package; import android.os.Environment; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; /** * Created by Alexander Christ on 26.10.13. * Helper-Class for the Updater Fragment */ public class updateHelper { public static final String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyy").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); private static final String LOG_TAG = updateHelper.class.getName(); private static final String[][] WHITE_LIST_DEVICES = { {"Nexus 4", FilePath.BACKUPPATH[0]}, {"Nexus 5", FilePath.BACKUPPATH[0]}, {"ASUS_T00N", FilePath.BACKUPPATH[0]}, {"XT1032", FilePath.BACKUPPATH[0]}, {"XT1033", FilePath.BACKUPPATH[0]}, {"Nexus 7", FilePath.BACKUPPATH[1]} }; /** * Method for copying files. * * @param original => The original file (+Path) * @param copy => The new file (+Path) */ public final void copyFile(File original, File copy, boolean rest) throws IOException { FileChannel input = null; FileChannel output = null; if (!rest) { try { if (!Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)){ Log.e(LOG_TAG, "No Sdcard found!"); return; } else { File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() +File.separator +"" //folder name +File.separator +"backup" +File.separator +timeStamp); //file name file.mkdirs(); } input = new FileInputStream(original).getChannel(); output = new FileOutputStream(copy).getChannel(); output.transferFrom(input, 0, input.size()); } finally { // Handle error case on different devices; if(input == null || output == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not copy files or something went wrong."); } else { input.close(); output.close(); } } } else { input = new FileInputStream(original).getChannel(); output = new FileOutputStream(copy).getChannel(); output.transferFrom(input, 0, input.size()); input.close(); output.close(); } } /** * Returns the backup path if this model is in the white list * * @param model String, contains the model to check * @return String Backuppath or NULL if not found */ public String isWhiteListed(String model) { for (String[] s : WHITE_LIST_DEVICES) { if (s[0].equals(model)) { // We found a match! return s[1]; } } return null; } }