/* * Aipo is a groupware program developed by TOWN, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 TOWN, Inc. * http://www.aipo.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.aimluck.eip.system; import com.aimluck.commons.field.ALNumberField; import com.aimluck.commons.field.ALStringField; import com.aimluck.eip.common.ALData; import com.aimluck.eip.util.ALEipUtils; import com.aimluck.eip.util.ALLocalizationUtils; /** * WebメールアカウントのDetailResultDataです。 <br /> */ public class SystemWebMailAccountDetailResultData implements ALData { private static final int DEF_SMTP_PORT = 25; private static final int DEF_POP3_PORT = 110; /** The value for the accountId field */ private ALNumberField account_id; /** The value for the userId field */ private ALNumberField user_id; /** The value for the accountName field */ private ALStringField account_name; /** The value for the accountType field */ private ALStringField account_type; /** The value for the pop3serverName field */ private ALStringField smtpserver_name; /** The value for the pop3serverName field */ private ALStringField pop3server_name; /** The value for the pop3userName field */ private ALStringField pop3user_name; /** The value for the pop3password field */ private ALStringField pop3_password; /** The value for the mailUserName field */ private ALStringField mail_user_name; /** The value for the mailAddress field */ private ALStringField mail_address; /** The value for the smtpPort field */ private ALNumberField smtp_port; /** The value for the pop3Port field */ private ALNumberField pop3_port; /** The value for the authSendFlg field */ private ALNumberField auth_send_flg; /** The value for the auth_send_user_id field */ private ALStringField auth_send_user_id; /** The value for the auth_send_user_password field */ private ALStringField auth_send_user_password; /** The value for the signature field */ private ALStringField signature; /** The value for the pop3EncryptioFlag */ private ALNumberField pop3_encryption_flag; /** The value for the smtpEncryptionFlag field */ private ALNumberField smtp_encryption_flag; /** * * */ @Override public void initField() { account_id = new ALNumberField(); account_id.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_ACCOUNTID")); user_id = new ALNumberField(); user_id.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_USERID")); account_name = new ALStringField(); account_name.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_MAILACCOUNTNAME")); account_name.setTrim(true); account_type = new ALStringField(); account_type.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_ACCOUNT_TYPE")); account_type.setTrim(true); smtpserver_name = new ALStringField(); smtpserver_name.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_SERVER_SEND")); smtpserver_name.setTrim(true); pop3server_name = new ALStringField(); pop3server_name.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_SERVER_RECEIVE")); pop3server_name.setTrim(true); pop3user_name = new ALStringField(); pop3user_name.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_RECEIVE_ID")); pop3user_name.setTrim(true); pop3_password = new ALStringField(); pop3_password.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_RECEIVE_PW")); pop3_password.setTrim(true); mail_user_name = new ALStringField(); mail_user_name.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_NAME")); mail_user_name.setTrim(true); mail_address = new ALStringField(); mail_address.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_MAILADDRESS")); mail_address.setTrim(true); smtp_port = new ALNumberField(); smtp_port.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_PORT_SEND")); smtp_port.setValue(DEF_SMTP_PORT); pop3_port = new ALNumberField(); pop3_port.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_PORT_RECEIVE")); pop3_port.setValue(DEF_POP3_PORT); auth_send_flg = new ALNumberField(); auth_send_flg.setFieldName("メール送信時の認証"); auth_send_flg.setValue(0); pop3_encryption_flag = new ALNumberField(); pop3_encryption_flag.setFieldName("受信時にSSL暗号化を行う"); pop3_encryption_flag.setValue(0); smtp_encryption_flag = new ALNumberField(); smtp_encryption_flag.setFieldName("送信時にSSL暗号化を行う"); smtp_encryption_flag.setValue(0); auth_send_user_id = new ALStringField(); auth_send_user_id.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_SMTP_ID")); auth_send_user_id.setTrim(true); auth_send_user_password = new ALStringField(); auth_send_user_password.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_SMTP_PW")); auth_send_user_password.setTrim(true); signature = new ALStringField(); signature.setFieldName(ALLocalizationUtils .getl10n("SYSTEM_SETFIELDNAME_SIGN")); signature.setTrim(true); } /** * @return */ public ALStringField getAccountName() { return account_name; } /** * @return */ public String getSignature() { return ALEipUtils.getMessageList(signature.getValue()); } /** * @return */ public ALStringField getAccountType() { return account_type; } /** * @return */ public ALStringField getMailAddress() { return mail_address; } /** * @return */ public ALStringField getMailUserName() { return mail_user_name; } /** * @return */ public ALStringField getPop3Password() { return pop3_password; } /** * @return */ public ALNumberField getPop3Port() { return pop3_port; } /** * @return */ public ALStringField getPop3serverName() { return pop3server_name; } /** * @return */ public ALStringField getPop3userName() { return pop3user_name; } public ALStringField getSmtpserverName() { return smtpserver_name; } /** * @return */ public ALNumberField getSmtpPort() { return smtp_port; } /** * @return */ public long getAccountId() { return account_id.getValue(); } /** * @return */ public ALNumberField getAuthSendFlg() { return auth_send_flg; } /** * @return */ public ALStringField getAuthSendUserId() { return auth_send_user_id; } /** * @return */ public ALStringField getAuthSendUserPassword() { return auth_send_user_password; } /** * @return */ public void setAccountId(int i) { account_id.setValue(i); } /** * @return */ public void setAccountName(String string) { account_name.setValue(string); } public void setSignature(String string) { signature.setValue(string); } /** * @return */ public void setAccountType(String string) { account_type.setValue(string); } /** * @return */ public void setMailAddress(String string) { mail_address.setValue(string); } /** * @return */ public void setMailUserName(String string) { mail_user_name.setValue(string); } /** * @return */ public void setPop3Password(String string) { pop3_password.setValue(string); } /** * @return */ public void setPop3serverName(String string) { pop3server_name.setValue(string); } /** * @return */ public void setPop3userName(String string) { pop3user_name.setValue(string); } public void setSmtpserverName(String string) { smtpserver_name.setValue(string); } /** * @return */ public void setSmtpPort(long i) { smtp_port.setValue(i); } /** * @return */ public void setPop3Port(long i) { pop3_port.setValue(i); } /** * @return */ public void setAuthSendFlg(long i) { auth_send_flg.setValue(i); } /** * @return */ public void setAuthSendUserId(String str) { auth_send_user_id.setValue(str); } /** * @return */ public void setAuthSendUserPassword(String str) { auth_send_user_password.setValue(str); } public ALNumberField getPop3EncryptionFlag() { return pop3_encryption_flag; } public void setPop3EncryptionFlag(long i) { this.pop3_encryption_flag.setValue(i); } public ALNumberField getSmtpEncryptionFlag() { return smtp_encryption_flag; } public void setSmtpEncryptionFlag(long i) { this.smtp_encryption_flag.setValue(i); } }