package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import com.kickstarter.R; import com.kickstarter.libs.KSString; import com.kickstarter.libs.qualifiers.AutoGson; import com.kickstarter.libs.utils.ObjectUtils; import com.kickstarter.models.Category; import com.kickstarter.models.Location; import com.kickstarter.models.Project; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import auto.parcel.AutoParcel; import static com.kickstarter.libs.utils.BooleanUtils.isFalse; import static com.kickstarter.libs.utils.BooleanUtils.isTrue; @AutoGson @AutoParcel public abstract class DiscoveryParams implements Parcelable { public abstract @Nullable Integer backed(); public abstract @Nullable Category category(); public abstract @Nullable String categoryParam(); public abstract @Nullable Location location(); public abstract @Nullable String locationParam(); public abstract @Nullable Integer page(); public abstract @Nullable Integer perPage(); public abstract @Nullable Integer pledged(); public abstract @Nullable Boolean staffPicks(); public abstract @Nullable Integer starred(); public abstract @Nullable Integer social(); public abstract @Nullable Sort sort(); public abstract @Nullable Boolean recommended(); public abstract @Nullable Project similarTo(); public abstract @Nullable State state(); public abstract @Nullable String term(); public enum Sort { HOME, POPULAR, NEWEST, ENDING_SOON, MOST_FUNDED; @Override public @NonNull String toString() { switch (this) { case HOME: return "home"; case POPULAR: return "popularity"; case NEWEST: return "newest"; case ENDING_SOON: return "end_date"; case MOST_FUNDED: return "most_funded"; } return ""; } public static @Nullable Sort fromString(final @NonNull String string) { switch (string) { case "home": return HOME; case "popularity": return POPULAR; case "newest": return NEWEST; case "end_date": return ENDING_SOON; case "most_funded": return MOST_FUNDED; } return HOME; } public @NonNull String refTagSuffix() { switch (this) { case HOME: return ""; case POPULAR: return "_popular"; case NEWEST: return "_newest"; case ENDING_SOON: return "_ending_soon"; case MOST_FUNDED: return "_most_funded"; default: return ""; } } } @SuppressLint("DefaultLocale") public enum State { STARTED, SUBMITTED, LIVE, SUCCESSFUL, CANCELED, FAILED; @Override public @NonNull String toString() { return name().toLowerCase(); } public static @Nullable State fromString(final @NonNull String string) { switch (string) { case "started": return STARTED; case "submitted": return SUBMITTED; case "live": return LIVE; case "successful": return SUCCESSFUL; case "canceled": return CANCELED; case "failed": return FAILED; } return null; } } /** * Returns a {@link DiscoveryParams} constructed by parsing data out of the given {@link Uri}. */ public static @NonNull DiscoveryParams fromUri(final @NonNull Uri uri) { Builder builder = DiscoveryParams.builder(); if (KSUri.isDiscoverCategoriesPath(uri.getPath())) { builder = builder.categoryParam(uri.getLastPathSegment()); } if (KSUri.isDiscoverPlacesPath(uri.getPath())) { builder = builder.locationParam(uri.getLastPathSegment()); } if (KSUri.isDiscoverScopePath(uri.getPath(), "ending-soon")) { builder = builder.sort(Sort.ENDING_SOON); } if (KSUri.isDiscoverScopePath(uri.getPath(), "most-funded")) { builder = builder.sort(Sort.MOST_FUNDED); } if (KSUri.isDiscoverScopePath(uri.getPath(), "newest")) { builder = builder.sort(Sort.NEWEST).staffPicks(true); } if (KSUri.isDiscoverScopePath(uri.getPath(), "popular")) { builder = builder.sort(Sort.POPULAR); } if (KSUri.isDiscoverScopePath(uri.getPath(), "recently-launched")) { builder = builder.sort(Sort.NEWEST); } if (KSUri.isDiscoverScopePath(uri.getPath(), "small-projects")) { builder = builder.pledged(0); } if (KSUri.isDiscoverScopePath(uri.getPath(), "social")) { builder =; } if (KSUri.isDiscoverScopePath(uri.getPath(), "successful")) { builder = builder.sort(Sort.ENDING_SOON).state(State.SUCCESSFUL); } final Integer backed = ObjectUtils.toInteger(uri.getQueryParameter("backed")); if (backed != null) { builder = builder.backed(backed); } final String categoryParam = uri.getQueryParameter("category_id"); if (categoryParam != null) { builder = builder.categoryParam(categoryParam); } final String locationParam = uri.getQueryParameter("woe_id"); if (locationParam != null) { builder = builder.locationParam(locationParam); } final Integer page = ObjectUtils.toInteger(uri.getQueryParameter("page")); if (page != null) { builder =; } final Integer perPage = ObjectUtils.toInteger(uri.getQueryParameter("per_page")); if (perPage != null) { builder = builder.perPage(perPage); } final Integer pledged = ObjectUtils.toInteger(uri.getQueryParameter("pledged")); if (pledged != null) { builder = builder.pledged(pledged); } final Boolean recommended = ObjectUtils.toBoolean(uri.getQueryParameter("recommended")); if (recommended != null) { builder = builder.recommended(recommended); } final Integer social = ObjectUtils.toInteger(uri.getQueryParameter("social")); if (social != null) { builder =; } final Boolean staffPicks = ObjectUtils.toBoolean(uri.getQueryParameter("staff_picks")); if (staffPicks != null) { builder = builder.staffPicks(staffPicks); } final String sortParam = uri.getQueryParameter("sort"); if (sortParam != null) { builder = builder.sort(Sort.fromString(sortParam)); } final Integer starred = ObjectUtils.toInteger(uri.getQueryParameter("starred")); if (starred != null) { builder = builder.starred(starred); } final String stateParam = uri.getQueryParameter("state"); if (stateParam != null) { builder = builder.state(State.fromString(stateParam)); } final String term = uri.getQueryParameter("term"); if (term != null) { builder = builder.term(term); } return; } @AutoParcel.Builder public abstract static class Builder { public abstract Builder backed(Integer __); public abstract Builder category(Category __); public abstract Builder categoryParam(String __); public abstract Builder location(Location __); public abstract Builder locationParam(String __); public abstract Builder page(Integer __); public abstract Builder perPage(Integer __); public abstract Builder pledged(Integer __); public abstract Builder sort(Sort __); public abstract Builder staffPicks(Boolean __); public abstract Builder starred(Integer __); public abstract Builder social(Integer __); public abstract Builder recommended(Boolean __); public abstract Builder similarTo(Project __); public abstract Builder state(State __); public abstract Builder term(String __); public abstract DiscoveryParams build(); /** * Returns a builder containing the contents of this builder and `otherBuilder`. If a value for the same property * exists in both builders, the returned builder will contain the value from `otherBuilder`. */ public @NonNull DiscoveryParams.Builder mergeWith(final @NonNull Builder otherBuilder) { final DiscoveryParams other =; DiscoveryParams.Builder retVal = this; if (other.backed() != null) { retVal = retVal.backed(other.backed()); } if (other.category() != null) { retVal = retVal.category(other.category()); } if (other.categoryParam() != null) { retVal = retVal.categoryParam(other.categoryParam()); } if (other.location() != null) { retVal = retVal.location(other.location()); } if ( != null) { retVal =; } if (other.perPage() != null) { retVal = retVal.perPage(other.perPage()); } if (other.pledged() != null) { retVal = retVal.pledged(other.pledged()); } if ( != null) { retVal =; } if (other.staffPicks() != null) { retVal = retVal.staffPicks(other.staffPicks()); } if (other.starred() != null) { retVal = retVal.starred(other.starred()); } if (other.state() != null) { retVal = retVal.state(other.state()); } if (other.sort() != null) { retVal = retVal.sort(other.sort()); } if (other.recommended() != null) { retVal = retVal.recommended(other.recommended()); } if (other.similarTo() != null) { retVal = retVal.similarTo(other.similarTo()); } if (other.term() != null) { retVal = retVal.term(other.term()); } return retVal; } } public static @NonNull Builder builder() { return new AutoParcel_DiscoveryParams.Builder() .page(1) .perPage(15); } public abstract Builder toBuilder(); public @NonNull DiscoveryParams nextPage() { final Integer page = page(); return page != null ? toBuilder().page(page + 1).build() : this; } public @NonNull Map<String, String> queryParams() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<String, String>() { { if (backed() != null) { put("backed", String.valueOf(backed())); } if (category() != null) { put("category_id", String.valueOf(category().id())); } if (categoryParam() != null) { put("category_id", categoryParam()); } if (location() != null) { put("woe_id", String.valueOf(location().id())); } if (locationParam() != null) { put("woe_id", locationParam()); } if (page() != null) { put("page", String.valueOf(page())); } if (perPage() != null) { put("per_page", String.valueOf(perPage())); } if (pledged() != null) { put("pledged", String.valueOf(pledged())); } if (recommended() != null) { put("recommended", String.valueOf(recommended())); } if (similarTo() != null) { put("similar_to", String.valueOf(similarTo().id())); } if (starred() != null) { put("starred", String.valueOf(starred())); } if (social() != null) { put("social", String.valueOf(social())); } final Sort sort = sort(); if (sort != null) { put("sort", sort.toString()); } if (staffPicks() != null) { put("staff_picks", String.valueOf(staffPicks())); } final State state = state(); if (state != null) { put("state", state.toString()); } if (term() != null) { put("q", term()); } if (shouldIncludePotd()) { put("include_potd", "true"); } if (shouldIncludeFeatured()) { put("include_featured", "true"); } } }); } /** * Determines if the `include_potd` flag should be included in a discovery request so that we guarantee that the * POTD comes back. */ public boolean shouldIncludePotd() { return isAllProjects() && page() != null && page() == 1 && (sort() == null || sort() == Sort.HOME) && (term() == null || term().isEmpty()); } /** * Determines if the `include_featured` flag should be included in a discovery request so that we guarantee that the * featured project for the category comes back. */ public boolean shouldIncludeFeatured() { return category() != null && page() != null && page() == 1 && (sort() == null || sort() == Sort.HOME); } @Override public @NonNull String toString() { return queryParams().toString(); } public @NonNull String filterString(final @NonNull Context context, final @NonNull KSString ksString) { return filterString(context, ksString, false, false); } /** * Determines the correct string to display for a filter depending on where it is shown. * * @param context context * @param ksString ksString for string formatting * @param isToolbar true if string is being displayed in the {@link com.kickstarter.ui.toolbars.DiscoveryToolbar} * @param isParentFilter true if string is being displayed as a {@link com.kickstarter.ui.viewholders.discoverydrawer.ParentFilterViewHolder} * * @return the appropriate filter string */ public @NonNull String filterString(final @NonNull Context context, final @NonNull KSString ksString, final boolean isToolbar, final boolean isParentFilter) { if (isTrue(staffPicks())) { return context.getString(R.string.Projects_We_Love); } else if (starred() != null && starred() == 1) { return context.getString(R.string.Saved); } else if (backed() != null && backed() == 1) { return context.getString(R.string.discovery_backing); } else if (social() != null && social() == 1) { return isToolbar ? context.getString(R.string.Following) : context.getString(R.string.Backed_by_people_you_follow); } else if (category() != null) { return category().isRoot() && !isParentFilter && !isToolbar ? ksString.format(context.getString(R.string.All_category_name_Projects), "category_name", category().name()) : category().name(); } else if (location() != null) { return location().displayableName(); } else if (isTrue(recommended())) { return isToolbar ? context.getString(R.string.Recommended) : context.getString(R.string.discovery_recommended_for_you); } else { return context.getString(R.string.All_Projects); } } /** * Determines if params are for All Projects, i.e. discovery without params. * @return true if is All Projects. */ public boolean isAllProjects() { return isFalse(staffPicks()) && (starred() == null || starred() != 1) && (backed() == null || backed() != 1) && (social() == null || social() != 1) && category() == null && location() == null && isFalse(recommended()); } public boolean isCategorySet() { return category() != null; } }