package; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContextWrapper; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Created by Alexander Christ on 30.04.15. * * Handles the main calls and passes the app context through */ public final class JobManager { private AppData mAppData; private final String mClassName = getClass().getName(); private static final String mPreferenceValue = "per_app_monitor"; private static final String FILENAME_APPMONITOR_NOTIFY = "appmonitor_notify"; private boolean mJobManagerEnable = true; private List<AppModule> mModules; private AppModuleData mAppModuleData; private boolean mSleeping = false; private boolean mPrevSleeping = false; private Context mContext; private boolean mNotifcationShowed = false; private long mExportThreshold = 0; private static JobManager mJobManager; private JobManager(Context context) { this.mAppData = new AppData(); this.mModules = new ArrayList<AppModule>(); this.mContext = context; loadModules(); // We add our loaded modules; this.mAppModuleData = new AppModuleData(getModules()); // If necessary load the saved raw data back in; if (Configuration.THREADED_IMPORT) { Runnable run = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { importData(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "We tried to import to much data, deleting import file..." + e, 0); new File(new ContextWrapper(mContext).getFilesDir() + "/" + Configuration.EMERGENCY_FILE).delete(); } } }; Thread worker = new Thread(run); worker.start(); } else { try { importData(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "We tried to import to much data, deleting import file..." + e, 0); new File(new ContextWrapper(mContext).getFilesDir() + "/" + Configuration.EMERGENCY_FILE).delete(); } } AppLogger.print(mClassName, "JobManager initialized, AppMonitor Version " + getVersion() + " loaded!", -1); } /** * Instead of creating a new instance of the JobManager directly we call this method * to synchronize access. It is guaranteed to return a JobManager-Object (creates a * new one if its NULL). * * @param context Context, the current android context * @return JobManager */ public static synchronized JobManager instance(Context context) { if (mJobManager == null) mJobManager = new JobManager(context); return mJobManager; } /** * Enables the JobManager */ public final void enable() { this.mJobManagerEnable = true; AppLogger.print(mClassName, "JobManager enabled!", 0); } /** * Disables the JobManager */ public final void disable() { this.mJobManagerEnable = false; AppLogger.print(mClassName, "JobManager disabled!", 0); } /** * Returns the current version of appmonitor. * @return String */ public final String getVersion() { return Configuration.APPMONITOR_VERSION; } /** * Returns the current state of the JobManager. If true, the JobManager is enabled. * @return boolean */ public final boolean getJobManagerState() { return mJobManagerEnable; } /** * Sets the current context (androids context). * @param context */ public final void setContext(final Context context) { this.mContext = context; } /** * If possible, forces a cleanup of the data for a specific app * @param appname String, the appname (e.g. */ public final void forceCleanUp(String appname) { AppContext context = getSimpleAppContext(appname); if (context != null) { AppModuleMetaData appModuleMetaData = mAppModuleData.existsAppModuleMetaData(context); if (appModuleMetaData != null) { appModuleMetaData.cleanUp(); } context.cleanUp(); } } /** * Main method to get the gathered data in some kind of pretty format. * It iterates through all available modules(data) for each found app * and adds them to a custom AppElement object. * Also sorts the list descending for the app usage time and only adds * apps which are at least above the minimum time threshold. * * @return List<AppElement> */ public synchronized final List<AppElement> getParentChildData(final Context context) { final List<AppElement> data = new ArrayList<AppElement>(); final PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); final List<AppModuleMetaData> appModuleMetaData = this.getModuleData().getAppModuleData(); Drawable appicon; for (AppModuleMetaData ammd : appModuleMetaData) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "App Module Data found! (" + ammd.getAppContext().getAppName() + ")", 2); AppLogger.print(mClassName, ammd.getAppContext().getAppName() + " Time used: (" + ammd.getAppContext().getTimeUsage() + "ms) " + ":", 2); // Is this context "ready"? if (!ammd.getAppContext().isAboveThreshold()) continue; // Load our package image and our package label + package name here; try { appicon = pm.getApplicationIcon(ammd.getAppContext().getAppName()); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { appicon = null; } final AppElement parentData = new AppElement(ammd.getAppContext().getAppName(), appicon); // We copy the usage time once into our parent (for sorting reasons) and once into our child; parentData.setUsage(ammd.getAppContext().getTimeUsage()); parentData.setRealName(ammd.getAppContext().getRealAppName(context)); parentData.getChildData().add(new AppElementDetail(ammd.getAppContext().getFormatTimeUsage(), "")); for (AppModule module : this.getModules()) { parentData.getChildData().add(new AppElementDetail(module.getPrefix(), ammd.getAverage(module.getIdentifier()) + module.getSuffix())); AppLogger.print(mClassName, "------ Average: " + ammd.getAverage(module.getIdentifier()), 2); } // Null would mean the app has been deleted or got missing if (parentData.getRealName() != null) data.add(parentData); } Collections.sort(data, new Comparator<AppElement>() { @Override public int compare(AppElement lhs, AppElement rhs) { return rhs.getUsage().compareTo(lhs.getUsage()); } }); return data; } /** * Returns the raw data for an app (appname e.g. for the UI. * It contains the gathered data for one module(identifier). * @param appname String, appname [packagename] * @param identifier int, module identifier (see AppModule for valid identifiers) * @return List<Integer> */ public final List<Integer> getRawData(final String appname, final int identifier) { final AppContext context = getSimpleAppContext(appname); if (context == null) return null; for (AppModuleMetaData ammd : this.getModuleData().getAppModuleData()) { if (ammd.getAppContext() == context) { // Winner! return ammd.getRawData(identifier); } } return null; } /** * Saves the current available data for all apps we have collected so far * and their module data. * Saves the current AppContext for each app with the TimeUsed as well as * LastChecked value. The data for each module is actually saved as raw data * inside an array. * This Method uses the internal API to get the data and saves it to the * file directory of the app in a JSON-formatted string-like textfile. */ public void exportData() { // Our "parent" which will contain all information; JSONObject parentJson = new JSONObject(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Delete the file if read successfully; new File(new ContextWrapper(mContext).getFilesDir() + "/" + Configuration.EMERGENCY_FILE).delete(); AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Starting emergency write of data...", 0); try { // Get all app contexts; for (AppContext context : mAppData.getAppList()) { // One for our current app, one for the data of the app JSONObject currentApp = new JSONObject(); JSONObject appData = new JSONObject(); // Access our small API and get the information needed; appData.put("TimeUsed", context.getTimeUsage()); appData.put("LastChecked", context.getLastChecked()); appData.put("AppMonitorVersion", this.getVersion()); AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Starting export for: " + context.getAppName(), 1); List<AppModuleMetaData> moduleMetaData = Collections.synchronizedList(getModuleData().getAppModuleData()); // Get the meta data for all loaded modules; synchronized (moduleMetaData) { for (AppModuleMetaData ammd : moduleMetaData) { // Find our App context; if (ammd.getAppContext() == context) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Current Context: " + context.getAppName(), 1); // Iterate through all loaded modules; for (AppModule module : mModules) { // For each module we need to get the data separately; JSONObject appModule = new JSONObject(); // Our actual values are stored in this array; JSONArray values = new JSONArray(); AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Adding Data for module: " + module.getName(), 1); // Add our data to our array; List<Integer> currentValues = Collections.synchronizedList(ammd.getRawData(module.getIdentifier())); synchronized (currentValues) { for (Integer i : currentValues) { values.put(i); } } // Add the data to our object; appModule.put("Values", values); // Then add the object to our app data; appData.put(module.getIdentifier() + "", appModule); } } } } // Add the real app name as well as the gathered module data; currentApp.put(context.getRealAppName(mContext), appData); // Add everything to our parent; parentJson.put(context.getAppName(), currentApp); } } catch (JSONException e) { } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "We got OOM, forcing cleanup! Exception: " + e, 0); for (AppModuleMetaData ammd : getModuleData().getAppModuleData()) { forceCleanUp(ammd.getAppContext().getAppName()); } } AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Data gathered, writing to disk..", 1); // Write the data to our private directory [files]; try { FileOutputStream fos = mContext.openFileOutput(Configuration.EMERGENCY_FILE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, 8192); try { bos.write(parentJson.toString().getBytes()); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "We tried to save a too large file, forcing cleanup! Exception: " + e, 0); for (AppModuleMetaData ammd : getModuleData().getAppModuleData()) { forceCleanUp(ammd.getAppContext().getAppName()); } } bos.flush(); bos.close(); AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Data successfully written to disk in (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms).", 0); } catch (IOException e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Error during data-write..." + e, 0); } } /** * If found, imports a saved file and accesses the internal APIs to load * the data back in. Its similar to the normal initialization process * except it clears all previous data. */ public void importData() { ContextWrapper cw = new ContextWrapper(mContext); String tmp = null; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Lock the JobManager during this operation; this.mSleeping = true; if (AeroActivity.genHelper.doesExist(cw.getFilesDir() + "/" + Configuration.EMERGENCY_FILE)) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Emergency file detected, starting import... ", 0); // Read our file and save it in tmp; try { InputStream is = mContext.openFileInput(Configuration.EMERGENCY_FILE); int size = is.available(); byte[] buffer = new byte[size];; is.close(); tmp = new String(buffer, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Error during import... " + e, 0); this.mSleeping = false; return; } } else { this.mSleeping = false; return; } // Clear the existing data before; mAppData.clearData(); mModules.clear(); mModules = new ArrayList<AppModule>(); loadModules(); // We add our loaded modules; this.mAppModuleData = new AppModuleData(getModules()); this.mAppModuleData.setCleanupEnable(false); // Beginning JSON parsing... try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(tmp); Iterator<?> keys = json.keys(); // First we get the actual AppName (e.g.; while (keys.hasNext()) { String tempAppName =; AppLogger.print(mClassName, tempAppName + " : ", 1); AppContext localContext = new AppContext(tempAppName); mAppData.addContext(localContext); JSONObject appParent = json.getJSONObject(tempAppName); Iterator<?> appKeys = appParent.keys(); // Next (and a little bit redundant) we get the real AppName (e.g. Aero Control); while (appKeys.hasNext()) { String tempApp =; AppLogger.print(mClassName, tempApp + ": ", 1); JSONObject appData = appParent.getJSONObject(tempApp); Iterator<?> dataKeys = appData.keys(); // Finally we get to the data part, first data for our AppContext while (dataKeys.hasNext()) { String tempData =; // Find module and appcontext data; try { // This is our module data; int i = Integer.parseInt(tempData); JSONObject moduleData = appData.getJSONObject(tempData); Iterator<?> moduleKeys = moduleData.keys(); // Get all the data stored inside the arrays of the modules; while (moduleKeys.hasNext()) { String tempModule =; ArrayList<Integer> values = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Add all the data to our array list; int length = moduleData.getJSONArray(tempModule).length(); for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { values.add(Integer.parseInt(moduleData.getJSONArray(tempModule).get(j).toString())); } // Go through our modules and read/save data; for (AppModule module : mModules) { try { mAppModuleData.addData(localContext, values, Integer.parseInt(tempData)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "The data for this module was not added, maybe you tried to add data for a non-existing module?", 0); } } AppLogger.print(mClassName, tempModule + ": " + moduleData.getJSONArray(tempModule), 1); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // No problem, these are our AppContext data; AppLogger.print(mClassName, tempData + ": " + appData.get(tempData), 1); if (tempData.equals("TimeUsed")) { localContext.setTimeUsage(appData.getLong(tempData)); } else if(tempData.equals("LastChecked")) { localContext.setLastChecked(appData.getLong(tempData)); } } } } } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Error during json-parsing: " + e, 0); this.mSleeping = false; } this.mSleeping = false; this.mAppModuleData.setCleanupEnable(true); AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Import of data successful in (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms).", 0); } /** * Main method of the JobManager. Iterates through all added modules and gets the values * for the app context. Also handles the logic if the device is sleeping. * @param context AppContext which is passed from the calling method. */ public final void schedule(final AppContext context) { // If the context is null, return early; if (context == null) { return; } if (mPrevSleeping && !mSleeping) { // Set the last check time, so we don't count sleep-time; context.setLastCheckedNow(); } // Return early if we are sleeping; if (mSleeping) { return; } // Don't export data on the first load; if (mExportThreshold == 0) { setExportTimeNow(); } // If we are above the threshold, export data and set a new threshold; if (System.currentTimeMillis() > mExportThreshold ) { exportData(); setExportTimeNow(); } // Allow to disable (in the next cycle) the JobManager at runtime; if (!PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext).getBoolean(mPreferenceValue, true)) disable(); AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Calling context switch for: " + context.getAppName(), 1); mAppData.addContext(context); // Go through our modules and read/save data; for (AppModule module : mModules) { module.operate(); mAppModuleData.addData(context, module.getLastValue(), module); } if (!mNotifcationShowed) { List<AppModuleMetaData> moduleMetaData = Collections.synchronizedList(this.getModuleData().getAppModuleData()); synchronized (moduleMetaData) { for (AppModuleMetaData ammd : moduleMetaData) { // Is this context "ready"? if (ammd.getAppContext().isAboveThreshold()) { if (!AeroActivity.genHelper.doesExist(mContext.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + FILENAME_APPMONITOR_NOTIFY)) showNotification(); } } } } } /** * Returns just the AppContext from a given appname if the JobManager is not disabled * or not sleeping. * @param appname String, appname (e.g. * @return AppContext */ public final AppContext getSimpleAppContext(final String appname) { // Since this class is used for GUI only, the sleeping part should in theory never be true; if (!mJobManagerEnable || mSleeping) { if (mSleeping && !mPrevSleeping) AppLogger.print(mClassName, "JobManager is disabled", 0); return null; } return mAppData.getSimpleAppContext(appname); } /** * Gets the AppContext object from a lower class. If the JobManager is disabled we return * null. Increases the timely usage and potential other usage counters. * @param appname String, the app name (e.g. "") * @return AppContext */ public final AppContext getAppContext(final String appname) { if (!mJobManagerEnable || mSleeping) { if (mSleeping && !mPrevSleeping) AppLogger.print(mClassName, "JobManager is disabled", 0); return null; } if (mPrevSleeping && !mSleeping) { // Set the last check time, so we don't count sleep-time; if (mAppData.getSimpleAppContext(appname) != null) mAppData.getSimpleAppContext(appname).setLastCheckedNow(); } return mAppData.getAppContext(appname); } /** * Allows the JobManager to sleep when the device is sleeping. The actual code to check * if the screen is turned off/on is not included here. * * @param sleepValue boolean, should we sleep or not? */ public final void setSleep(final boolean sleepValue) { // Show debug info, but only once per sleep-cycle; if (sleepValue && !mSleeping) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "JobManager is sleeping because the display is off!", 0); } this.mPrevSleeping = mSleeping; this.mSleeping = sleepValue; } /** * Returns the current sleeping state (true = sleeping) * @return boolean */ public final boolean getSleepState() { return mSleeping; } /** * Checks if we are sleeping at the moment and wakes the JobManager up. * Used inside the GUI. */ public synchronized final void wakeUp() { if (getSleepState()) { AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Forcing a wakeup of the JobManager...", 0); setSleep(false); } } /** * Load all desired modules upon start which will then be periodically checked. */ private void loadModules() { int counter = 0; // Load our modules; mModules.add(new CPUFreqModule(mContext)); if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > 1) { // If we just have one core, we dont need this module; mModules.add(new CPUNumModule(mContext)); } mModules.add(new RAMModule(mContext)); if (AeroActivity.genHelper.doesExist(FilePath.CPU_TEMP_FILE)) { mModules.add(new TEMPModule(mContext)); } for (String s : FilePath.GPU_FILES_RATE) { if (AeroActivity.genHelper.doesExist(s)) { counter++; } } if (counter > 0) { mModules.add(new GPUFreqModule(mContext)); } AppLogger.print(mClassName, "Modules successfully initialized!", 0); } /** * Gets the complete AppModuleData which is available to the JobManager. * * @return AppModuleData */ private AppModuleData getModuleData() { return mAppModuleData; } /** * Sets the current export threshold to now + the configuration parameter (e.g. 1 minute) */ private void setExportTimeNow() { mExportThreshold = System.currentTimeMillis() + Configuration.EXPORT_THRESHOLD; } /** * Gets all available and loaded modules. * * @return List<AppModule> */ public final List<AppModule> getModules() { return mModules; } /** * Shows a notification which allows the user to directly enter to appmonitor fragment */ protected final void showNotification() { final Intent resultIntent = new Intent(mContext, AeroActivity.class); resultIntent.putExtra("NOTIFY_STRING", "APPMONITOR"); resultIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); final PendingIntent viewPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, resultIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); final Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder(mContext) .setContentTitle(mContext.getText(R.string.app_name)) .setContentText(mContext.getText(R.string.notify_app_monitor_data)) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.rocket) .setContentIntent(viewPendingIntent) .setAutoCancel(true); NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) notificationManager.notify(0,; else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) notificationManager.notify(0, builder.getNotification()); try { final FileOutputStream fos = mContext.openFileOutput(FILENAME_APPMONITOR_NOTIFY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); fos.write("1".getBytes()); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} this.mNotifcationShowed = true; } }