package org.apache.jetspeed.util; /* * Copyright 2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //jetspeed support import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet; import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletControl; import; import; import; import; import; import; //turbine import org.apache.turbine.util.ParameterParser; import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData; import org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateLink; /** * <p> * URI lookup related functions. * </p> * * <p> * Functions to get an URI based on a type like info, edit, save * and to identify the type of an URI. * </p> * * <p> * To overwrite the default behaviour, specify one * of the following parameters in the JR.p file. URILookup * will then return the uri specified in the properties file. * </p> * <p> * all possible property parameters: * </p> * * <UL> * <LI>URILookup.home.uri</LI> * <LI>URILookup.home.acceptlogin.uri</LI> * <LI>URILookup.home.restore.uri</LI> * <LI>URILookup.home.logout.uri</LI> * </UL> * <UL> * <LI></LI> * <LI></LI> * </UL> * <UL> * <LI>URILookup.login.uri</LI> * </UL> * <UL> * <LI>URILookup.editaccount.uri</LI> * <LI>URILookup.editaccount.mark.uri</LI> * </UL> * <UL> * <LI>URILookup.back.uri</LI> * </UL> * <UL> * <LI>URILookup.enrollment.uri</LI> * </UL> * <UL> * <LI>URILookup.customizer.uri</LI> * <LI></LI> * </UL> * * @author <A HREF="">Stephan Hesmer</A> * @author <A HREF="">Santiago Gala</A> * @version $Id:,v 1.24 2004/02/23 03:23:42 jford Exp $ */ public class URILookup { /** * Static initialization of the logger for this class */ private static final JetspeedLogger logger = JetspeedLogFactoryService.getLogger(URILookup.class.getName()); /** * <P>show Jetspeed Home page<BR> * allowed Subtypes:<BR> * <UL> * <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> * <LI>SUBTYPE_RESTORE</LI> * <LI>SUBTYPE_MAXIMIZE</LI> * <LI>SUBTYPE_LOGOUT</LI> * <LI>SUBTYPE_ACCEPT_LOGIN</LI> * </UL> */ public static final int TYPE_HOME = 0; /** * <P>show some additional information about the portlet</P> * allowed Subtypes:<BR> * <UL> * <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> * <LI>SUBTYPE_MARK</LI> * </UL> */ public static final int TYPE_INFO = 1; /** * <P>show the edit page of the account</P> * allowed Subtypes:<BR> * <UL> * <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> * <LI>SUBTYPE_MARK</LI> * </UL> */ public static final int TYPE_EDIT_ACCOUNT = 3; /** * <P>show portlet customization</P> * allowed Subtypes:<BR> * <UL> * <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> * <LI>SUBTYPE_SAVE</LI> * </UL> */ public static final int TYPE_CUSTOMIZE = 4; /** * <P>show login screen</P> * allowed Subtypes:<BR> * <UL> * <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> * </UL> */ public static final int TYPE_LOGIN = 5; /** * <P>show the marked page<BR> * only used in function getURI, not in getURIType</P> * allowed Subtypes:<BR> * <UL> * <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> * </UL> */ public static final int TYPE_BACK = 6; /** * <P>creates new account<BR> * allowed Subtypes:<BR> * <UL> * <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> * </UL> */ public static final int TYPE_ENROLLMENT = 7; /** * apply no subtype to the url */ public static final int SUBTYPE_NONE = 0; /** * restore portlet to default size */ public static final int SUBTYPE_RESTORE = 1; /** * show the current portlet maximized<BR> * additionally, the current page is marked for restoring */ public static final int SUBTYPE_MAXIMIZE = 2; /** * mark the current page before processing portlet */ public static final int SUBTYPE_MARK = 3; /** * logs out the user */ public static final int SUBTYPE_LOGOUT = 4; /** * trues to login, after entering username and password */ public static final int SUBTYPE_ACCEPT_LOGIN = 5; /** * save user settings before processing portlet */ public static final int SUBTYPE_SAVE = 6; /** * Gets the URI for the specified type * * @param aType type of the URI * @param aSubType subtype of the URI * @param rundata the RunData object * @return the URI * @exception JetspeedException */ public static String getURI(int aType, int aSubType, RunData rundata) throws JetspeedException { return getURI(aType, aSubType, null, (String)null, rundata); } /** * Gets the URI of the specified portlet with the specified type * * @param aType type of the URI * @param aSubType subtype of the URI * @param aPortlet Portlet the URI points to * @param rundata the RunData object * @return the URI */ public static String getURI(int aType, int aSubType, Portlet aPortlet, RunData rundata) throws JetspeedException { return getURI(aType, aSubType, null, aPortlet, rundata); } /** * Gets the URI of the specified portlet with the specified type * * @param aType type of the URI * @param aSubType subtype of the URI * @param aPortletName Portlet the URI points to * @param rundata the RunData object * @return the URI */ public static String getURI(int aType, int aSubType, String aPortletName, RunData rundata) throws JetspeedException { return getURI(aType, aSubType, null, aPortletName, rundata); } /** * Gets the URI of the specified portlet with the specified type and adds * given user data. * * @param aType type of the URI * @param aSubType subtype of the URI * @param userData string which should be added to the URL * @param aPortlet Portlet the URI points to * @param rundata the RunData object * @return the URI */ public static String getURI(int aType, int aSubType, String userData, Portlet aPortlet, RunData rundata) throws JetspeedException { if (aPortlet!=null) { aPortlet = getRealPortlet(aPortlet); return getURI(aType, aSubType, userData, aPortlet.getName(), rundata); } else { return getURI(aType, aSubType, userData, (String)null, rundata); } } /** * Gets the URI of the specified portlet with the specified type and adds * given user data. * * @param aType type of the URI * @param aSubType subtype of the URI * @param userData string which should be added to the URL * @param aPortletName Portlet the URI points to * @param rundata the RunData object * @return the URI */ public static String getURI(int aType, int aSubType, String userData, String aPortletName, RunData rundata) throws JetspeedException { String newURI = null; String propertiesParameter = "URILookup."; TemplateLink uri = new TemplateLink( rundata ); if (aType==TYPE_HOME) { propertiesParameter += "home."; if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_RESTORE) { propertiesParameter += "restore."; newURI = getMarkedPage( rundata ); } else if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_MAXIMIZE) { propertiesParameter += "maximize."; if (aPortletName==null) { throw new JetspeedException( "A portlet is required to return an URI." ); } uri.setAction( ACTION_MARKPAGE ); uri.addPathInfo( "portlet", aPortletName ); } else if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_LOGOUT) { propertiesParameter += "logout."; uri.setAction( ACTION_LOGOUT ); } else if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_ACCEPT_LOGIN) { propertiesParameter += "acceptlogin."; uri.setAction( ACTION_ACCEPT_LOGIN ); } else if (aSubType!=SUBTYPE_NONE) { throw new JetspeedException( "Incorrect Type / Subtype combination." ); } } else if (aType==TYPE_INFO) { propertiesParameter += "info."; if (aPortletName==null) { throw new JetspeedException( "A portlet is required to return an URI." ); } uri.setPage( SCREEN_INFO ); uri.addPathInfo( "portlet", aPortletName ); if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_MARK) { propertiesParameter += "mark."; uri.setAction( ACTION_MARKPAGE ); } else if (aSubType!=SUBTYPE_NONE) { throw new JetspeedException( "Incorrect Type / Subtype combination." ); } } else if (aType==TYPE_EDIT_ACCOUNT) { propertiesParameter += "editaccount."; uri.setPage( SCREEN_EDIT_ACCOUNT ); if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_NONE) { uri.setAction( ACTION_PREPARE_SCREEN_EDIT_ACCOUNT ); } else if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_MARK) { propertiesParameter += "mark."; if (aPortletName==null) { throw new JetspeedException( "A portlet is required to return an URI." ); } // FIX ME: how can we add a prepare action and a mark action at the same time? // But I think this branch is never used anyway. (?) uri.setAction( ACTION_MARKPAGE ); uri.addPathInfo( "portlet", aPortletName ); } else { throw new JetspeedException( "Incorrect Type / Subtype combination." ); } } else if (aType==TYPE_CUSTOMIZE) { propertiesParameter += "customize."; uri.setPage( SCREEN_CUSTOMIZE ); if( aPortletName != null ) { uri.addPathInfo( "portlet", aPortletName ); } if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_NONE) { if (ACTION_CUSTOMIZER!=null) uri.setAction( ACTION_CUSTOMIZER ); } else if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_SAVE) { propertiesParameter += "save."; uri.setAction( ACTION_CUSTOMIZER_SAVE ); } else { throw new JetspeedException( "Incorrect Type / Subtype combination." ); } } else if (aType==TYPE_LOGIN) { propertiesParameter += "login."; if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_NONE) { uri.setPage( SCREEN_LOGIN ); } else { throw new JetspeedException( "Incorrect Type / Subtype combination." ); } } else if (aType==TYPE_BACK) { propertiesParameter += "back."; if (aSubType==SUBTYPE_NONE) { newURI = getMarkedPage( rundata ); } else { throw new JetspeedException( "Incorrect Type / Subtype combination." ); } } else if (aType==TYPE_ENROLLMENT) { propertiesParameter += "enrollment."; uri.setPage( SCREEN_NEWACCOUNT ); } else { throw new JetspeedException( "Incorrect Type / Subtype combination." ); } if (newURI==null) { newURI = uri.toString(); } propertiesParameter += "uri"; String propertiesParameterValue = JetspeedResources.getString( propertiesParameter, null ); if (propertiesParameterValue!=null) { // found the parameter value, so replace the newURI with this one if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() ) {"URILookup: replaced uri "+newURI+" with "+propertiesParameterValue); } newURI = propertiesParameterValue; } if (userData!=null) { newURI = addURIParameter(newURI, userData); } // remove sessionid, if exists if (newURI.indexOf(";jsessionid")!=-1) { newURI = newURI.substring(0,newURI.indexOf(";jsessionid")); } // adds sessionid if necessary newURI = rundata.getResponse().encodeURL( newURI ); // remove starting slash, so that the URI is relative, and the Base-Tag is used // Note: if there is no starting slash, the function encodeURL inserts one slash in front of the URI if (newURI.startsWith("/")) { newURI = newURI.substring(1); } return newURI; } /** * Gets the type of the URI (e.g. TYPE_INFO, TYPE_EDIT). * * @param rundata the RunData object * @return the type */ public static int getURIType(RunData rundata) { return getURIType( null, rundata ); } /** * Gets the type of the URI (e.g. TYPE_INFO, TYPE_EDIT). * The default return value is TYPE_HOME * <P>Hint:<BR> * Portlets should check for TYPE_EDIT_PORTLET and in any other case render the content</P> * * @param aPortlet the associated portlet * @param rundata the RunData object * @return the type */ public static int getURIType(Portlet aPortlet, RunData rundata) { if (aPortlet!=null) { aPortlet = getRealPortlet(aPortlet); if (aPortlet.getName().equals(((JetspeedRunData)rundata).getPortlet())) { if (rundata.getScreen()!=null) { if (rundata.getScreen().equals(SCREEN_INFO)) return TYPE_INFO; } } } if (rundata.getScreen()!=null) { if (rundata.getScreen().equals(SCREEN_CUSTOMIZE)) return TYPE_CUSTOMIZE; else if (rundata.getScreen().equals(SCREEN_NEWACCOUNT)) return TYPE_ENROLLMENT; else if (rundata.getScreen().equals(SCREEN_EDIT_ACCOUNT)) return TYPE_EDIT_ACCOUNT; else if (rundata.getScreen().equals(SCREEN_LOGIN)) return TYPE_LOGIN; } return TYPE_HOME; } /** * <P>Gets the subtype of the URI (e.g. SUBTYPE_SAVE).</P> * returns only the values<BR> * <UL> * <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> * <LI>SUBTYPE_MAXIMIZE</LI> * <LI>SUBTYPE_SAVE</LI> * </UL> * * @param aPortlet the related portlet * @param rundata the RunData object * @return the type * @exception JetspeedException */ public static int getURISubType(Portlet aPortlet, RunData rundata) throws JetspeedException { if (rundata.getAction()!=null) { if (rundata.getAction().equals(ACTION_ACCEPT_LOGIN)) return SUBTYPE_ACCEPT_LOGIN; else if (rundata.getAction().equals(ACTION_LOGOUT)) return SUBTYPE_LOGOUT; } String value = (String)rundata.getRequest().getParameter("type"); if (value!=null) { if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("save")) return SUBTYPE_SAVE; } if (aPortlet==null) throw new JetspeedException( "A portlet is required." ); aPortlet = getRealPortlet(aPortlet); if (aPortlet.getName().equals(((JetspeedRunData)rundata).getPortlet())) { if ((rundata.getScreen()==null) || // no screen ( SCREEN_HOME.equals(rundata.getScreen())) ) // or Home-screen { return SUBTYPE_MAXIMIZE; } } return SUBTYPE_NONE; } /** * Gets the user specific data stored in the URI. * * @param rundata the RunData object * @return the previous added user data * @see #getURI */ public static String getURIUserData(RunData rundata) { return rundata.getParameters().getString("info"); } /** * returns the WebApplication base directory. * * @param rundata the rundata object * @return the URI */ public static String getWebAppBaseDirURI(RunData rundata) { String ctxtPath = JetspeedResources.getString( JetspeedResources.CONTENT_ROOT_URL_KEY, ""); // Add port only if it is not default port for protocol String port = ""; if( "http".equals( rundata.getServerScheme() ) && rundata.getServerPort() != 80 ) { port += ":" + rundata.getServerPort(); } if( "https".equals( rundata.getServerScheme() ) && rundata.getServerPort() != 443 ) { port += ":" + rundata.getServerPort(); } try { ctxtPath = rundata.getRequest().getContextPath()+ctxtPath; } catch (Exception e) { // not servlet 2.2 logger.error( "Servlet container probably not 2.2", e ); } return rundata.getServerScheme()+"://"+ rundata.getServerName()+ port + ctxtPath; } /** * Marks the current URI and stores it internally for later usage. * * @param rundata the RunData object */ public static void markCurrentPage(RunData rundata) { javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session = rundata.getSession(); if (session != null) { // delete action, if exists String uri = replaceTurbineURIParameter(rundata.getRequest().getRequestURI(), "action", null ); session.setAttribute("URILookup_MarkedPage",uri); // for servlet api 2.0 // session.putValue("URILookup_MarkedPage",uri); } } /** * Marks the URI and stores it internally for later usage. * * @param aURI the URI to store * @param rundata the RunData object */ public static void markPage(String aURI, RunData rundata) { javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session = rundata.getSession(); if (session != null) { // delete action, if exists aURI = replaceTurbineURIParameter(aURI, "action", null ); session.setAttribute("URILookup_MarkedPage",aURI); // for servlet api 2.0 // session.putValue("URILookup_MarkedPage",aURI); } } /** * Gets the previous marked page as relative url.<br> * If no page was marked, the Jetspeed Home page is returned. * * @return the marked page URI */ public static String getMarkedPage(RunData rundata) { return getMarkedPage( rundata, true ); } /** * Gets the previous marked page.<br> * If no page was marked, the Jetspeed Home page is returned. * * @param relative specifies whether the returing URI should be relative * @return the marked page URI */ public static String getMarkedPage(RunData rundata, boolean relative) { javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session = rundata.getSession(); if (session != null) { String markedPage = (String)session.getAttribute("URILookup_MarkedPage"); // for servlet api 2.0 // String markedPage = (String)session.getValue("URILookup_MarkedPage"); if ((markedPage!=null) && (relative)) { // check if the URL is absolute. If so, than make it relative int idx = markedPage.indexOf("://"); if (idx!=-1) { // found it idx = markedPage.indexOf("/",idx+3); // search the next slash if (idx!=-1) { // this is the slash after host and port idx = markedPage.indexOf("/",idx+1); // search the next slash if (idx!=-1) { // this is the slash after context markedPage = markedPage.substring(idx); } } } } return markedPage; } return null; } /** <p> Given a ParameterParser, get a PortletEntry. This is used so that when you have a URI created from PortletURIManager you can get back the PortletEntry that created it originally. </p> <p> Return null if we aren't able to figure out the PortletEntry </p> */ public static final PortletEntry getEntry( ParameterParser params ) throws Exception { String name = params.getString("portlet"); return (PortletEntry)Registry.getEntry(Registry.PORTLET, name ); } /** * <p> * Checks that a Portlet is not a PortletControl. If it's a Control returns * the non-controlled Portlet entry. * </p> * * @return the portlet */ private static Portlet getRealPortlet( Portlet portlet ) { while (portlet instanceof PortletControl) { portlet = ((PortletControl)portlet).getPortlet(); } return portlet; } /** * Replaces a turbine-based parameter in the URI.<BR> * /paramater/value/paramater/value/... * * @param uri the URI to modify * @param parameter the parameter to be replaced * @param value the value * @return the new URI */ private static String replaceTurbineURIParameter( String uri, String parameter, String value) { int idx = uri.indexOf("/" + parameter + "/"); if (idx!=-1) { int idx2 = uri.indexOf("/",idx+parameter.length()+2); if (idx2==-1) // end of string idx2 = uri.length(); uri = uri.substring(0,idx) + uri.substring(idx2); } if (value!=null) { if (!uri.endsWith("/")) uri += "/"; uri += parameter + "/" + value; } return uri; } /** * removes all parameters of the URI (after the questionmark)<BR> * (i.e. http://localhost/jetspeed?type=save to http://localhost/jetspeed) * * @param uri the URI t be modified * @return the URI */ private static String resetURIParameter( String uri ) { if (uri.indexOf("?")!=-1) { uri = uri.substring(0,uri.indexOf("?")); } return uri; } /** * appends the parameter/value pair to the URI * * @param uri the URI to be modified * @param parameter the parameter to be added * @param value the parameter value * @return the modified URI */ private static String addURIParameter( String uri, String parameter, String value) { parameter = URIEncoder.encode( parameter ); value = URIEncoder.encode( value ); if (uri.indexOf("?")!=-1) { int idx = uri.indexOf( parameter + "=", uri.indexOf("?")); if (idx!=-1) { // parameter already in URI. remove it int idx2 = uri.indexOf("&", idx); if (idx2==-1) // end of string idx2 = uri.length(); uri = uri.substring(0,idx) + uri.substring(idx2); } } return addURIParameter( uri, parameter + "=" + value ); } /** * appends the parameter/value pair to the URI * * @param uri the URI to be modified * @param data the data to be added (has to be the correct format - paramater=value) * @return the modified URI */ private static String addURIParameter( String uri, String data) { if (uri.indexOf("?")!=-1) uri += "&"; else uri += "?"; uri += data; return uri; } private static final String SCREEN_INFO = "Info"; private static final String SCREEN_HOME = JetspeedResources.getString( "template.homepage" ); // private static final String SCREEN_CUSTOMIZE = "Customize"; private static final String SCREEN_CUSTOMIZE = JetspeedResources.getString( "customizer.screen" ); private static final String SCREEN_LOGIN = JetspeedResources.getString( "template.login" ); private static final String SCREEN_NEWACCOUNT = "NewAccount"; private static final String SCREEN_EDIT_ACCOUNT = "EditAccount"; private static final String ACTION_CUSTOMIZER = JetspeedResources.getString( "customizer.action" ); private static final String ACTION_MARKPAGE = "MarkRefPage"; private static final String ACTION_LOGOUT = JetspeedResources.getString( "action.logout" ); private static final String ACTION_ACCEPT_LOGIN = JetspeedResources.getString( "action.login" ); private static final String ACTION_CUSTOMIZER_SAVE = "SavePageConfig"; private static final String ACTION_PREPARE_SCREEN_EDIT_ACCOUNT = "PrepareScreenEditAccount"; }