package com.kickstarter.ui.adapters; import; import; import; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import com.kickstarter.BuildConfig; import com.kickstarter.libs.utils.ExceptionUtils; import com.kickstarter.ui.viewholders.KSViewHolder; import com.trello.rxlifecycle.ActivityEvent; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public abstract class KSAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<KSViewHolder> { private List<List<Object>> sections = new ArrayList<>(); public List<List<Object>> sections() { return sections; } public void clearSections() { sections.clear(); } public <T> void addSection(final @NonNull List<T> section) { sections.add(new ArrayList<>(section)); } public <T> void addSections(final @NonNull List<List<T>> sections) { for (final List<T> section : sections) { addSection(section); } } public <T> void setSection(final int location, final @NonNull List<T> section) { sections.set(location, new ArrayList<>(section)); } public <T> void insertSection(final int location, final @NonNull List<T> section) { sections.add(location, new ArrayList<>(section)); } /** * Fetch the layout id associated with a sectionRow. */ protected abstract int layout(final @NonNull SectionRow sectionRow); /** * Returns a new KSViewHolder given a layout and view. */ protected abstract @NonNull KSViewHolder viewHolder(final @LayoutRes int layout, final @NonNull View view); @Override public void onViewDetachedFromWindow(final @NonNull KSViewHolder holder) { super.onViewDetachedFromWindow(holder); // View holders are "stopped" when they are detached from the window for recycling holder.lifecycleEvent(ActivityEvent.STOP); // View holders are "destroy" when they are detached from the window and no adapter is listening // to events, so ostensibly the view holder is being deallocated. if (!hasObservers()) { holder.lifecycleEvent(ActivityEvent.DESTROY); } } @Override public void onViewAttachedToWindow(final @NonNull KSViewHolder holder) { super.onViewAttachedToWindow(holder); // View holders are "started" when they are attached to the new window because this means // it has been recycled. holder.lifecycleEvent(ActivityEvent.START); } @Override public final @NonNull KSViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final @NonNull ViewGroup viewGroup, final @LayoutRes int layout) { final View view = inflateView(viewGroup, layout); final KSViewHolder viewHolder = viewHolder(layout, view); viewHolder.lifecycleEvent(ActivityEvent.CREATE); return viewHolder; } @Override public final void onBindViewHolder(final @NonNull KSViewHolder viewHolder, final int position) { final Object data = objectFromPosition(position); try { viewHolder.bindData(data); viewHolder.onBind(); } catch (final Exception e) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { ExceptionUtils.rethrowAsRuntimeException(e); } else { // TODO: alter the exception message to say we are just reporting it and it's not a real crash. ExceptionHandler.saveException(e, null); } } } @Override public final int getItemViewType(final int position) { return layout(sectionRowFromPosition(position)); } @Override public final int getItemCount() { int itemCount = 0; for (final List<?> section : sections) { itemCount += section.size(); } return itemCount; } /** * Gets the data object associated with a sectionRow. */ protected Object objectFromSectionRow(final @NonNull SectionRow sectionRow) { return sections.get(sectionRow.section()).get(sectionRow.row()); } protected int sectionCount(final int section) { if (section > sections().size() - 1) { return 0; } return sections().get(section).size(); } /** * Gets the data object associated with a position. */ protected Object objectFromPosition(final int position) { return objectFromSectionRow(sectionRowFromPosition(position)); } private @NonNull SectionRow sectionRowFromPosition(final int position) { final SectionRow sectionRow = new SectionRow(); int cursor = 0; for (final List<?> section : sections) { for (final Object __ : section) { if (cursor == position) { return sectionRow; } cursor++; sectionRow.nextRow(); } sectionRow.nextSection(); } throw new RuntimeException("Position " + position + " not found in sections"); } private @NonNull View inflateView(final @NonNull ViewGroup viewGroup, final @LayoutRes int viewType) { final LayoutInflater layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup.getContext()); return layoutInflater.inflate(viewType, viewGroup, false); } /** * SectionRows allow RecyclerViews to be structured into sections of rows. */ protected class SectionRow { private int section; private int row; public SectionRow() { section = 0; row = 0; } public SectionRow(final int section, final int row) { this.section = section; this.row = row; } public int section() { return section; } public int row() { return row; } protected void nextRow() { row++; } protected void nextSection() { section++; row = 0; } } }