package com.kickstarter.libs; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import com.kickstarter.libs.utils.NumberUtils; import com.kickstarter.models.Project; import java.math.RoundingMode; import auto.parcel.AutoParcel; public final class KSCurrency { private final CurrentConfigType currentConfig; public KSCurrency(final @NonNull CurrentConfigType currentConfig) { this.currentConfig = currentConfig; } /** * Returns a currency string appropriate to the user's locale and location relative to a project. * * @param initialValue Value to display, local to the project's currency. * @param project The project to use to look up currency information. */ public @NonNull String format(final float initialValue, final @NonNull Project project) { return format(initialValue, project, false, false, RoundingMode.DOWN); } /** * Returns a currency string appropriate to the user's locale and location relative to a project. * * @param initialValue Value to display, local to the project's currency. * @param project The project to use to look up currency information. * @param excludeCurrencyCode If true, hide the currency code, even if that makes the returned value ambiguous. * This is used when space is constrained and the currency code can be determined elsewhere. */ public @NonNull String format(final float initialValue, final @NonNull Project project, final boolean excludeCurrencyCode) { return format(initialValue, project, excludeCurrencyCode, false, RoundingMode.DOWN); } /** * Returns a currency string appropriate to the user's locale and location relative to a project. * * @param initialValue Value to display, local to the project's currency. * @param project The project to use to look up currency information. * @param excludeCurrencyCode If true, hide the currency code, even if that makes the returned value ambiguous. * This is used when space is constrained and the currency code can be determined elsewhere. * @param preferUSD Attempt to convert a project from it's local currency to USD, if the user is located in * the US. */ public @NonNull String format(final float initialValue, final @NonNull Project project, final boolean excludeCurrencyCode, final boolean preferUSD, final @NonNull RoundingMode roundingMode) { final CurrencyOptions currencyOptions = currencyOptions(initialValue, project, preferUSD); final boolean showCurrencyCode = showCurrencyCode(currencyOptions, excludeCurrencyCode); final NumberOptions numberOptions = NumberOptions.builder() .currencyCode(showCurrencyCode ? currencyOptions.currencyCode() : "") .currencySymbol(currencyOptions.currencySymbol()) .roundingMode(roundingMode) .build(); return NumberUtils.format(currencyOptions.value(), numberOptions); } /** * Build {@link CurrencyOptions} based on the project and whether we would prefer to show USD. Even if USD is preferred, * we only show USD if the user is in the US. */ private @NonNull CurrencyOptions currencyOptions(final float value, final @NonNull Project project, final boolean preferUSD) { final Config config = currentConfig.getConfig(); final Float staticUsdRate = project.staticUsdRate(); if (preferUSD && config.countryCode().equals("US") && staticUsdRate != null) { return CurrencyOptions.builder() .country("US") .currencySymbol("$") .currencyCode("") .value(value * staticUsdRate) .build(); } else { return CurrencyOptions.builder() .country( .currencyCode(project.currency()) .currencySymbol(project.currencySymbol()) .value(value) .build(); } } /** * Determines whether the currency code should be shown. If the currency is ambiguous (e.g. CAD and USD both use `$`), * we show the currency code if the user is not in the US, or the project is not in the US. */ private boolean showCurrencyCode(final @NonNull CurrencyOptions currencyOptions, final boolean excludeCurrencyCode) { if (excludeCurrencyCode) { return false; } final Config config = currentConfig.getConfig(); final boolean currencyIsDupe = config.currencyNeedsCode(currencyOptions.currencySymbol()); final boolean userIsUS = config.countryCode().equals("US"); final boolean projectIsUS ="US"); return (currencyIsDupe && !userIsUS) || (currencyIsDupe && !projectIsUS); } @AutoParcel public abstract static class CurrencyOptions implements Parcelable { public abstract String country(); public abstract String currencyCode(); public abstract String currencySymbol(); public abstract float value(); @AutoParcel.Builder public abstract static class Builder { public abstract Builder country(String __); public abstract Builder currencyCode(String __); public abstract Builder currencySymbol(String __); public abstract Builder value(float __); public abstract CurrencyOptions build(); } public static Builder builder() { return new AutoParcel_KSCurrency_CurrencyOptions.Builder(); } public abstract Builder toBuilder(); } }