package com.kickstarter.libs; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import; import; import com.kickstarter.libs.preferences.StringPreferenceType; import com.kickstarter.libs.rx.transformers.Transformers; import com.kickstarter.libs.utils.ObjectUtils; import; import; import rx.Observable; import; import rx.subjects.BehaviorSubject; import timber.log.Timber; public final class CurrentConfig implements CurrentConfigType { private final static String ASSET_PATH = "json/server-config.json"; private final BehaviorSubject<Config> config = BehaviorSubject.create(); public CurrentConfig(final @NonNull AssetManager assetManager, final @NonNull Gson gson, final @NonNull StringPreferenceType configPreference) { // Loads config from disk final Observable<Config> diskConfig = Observable.just(ASSET_PATH) .map(path -> configJSONString(path, assetManager)) .map(json -> gson.fromJson(json, Config.class)) .filter(ObjectUtils::isNotNull) .compose(Transformers.neverError()) .subscribeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()); // Loads config from string preference final Observable<Config> prefConfig = Observable.just(configPreference) .map(StringPreferenceType::get) .map(json -> gson.fromJson(json, Config.class)) .filter(ObjectUtils::isNotNull) .compose(Transformers.neverError()) .subscribeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()); // Seed config observable with what's cached Observable.concat(prefConfig, diskConfig) .take(1) .subscribe(this.config::onNext); // Cache any new values to preferences this.config.skip(1) .filter(ObjectUtils::isNotNull) .subscribe(config -> configPreference.set(gson.toJson(config, Config.class))); } /** * Get an observable representation of the current config. Emits immediately with the freshes copy of the config * and then emits again for any fresher values. */ public @NonNull Observable<Config> observable() { return this.config; } /** * @return The most recent config. */ public @NonNull Config getConfig() { return this.config.getValue(); } public void config(final @NonNull Config config) { this.config.onNext(config); } /** * @param assetPath Path where `server-config.json` lives. * @param assetManager Asset manager to use to load `server-config.json`. * @return A string representation of the config JSON. */ private @NonNull String configJSONString(final @NonNull String assetPath, final @NonNull AssetManager assetManager) { try { final InputStream input; input =; final byte[] buffer = new byte[input.available()];; input.close(); return new String(buffer); } catch (final IOException e) { Timber.e(e.getMessage()); // TODO: This should probably be fatal? } return "{}"; } }