package; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.view.MenuItem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; public class AuthActivity extends BaseFragmentActivity { public static final String AUTH_TYPE_KEY = "auth_type"; public static final String SIGN_TYPE_KEY = "sign_type"; public static final int AUTH_TYPE_PHONE = 1; public static final int AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL = 2; public static final int SIGN_TYPE_IN = 3; public static final int SIGN_TYPE_UP = 4; private static final int OAUTH_DIALOG = 1; private ProgressDialog progressDialog; private AlertDialog alertDialog; private AuthState state; private int availableAuthType = AUTH_TYPE_PHONE; private int currentAuthType = AUTH_TYPE_PHONE; private int signType; private long currentPhone; private String currentEmail; private String transactionHash; private String currentCode; private boolean isRegistered = false; private String currentName; private Sex currentSex; private ActorRef authActor; private boolean codeValidated = false; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); authActor = ActorSystem.system().actorOf(Props.create(new ActorCreator() { @Override public Actor create() { return new Actor(); } }), "actor/auth_promises_actor"); signType = getIntent().getIntExtra(SIGN_TYPE_KEY, SIGN_TYPE_IN); PreferencesStorage preferences = messenger().getPreferences(); currentPhone = preferences.getLong("currentPhone", 0); currentEmail = preferences.getString("currentEmail"); transactionHash = preferences.getString("transactionHash"); isRegistered = preferences.getBool("isRegistered", false); codeValidated = preferences.getBool("codeValidated", false); currentName = preferences.getString("currentName"); signType = preferences.getInt("signType", signType); String savedState = preferences.getString("auth_state"); state = Enum.valueOf(AuthState.class, savedState != null ? savedState : "AUTH_START"); updateState(state, true); } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { if (item.getItemId() == { } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } private void updateState(AuthState state) { updateState(state, false); } private void updateState(AuthState state, boolean force) { if (this.state != null && (this.state == state && !force)) { return; } PreferencesStorage preferences = messenger().getPreferences(); preferences.putLong("currentPhone", currentPhone); preferences.putString("currentEmail", currentEmail); preferences.putString("transactionHash", transactionHash); preferences.putBool("isRegistered", isRegistered); preferences.putBool("codeValidated", codeValidated); preferences.putString("currentName", currentName); preferences.putInt("signType", signType); preferences.putString("auth_state", state.toString()); // if we show the next fragment when app is in background and not visible , app crashes! // e.g when the GSM data is off and after trying to send code we go to settings to turn on, app is going invisible and ... if (state != AuthState.LOGGED_IN && getIsResumed() == false) { return; } this.state = state; switch (state) { case AUTH_START: if (signType == SIGN_TYPE_UP) { updateState(AuthState.SIGN_UP); } else if (signType == SIGN_TYPE_IN) { showFragment(new SignInFragment(), false); } break; case SIGN_UP: if (currentName != null && !currentName.isEmpty()) { startAuth(currentName); } else { showFragment(new SignUpFragment(), false); } break; case AUTH_PHONE: currentAuthType = AUTH_TYPE_PHONE; currentCode = ""; showFragment(ActorSDK.sharedActor().getDelegatedFragment(ActorSDK.sharedActor().getDelegate().getAuthStartIntent(), new SignPhoneFragment(), BaseAuthFragment.class), false); break; case AUTH_EMAIL: currentCode = ""; currentAuthType = AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL; showFragment(ActorSDK.sharedActor().getDelegatedFragment(ActorSDK.sharedActor().getDelegate().getAuthStartIntent(), new SignEmailFragment(), BaseAuthFragment.class), false); break; case CODE_VALIDATION_PHONE: case CODE_VALIDATION_EMAIL: Fragment signInFragment = new ValidateCodeFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString("authType", state == AuthState.CODE_VALIDATION_EMAIL ? ValidateCodeFragment.AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL : ValidateCodeFragment.AUTH_TYPE_PHONE); args.putBoolean(ValidateCodeFragment.AUTH_TYPE_SIGN, signType == SIGN_TYPE_IN); args.putString("authId", state == AuthState.CODE_VALIDATION_EMAIL ? currentEmail : Long.toString(currentPhone)); signInFragment.setArguments(args); showFragment(signInFragment, false); break; case LOGGED_IN: finish(); ActorSDK.sharedActor().startAfterLoginActivity(this); break; } } public void startAuth(String name) { currentName = name; currentSex = Sex.UNKNOWN; availableAuthType = ActorSDK.sharedActor().getAuthType(); AuthState authState; if (!codeValidated) { if ((availableAuthType & AUTH_TYPE_PHONE) == AUTH_TYPE_PHONE) { authState = AuthState.AUTH_PHONE; } else if ((availableAuthType & AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL) == AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL) { authState = AuthState.AUTH_EMAIL; } else { // none of valid auth types selected - force crash? return; } updateState(authState); } else { signUp(messenger().doSignup(currentName, currentSex != null ? currentSex : Sex.UNKNOWN, transactionHash), currentName, currentSex); } } public void startPhoneAuth(Promise<AuthStartRes> promise, long phone) { currentAuthType = AUTH_TYPE_PHONE; currentPhone = phone; startAuth(promise); } public void startEmailAuth(Promise<AuthStartRes> promise, String email) { currentAuthType = AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL; currentEmail = email; startAuth(promise); } private void startAuth(Promise<AuthStartRes> res) { showProgress(); res.then(new Consumer<AuthStartRes>() { @Override public void apply(AuthStartRes authStartRes) { if (dismissProgress()) { transactionHash = authStartRes.getTransactionHash(); isRegistered = authStartRes.isRegistered(); switch (authStartRes.getAuthMode()) { case OTP: switch (currentAuthType) { case AUTH_TYPE_PHONE: updateState(AuthState.CODE_VALIDATION_PHONE); break; case AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL: updateState(AuthState.CODE_VALIDATION_EMAIL); break; } break; default: //not supported AuthMode - force crash? } } } }).failure(new Consumer<Exception>() { @Override public void apply(Exception e) { handleAuthError(e); } }); } public void validateCode(Promise<AuthCodeRes> promise, String code) { currentCode = code; showProgress(); promise.then(new Consumer<AuthCodeRes>() { @Override public void apply(AuthCodeRes authCodeRes) { if (dismissProgress()) { codeValidated = true; transactionHash = authCodeRes.getTransactionHash(); if (!authCodeRes.isNeedToSignup()) { messenger().doCompleteAuth(authCodeRes.getResult()).then(new Consumer<Boolean>() { @Override public void apply(Boolean aBoolean) { updateState(AuthState.LOGGED_IN); } }).failure(new Consumer<Exception>() { @Override public void apply(Exception e) { handleAuthError(e); } }); } else { if (currentName == null || currentName.isEmpty()) { updateState(AuthState.SIGN_UP, true); } else { signUp(messenger().doSignup(currentName, currentSex != null ? currentSex : Sex.UNKNOWN, transactionHash), currentName, currentSex); } } } } }).failure(new Consumer<Exception>() { @Override public void apply(Exception e) { handleAuthError(e); } }); } public void signUp(Promise<AuthRes> promise, String name, Sex sex) { currentName = name; currentSex = sex; promise.then(new Consumer<AuthRes>() { @Override public void apply(AuthRes authRes) { dismissProgress(); messenger().doCompleteAuth(authRes).then(new Consumer<Boolean>() { @Override public void apply(Boolean aBoolean) { updateState(AuthState.LOGGED_IN); } }).failure(new Consumer<Exception>() { @Override public void apply(Exception e) { handleAuthError(e); } }); } }).failure(new Consumer<Exception>() { @Override public void apply(Exception e) { handleAuthError(e); } }); } public void handleAuthError(final Exception e) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (dismissProgress()) { boolean canTryAgain = false; boolean keepState = false; String message = getString(R.string.error_unknown); String tag = "UNKNOWN"; if (e instanceof RpcException) { RpcException re = (RpcException) e; if (re instanceof RpcInternalException) { message = getString(R.string.error_unknown); canTryAgain = true; } else if (re instanceof RpcTimeoutException) { message = getString(R.string.error_connection); canTryAgain = true; } else { if ("PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED".equals(re.getTag()) || "EMAIL_CODE_EXPIRED".equals(re.getTag())) { currentCode = ""; message = getString(R.string.auth_error_code_expired); canTryAgain = false; } else if ("PHONE_CODE_INVALID".equals(re.getTag()) || "EMAIL_CODE_INVALID".equals(re.getTag())) { message = getString(R.string.auth_error_code_invalid); canTryAgain = false; keepState = true; } else if ("FAILED_GET_OAUTH2_TOKEN".equals(re.getTag())) { message = getString(R.string.auth_error_failed_get_oauth2_token); canTryAgain = false; } else { message = re.getMessage(); canTryAgain = re.isCanTryAgain(); } } } try { if (canTryAgain) { new AlertDialog.Builder(AuthActivity.this) .setMessage(message) .setPositiveButton(R.string.dialog_try_again, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dismissAlert(); switch (state) { case AUTH_EMAIL: case AUTH_PHONE: switch (currentAuthType) { case AUTH_TYPE_PHONE: startAuth(messenger().doStartPhoneAuth(currentPhone)); break; case AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL: startAuth(messenger().doStartEmailAuth(currentEmail)); break; } break; case CODE_VALIDATION_EMAIL: case CODE_VALIDATION_PHONE: validateCode(messenger().doValidateCode(currentCode, transactionHash), currentCode); break; case SIGN_UP: signUp(messenger().doSignup(currentName, currentSex!=null?currentSex:Sex.UNKNOWN, transactionHash), currentName, currentSex); break; } } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.dialog_cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dismissAlert(); updateState(AuthState.AUTH_START); } }).setCancelable(false) .show() .setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false); } else { final boolean finalKeepState = keepState; new AlertDialog.Builder(AuthActivity.this) .setMessage(message) .setPositiveButton(R.string.dialog_ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dismissAlert(); if (finalKeepState) { updateState(state, true); } else if (signType == SIGN_TYPE_UP) { if (currentAuthType == AUTH_TYPE_EMAIL) { switchToEmailAuth(); } else if (currentAuthType == AUTH_TYPE_PHONE) { switchToPhoneAuth(); } else { updateState(AuthState.AUTH_START); } } else if (signType == SIGN_TYPE_IN) { startSignIn(); } else { updateState(AuthState.AUTH_START); } } }) .setCancelable(false) .show() .setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }); } public void switchToEmailAuth() { updateState(AuthState.AUTH_EMAIL); } public void switchToPhoneAuth() { updateState(AuthState.AUTH_PHONE); } public void startSignIn() { signType = SIGN_TYPE_IN; updateState(AuthState.AUTH_START, true); } public void startSignUp() { signType = SIGN_TYPE_UP; updateState(AuthState.AUTH_START, true); } public void showProgress() { dismissProgress(); progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this); progressDialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false); progressDialog.setCancelable(false); progressDialog.setTitle(getString(R.string.progress_common));; } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); dismissProgress(); dismissAlert(); } private boolean dismissProgress() { if (progressDialog != null) { progressDialog.dismiss(); progressDialog = null; return true; } return false; } private void dismissAlert() { if (alertDialog != null) { alertDialog.dismiss(); alertDialog = null; } } public String getCurrentCode() { return currentCode; } public String getTransactionHash() { return transactionHash; } }