/* * Aipo is a groupware program developed by TOWN, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 TOWN, Inc. * http://www.aipo.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.aimluck.eip.msgboard; import java.util.List; import org.apache.cayenne.exp.Expression; import org.apache.cayenne.exp.ExpressionFactory; import org.apache.jetspeed.services.logging.JetspeedLogFactoryService; import org.apache.jetspeed.services.logging.JetspeedLogger; import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData; import org.apache.velocity.context.Context; import com.aimluck.eip.cayenne.om.portlet.EipTMsgboardCategory; import com.aimluck.eip.cayenne.om.portlet.EipTMsgboardTopic; import com.aimluck.eip.common.ALAbstractCheckList; import com.aimluck.eip.common.ALEipConstants; import com.aimluck.eip.msgboard.util.MsgboardUtils; import com.aimluck.eip.orm.Database; import com.aimluck.eip.orm.query.SelectQuery; import com.aimluck.eip.services.accessctl.ALAccessControlConstants; import com.aimluck.eip.services.eventlog.ALEventlogConstants; import com.aimluck.eip.services.eventlog.ALEventlogFactoryService; import com.aimluck.eip.util.ALEipUtils; /** * 掲示板カテゴリの複数削除を行うためのクラスです。 <BR> * */ public class MsgboardCategoryMultiDelete extends ALAbstractCheckList { /** logger */ private static final JetspeedLogger logger = JetspeedLogFactoryService .getLogger(MsgboardCategoryMultiDelete.class.getName()); /** * * @param rundata * @param context * @param values * @param msgList * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected boolean action(RunData rundata, Context context, List<String> values, List<String> msgList) { try { // カテゴリを削除 // DBテーブルのカスケード設定で, // トピックおよび添付ファイルのレコードも自動的に削除される. SelectQuery<EipTMsgboardCategory> query = getSelectQuery(rundata, values); List<EipTMsgboardCategory> list = query.fetchList(); if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { // カテゴリリストが空の場合 logger.debug("[MsgboardMultiDelete] Empty CategoryIDs..."); return false; } for (EipTMsgboardCategory category : list) { // 添付ファイルの削除 List<EipTMsgboardTopic> topics = category.getEipTMsgboardTopics(); for (EipTMsgboardTopic topic : topics) { MsgboardUtils.deleteAttachmentFiles(topic); } Database.delete(category); // イベントログに保存 ALEventlogFactoryService.getInstance().getEventlogHandler().log( category.getCategoryId(), ALEventlogConstants.PORTLET_TYPE_MSGBOARD_CATEGORY, category.getCategoryName()); } Database.commit(); // 一覧表示画面のフィルタに設定されているカテゴリのセッション情報を削除 String filtername = MsgboardTopicSelectData.class.getSimpleName() + ALEipConstants.LIST_FILTER; ALEipUtils.removeTemp(rundata, context, filtername); } catch (Exception ex) { Database.rollback(); logger.error("msgboard", ex); return false; } return true; } /** * 検索条件を設定した SelectQuery を返します。 <BR> * * @param rundata * @param context * @return */ private SelectQuery<EipTMsgboardCategory> getSelectQuery(RunData rundata, List<String> values) { SelectQuery<EipTMsgboardCategory> query = Database.query(EipTMsgboardCategory.class); Expression exp = ExpressionFactory.inDbExp( EipTMsgboardCategory.CATEGORY_ID_PK_COLUMN, values); query.setQualifier(exp); return query; } /** * アクセス権限チェック用メソッド。 アクセス権限を返します。 * * @return */ @Override protected int getDefineAclType() { return ALAccessControlConstants.VALUE_ACL_DELETE; } /** * アクセス権限チェック用メソッド。 アクセス権限の機能名を返します。 * * @return */ @Override public String getAclPortletFeature() { return ALAccessControlConstants.POERTLET_FEATURE_MSGBOARD_CATEGORY; } }