package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Created by Alexander Christ on 18.05.14. */ public class perAppHelper { private Context mContext; private String[] mPackageNames; /* Real package names */ private String[] mCurrentSelectedPackages; private boolean mShowSystemApps; private boolean[] mIsChecked; private List<ApplicationInfo> mPackages; private List<AeroData> mPerAppData= new ArrayList<AeroData>(); public perAppHelper(Context context) { this.mContext = context; } public final void setPackages(List<ApplicationInfo> packages) { this.mPackages = packages; // Invoke a new scan here if necessary; getAllApps(getSystemAppStatus()); } /** * Gets the android packages names and their icons * e.g. "Aero Control" * * @return List<adapterInit> = contains all apps + icons */ public final List<AeroData> getFullPackages() { return mPerAppData; } public final List<ApplicationInfo> getPackages() { return mPackages; } /** * Returns false if currently only non-system apps should be shown * * @return boolean */ public final boolean getSystemAppStatus() { return mShowSystemApps; } public final void setSystemAppStatus(boolean showSystemApps) { mShowSystemApps = showSystemApps; // If the system state has changed, we need to clear our previous select list; mIsChecked = null; } /** * Gets the current State of this * * @return boolean array with checked state */ public final boolean[] getCheckedState() { return mIsChecked; } /** * Gets all currently selected packages by the real packages names * e.g. "" * * @return String array = all currently selected packages */ public final String[] getCurrentSelectedPackages() { if (mIsChecked == null) { return mCurrentSelectedPackages; } final ArrayList<String> selectedPackages = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0; for (final boolean checked : mIsChecked) { if (checked) selectedPackages.add(mPackageNames[i]); i++; } mCurrentSelectedPackages = selectedPackages.toArray(new String[0]); return mCurrentSelectedPackages; } /** * Sets application as checked regarding to their position * * @param checkedState = true or false * @param position = the position where to check * * @return nothing */ public final void setChecked(boolean checkedState, int position) { if (mIsChecked == null) mIsChecked = new boolean[mPackageNames.length]; mIsChecked[position] = checkedState; } /** * Finds all the matches for currently selected apps and sets them checked; * * @param selectedApps = the currently selected apps * * @return nothing */ public final void findMatch(final String[] selectedApps) { int i = 0; for (final String a: mPackageNames) { for (final String b : selectedApps) { if (a.equals(b)) setChecked(true, i); } i++; } } // Fills our arrays public final void getAllApps(boolean showSystemApp) { final PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager(); List<ApplicationInfo> packages = pm.getInstalledApplications(0); final ArrayList<String> currentPackages = new ArrayList<String>(); // Just copy our array; if (mPackages == null) { // Sort our freshly obtained apps; Collections.sort(packages, new ApplicationInfo.DisplayNameComparator(pm)); mPackages = packages; } else { packages = mPackages; } // Clear the old data; if(mPerAppData != null) mPerAppData.clear(); // We should hold info about what kind of apps this object holds; mShowSystemApps = showSystemApp; for (final ApplicationInfo packageInfo : packages) { // If no interest in system apps; if (!showSystemApp) { if ((packageInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) { continue; } } currentPackages.add(packageInfo.packageName); mPerAppData.add(new AeroData(packageInfo.loadIcon(pm), packageInfo.loadLabel(mContext.getPackageManager()).toString())); } mPackageNames = currentPackages.toArray(new String[0]); } }