV_PATH + "/" + e); } } } /* Governor Specific Settings at boot */ if (completeGovernorSettingList != null) { for (String b : completeGovernorSettingList) { final String governorSetting = prefs.getString(FilePath.CPU_GOV_BASE + cpu_governor + "/" + b, null); if (governorSetting != null) { shellPara.queueWork("sleep 1"); shellPara.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + FilePath.CPU_GOV_BASE + cpu_governor + "/" + b); if (Profile != null) { defaultProfile.add("sleep 1"); defaultProfile.add("echo " + shell.getInfo(FilePath.CPU_GOV_BASE + cpu_governor + "/" + b) + " > " + FilePath.CPU_GOV_BASE + cpu_governor + "/" + b); } shellPara.queueWork("echo " + governorSetting + " > " + FilePath.CPU_GOV_BASE + cpu_governor + "/" + b); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + governorSetting + " > " + FilePath.CPU_GOV_BASE + cpu_governor + "/" + b); } } } /* GPU Governor Parameters */ if (gpu_gov != null) { if (mGPUGov == null) { for (String s: FilePath.GPU_GOV_ARRAY) { if (genHelper.doesExist(s)) mGPUGov = s; } } final String completeGPUGovernorSetting[] = shell.getDirInfo(mGPUGov + gpu_gov, true); /* Governor Specific Settings at boot */ for (String b : completeGPUGovernorSetting) { final String governorSetting = prefs.getString(mGPUGov + gpu_gov + "/" + b, null); if (governorSetting != null) { shellPara.queueWork("chmod 0666 " + mGPUGov + gpu_gov + "/" + b); if (Profile != null) defaultProfile.add("echo " + shellPara.getInfo(mGPUGov + gpu_gov + "/" + b) + " > " + mGPUGov + gpu_gov + "/" + b); shellPara.queueWork("echo " + governorSetting + " > " + mGPUGov + gpu_gov + "/" + b); //Log.e("Aero", "Output: " + "echo " + governorSetting + " > " + FilePath.GPU_GOV_BASE + gpu_gov + "/" + b); } } } // EXECUTE ALL THE COMMANDS COLLECTED shellPara.execWork(); shellPara.flushWork(); } }