package; /** Class _VEipTScheduleList was generated by Cayenne. * It is probably a good idea to avoid changing this class manually, * since it may be overwritten next time code is regenerated. * If you need to make any customizations, please use subclass. */ public class _VEipTScheduleList extends org.apache.cayenne.CayenneDataObject { public static final String COMMON_CATEGORY_ID_PROPERTY = "commonCategoryId"; public static final String CREATE_USER_ID_PROPERTY = "createUserId"; public static final String EDIT_FLAG_PROPERTY = "editFlag"; public static final String END_DATE_PROPERTY = "endDate"; public static final String NAME_PROPERTY = "name"; public static final String NOTE_PROPERTY = "note"; public static final String OWNER_ID_PROPERTY = "ownerId"; public static final String PARENT_ID_PROPERTY = "parentId"; public static final String PLACE_PROPERTY = "place"; public static final String PUBLIC_FLAG_PROPERTY = "publicFlag"; public static final String REPEAT_PATTERN_PROPERTY = "repeatPattern"; public static final String SCHEDULE_ID_PROPERTY = "scheduleId"; public static final String START_DATE_PROPERTY = "startDate"; public static final String STATUS_PROPERTY = "status"; public static final String TYPE_PROPERTY = "type"; public static final String USER_ID_PROPERTY = "userId"; public static final String ID_PK_COLUMN = "ID"; public void setCommonCategoryId(Integer commonCategoryId) { writeProperty("commonCategoryId", commonCategoryId); } public Integer getCommonCategoryId() { return (Integer)readProperty("commonCategoryId"); } public void setCreateUserId(Integer createUserId) { writeProperty("createUserId", createUserId); } public Integer getCreateUserId() { return (Integer)readProperty("createUserId"); } public void setEditFlag(String editFlag) { writeProperty("editFlag", editFlag); } public String getEditFlag() { return (String)readProperty("editFlag"); } public void setEndDate(java.util.Date endDate) { writeProperty("endDate", endDate); } public java.util.Date getEndDate() { return (java.util.Date)readProperty("endDate"); } public void setName(String name) { writeProperty("name", name); } public String getName() { return (String)readProperty("name"); } public void setNote(String note) { writeProperty("note", note); } public String getNote() { return (String)readProperty("note"); } public void setOwnerId(Integer ownerId) { writeProperty("ownerId", ownerId); } public Integer getOwnerId() { return (Integer)readProperty("ownerId"); } public void setParentId(Integer parentId) { writeProperty("parentId", parentId); } public Integer getParentId() { return (Integer)readProperty("parentId"); } public void setPlace(String place) { writeProperty("place", place); } public String getPlace() { return (String)readProperty("place"); } public void setPublicFlag(String publicFlag) { writeProperty("publicFlag", publicFlag); } public String getPublicFlag() { return (String)readProperty("publicFlag"); } public void setRepeatPattern(String repeatPattern) { writeProperty("repeatPattern", repeatPattern); } public String getRepeatPattern() { return (String)readProperty("repeatPattern"); } public void setScheduleId(Integer scheduleId) { writeProperty("scheduleId", scheduleId); } public Integer getScheduleId() { return (Integer)readProperty("scheduleId"); } public void setStartDate(java.util.Date startDate) { writeProperty("startDate", startDate); } public java.util.Date getStartDate() { return (java.util.Date)readProperty("startDate"); } public void setStatus(String status) { writeProperty("status", status); } public String getStatus() { return (String)readProperty("status"); } public void setType(String type) { writeProperty("type", type); } public String getType() { return (String)readProperty("type"); } public void setUserId(Integer userId) { writeProperty("userId", userId); } public Integer getUserId() { return (Integer)readProperty("userId"); } }