package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; public class RouterActor extends ModuleActor { private static final String TAG = "RouterActor"; // j2objc workaround private static final Void DUMB = null; // Visibility private final HashSet<Peer> visiblePeers = new HashSet<>(); private boolean isAppVisible = false; // Storage private KeyValueEngine<ConversationState> conversationStates; // Active Dialogs private ActiveDialogStorage activeDialogStorage; public RouterActor(ModuleContext context) { super(context); } @Override public void preStart() { super.preStart(); conversationStates = context().getMessagesModule().getConversationStates().getEngine(); // // Loading Active Dialogs // activeDialogStorage = new ActiveDialogStorage(); byte[] data = context().getStorageModule().getBlobStorage().loadItem(AbsModule.BLOB_DIALOGS_ACTIVE); if (data != null) { try { activeDialogStorage = new ActiveDialogStorage(data); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!activeDialogStorage.isLoaded()) { api(new RequestLoadGroupedDialogs(ApiSupportConfiguration.OPTIMIZATIONS)) .chain(r -> updates().applyRelatedData(r.getUsers(), r.getGroups())) .chain(r -> updates().loadRequiredPeers(r.getUserPeers(), r.getGroupPeers())) .then(r -> { boolean showArchived = false; boolean showInvite = false; if (r.showArchived() != null) { showArchived = r.showArchived(); } if (r.showInvite() != null) { showInvite = r.showInvite(); } onActiveDialogsChanged(r.getDialogs(), showArchived, showInvite); context().getConductor().getConductor().onDialogsLoaded(); }); } else { notifyActiveDialogsVM(); context().getConductor().getConductor().onDialogsLoaded(); } } // // Active Dialogs // private void onActiveDialogsChanged(List<ApiDialogGroup> dialogs, boolean showArchived, boolean showInvite) { // // Updating Counters // ArrayList<ConversationState> convStates = new ArrayList<>(); for (ApiDialogGroup g : dialogs) { for (ApiDialogShort s : g.getDialogs()) { Peer peer = convert(s.getPeer()); ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); boolean isChanged = false; if (state.getUnreadCount() != s.getCounter() && !isConversationVisible(peer)) { state = state.changeCounter(s.getCounter()); isChanged = true; } if (state.getInMaxMessageDate() < s.getDate()) { state = state.changeInMaxDate(s.getDate()); isChanged = true; } if (isChanged) { convStates.add(state); } } } conversationStates.addOrUpdateItems(convStates); // // Updating storage // activeDialogStorage.setHaveArchived(showArchived); activeDialogStorage.setShowInvite(showInvite); activeDialogStorage.setLoaded(true); activeDialogStorage.getGroups().clear(); for (ApiDialogGroup g : dialogs) { ArrayList<Peer> peers = new ArrayList<>(); for (ApiDialogShort s : g.getDialogs()) { Peer peer = convert(s.getPeer()); peers.add(peer); } activeDialogStorage.getGroups().add(new ActiveDialogGroup(g.getKey(), g.getTitle(), peers)); } context().getStorageModule().getBlobStorage() .addOrUpdateItem(AbsModule.BLOB_DIALOGS_ACTIVE, activeDialogStorage.toByteArray()); // // Notify VM // notifyActiveDialogsVM(); // // Unstash all messages after initial loading // unstashAll(); } // // Incoming Messages // private Promise<Void> onNewMessages(Peer peer, List<Message> messages) { assertTrue(messages.size() != 0); boolean isConversationVisible = isConversationVisible(peer); // // Collecting Information // ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); Message topMessage = null; int unreadCount = 0; long maxInReadDate = 0; long maxInDate = 0; for (Message m : messages) { if (topMessage == null || topMessage.getSortDate() < m.getSortDate()) { topMessage = m; } if (m.getSenderId() != myUid()) { if (m.getSortDate() > state.getInReadDate()) { unreadCount++; maxInReadDate = Math.max(maxInReadDate, m.getSortDate()); } if (m.getSortDate() > state.getInMaxMessageDate()) { maxInDate = Math.max(maxInDate, m.getSortDate()); } } } // // Writing to Conversation // conversation(peer).addOrUpdateItems(messages); // // Update Chat State // updateChatState(peer); // // Updating Counter // boolean isRead = false; if (unreadCount != 0) { if (isConversationVisible) { // Auto Reading message boolean needUpdateState = false; if (maxInReadDate > 0) { if (state.getInReadDate() < maxInReadDate) { state = state.changeInReadDate(maxInReadDate); } state = state.changeCounter(0); context().getMessagesModule().getPlainReadActor() .send(new CursorReaderActor.MarkRead(peer, maxInReadDate)); context().getNotificationsModule().onOwnRead(peer, maxInReadDate); isRead = true; needUpdateState = true; } if (state.getInMaxMessageDate() < maxInDate) { state.changeInMaxDate(maxInDate); needUpdateState = true; } if (needUpdateState) { conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); } } else { // Updating counter state = state.changeCounter(state.getUnreadCount() + unreadCount); if (state.getInMaxMessageDate() < maxInDate) { state = state .changeInMaxDate(maxInDate); } conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); notifyActiveDialogsVM(); } } // // Marking As Received // if (maxInReadDate > 0 && !isRead) { context().getMessagesModule().getPlainReceiverActor() .send(new CursorReceiverActor.MarkReceived(peer, maxInReadDate)); } // // Updating Dialog List // Promise<Void> res = getDialogsRouter().onMessage(peer, topMessage, state.getUnreadCount()); // // Playing notifications // if (!isConversationVisible) { for (Message m : messages) { if (m.getSenderId() != myUid()) { boolean hasCurrentMention = false; if (m.getContent() instanceof TextContent) { if (((TextContent) m.getContent()).getMentions().contains(myUid())) { hasCurrentMention = true; } } int messagesCount = 0; int dialogsCount = 0; for (Peer activePeer : activeDialogStorage.getAllPeers()) { int activeDialogueUnreadCount = conversationStates.getValue(activePeer.getUnuqueId()).getUnreadCount(); if (activeDialogueUnreadCount > 0) { dialogsCount++; messagesCount += activeDialogueUnreadCount; } } context().getNotificationsModule().onInMessage( peer, m.getSenderId(), m.getSortDate(), ContentDescription.fromContent(m.getContent()), hasCurrentMention, messagesCount, dialogsCount); } } } return res; } // // Outgoing Messages // private Promise<Void> onOutgoingMessage(Peer peer, Message message) { conversation(peer).addOrUpdateItem(message); updateChatState(peer); return Promise.success(null); } private Promise<Void> onOutgoingSent(Peer peer, long rid, long date) { Message msg = conversation(peer).getValue(rid); // If we have pending message if (msg != null && (msg.getMessageState() == MessageState.PENDING)) { // Updating message Message updatedMsg = msg .changeAllDate(date) .changeState(MessageState.SENT); conversation(peer).addOrUpdateItem(updatedMsg); ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state.changeOutSendDate(date)); updateChatState(peer); // Notify dialogs return getDialogsRouter().onMessage(peer, updatedMsg, -1); } else { return Promise.success(null); } } private Promise<Void> onOutgoingError(Peer peer, long rid) { Message msg = conversation(peer).getValue(rid); // If we have pending message if (msg != null && (msg.getMessageState() == MessageState.PENDING)) { // Updating message Message updatedMsg = msg .changeState(MessageState.ERROR); conversation(peer).addOrUpdateItem(updatedMsg); updateChatState(peer); } return Promise.success(null); } // // History Messages // private Promise<Void> onDialogHistoryLoaded(List<DialogHistory> dialogs) { for (DialogHistory d : dialogs) { ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(d.getPeer().getUnuqueId()); if (d.getUnreadCount() > 0) { state = state .changeCounter(d.getUnreadCount()) .changeInMaxDate(d.getDate()); } if (d.isRead()) { state = state .changeOutReadDate(d.getDate()) .changeOutReceiveDate(d.getDate()); } else if (d.isReceived()) { state = state .changeOutReceiveDate(d.getDate()); } conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); } return getDialogsRouter().onHistoryLoaded(dialogs); } private Promise<Void> onChatHistoryLoaded(Peer peer, List<Message> messages, Long maxReadDate, Long maxReceiveDate, boolean isEnded) { Log.d(TAG, "History Loaded"); long maxMessageDate = 0; // Processing all new messages ArrayList<Message> updated = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message historyMessage : messages) { // Ignore already present messages if (conversation(peer).getValue(historyMessage.getEngineId()) != null) { continue; } updated.add(historyMessage); if (historyMessage.getSenderId() != myUid()) { maxMessageDate = Math.max(maxMessageDate, historyMessage.getSortDate()); } } // Writing messages conversation(peer).addOrUpdateItems(updated); // Updating conversation state ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); boolean isChanged = false; if (state.getInMaxMessageDate() < maxMessageDate) { state = state.changeInMaxDate(maxMessageDate); isChanged = true; } if (maxReadDate != null && maxReadDate != 0 && state.getOutReadDate() < maxMessageDate) { state = state.changeOutReadDate(maxReadDate); isChanged = true; } if (maxReceiveDate != null && maxReceiveDate != 0 && state.getOutReceiveDate() < maxReceiveDate) { state = state.changeOutReceiveDate(maxReceiveDate); isChanged = true; } if (state.isLoaded() != isEnded) { state = state.changeIsLoaded(isEnded); isChanged = true; } boolean isEmpty = conversation(peer).isEmpty(); if (state.isEmpty() != isEmpty) { state = state.changeIsEmpty(isEmpty); isChanged = true; } if (isChanged) { conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); } // Reading messages if needed markAsReadIfNeeded(peer); return Promise.success(null); } // // Message Updating // private Promise<Void> onContentUpdate(Peer peer, long rid, AbsContent content) { Message message = conversation(peer).getValue(rid); if (message != null) { conversation(peer).addOrUpdateItem(message.changeContent(content.incrementUpdatedCounter(message.getContent().getUpdatedCounter()))); return getDialogsRouter().onMessageContentChanged(peer, rid, content); } else { return Promise.success(null); } } private Promise<Void> onReactionsUpdate(Peer peer, long rid, List<Reaction> reactions) { Message message = conversation(peer).getValue(rid); // Ignore if we already doesn't have this message if (message != null) { conversation(peer).addOrUpdateItem(message.changeReactions(reactions)); } return Promise.success(null); } // // Message Deletions // private Promise<Void> onMessageDeleted(Peer peer, List<Long> rids) { // Delete Messages conversation(peer).removeItems(JavaUtil.unbox(rids)); updateChatState(peer); Message head = conversation(peer).getHeadValue(); if (head != null) { ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); state = state .changeInReadDate(head.getSortDate()) .changeOutSendDate(head.getSortDate()); conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); if (head.getMessageState() == MessageState.PENDING) { head = null; } } return getDialogsRouter().onMessageDeleted(peer, head); } private Promise<Void> onChatClear(Peer peer) { conversation(peer).clear(); ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); if (!state.isLoaded()) { state = state.changeIsLoaded(true); conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); } updateChatState(peer); return getDialogsRouter().onChatClear(peer); } private Promise<Void> onChatDropCache(Peer peer) { return context().getMessagesModule().getHistoryActor(peer).reset(); } private Promise<Void> onChatReset(Peer peer) { Log.d(TAG, "onChatReset"); conversation(peer).clear(); ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); state = state.changeIsLoaded(false); conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); updateChatState(peer); return Promise.success(null); } private Promise<Void> onChatDelete(Peer peer) { conversation(peer).clear(); ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); if (!state.isLoaded()) { state = state.changeIsLoaded(true); conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); } updateChatState(peer); return getDialogsRouter().onChatDelete(peer).chain(aVoid -> onChatDropCache(peer)); } // // Read States // private Promise<Void> onMessageRead(Peer peer, long date) { ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); boolean isChanged = false; Promise<Void> res; if (date > state.getOutReadDate()) { state = state.changeOutReadDate(date); res = getDialogsRouter().onPeerReadChanged(peer, date); isChanged = true; } else { res = Promise.success(null); } if (date > state.getOutReceiveDate()) { state = state.changeOutReceiveDate(date); isChanged = true; } if (isChanged) { conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); } return res; } private Promise<Void> onMessageReceived(Peer peer, long date) { ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); if (date > state.getOutReceiveDate()) { state = state.changeOutReceiveDate(date); conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); return getDialogsRouter().onPeerReceiveChanged(peer, date); } else { return Promise.success(null); } } private Promise<Void> onMessageReadByMe(Peer peer, long date, int counter) { ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); if (state.getInReadDate() >= date) { return Promise.success(null); } state = state .changeCounter(counter) .changeInReadDate(date); conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); Promise<Void> res = getDialogsRouter().onCounterChanged(peer, counter); notifyActiveDialogsVM(); context().getNotificationsModule().onOwnRead(peer, date); return res; } // // Peer Changed // private Promise<Void> onPeersChanged(List<User> users, List<Group> groups) { Promise<Void> res = Promise.success(null); boolean isActiveNeedUpdate = false; for (User u : users) { if (!isActiveNeedUpdate) { for (ActiveDialogGroup g : activeDialogStorage.getGroups()) { if (g.getPeers().contains(u.peer())) { isActiveNeedUpdate = true; break; } } } res = res.chain(v -> getDialogsRouter().onUserChanged(u)); } for (Group group : groups) { if (!isActiveNeedUpdate) { for (ActiveDialogGroup g : activeDialogStorage.getGroups()) { if (g.getPeers().contains(group.peer())) { isActiveNeedUpdate = true; break; } } } res = res.chain(v -> getDialogsRouter().onGroupChanged(group)); } if (isActiveNeedUpdate) { notifyActiveDialogsVM(); } return res; } // // Auto Messages Read // private void onConversationVisible(Peer peer) { visiblePeers.add(peer); markAsReadIfNeeded(peer); updateChatState(peer); } private void onConversationHidden(Peer peer) { visiblePeers.remove(peer); } private void onAppVisible() { isAppVisible = true; for (Peer p : visiblePeers) { markAsReadIfNeeded(p); } } private void onAppHidden() { isAppVisible = false; } private boolean isConversationVisible(Peer peer) { return visiblePeers.contains(peer) && isAppVisible; } private void markAsReadIfNeeded(Peer peer) { if (isConversationVisible(peer)) { ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); long inMaxMessageDate = state.getInMaxMessageDate(); //check UnreadCount for zero, because it can be loaded from server (after login) if (state.getUnreadCount() != 0 || state.getInReadDate() < inMaxMessageDate) { state = state .changeCounter(0) .changeInReadDate(inMaxMessageDate); conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); context().getMessagesModule().getPlainReadActor() .send(new CursorReaderActor.MarkRead(peer, inMaxMessageDate)); notifyActiveDialogsVM(); getDialogsRouter().onCounterChanged(peer, 0); context().getNotificationsModule().onOwnRead(peer, inMaxMessageDate); } } } private void updateChatState(Peer peer) { boolean isEmpty = conversation(peer).isEmpty(); ConversationState state = conversationStates.getValue(peer.getUnuqueId()); if (state.isEmpty() != isEmpty) { state = state.changeIsEmpty(isEmpty); } conversationStates.addOrUpdateItem(state); } // // Difference Handling // public Promise<Void> onDifferenceStart() { context().getNotificationsModule().pauseNotifications(); return Promise.success(null); } public Promise<Void> onDifferenceEnd() { context().getNotificationsModule().resumeNotifications(); return Promise.success(null); } // // Tools // private DialogsInt getDialogsRouter() { return context().getMessagesModule().getDialogsInt(); } private ListEngine<Message> conversation(Peer peer) { return context().getMessagesModule().getConversationEngine(peer); } private void notifyActiveDialogsVM() { int counter = 0; ArrayList<DialogGroup> groups = new ArrayList<>(); for (ActiveDialogGroup i : activeDialogStorage.getGroups()) { ArrayListDialogSmall dialogSmalls = new ArrayListDialogSmall(); for (Peer p : i.getPeers()) { String title; Avatar avatar; if (p.getPeerType() == PeerType.GROUP) { Group group = getGroup(p.getPeerId()); title = group.getTitle(); avatar = group.getAvatar(); } else if (p.getPeerType() == PeerType.PRIVATE) { User user = getUser(p.getPeerId()); title = user.getName(); avatar = user.getAvatar(); } else { continue; } int unreadCount = conversationStates.getValue(p.getUnuqueId()).getUnreadCount(); counter += unreadCount; dialogSmalls.add(new DialogSmall(p, title, avatar, unreadCount)); } groups.add(new DialogGroup(i.getTitle(), i.getKey(), dialogSmalls)); } context().getMessagesModule().getDialogGroupsVM().getGroupsValueModel().change(groups); context().getConductor().getGlobalStateVM().onGlobalCounterChanged(counter); } public boolean isValidPeer(Peer peer) { if (peer.getPeerType() == PeerType.PRIVATE) { return users().getValue(peer.getPeerId()) != null; } else if (peer.getPeerType() == PeerType.GROUP) { return groups().getValue(peer.getPeerId()) != null; } return false; } // // Messages // public Promise<Void> onUpdate(Update update) { if (update instanceof UpdateMessage) { UpdateMessage msg = (UpdateMessage) update; Peer peer = convert(msg.getPeer()); AbsContent msgContent = AbsContent.fromMessage(msg.getMessage()); Message message = new Message( msg.getRid(), msg.getDate(), msg.getDate(), msg.getSenderUid(), myUid() == msg.getSenderUid() ? MessageState.SENT : MessageState.UNKNOWN, msgContent); ArrayList<Message> messages = new ArrayList<>(); messages.add(message); return onNewMessages(peer, messages); } else if (update instanceof UpdateMessageSent) { UpdateMessageSent messageSent = (UpdateMessageSent) update; Peer peer = convert(messageSent.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { // Notify Sender context().getMessagesModule() .getSendMessageActor() .send(new SenderActor.MessageSent(peer, messageSent.getRid())); return onOutgoingSent( peer, messageSent.getRid(), messageSent.getDate()); } return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateMessageRead) { UpdateMessageRead read = (UpdateMessageRead) update; Peer peer = convert(read.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { return onMessageRead(peer, read.getStartDate()); } return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateMessageReadByMe) { UpdateMessageReadByMe readByMe = (UpdateMessageReadByMe) update; Peer peer = convert(readByMe.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { int counter = 0; if (readByMe.getUnreadCounter() != null) { counter = readByMe.getUnreadCounter(); } return onMessageReadByMe(peer, readByMe.getStartDate(), counter); } return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateMessageReceived) { UpdateMessageReceived received = (UpdateMessageReceived) update; Peer peer = convert(received.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { return onMessageReceived(peer, received.getStartDate()); } return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateChatDelete) { UpdateChatDelete delete = (UpdateChatDelete) update; Peer peer = convert(delete.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { return onChatDelete(peer); } return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateChatClear) { UpdateChatClear clear = (UpdateChatClear) update; Peer peer = convert(clear.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { return onChatClear(peer); } return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateChatDropCache) { UpdateChatDropCache dropCache = (UpdateChatDropCache) update; Peer peer = convert(dropCache.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { return onChatDropCache(peer); } return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateChatGroupsChanged) { UpdateChatGroupsChanged chatGroupsChanged = (UpdateChatGroupsChanged) update; onActiveDialogsChanged(chatGroupsChanged.getDialogs(), true, true); return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateMessageDelete) { UpdateMessageDelete delete = (UpdateMessageDelete) update; Peer peer = convert(delete.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { return onMessageDeleted(peer, delete.getRids()); } return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateMessageContentChanged) { UpdateMessageContentChanged contentChanged = (UpdateMessageContentChanged) update; Peer peer = convert(contentChanged.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { AbsContent content = AbsContent.fromMessage(contentChanged.getMessage()); return onContentUpdate(peer, contentChanged.getRid(), content); } return Promise.success(null); } else if (update instanceof UpdateReactionsUpdate) { UpdateReactionsUpdate reactionsUpdate = (UpdateReactionsUpdate) update; Peer peer = convert(reactionsUpdate.getPeer()); if (isValidPeer(peer)) { ArrayList<Reaction> reactions = new ArrayList<>(); for (ApiMessageReaction r : reactionsUpdate.getReactions()) { reactions.add(new Reaction(r.getCode(), r.getUsers())); } return onReactionsUpdate(peer, reactionsUpdate.getRid(), reactions); } return Promise.success(null); } return Promise.success(null); } @Override public void onReceive(Object message) { if (!activeDialogStorage.isLoaded() && message instanceof RouterMessageOnlyActive) { stash(); return; } if (message instanceof RouterConversationVisible) { RouterConversationVisible conversationVisible = (RouterConversationVisible) message; onConversationVisible(conversationVisible.getPeer()); } else if (message instanceof RouterConversationHidden) { RouterConversationHidden conversationHidden = (RouterConversationHidden) message; onConversationHidden(conversationHidden.getPeer()); } else if (message instanceof RouterAppVisible) { onAppVisible(); } else if (message instanceof RouterAppHidden) { onAppHidden(); } else { super.onReceive(message); } } @Override public Promise onAsk(Object message) throws Exception { if (!activeDialogStorage.isLoaded() && message instanceof RouterMessageOnlyActive) { stash(); return null; } if (message instanceof RouterMessageUpdate) { return onUpdate(((RouterMessageUpdate) message).getUpdate()); } else if (message instanceof RouterDifferenceStart) { return onDifferenceStart(); } else if (message instanceof RouterDifferenceEnd) { return onDifferenceEnd(); } else if (message instanceof RouterPeersChanged) { RouterPeersChanged peersChanged = (RouterPeersChanged) message; return onPeersChanged(peersChanged.getUsers(), peersChanged.getGroups()); } else if (message instanceof RouterApplyChatHistory) { RouterApplyChatHistory chatHistory = (RouterApplyChatHistory) message; return onChatHistoryLoaded( chatHistory.getPeer(), chatHistory.getMessages(), chatHistory.getMaxReadDate(), chatHistory.getMaxReceiveDate(), chatHistory.isEnded()); } else if (message instanceof RouterApplyDialogsHistory) { RouterApplyDialogsHistory dialogsHistory = (RouterApplyDialogsHistory) message; return onDialogHistoryLoaded(dialogsHistory.getDialogs()); } else if (message instanceof RouterNewMessages) { RouterNewMessages routerNewMessages = (RouterNewMessages) message; return onNewMessages( routerNewMessages.getPeer(), routerNewMessages.getMessages()); } else if (message instanceof RouterOutgoingMessage) { RouterOutgoingMessage routerOutgoingMessage = (RouterOutgoingMessage) message; return onOutgoingMessage( routerOutgoingMessage.getPeer(), routerOutgoingMessage.getMessage()); } else if (message instanceof RouterOutgoingSent) { RouterOutgoingSent routerOutgoingSent = (RouterOutgoingSent) message; return onOutgoingSent( routerOutgoingSent.getPeer(), routerOutgoingSent.getRid(), routerOutgoingSent.getDate()); } else if (message instanceof RouterOutgoingError) { RouterOutgoingError outgoingError = (RouterOutgoingError) message; return onOutgoingError( outgoingError.getPeer(), outgoingError.getRid()); } else if (message instanceof RouterChangedContent) { RouterChangedContent routerChangedContent = (RouterChangedContent) message; return onContentUpdate( routerChangedContent.getPeer(), routerChangedContent.getRid(), routerChangedContent.getContent()); } else if (message instanceof RouterDeletedMessages) { RouterDeletedMessages routerDeletedMessages = (RouterDeletedMessages) message; return onMessageDeleted( routerDeletedMessages.getPeer(), routerDeletedMessages.getRids()); } else if (message instanceof RouterResetChat) { RouterResetChat resetChat = (RouterResetChat) message; return onChatReset(resetChat.getPeer()); } else { return super.onAsk(message); } } }