package com.kickstarter.libs.utils; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import rx.functions.Func2; public final class ListUtils { private ListUtils() { throw new AssertionError(); } /** * Returns a new list with all elements in `xs` equal to `x` replaced by `newx`. */ public static @NonNull <T> List<T> allReplaced(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull T x, final @NonNull T newx) { final List<T> ys = new ArrayList<>(xs); for (int idx = 0; idx < xs.size(); idx++) { if (x.equals(xs.get(idx))) { ys.set(idx, newx); } } return ys; } /** * Appends `x` to the end of the list `xs`. */ public static @NonNull <T> List<T> append(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull T x) { final List<T> ys = new ArrayList<>(xs); ys.add(x); return ys; } /** * Concats the second argument onto the end of the first without mutating * either list. */ public static <T> List<T> concat(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull List<T> ys) { final List<T> zs = new ArrayList<>(xs); ListUtils.mutatingConcat(zs, ys); return zs; } /** * Concats the distinct elements of `ys` onto the end of the `xs` without mutating either list. */ public static <T> List<T> concatDistinct(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull List<T> ys) { final List<T> zs = new ArrayList<>(xs); ListUtils.mutatingConcatDistinct(zs, ys); return zs; } /** * Returns true if `y` is equal to any of the values in `xs`. */ public static <T> boolean contains(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull T y) { return ListUtils.contains(xs, y, Object::equals); } /** * Returns true if `y` is equal to any of the values in `xs`, where equality is determined by a given function. */ public static <T> boolean contains(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull T y, final @NonNull Func2<T, T, Boolean> equality) { return ListUtils.indexOf(xs, y, equality) != -1; } /** * Returns a list containing elements of `lhs` that do not exist in `rhs`. */ public static @NonNull <T> List<T> difference(final @NonNull List<T> lhs, final @NonNull List<T> rhs) { return ListUtils.difference(lhs, rhs, Object::equals); } /** * Returns a list containing elements of `lhs` that do not exist in `rhs`, where equality between elements is * determined by a given function. */ public static @NonNull <T> List<T> difference(final @NonNull List<T> lhs, final @NonNull List<T> rhs, final @NonNull Func2<T, T, Boolean> equality) { final List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (final T litem : lhs) { if (!ListUtils.contains(rhs, litem, equality)) { result.add(litem); } } return result; } /** * Returns an empty list. */ @NonNull public static <T> List<T> empty() { return new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Returns the first element in `xs` that equals `x`, or `null` if `x` is not found in `xs`. */ public static @Nullable <T> T find(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull T x) { return ListUtils.find(xs, x, Object::equals); } /** * Returns the first element in `xs` that equals `x`, or `null` if `x` is not found in `xs`. Equality is determined * by the given function. */ public static @Nullable <T> T find(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull T y, final @NonNull Func2<T, T, Boolean> equality) { final int idx = ListUtils.indexOf(xs, y, equality); if (idx == -1) { return null; } return xs.get(idx); } /** * Returns the first object or `null` if empty. */ public static @Nullable <T> T first(final @NonNull List<T> xs) { return xs.size() > 0 ? xs.get(0) : null; } /** * Combines a list of lists into a new single, flat list. */ public static @NonNull <T> List<T> flatten(final @NonNull List<List<T>> xss) { final List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (final List<T> xs : xss) { result.addAll(xs); } return result; } /** * Returns the index of the first element in `xs` that equals `x`, or `-1` if `x` is not found in `xs`. */ public static <T> int indexOf(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull T y) { return ListUtils.indexOf(xs, y, Object::equals); } /** * Returns the index of the first element in `xs` that equals `x`, or `-1` if `x` is not found in `xs`. Equality is determined * by the given function. */ public static <T> int indexOf(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull T y, final @NonNull Func2<T, T, Boolean> equality) { for (int idx = 0; idx < xs.size(); idx++) { if (, y)) { return idx; } } return -1; } /** * Returns a list containing the elements of `lhs` that exist in `rhs`. */ public static @NonNull <T> List<T> intersection(final @NonNull List<T> lhs, final @NonNull List<T> rhs) { return ListUtils.intersection(lhs, rhs, Object::equals); } /** * Returns a list containing the elements of `lhs` that exist in `rhs`, where equality is determined by the given function. */ public static @NonNull <T> List<T> intersection(final @NonNull List<T> lhs, final @NonNull List<T> rhs, final @NonNull Func2<T, T, Boolean> equality) { final List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (final T litem : lhs) { if (ListUtils.contains(rhs, litem, equality)) { result.add(litem); } } return result; } /** * Concats the second argument onto the end of the first, but also mutates the * first argument. */ public static <T> List<T> mutatingConcat(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull List<T> ys) { xs.addAll(ys); return xs; } /** * Concats the distinct elements of `ys` onto the end of the `xs`, but also mutates the first. */ public static <T> List<T> mutatingConcatDistinct(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull List<T> ys) { for (final T y : ys) { if (!xs.contains(y)) { xs.add(y); } } return xs; } /** * Checks the size of a list and returns `true` if the list is non empty. */ public static <T> boolean nonEmpty(final @NonNull List<T> xs) { return xs.size() > 0; } /** * Prepends `x` to the beginning of the list `xs`. */ public static <T> List<T> prepend(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final @NonNull T x) { final List<T> ys = new ArrayList<>(xs); ys.add(0, x); return ys; } /** * Replaces the element at index `idx` with the element `x`. Does so by return a whole new list without * mutating the original. */ public static @NonNull <T> List<T> replaced(final @NonNull List<T> xs, final int idx, final @Nullable T x) { final List<T> ys = new ArrayList<>(xs); ys.set(idx, x); return ys; } /** * Uses Fisher-Yates algorithm to shuffle an array without mutating input arg. * */ public static <T> List<T> shuffle(final @NonNull List<T> xs) { final List<T> ys = new ArrayList<>(xs); final int length = ys.size(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final int j = i + (int) (Math.random() * (length - i)); final T temp = ys.get(i); ys.set(i, ys.get(j)); ys.set(j, temp); } return ys; } }