package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CallManagerActor extends ModuleActor { public static ActorCreator CONSTRUCTOR(final ModuleContext context) { return () -> new CallManagerActor(context); } private static final String TAG = "CallManagerActor"; private CallsProvider provider; private HashSet<Long> handledCalls = new HashSet<>(); private HashMap<Long, Integer> handledCallAttempts = new HashMap<>(); private HashSet<Long> answeredCalls = new HashSet<>(); private Long currentCall; private HashMap<Long, ActorRef> runningCalls = new HashMap<>(); private boolean isBeeping = false; public CallManagerActor(ModuleContext context) { super(context); } @Override public void preStart() { super.preStart(); provider = config().getCallsProvider(); } // // Outgoing call // private void doCall(final Peer peer, final CommandCallback<Long> callback, boolean isVideoEnabled) { Log.d(TAG, "doCall (" + peer + ")"); // // Stopping current call as we started new done // if (currentCall != null) { terminalCall(currentCall); currentCall = null; } // // Spawning new Actor for call // final WakeLock wakeLock = Runtime.makeWakeLock(); system().actorOf("actor/master/" + RandomUtils.nextRid(), () -> { return new CallActor(peer, callback, wakeLock, isVideoEnabled, context()); }); } private void onCallCreated(long callId, ActorRef ref) { // // Stopping current call some are started during call establishing // if (currentCall != null) { terminalCall(currentCall); currentCall = null; if (isBeeping) { isBeeping = false; provider.stopOutgoingBeep(); } } // // Saving Reference to call // runningCalls.put(callId, ref); // // Marking outgoing call as answered // answeredCalls.add(callId); // // Setting Current Call // currentCall = callId; // // Notify Provider about new current call // provider.onCallStart(callId); isBeeping = true; provider.startOutgoingBeep(); } // // Incoming call // private void onIncomingCall(final long callId, final int attempt, WakeLock wakeLock) { Log.d(TAG, "onIncomingCall (" + callId + ")"); // // Filter double updates about incoming call // if (handledCalls.contains(callId)) { if (handledCallAttempts.get(callId) >= attempt) { if (wakeLock != null) { wakeLock.releaseLock(); } return; } } // // Ignore any incoming call if we already have running call with such call id // if (runningCalls.containsKey(callId)) { if (wakeLock != null) { wakeLock.releaseLock(); } return; } // // Marking handled calls as handled // handledCalls.add(callId); handledCallAttempts.put(callId, attempt); // // Creating wake lock if needed // if (wakeLock == null) { wakeLock = Runtime.makeWakeLock(); } // // Spawning new Actor for call // final WakeLock finalWakeLock = wakeLock; system().actorOf("actor/call" + RandomUtils.nextRid(), () -> { return new CallActor(callId, finalWakeLock, context()); }); } private void onIncomingCallReady(long callId, ActorRef ref) { // // Saving reference to incoming call // runningCalls.put(callId, ref); // // Change Current Call if there are no ongoing calls now // if (currentCall == null) { currentCall = callId; provider.onCallStart(callId); } } private void onIncomingCallHandled(long callId) { // If We are not answered this call on this device if (!answeredCalls.contains(callId)) { // // Notify provider // if (currentCall != null && currentCall == callId) { currentCall = null; provider.onCallEnd(callId); } // // Shutdown call actor // terminalCall(callId); } } private void doAnswerCall(final long callId) { Log.d(TAG, "doAnswerCall (" + callId + ")"); // If not already answered if (!answeredCalls.contains(callId)) { // // Mark as answered // answeredCalls.add(callId); // // Sending answer message to actor. // ActorRef ref = runningCalls.get(callId); if (ref != null) { ref.send(new CallActor.AnswerCall()); } // // Notify Provider to stop playing ringtone // if (currentCall != null && currentCall == callId) { provider.onCallAnswered(callId); } } } private void onCallAnswered(long callId) { Log.d(TAG, "onCallAnswered (" + callId + ")"); if (currentCall == callId) { if (isBeeping) { isBeeping = false; provider.stopOutgoingBeep(); } provider.onCallAnswered(callId); } } // // Call AudioEnabled/Unmute // private void onCallAudioEnable(long callId) { ActorRef ref = runningCalls.get(callId); if (ref != null) { ref.send(new AbsCallActor.AudioEnabled(true)); } } private void onCallAudioDisable(long callId) { ActorRef ref = runningCalls.get(callId); if (ref != null) { ref.send(new AbsCallActor.AudioEnabled(false)); } } // // Call video disable/enable // private void onCallVideoEnable(long callId) { ActorRef ref = runningCalls.get(callId); if (ref != null) { ref.send(new AbsCallActor.VideoEnabled(true)); } } private void onCallVideoDisable(long callId) { ActorRef ref = runningCalls.get(callId); if (ref != null) { ref.send(new AbsCallActor.VideoEnabled(false)); } } // // Ending call // private void onCallEnded(long callId) { Log.d(TAG, "onCallEnded (" + callId + ")"); // // Event ALWAYS comes from Call Actor and we doesn't need // to stop it explicitly. // // Removing from running calls // runningCalls.remove(callId); // // Notify Provider if this call was current // if (currentCall != null && currentCall == callId) { currentCall = null; provider.onCallEnd(callId); if (isBeeping) { isBeeping = false; provider.stopOutgoingBeep(); } } } private void doEndCall(long callId) { Log.d(TAG, "doEndCall (" + callId + ")"); // // Action ALWAYS comes from UI side and we need only stop call actor // explicitly and it will do the rest. // ActorRef currentCallActor = runningCalls.remove(callId); if (currentCallActor != null) { if (answeredCalls.contains(callId)) { currentCallActor.send(PoisonPill.INSTANCE); } else { currentCallActor.send(new CallActor.RejectCall()); } } // // Notify Provider if this call was current // if (currentCall != null && currentCall == callId) { currentCall = null; provider.onCallEnd(callId); if (isBeeping) { isBeeping = false; provider.stopOutgoingBeep(); } } } private void probablyEndCall() { if (currentCall != null) { doEndCall(currentCall); } } private void terminalCall(long callId) { ActorRef dest = runningCalls.remove(callId); if (dest != null) { dest.send(PoisonPill.INSTANCE); } } private void sendToCall(long callId, Object message) { ActorRef dest = runningCalls.get(callId); if (dest != null) { dest.send(message); } } // // Messages // @Override public void onReceive(Object message) { if (message instanceof OnIncomingCall) { OnIncomingCall call = (OnIncomingCall) message; onIncomingCall(call.getCallId(), call.getAttempt(), null); } else if (message instanceof OnIncomingCallLocked) { OnIncomingCallLocked locked = (OnIncomingCallLocked) message; onIncomingCall(locked.getCallId(), locked.getAttempt(), locked.getWakeLock()); } else if (message instanceof OnIncomingCallHandled) { OnIncomingCallHandled incomingCallHandled = (OnIncomingCallHandled) message; onIncomingCallHandled(incomingCallHandled.getCallId()); } else if (message instanceof DoAnswerCall) { doAnswerCall(((DoAnswerCall) message).getCallId()); } else if (message instanceof DoEndCall) { doEndCall(((DoEndCall) message).getCallId()); } else if (message instanceof OnCallEnded) { onCallEnded(((OnCallEnded) message).getCallId()); } else if (message instanceof DoCall) { DoCall doCall = (DoCall) message; doCall(doCall.getPeer(), doCall.getCallback(), doCall.isEnableVideoCall()); } else if (message instanceof DoCallComplete) { DoCallComplete callCreated = (DoCallComplete) message; onCallCreated(callCreated.getCallId(), sender()); } else if (message instanceof IncomingCallReady) { IncomingCallReady callComplete = (IncomingCallReady) message; onIncomingCallReady(callComplete.getCallId(), sender()); } else if (message instanceof OnCallAnswered) { OnCallAnswered answered = (OnCallAnswered) message; onCallAnswered(answered.getCallId()); } else if (message instanceof AudioDisable) { onCallAudioDisable(((AudioDisable) message).getCallId()); } else if (message instanceof AudioEnable) { onCallAudioEnable(((AudioEnable) message).getCallId()); } else if (message instanceof DisableVideo) { onCallVideoDisable(((DisableVideo) message).getCallId()); } else if (message instanceof EnableVideo) { onCallVideoEnable(((EnableVideo) message).getCallId()); } else if (message instanceof ProbablyEndCall) { probablyEndCall(); } else { super.onReceive(message); } } public static class OnIncomingCall { private long callId; private int attempt; public OnIncomingCall(long callId, int attempt) { this.callId = callId; this.attempt = attempt; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } public int getAttempt() { return attempt; } } public static class OnIncomingCallLocked { private long callId; private int attempt; private WakeLock wakeLock; public OnIncomingCallLocked(long callId, int attempt, WakeLock wakeLock) { this.callId = callId; this.wakeLock = wakeLock; this.attempt = attempt; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } public WakeLock getWakeLock() { return wakeLock; } public int getAttempt() { return attempt; } } public static class OnIncomingCallHandled { private long callId; private int attempt; public OnIncomingCallHandled(long callId, int attempt) { this.callId = callId; this.attempt = attempt; } public int getAttempt() { return attempt; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } public static class OnCallEnded { private long callId; public OnCallEnded(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } public static class DoAnswerCall { private long callId; public DoAnswerCall(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } public static class DoEndCall { private long callId; public DoEndCall(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } // // Call State // public static class AudioEnable { private long callId; public AudioEnable(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } public static class AudioDisable { private long callId; public AudioDisable(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } public static class DisableVideo { private long callId; public DisableVideo(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } public static class EnableVideo { private long callId; public EnableVideo(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } // // Call Start // public static class DoCall { private Peer peer; private CommandCallback<Long> callback; private boolean enableVideoCall; public DoCall(Peer peer, CommandCallback<Long> callback, boolean enableVideoCall) { this.peer = peer; this.callback = callback; this.enableVideoCall = enableVideoCall; } public CommandCallback<Long> getCallback() { return callback; } public Peer getPeer() { return peer; } public boolean isEnableVideoCall() { return enableVideoCall; } } public static class DoCallComplete { private long callId; public DoCallComplete(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } public static class OnCallAnswered { private long callId; public OnCallAnswered(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } public static class IncomingCallReady { private long callId; public IncomingCallReady(long callId) { this.callId = callId; } public long getCallId() { return callId; } } public static class ProbablyEndCall { } }