package; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Created by Alexander Christ on 30.04.15. * * Holds the app data in terms for each passed app context. * It also increases the time usage as well as the last check time for an app context. */ public final class AppData { private AppMetaData mMetaData; private final String mClassName = getClass().getName(); public AppData() { this.mMetaData = new AppMetaData(); AppLogger.print(mClassName, "App Data has been initialized!", 0); } /** * Adds the given AppContext to our AppMetaData class, which adds it to our "known" apps list. * @param context AppContext, the AppContext which we want to add */ public final void addContext(final AppContext context) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Trying to add the following app: " + context.getAppName(), 1); mMetaData.addToList(context); } /** * Gets the app context based on a appname (e.g. If its not added to the * known apps yet, we create a fresh context here. It also sets all timely based stuff upon * call. * If one wants just the AppContext, call getSimpleAppContext(). * @param appname String, the appname (packagename) * @return AppContext */ public final AppContext getAppContext(String appname) { return mMetaData.getAppContext(appname); } /** * Gets the app context based on a appname (e.g. Similar to getAppContext() * but without the whole logic, gets just the AppContext or NULL if we don't know about the * app yet. * @param appname String, the appname (packagename) * @return AppContext */ public final AppContext getSimpleAppContext(final String appname) { return mMetaData.getSimpleAppContext(appname); } /** * Gets the current "known" apps inside our data structure. * This won't return a NULL value, but the list itself could be * empty. Iterating over it is recommended. * @return ArrayList<AppContext>, a list containing all known AppContext */ public final ArrayList<AppContext> getAppList() { return mMetaData.mAppList; } /** * Clears all available data inside the metadata structure. * This should only be called during the import process, when * we load data back in. */ public final void clearData() { this.mMetaData = new AppMetaData(); } private final class AppMetaData { private ArrayList<AppContext> mAppList; private final String mClassName = getClass().getName(); public AppMetaData() { this.mAppList = new ArrayList<AppContext>(); } /** * Does this AppContext already exist in our list? * @param context AppContext to check * @return boolean, true if it exists otherwise false */ private boolean existsContext(final AppContext context) { int i = 0; if (context == null) { // Return fast, if the context is null; return false; } for (AppContext ac : mAppList) { if (ac.getAppName() != null) { if (ac.getAppName().equals(context.getAppName())) { i++; } } } if (i > 0) return true; AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Couldn't add the following app, bailing out: " + context.getAppName(), 1); return false; } /** * Returns the position where this AppContext is located in our list. * @param appname String, the appname (e.g. * @return Integer, can be NULL if no result is found */ private Integer getAppPosition(final String appname) { int i = 0; for (AppContext ac : mAppList) { if (ac.getAppName().equals(appname)) return i; i++; } return null; } /** * Returns just the AppContext without the whole logic around it. Used in the GUI. * @param appname String, the appname (e.g. * @return AppContext */ public final AppContext getSimpleAppContext(final String appname) { AppContext localContext; try { localContext = mAppList.get(getAppPosition(appname)); } catch (NullPointerException e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "We found no match for: " + appname + " we don't know this app yet", 1); localContext = null; } return localContext; } /** * Returns the AppContext from a given appname. First we search in our AppList, if we can't find * a match we create a new AppContext and add it to our list. Furthermore we increase the timely * usage and set the LastCheckedNow flag. * @param appname String, appname (e.g. * @return AppContext, will always return a context */ public final AppContext getAppContext(final String appname) { AppContext localContext; try { localContext = mAppList.get(getAppPosition(appname)); } catch (NullPointerException e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "We found no match for: " + appname + " we will add it", 1); localContext = new AppContext(appname); mAppList.add(localContext); } localContext.increaseTimeUsage(System.currentTimeMillis() - localContext.getLastChecked()); // Update the timer for all apps in the list, so we calculate correctly for (AppContext ac : mAppList) { ac.setLastCheckedNow(); } AppLogger.print(mClassName, "App ("+ appname +") is running for: " + localContext.getTimeUsage() + " ms", 1); return localContext; } /** * Adds a AppContext to our AppList if it doesn't already exist there. * @param context AppContext to add */ public final void addToList(final AppContext context) { if (existsContext(context)) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "App: " + context.getAppName() + " already added.", 1); return; // already added to the list } if (context != null) { mAppList.add(context); } AppLogger.print(mClassName, "App: " + context.getAppName() + " successfully added!", 1); } } }