package; import info.bliki.htmlcleaner.ContentToken; import info.bliki.htmlcleaner.TagNode; import info.bliki.htmlcleaner.TagToken; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; public abstract class AbstractParser extends WikipediaScanner { public static final String[] TOC_IDENTIFIERS = { "TOC", "NOTOC", "FORCETOC" }; final static String HEADER_STRINGS[] = { "=", "==", "===", "====", "=====", "======" }; final static int TokenNotFound = -2; final static int TokenIgnore = -1; final static int TokenSTART = 0; final static int TokenEOF = 1; final static int TokenBOLD = 3; final static int TokenITALIC = 4; final static int TokenBOLDITALIC = 5; final static int TokenUNDERLNE = 6; final static int TokenDELETEDLINE = 7; final static HTMLTag BOLD = new WPTag("b"); final static HTMLTag ITALIC = new WPTag("i"); final static HTMLTag BOLDITALIC = new WPBoldItalicTag(); final static HTMLTag STRONG = new WPTag("strong"); final static HTMLTag EM = new WPTag("em"); final static HTMLTag UNDERLINE = new WPTag("u"); final static HTMLTag DELETEDLINE = new WPTag("del"); /** * The current scanned character */ protected char fCurrentCharacter; /** * The current offset in the character source array */ protected int fCurrentPosition; protected boolean fWhiteStart = false; protected int fWhiteStartPosition = 0; public AbstractParser(String stringSource) { super(stringSource); fCurrentPosition = 0; fCurrentCharacter = '\000'; fWhiteStart = false; fWhiteStartPosition = 0; } /** * Read the characters until the given string is found and set the current * position of the parser behind the found string. * * @param untilString * @return <code>true</code> if the string was found; <code>false</code> * otherwise */ protected final boolean readUntil(String untilString) { int index = fStringSource.indexOf(untilString, fCurrentPosition); if (index != (-1)) { fCurrentPosition = index + untilString.length(); return true; } return false; } /** * Read the characters until the concatenated <i>start</i> and <i>end</i> * substring is found. The end substring is matched ignoring case * considerations. * * @param startString * the start string which should be searched in exact case mode * @param endString * the end string which should be searched in ignore case mode * @return */ protected final int readUntilIgnoreCase(String startString, String endString) { int index = Util.indexOfIgnoreCase( fStringSource, startString, endString, fCurrentPosition); if (index != (-1)) { fCurrentPosition = index + startString.length() + endString.length(); return startString.length() + endString.length(); } fCurrentPosition = fStringSource.length(); return 0; } /** * Read the characters until the <code><</code> character with following * <i>end</i> string is found. The end string is matched ignoring case * considerations. * * @param endString * the end string which should be searched in ignore case mode * @return */ protected final int readUntilNestedIgnoreCase(String endString) { int index = Util.indexOfNestedIgnoreCase(fStringSource, endString, fCurrentPosition); if (index != (-1)) { fCurrentPosition = index + 2 + endString.length(); return 2 + endString.length(); } fCurrentPosition = fStringSource.length(); return 0; } /** * Read until character is found * * @param testedChar * search the next position of this char * @return <code>true</code> if the tested character can be found */ protected final boolean readUntilChar(char testedChar) { int temp = fCurrentPosition; try { while ((fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]) != testedChar) { } return true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } } /** * Read until character is found or stop at end-of-line * * @param testedChar * search the next position of this char * @return <code>true</code> if the tested character can be found */ protected final boolean readUntilCharOrStopAtEOL(char testedChar) { int temp = fCurrentPosition; boolean attrMode = false; // allow newline characters in attributes try { while ((fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]) != testedChar) { if (attrMode) { if (fCurrentCharacter == '"') { attrMode = false; } } else { if (fCurrentCharacter == '\n' || fCurrentCharacter == '\r') { return false; } if (fCurrentCharacter == '"') { attrMode = true; } } } return true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } } /** * Read until the end-of-line characters (i.e. '\r' or '\n') or the end of the * string is reached * * @param fName * @return <code>true</code> if the end-of-line characters or the end of the * string is reached * */ protected final boolean readUntilEOL() { try { while (true) { fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]; if (fCurrentCharacter == '\n' || fCurrentCharacter == '\r') { return true; } if (fCurrentCharacter == '<') { int newPos = readSpecialWikiTags(fCurrentPosition); if (newPos >= 0) { fCurrentPosition = newPos; } } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { --fCurrentPosition; return true; } } protected boolean isEmptyLine(int diff) { int temp = fCurrentPosition - diff; char ch; try { while (true) { ch = fSource[temp++]; if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { return false; } if (ch == '\n') { return true; } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // .. } return true; } protected int readWhitespaceUntilEndOfLine(int diff) { int temp = fCurrentPosition - diff; char ch; while (fSource.length > temp) { ch = fSource[temp]; if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { return -1; } if (ch == '\n') { fCurrentPosition = temp; return temp; } temp++; } fCurrentPosition = temp - 1; return temp; } protected int readWhitespaceUntilStartOfLine(int diff) { int temp = fCurrentPosition - diff; char ch; while (temp >= 0) { ch = fSource[temp]; if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { return -1; } if (ch == '\n') { return temp; } temp--; } return temp; } protected boolean parsePHPBBCode(String name, StringBuilder bbCode) { int index = 1; char ch = ' '; while (index < name.length()) { ch = name.charAt(index++); if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') { bbCode.append(ch); } else { break; } } if (ch != '=' && index != name.length()) { // no bbcode return false; } String bbStr = bbCode.toString(); // String bbEndStr = "[/" + bbStr + "]"; String bbEndStr = bbStr + "]"; int startPos = fCurrentPosition; readUntilIgnoreCase("[/", bbEndStr); String bbAttr = null; if (ch == '=') { bbAttr = name.substring(index, name.length()); if (bbAttr != null) { bbAttr = bbAttr.trim(); } } int endPos = fCurrentPosition - bbEndStr.length() - 2; String innerTag = fStringSource.substring(startPos, endPos); return createBBCode(bbStr, bbAttr, innerTag); } private int parsePHPBBCodeRecursive(String rawWikitext, int index) { char ch = ' '; StringBuilder bbCode = new StringBuilder(10); while (index < rawWikitext.length()) { ch = rawWikitext.charAt(index++); if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') { bbCode.append(ch); } else { break; } } String bbStr = bbCode.toString(); String bbEndStr = bbStr + "]"; int startPos = index; int endIndex = Util.indexOfIgnoreCase(rawWikitext, "[/", bbEndStr, index); if (endIndex != (-1)) { String bbAttr = null; if (ch == '=') { bbAttr = rawWikitext.substring(index, endIndex); if (bbAttr != null) { bbAttr = bbAttr.trim(); } } String innerTag = rawWikitext.substring(startPos, endIndex); if (createBBCode(bbStr, bbAttr, innerTag)) { return endIndex + 3 + bbStr.length(); } } return -1; } private boolean createBBCode(String bbStr, String bbAttr, String innerTag) { if (bbStr.equals("code")) { TagNode preTagNode = new TagNode("pre"); preTagNode.addAttribute("class", "code", true); preTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(preTagNode); return true; } else if (bbStr.equals("color")) { if (bbAttr == null) { return false; } TagNode fontTagNode = new TagNode("font"); fontTagNode.addAttribute("color", bbAttr, true); fontTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(fontTagNode); return true; } else if (bbStr.equals("email")) { TagNode aTagNode = new TagNode("a"); aTagNode.addAttribute("href", "emailto:" + innerTag.trim(), true); aTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(aTagNode); return true; } else if (bbStr.equals("list")) { int listStart = 0; int listEnd = 0; TagNode listTagNode; if (bbAttr != null) { if (bbAttr.equals("a")) { listTagNode = new TagNode("ul"); } else { listTagNode = new TagNode("ol"); } } else { listTagNode = new TagNode("ul"); } fWikiModel.pushNode(listTagNode); try { while (listEnd >= 0) { listEnd = innerTag.indexOf("[*]", listStart); if (listEnd > listStart) { if (listStart == 0) { parseNextPHPBBCode(innerTag.substring(0, listEnd)); // fWikiModel.append(new ContentToken(innerTag.substring(0, // listEnd))); } else { listTagNode = new TagNode("li"); fWikiModel.pushNode(listTagNode); try { parseNextPHPBBCode(innerTag.substring(listStart, listEnd)); // listTagNode.addChild(new // ContentToken(innerTag.substring(listStart, listEnd))); } finally { fWikiModel.popNode(); } } listStart = listEnd + 3; } } if (listStart == 0) { parseNextPHPBBCode(innerTag); // fWikiModel.append(new ContentToken(innerTag)); } else { if (listStart < innerTag.length()) { listTagNode = new TagNode("li"); fWikiModel.pushNode(listTagNode); try { parseNextPHPBBCode(innerTag.substring(listStart, innerTag .length())); // listTagNode.addChild(new // ContentToken(innerTag.substring(listStart, // innerTag.length()))); // fWikiModel.append(listTagNode); } finally { fWikiModel.popNode(); } } } } finally { fWikiModel.popNode(); } return true; } else if (bbStr.equals("img")) { TagNode imgTagNode = new TagNode("img"); imgTagNode.addAttribute("src", innerTag.trim(), true); imgTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(imgTagNode); return true; } else if (bbStr.equals("quote")) { TagNode quoteTagNode = new TagNode("blockquote"); // quoteTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.pushNode(quoteTagNode); try { parseNextPHPBBCode(innerTag); } finally { fWikiModel.popNode(); } return true; } else if (bbStr.equals("size")) { if (bbAttr == null) { return false; } TagNode fontTagNode = new TagNode("font"); fontTagNode.addAttribute("size", bbAttr, true); fontTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(fontTagNode); return true; } else if (bbStr.equals("url")) { if (bbAttr != null) { TagNode aTagNode = new TagNode("a"); aTagNode.addAttribute("href", bbAttr, true); aTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(aTagNode); return true; } else { TagNode aTagNode = new TagNode("a"); aTagNode.addAttribute("href", innerTag.trim(), true); aTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(aTagNode); return true; } } else if (bbStr.equals("b")) { TagNode boldTagNode = new TagNode("b"); boldTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(boldTagNode); return true; } else if (bbStr.equals("i")) { TagNode italicTagNode = new TagNode("i"); italicTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(italicTagNode); return true; } else if (bbStr.equals("u")) { TagNode underlineTagNode = new TagNode("u"); underlineTagNode.addChild(new ContentToken(innerTag)); fWikiModel.append(underlineTagNode); return true; } return false; } protected final boolean getNextChar(char testedChar) { int temp = fCurrentPosition; try { fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]; if (fCurrentCharacter != testedChar) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } return true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } } protected final int getNextChar(char testedChar1, char testedChar2) { int temp = fCurrentPosition; try { int result; fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]; if (fCurrentCharacter == testedChar1) { result = 0; } else if (fCurrentCharacter == testedChar2) { result = 1; } else { fCurrentPosition = temp; return -1; } return result; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return -1; } } protected final boolean getNextCharAsDigit() { int temp = fCurrentPosition; try { fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]; if (!Character.isDigit(fCurrentCharacter)) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } return true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } } protected final boolean getNextCharAsWhitespace() { int temp = fCurrentPosition; try { fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]; if (!Character.isWhitespace(fCurrentCharacter)) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } return true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } } protected final boolean getNextCharAsDigit(int radix) { int temp = fCurrentPosition; try { fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]; if (Character.digit(fCurrentCharacter, radix) == -1) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } return true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } } protected final int getNumberOfChar(char testedChar) { int number = 0; try { while ((fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]) == testedChar) { number++; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } fCurrentPosition--; return number; } protected final boolean getNextCharAsWikiPluginIdentifierPart() { int temp = fCurrentPosition; try { fCurrentCharacter = fSource[fCurrentPosition++]; if (!Encoder.isWikiPluginIdentifierPart(fCurrentCharacter)) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } return true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { fCurrentPosition = temp; return false; } } private void parseNextPHPBBCode(String rawWikitext) { int index = rawWikitext.indexOf('['); int lastIndex = 0; int tempIndex = -1; if (index < 0) { fWikiModel.append(new ContentToken(rawWikitext)); return; } try { while (index >= 0) { String temp = rawWikitext.substring(lastIndex, index); if (temp.length() > 0) { fWikiModel.append(new ContentToken(temp)); } tempIndex = parsePHPBBCodeRecursive(rawWikitext, index + 1); if (tempIndex < 0) { lastIndex = index + 1; index = rawWikitext.indexOf('[', index + 1); } else { lastIndex = tempIndex; index = rawWikitext.indexOf('[', tempIndex); } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // } if (lastIndex < rawWikitext.length()) { fWikiModel.append(new ContentToken(rawWikitext.substring(lastIndex))); } } public TagStack parseRecursiveInternal(IWikiModel wikiModel, boolean createOnlyLocalStack, boolean noTOC) { // local stack for this wiki snippet TagStack localStack = new TagStack(); // global wiki model stack TagStack globalWikiModelStack = wikiModel.swapStack(localStack); try { // fix for infinite recursion int level = wikiModel.incrementRecursionLevel(); // int parserRecursionLevel = wikiModel.incrementParserRecursionLevel(); // if (parserRecursionLevel > Configuration.PARSER_RECURSION_LIMIT) { // TagNode error = new TagNode("span"); // error.addAttribute("class", "error", true); // error.addChild(new // ContentToken("Error - total recursion count limit exceeded parsing wiki tags.")); // localStack.append(error); // return localStack; // } if (level > Configuration.PARSER_RECURSION_LIMIT) { TagNode error = new TagNode("span"); error.addAttribute("class", "error", true); error.addChild(new ContentToken( "Error - recursion limit exceeded parsing wiki tags.")); localStack.append(error); return localStack; } // WikipediaParser parser = new WikipediaParser(rawWikitext, // wikiModel.isTemplateTopic(), wikiModel.getWikiListener()); setModel(wikiModel); setNoToC(noTOC); runParser(); return localStack; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); TagNode error = new TagNode("span"); error.addAttribute("class", "error", true); error.addChild(new ContentToken(e.getClass().getSimpleName())); localStack.append(error); } catch (Error e) { e.printStackTrace(); TagNode error = new TagNode("span"); error.addAttribute("class", "error", true); error.addChild(new ContentToken(e.getClass().getSimpleName())); localStack.append(error); } finally { wikiModel.decrementRecursionLevel(); // wikiModel.decrementParserRecursionLevel(); if (!createOnlyLocalStack) { // append the resursively parsed local stack to the global wiki // model // stack globalWikiModelStack.append(localStack); } wikiModel.swapStack(globalWikiModelStack); } return localStack; } /** * Read the characters until the end position of the current wiki link is * found. * * @return <code>true</code> if the end of the wiki link was found. */ protected final boolean findWikiLinkEnd() { char ch; int level = 1; int position = fCurrentPosition; boolean pipeSymbolFound = false; try { while (true) { ch = fSource[position++]; if (ch == '|') { pipeSymbolFound = true; } else if (ch == '[' && fSource[position] == '[') { if (pipeSymbolFound) { level++; position++; } else { return false; } } else if (ch == ']' && fSource[position] == ']') { position++; if (--level == 0) { break; } } else if (ch == '{' || ch == '}' || ch == '<' || ch == '>') { if (!pipeSymbolFound) { // see // return false; } } if ((!pipeSymbolFound) && (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')) { return false; } } fCurrentPosition = position; return true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return false; } } public abstract void setNoToC(boolean noToC); public abstract void runParser(); public static String getRedirectedTemplateContent(IWikiModel wikiModel, String redirectedLink, Map<String, String> templateParameters) { String redirNamespace = ""; String redirArticle = redirectedLink; int index = redirectedLink.indexOf(":"); if (index > 0) { redirNamespace = redirectedLink.substring(0, index); if (wikiModel.isTemplateNamespace(redirNamespace)) { redirArticle = redirectedLink.substring(index + 1); try { int level = wikiModel.incrementRecursionLevel(); if (level > Configuration.PARSER_RECURSION_LIMIT) { return "Error - getting content of redirected template link: " + redirNamespace + ":" + redirArticle; } return wikiModel.getRawWikiContent( redirNamespace, redirArticle, templateParameters); } finally { wikiModel.decrementRecursionLevel(); } } } return null; } /** * Check the text for a <code>#REDIRECT [[...]]</code> or * <code>#redirect [[...]]</code> link * * @param rawWikiText * the wiki text * @param wikiModel * @return <code>null</code> if a redirect was found and further parsing * should be canceled according to the model. */ public static String parseRedirect(String rawWikiText, IWikiModel wikiModel) { int redirectStart = -1; int redirectEnd = -1; for (int i = 0; i < rawWikiText.length(); i++) { if (rawWikiText.charAt(i) == '#') { if (startsWith(rawWikiText, i + 1, "redirect", true)) { redirectStart = rawWikiText.indexOf("[[", i + 8); if (redirectStart > i + 8) { redirectStart += 2; redirectEnd = rawWikiText.indexOf("]]", redirectStart); } } break; } if (Character.isWhitespace(rawWikiText.charAt(i))) { continue; } break; } if (redirectEnd >= 0) { String redirectedLink = rawWikiText.substring(redirectStart, redirectEnd); if (wikiModel.appendRedirectLink(redirectedLink)) { return redirectedLink; } } return null; } /** * Copy the read ahead content in the resulting HTML text token. * * @param diff * subtract <code>diff</code> form the current parser position to get * the HTML text token end position. */ protected void createContentToken(final int diff) { if (fWhiteStart) { try { final int count = fCurrentPosition - diff - fWhiteStartPosition; if (count > 0) { fWikiModel.append(new ContentToken(fStringSource.substring( fWhiteStartPosition, fWhiteStartPosition + count))); } } finally { fWhiteStart = false; } } } /** * Reduce the current token stack completely */ protected void reduceTokenStack() { while (fWikiModel.stackSize() > 0) { fWikiModel.popNode(); } } protected void reduceTokenStackBoldItalic() { boolean found = false; while (fWikiModel.stackSize() > 0) { TagToken token = fWikiModel.peekNode();// if (token.equals(BOLD) || token.equals(ITALIC) || token.equals(BOLDITALIC)) { if (fWhiteStart) { found = true; createContentToken(1); } fWikiModel.popNode(); } else { return; } } if (found) { fWhiteStart = true; fWhiteStartPosition = fCurrentPosition; } } /** * Reduce the current token stack until an allowed parent is at the top of the * stack */ protected void reduceTokenStack(TagToken node) { String allowedParents = node.getParents(); if (allowedParents != null) { TagToken tag; int index = -1; while (fWikiModel.stackSize() > 0) { tag = fWikiModel.peekNode(); index = allowedParents.indexOf("|" + tag.getName() + "|"); if (index < 0) { fWikiModel.popNode(); if (tag.getName().equals(node.getName())) { // for wrong nested HTML tags like <table> <tr><td>number // 1<tr><td>number 2</table> break; } } else { break; } } } else { while (fWikiModel.stackSize() > 0) { fWikiModel.popNode(); } } } }