/* * Copyright 2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jetspeed.services.security.turbine; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; // Jetspeed Security import org.apache.jetspeed.services.security.PermissionManagement; import org.apache.jetspeed.services.security.JetspeedSecurityCache; import org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.Role; import org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.Permission; import org.apache.jetspeed.services.JetspeedSecurity; import org.apache.jetspeed.services.security.JetspeedSecurityService; // Jetspeed Security Exceptions import org.apache.jetspeed.services.security.PermissionException; import org.apache.jetspeed.services.security.JetspeedSecurityException; // Jetspeed Database OM import org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.turbine.TurbinePermission; import org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.turbine.TurbinePermissionPeer; import org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.turbine.TurbineRolePermission; import org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.turbine.TurbineRolePermissionPeer; // Jetspeed logging import org.apache.jetspeed.services.logging.JetspeedLogFactoryService; import org.apache.jetspeed.services.logging.JetspeedLogger; // Torque import org.apache.torque.util.Criteria; import org.apache.torque.om.NumberKey; import org.apache.torque.Torque; // Rundata import org.apache.jetspeed.services.rundata.JetspeedRunDataService; import org.apache.jetspeed.services.rundata.JetspeedRunData; import org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.RunDataService; // Turbine import org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineBaseService; import org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineServices; import org.apache.turbine.services.InitializationException; import org.apache.turbine.services.resources.ResourceService; /** * Default Jetspeed-Turbine Permission Management implementation * * * @author <a href="mailto:david@bluesunrise.com">David Sean Taylor</a> * @version $Id: TurbinePermissionManagement.java,v 1.10 2004/02/23 03:54:49 jford Exp $ */ public class TurbinePermissionManagement extends TurbineBaseService implements PermissionManagement { /** * Static initialization of the logger for this class */ private static final JetspeedLogger logger = JetspeedLogFactoryService.getLogger(TurbinePermissionManagement.class.getName()); private JetspeedRunDataService runDataService = null; private final static String CASCADE_DELETE = "programmatic.cascade.delete"; private final static boolean DEFAULT_CASCADE_DELETE = true; private final static String CONFIG_SYSTEM_PERMISSIONS = "system.permissions"; private boolean cascadeDelete; private final static String CACHING_ENABLE = "caching.enable"; private boolean cachingEnable = true; private Vector systemPermissions = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Permission Management Interfaces /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Retrieves all <code>Permission</code>s for a given rolename principal. * * The security service may optionally check the current user context * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action. * * @param rolename a role name identity to be retrieved. * @return Iterator over all permissions associated to the role principal. * @exception PermissionException when the security provider has a general failure. * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege */ public Iterator getPermissions(String rolename) throws JetspeedSecurityException { Role role = null; try { if (cachingEnable) { Iterator iterator = JetspeedSecurityCache.getPermissions(rolename); if (iterator != null) { return iterator; } } role = JetspeedSecurity.getRole(rolename); } catch(JetspeedSecurityException e) { logger.error( "Failed to Retrieve Role: ", e ); throw new PermissionException("Failed to Retrieve Role: ", e); } Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(TurbineRolePermissionPeer.ROLE_ID, role.getId()); List rels; HashMap perms; try { rels = TurbineRolePermissionPeer.doSelect(criteria); if (rels.size() > 0) { perms = new HashMap(rels.size()); } else perms = new HashMap(); for (int ix = 0; ix < rels.size(); ix++) { TurbineRolePermission rel = (TurbineRolePermission)rels.get(ix); Permission perm = rel.getTurbinePermission(); perms.put(perm.getName(), perm); } } catch(Exception e) { logger.error( "Failed to retrieve permissions ", e ); throw new PermissionException("Failed to retrieve permissions ", e); } return perms.values().iterator(); } /** * Retrieves all <code>Permission</code>s. * * The security service may optionally check the current user context * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action. * * @return Iterator over all permissions. * @exception PermissionException when the security provider has a general failure. * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege */ public Iterator getPermissions() throws JetspeedSecurityException { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); List permissions; try { permissions = TurbinePermissionPeer.doSelect(criteria); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error( "Failed to retrieve permissions ", e); throw new PermissionException("Failed to retrieve permissions ", e); } return permissions.iterator(); } /** * Adds a <code>Permission</code> into permanent storage. * * The security service may optionally check the current user context * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action. * * @exception PermissionException when the security provider has a general failure. * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege */ public void addPermission(Permission permission) throws JetspeedSecurityException { if(permissionExists(permission.getName())) { throw new PermissionException("The permission '" + permission.getName() + "' already exists"); } try { TurbinePermission tpermission = new TurbinePermission(); tpermission.setPermissionName(permission.getName()); Criteria criteria = TurbinePermissionPeer.buildCriteria(tpermission); NumberKey key = (NumberKey)TurbinePermissionPeer.doInsert(criteria); permission.setId(key.toString()); } catch(Exception e) { String message = "Failed to create permission '" + permission.getName() + "'"; logger.error( message, e ); throw new PermissionException(message, e); } } /** * Saves a <code>Permission</code> into permanent storage. * * The security service may optionally check the current user context * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action. * * @exception PermissionException when the security provider has a general failure. * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege */ public void savePermission(Permission permission) throws JetspeedSecurityException { if(!permissionExists(permission.getName())) { throw new PermissionException("The permission '" + permission.getName() + "' doesn't exists"); } try { if (permission instanceof TurbinePermission) { TurbinePermissionPeer.doUpdate((TurbinePermission)permission); } else { throw new PermissionException("TurbinePermissionManagment: Permission is not a Turbine permission, cannot update"); } } catch(Exception e) { String message = "Failed to create permission '" + permission.getName() + "'"; logger.error( message, e ); throw new PermissionException( message, e ); } } /** * Removes a <code>Permission</code> from the permanent store. * * The security service may optionally check the current user context * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action. * * @param permissionName the principal identity of the permission to be retrieved. * @exception PermissionException when the security provider has a general failure. * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege */ public void removePermission(String permissionName) throws JetspeedSecurityException { Connection conn = null; try { if (systemPermissions.contains(permissionName)) { throw new PermissionException("[" + permissionName + "] is a system permission and cannot be removed"); } conn = Torque.getConnection(); Permission permission = this.getPermission(permissionName); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(TurbinePermissionPeer.PERMISSION_NAME, permissionName); if(cascadeDelete) { // CASCADE to TURBINE_ROLE_PERMISSION Criteria critRolePerm = new Criteria(); critRolePerm.add(TurbineRolePermissionPeer.PERMISSION_ID, permission.getId()); TurbineRolePermissionPeer.doDelete(critRolePerm, conn); } TurbinePermissionPeer.doDelete(criteria, conn); conn.commit(); if (cachingEnable) { JetspeedSecurityCache.removeAllPermissions(permissionName); } } catch(Exception e) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { logger.error("SQLException", sqle); } String message = "Failed to remove permission '" + permissionName + "'"; logger.error( message, e ); throw new PermissionException( message, e ); } finally { try { Torque.closeConnection(conn); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error( "Error closing Torque connection", e ); } } } /** * Grants a permission to a role. * * The security service may optionally check the current user context * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action. * * @param roleName grant a permission to this role. * @param permissionName the permission to grant to the role. * @exception PermissionException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving permissions. * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege */ public void grantPermission(String roleName, String permissionName) throws JetspeedSecurityException { try { Role role = JetspeedSecurity.getRole(roleName); Permission permission = this.getPermission(permissionName); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(TurbineRolePermissionPeer.ROLE_ID, role.getId()); criteria.add(TurbineRolePermissionPeer.PERMISSION_ID, permission.getId()); TurbineRolePermissionPeer.doInsert(criteria); if (cachingEnable) { JetspeedSecurityCache.addPermission(roleName,permission); } } catch(Exception e) { String message = "Grant permission '" + permissionName + "' to role '" + roleName + "' failed: "; logger.error( message, e ); throw new PermissionException( message, e ); } } /** * Revokes a permission from a role. * * The security service may optionally check the current user context * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action. * * @param roleName grant a permission to this role. * @param permissionName the permission to grant to the role. * @exception PermissionException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving permissions. * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege */ public void revokePermission(String roleName, String permissionName) throws JetspeedSecurityException { try { Role role = JetspeedSecurity.getRole(roleName); Permission permission = this.getPermission(permissionName); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(TurbineRolePermissionPeer.ROLE_ID, role.getId()); criteria.add(TurbineRolePermissionPeer.PERMISSION_ID, permission.getId()); TurbineRolePermissionPeer.doDelete(criteria); if (cachingEnable) { JetspeedSecurityCache.removePermission(roleName, permissionName); } } catch(Exception e) { String message = "Revoke permission '" + permissionName + "' to role '" + roleName + "' failed: "; logger.error( message, e ); throw new PermissionException( message, e); } } /** * Checks for the relationship of role has a permission. Returns true when the role has the given permission. * * The security service may optionally check the current user context * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action. * * @param roleName grant a permission to this role. * @param permissionName the permission to grant to the role. * @exception PermissionException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving permissions. * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege */ public boolean hasPermission(String roleName, String permissionName) throws JetspeedSecurityException { List permissions; try { if (cachingEnable) { return JetspeedSecurityCache.hasPermission(roleName, permissionName); } Role role = JetspeedSecurity.getRole(roleName); Permission permission = this.getPermission(permissionName); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(TurbineRolePermissionPeer.ROLE_ID, role.getId()); criteria.add(TurbineRolePermissionPeer.PERMISSION_ID, permission.getId()); permissions = TurbineRolePermissionPeer.doSelect(criteria); } catch(Exception e) { String message = "Failed to check permission '" + permissionName + "'"; logger.error( message , e ); throw new PermissionException( message, e ); } return ( permissions.size() > 0 ); } /** * Retrieves a single <code>Permission</code> for a given permissionName principal. * * The security service may optionally check the current user context * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action. * * @param permissionName a permission principal identity to be retrieved. * @return Permission the permission record retrieved. * @exception PermissionException when the security provider has a general failure. * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege */ public Permission getPermission(String permissionName) throws JetspeedSecurityException { List permissions; try { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(TurbinePermissionPeer.PERMISSION_NAME, permissionName); permissions = TurbinePermissionPeer.doSelect(criteria); } catch(Exception e) { String message = "Failed to retrieve permission '" + permissionName + "'"; logger.error( message, e ); throw new PermissionException( message, e ); } if ( permissions.size() > 1 ) { throw new PermissionException( "Multiple Permissions with same permissionname '" + permissionName + "'"); } if ( permissions.size() == 1 ) { TurbinePermission permission = (TurbinePermission)permissions.get(0); return permission; } throw new PermissionException("Unknown permission '" + permissionName + "'"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected JetspeedRunData getRunData() { JetspeedRunData rundata = null; if (this.runDataService != null) { rundata = this.runDataService.getCurrentRunData(); } return rundata; } /** * Check whether a specified permission exists. * * The login name is used for looking up the account. * * @param permissionName the name of the permission to check for existence. * @return true if the specified account exists * @throws PermissionException if there was a general db access error * */ protected boolean permissionExists(String permissionName) throws PermissionException { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(TurbinePermissionPeer.PERMISSION_NAME, permissionName); List permissions; try { permissions = TurbinePermissionPeer.doSelect(criteria); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error( "Failed to check account's presence", e ); throw new PermissionException( "Failed to check account's presence", e); } if (permissions.size() < 1) { return false; } return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Service Init /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This is the early initialization method called by the * Turbine <code>Service</code> framework * @param conf The <code>ServletConfig</code> * @exception throws a <code>InitializationException</code> if the service * fails to initialize */ public synchronized void init(ServletConfig conf) throws InitializationException { if (getInit()) return; super.init(conf); // get configuration parameters from Jetspeed Resources ResourceService serviceConf = ((TurbineServices)TurbineServices.getInstance()) .getResources(JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME); this.runDataService = (JetspeedRunDataService)TurbineServices.getInstance() .getService(RunDataService.SERVICE_NAME); cascadeDelete = serviceConf.getBoolean( CASCADE_DELETE, DEFAULT_CASCADE_DELETE ); cachingEnable = serviceConf.getBoolean( CACHING_ENABLE, cachingEnable ); systemPermissions = serviceConf.getVector( CONFIG_SYSTEM_PERMISSIONS, new Vector() ); setInit(true); } }