package com.kickstarter.libs.utils; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import com.kickstarter.libs.RefTag; import com.kickstarter.models.Project; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import; import; import; import; import; public final class RefTagUtils { private RefTagUtils() {} private static final @NonNull String COOKIE_VALUE_SEPARATOR = "%3F"; /** * Name of the cookie that should store the ref tag for a particular project. Fits the template: * * ref_{project_pid} */ protected static @NonNull String cookieNameForProject(final @NonNull Project project) { return "ref_" +; } /** * Value to store in the ref tag cookie. Fits the template: * * {ref_tag} + {separator} + {time_of_setting} */ protected static @NonNull String cookieValueForRefTag(final @NonNull RefTag refTag) { return refTag.tag() + COOKIE_VALUE_SEPARATOR + String.valueOf(SystemUtils.secondsSinceEpoch()); } /** * If a ref tag cookie has been stored for this project this returns the ref tag embedded in the cookie. If a * cookie has not yet been set it returns `null`. */ public static @Nullable RefTag storedCookieRefTagForProject(final @NonNull Project project, final @NonNull CookieManager cookieManager, final @NonNull SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) { final HttpCookie cookie = findRefTagCookieForProject(project, cookieManager, sharedPreferences); if (cookie == null) { return null; } final String[] components = cookie.getValue() .split(COOKIE_VALUE_SEPARATOR); if (components.length > 0) { return RefTag.from(components[0]); } return null; } /** * Constructs a cookie for the given ref tag and project. This method can return `null` if a cookie cannot be * constructed, e.g. the project has a malformed project url. */ public static @Nullable HttpCookie buildCookieWithRefTagAndProject(final @NonNull RefTag refTag, final @NonNull Project project) { return buildCookieWithValueAndProject(cookieValueForRefTag(refTag), project); } /** * Constructs a cookie for the given cookie value and project. This method can return `null` if a cookie cannot be * constructed, e.g. the project has a malformed project url. */ private static @Nullable HttpCookie buildCookieWithValueAndProject(final @NonNull String cookieValue, final @NonNull Project project) { final HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieNameForProject(project), cookieValue); // Try extracting the path and domain for the cookie from the project. try { final URL url = new URL(project.webProjectUrl()); cookie.setPath(url.getPath()); cookie.setDomain(url.getHost()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } cookie.setVersion(0); // Cookie expires on the project deadline, or some days into the future if there is no deadline. final DateTime deadline = project.deadline(); if (deadline != null) { cookie.setMaxAge(ProjectUtils.timeInSecondsUntilDeadline(project)); } else { cookie.setMaxAge(new DateTime().plusDays(10).getMillis() / 1000l); } return cookie; } /** * Stores the ref tag in a cookie and shared preference for the project. */ public static void storeCookie(final @NonNull RefTag refTag, final @NonNull Project project, final @NonNull CookieManager cookieManager, final @NonNull SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) { final HttpCookie cookie = buildCookieWithRefTagAndProject(refTag, project); cookieManager.getCookieStore().add(null, cookie); if (cookie != null) { final SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putString(cookie.getName(), cookie.getValue()); editor.apply(); } } /** * Finds the ref tag cookie associated with a project. Returns `null` if no cookie has yet been set. */ protected static @Nullable HttpCookie findRefTagCookieForProject(final @NonNull Project project, final @NonNull CookieManager cookieManager, final @NonNull SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) { final String cookieName = cookieNameForProject(project); // First try finding the cookie in the cookie store final CookieStore cookieStore = cookieManager.getCookieStore(); for (final HttpCookie cookie : cookieStore.getCookies()) { if (cookieName.equals(cookie.getName())) { return cookie; } } // If we can't find it in the cookie store let's look in shared prefs final String cookieValue = sharedPreferences.getString(cookieName, null); if (cookieValue != null) { return buildCookieWithValueAndProject(cookieValue, project); } return null; } }