package; import gnu.inet.encoding.Punycode; import gnu.inet.encoding.PunycodeException; import info.bliki.htmlcleaner.ContentToken; import info.bliki.htmlcleaner.TagToken; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; /** * Standard model implementation * */ public class WikiModel extends AbstractWikiModel { /** * A map for categories and their associated sort keys */ protected Map<String, String> categories = null; protected Set<String> links = null; protected Set<String> templates = null; protected List<SemanticRelation> semanticRelations = null; protected List<SemanticAttribute> semanticAttributes = null; private final String fExternalImageBaseURL; private final String fExternalWikiBaseURL; private final static String WIKII_NTERNAL_LINK_FORM_SCREEN = "WikiInternalLinkFormScreen"; private final static String WIKII_NTERNAL_LINK_SCREEN = "WikiInternalLinkScreen"; private static final JetspeedLogger logger = JetspeedLogFactoryService .getLogger(WikiModel.class.getName()); /** * * @param imageBaseURL * a url string which must contains a "${image}" variable * which will be replaced by the image name, to create links to * images. * @param linkBaseURL * a url string which must contains a "${title}" variable * which will be replaced by the topic title, to create links to * other wiki topics. */ public WikiModel(String imageBaseURL, String linkBaseURL) { this(Configuration.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, imageBaseURL, linkBaseURL); } public WikiModel(Configuration configuration, String imageBaseURL, String linkBaseURL) { super(configuration); fExternalImageBaseURL = imageBaseURL; fExternalWikiBaseURL = linkBaseURL; } public WikiModel(Configuration configuration, Locale locale, String imageBaseURL, String linkBaseURL) { super(configuration, locale); fExternalImageBaseURL = imageBaseURL; fExternalWikiBaseURL = linkBaseURL; } public WikiModel(Configuration configuration, ResourceBundle resourceBundle, INamespace namespace, String imageBaseURL, String linkBaseURL) { super(configuration, resourceBundle, namespace); fExternalImageBaseURL = imageBaseURL; fExternalWikiBaseURL = linkBaseURL; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void addCategory(String categoryName, String sortKey) { categories.put(categoryName, sortKey); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void addLink(String topicName) { links.add(topicName); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean addSemanticAttribute(String attribute, String attributeValue) { if (semanticAttributes == null) { semanticAttributes = new ArrayList<SemanticAttribute>(); } semanticAttributes.add(new SemanticAttribute(attribute, attributeValue)); return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean addSemanticRelation(String relation, String relationValue) { if (semanticRelations == null) { semanticRelations = new ArrayList<SemanticRelation>(); } semanticRelations.add(new SemanticRelation(relation, relationValue)); return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void addTemplate(String template) { templates.add(template); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void appendInternalLink(String topic, String hashSection, String topicDescription, String cssClass, boolean parseRecursive) { String hrefLink; String description = topicDescription; WPATag aTagNode = new WPATag(); WPATag aTagNode2 = new WPATag(); if (topic.length() > 0) { aTagNode.addAttribute("title", topic, true); String punyTopic = ""; try { // multibyte strings convert to punycode punyTopic = Punycode.encode(topic); } catch (PunycodeException e) { logger.error("WikiModel.appendInternalLink", e); } /** この関数のデコード版がないため通常のURLエンコードを使う */ // String encodedtopic = encodeTitleToUrl(punyTopic, true); String encodedtopic = ""; try { encodedtopic = URLEncoder.encode(punyTopic, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("WikiModel.appendInternalLink", e); } if (replaceColon()) { encodedtopic = encodedtopic.replace(':', '/'); } hrefLink = getWikiBaseURL().replace("${title}", encodedtopic); } else { if (hashSection != null) { hrefLink = ""; if (description.length() == 0) { description = "#" + hashSection; // #.... } } else { hrefLink = getWikiBaseURL().replace("${title}", ""); } } String href = hrefLink; if (hashSection != null) { href = href + '#' + encodeTitleDotUrl(hashSection, true); } try { URL url = new URL(href); Map<String, String> queryPairs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); String query = url.getQuery(); String[] pairs = query.split("&"); for (String pair : pairs) { int idx = pair.indexOf("="); if (idx == -1) { continue; } queryPairs.put( URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(0, idx), "UTF-8"), URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(idx + 1), "UTF-8")); } EipTWiki destWiki = WikiUtils.getEipTWiki(topic, queryPairs.get("parentId")); String jstext = "dojo.byId('wiki_hide_a_" + topic + "_" + queryPairs.get("portletid") + "').outerHTML = dojo.byId('wiki_hide_a_" + topic + "_" + queryPairs.get("portletid") + "').outerHTML.replace(/marking_widgets_" + queryPairs.get("portletid") + "/g, dojo.byId('marking_widgets_exist') != null);dojo.byId('wiki_hide_a_" + topic + "_" + queryPairs.get("portletid") + "').click();"; String jstext2 = ""; // String jstext = // "dojo.query('.auiWikiContent').forEach(function(elem) {elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML.replace(/marking_widgets_" // + queryPairs.get("portletid") // + "/g, dojo.byId('marking_widgets_exist') != null); alert('s');});"; // String jstext = ""; if (null == destWiki) { String hrefForm = href.replaceFirst( WIKII_NTERNAL_LINK_SCREEN, WIKII_NTERNAL_LINK_FORM_SCREEN); jstext2 += "aipo.common.showDialog('" + hrefForm + "', '" + queryPairs.get("portletid") + "', " + queryPairs.get("callback") + ");"; aTagNode.addAttribute("class", "wikiNew", true); } else { jstext2 += "aipo.viewPage('" + href + "', '" + queryPairs.get("portletid") + "');"; } aTagNode.addHrefJavascript(); aTagNode2.addAttribute("onclick", jstext2, false); aTagNode.addAttribute("onclick", jstext, false); aTagNode2.addAttribute("style", "display:none;", false); aTagNode2.addAttribute("id", "wiki_hide_a_" + topic + "_" + queryPairs.get("portletid"), false); } catch (MalformedURLException ignore) { aTagNode.addAttribute("href", href, true); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ignore) { aTagNode.addAttribute("href", href, true); } if (cssClass != null) { aTagNode.addAttribute("class", cssClass, true); } aTagNode.addObjectAttribute("wikilink", topic); pushNode(aTagNode); if (parseRecursive) { WikipediaParser.parseRecursive(description.trim(), this, false, true); } else { aTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(description)); } pushNode(aTagNode2); popNode(); popNode(); } /** * Get the set of Wikipedia category names used in this text * * @return the set of category strings */ public Map<String, String> getCategories() { return categories; } /** * Get the set of Wikipedia links used in this text * * @return the set of category strings */ @Override public Set<String> getLinks() { return links; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<SemanticAttribute> getSemanticAttributes() { return semanticAttributes; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<SemanticRelation> getSemanticRelations() { return semanticRelations; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Set<String> getTemplates() { return templates; } /** * Append the internal wiki image link to this model. * * <br/> * <br/> * <b>Note</b>: the pipe symbol (i.e. "|") splits the * <code>rawImageLink</code> into different segments. The first segment is * used as the <code><image-name></code> and typically ends with * extensions like <code>.png</code>, <code>.gif</code>, <code>.jpg</code> or * <code>.jpeg</code>. * * <br/> * <br/> * <b>Note</b>: if the image link contains a "width" attribute, the filename * is constructed as <code><size>px-<image-name></code>, otherwise * it's only the <code><image-name></code>. * * <br/> * <br/> * See <a href="">Image markup</a> * and see <a href="">Help:Images</a> * * @param imageNamespace * the image namespace * @param rawImageLink * the raw image link text without the surrounding * <code>[[...]]</code> */ @Override public void parseInternalImageLink(String imageNamespace, String rawImageLink) { String imageSrc = getImageBaseURL(); if (imageSrc != null) { String imageHref = getWikiBaseURL(); ImageFormat imageFormat = ImageFormat.getImageFormat(rawImageLink, imageNamespace); String imageName = imageFormat.getFilename(); String sizeStr = imageFormat.getWidthStr(); if (sizeStr != null) { imageName = sizeStr + '-' + imageName; } if (imageName.endsWith(".svg")) { imageName += ".png"; } imageName = Encoder.encodeUrl(imageName); if (replaceColon()) { imageName = imageName.replace(':', '/'); } String link = imageFormat.getLink(); if (link != null) { if (link.length() == 0) { imageHref = ""; } else { String encodedTitle = encodeTitleToUrl(link, true); imageHref = imageHref.replace("${title}", encodedTitle); } } else { if (replaceColon()) { imageHref = imageHref.replace("${title}", imageNamespace + '/' + imageName); } else { imageHref = imageHref.replace("${title}", imageNamespace + ':' + imageName); } } imageSrc = imageSrc.replace("${image}", imageName); String type = imageFormat.getType(); TagToken tag = null; if ("thumb".equals(type) || "frame".equals(type)) { if (fTagStack.size() > 0) { tag = peekNode(); } reduceTokenStack(Configuration.HTML_DIV_OPEN); } appendInternalImageLink(imageHref, imageSrc, imageFormat); if (tag instanceof PTag) { pushNode(new PTag()); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean replaceColon() { return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setUp() { super.setUp(); categories = new HashMap<String, String>(); links = new HashSet<String>(); templates = new HashSet<String>(); semanticRelations = null; semanticAttributes = null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public INamespace getNamespace() { return fNamespace; } /** * Convert a given text in wiki notation into another format. * * @param model * a wiki model * @param converter * a text converter. <b>Note</b> the converter may be * <code>null</code>, if you only would like to analyze the raw wiki * text and don't need to convert. This speeds up the parsing * process. * @param rawWikiText * a raw wiki text * @param resultBuffer * the buffer to which to append the resulting HTML code. * @param templateTopic * if <code>true</code>, render the wiki text as if a template topic * will be displayed directly, otherwise render the text as if a * common wiki topic will be displayed. * @param parseTemplates * parses the template expansion step (parses include, onlyinclude, * includeonly etc) * @throws IOException */ public static void toText(IWikiModel model, ITextConverter converter, String rawWikiText, Appendable resultBuffer, boolean templateTopic, boolean parseTemplates) throws IOException { model.render( converter, rawWikiText, resultBuffer, templateTopic, parseTemplates); } /** * Convert a given text in wiki notation into HTML text. * * @param rawWikiText * a raw wiki text * @param resultBuffer * the buffer to which to append the resulting HTML code. * @param imageBaseURL * a url string which must contains a "${image}" variable * which will be replaced by the image name, to create links to * images. * @param linkBaseURL * a url string which must contains a "${title}" variable * which will be replaced by the topic title, to create links to * other wiki topics. * @throws IOException */ public static void toHtml(String rawWikiText, Appendable resultBuffer, String imageBaseURL, String linkBaseURL) throws IOException { toText( new WikiModel(imageBaseURL, linkBaseURL), new HTMLConverter(), rawWikiText, resultBuffer, false, false); } /** * Convert a given text in wiki notation into HTML text. * * @param rawWikiText * a raw wiki text * @param resultBuffer * the buffer to which to append the resulting HTML code. * @throws IOException */ public static void toHtml(String rawWikiText, Appendable resultBuffer) throws IOException { toText( new WikiModel("/${image}", "/${title}"), new HTMLConverter(), rawWikiText, resultBuffer, false, false); } /** * Convert a given text in wiki notation into HTML text. * * @param rawWikiText * a raw wiki text * @param resultBuffer * the buffer to which to append the resulting HTML code. * @return the resulting HTML text; nay returns <code>null</code>, if an * <code>IOException</code> occured. */ public static String toHtml(String rawWikiText) { try { StringBuilder resultBuffer = new StringBuilder(rawWikiText.length() + rawWikiText.length() / 10); toText( new WikiModel("/${image}", "/${title}"), new HTMLConverter(), rawWikiText, resultBuffer, false, false); return resultBuffer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { } return null; } /** * Set the model's locale to a new value. You can use this function in JUnit * tests, but otherwise it's preferred to set the Locale in the nodels * constructor and nether changeing it. * * @param locale */ public void setLocale(Locale locale) { fLocale = locale; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getImageBaseURL() { return fExternalImageBaseURL; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getWikiBaseURL() { return fExternalWikiBaseURL; } }