package com.kickstarter.libs.utils; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import com.kickstarter.R; import com.kickstarter.models.Category; import com.kickstarter.models.Project; import; import java.util.List; import rx.Observable; public final class DiscoveryUtils { private DiscoveryUtils() {} /** * Return the corresponding tab position for a given sort param. */ public static int positionFromSort(final @Nullable DiscoveryParams.Sort sort) { if (sort == null) { return 0; } switch (sort) { case HOME: return 0; case POPULAR: return 1; case NEWEST: return 2; case ENDING_SOON: return 3; case MOST_FUNDED: return 4; default: return 0; } } /** * Return the corresponding sort for a given tab position. */ public static @NonNull DiscoveryParams.Sort sortFromPosition(final int position) { return DiscoveryParams.Sort.values()[position]; } public static @ColorInt int primaryColor(final @NonNull Context context, final @Nullable Category category) { return category != null ? category.colorWithAlpha() : ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.discovery_primary); } public static @ColorInt int secondaryColor(final @NonNull Context context, final @Nullable Category category) { return category != null ? category.secondaryColor(context) : ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.discovery_secondary); } public static boolean overlayShouldBeLight(final @Nullable Category category) { return category == null || category.overlayShouldBeLight(); } public static @ColorInt int overlayTextColor(final @NonNull Context context, final @Nullable Category category) { return overlayTextColor(context, overlayShouldBeLight(category)); } public static @ColorInt int overlayTextColor(final @NonNull Context context, final boolean light) { final @ColorRes int color = light ? KSColorUtils.lightColorId() : KSColorUtils.darkColorId(); return ContextCompat.getColor(context, color); } /** * Given a list of projects and root categories this will determine if the first project is featured * and is in need of its root category. If that is the case we will find its root and fill in that * data and return a new list of projects. */ public static List<Project> fillRootCategoryForFeaturedProjects(final @NonNull List<Project> projects, final @NonNull List<Category> rootCategories) { // Guard against no projects if (projects.size() == 0) { return ListUtils.empty(); } final Project firstProject = projects.get(0); // Guard against bad category data on first project final Category category = firstProject.category(); if (category == null) { return projects; } final Long categoryParentId = category.parentId(); if (categoryParentId == null) { return projects; } // Guard against not needing to find the root category if (!projectNeedsRootCategory(firstProject, category)) { return projects; } // Find the root category for the featured project's category final Category projectRootCategory = Observable.from(rootCategories) .filter(rootCategory -> == categoryParentId) .take(1) .toBlocking().single(); // Sub in the found root category in our featured project. final Category newCategory = category.toBuilder().parent(projectRootCategory).build(); final Project newProject = firstProject.toBuilder().category(newCategory).build(); return ListUtils.replaced(projects, 0, newProject); } /** * Determines if the project and supplied require us to find the root category. */ public static boolean projectNeedsRootCategory(final @NonNull Project project, final @NonNull Category category) { return !category.isRoot() && category.parent() == null && project.isFeaturedToday(); } }