package; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.widget.TextView; import; import dan.dit.whatsthat.R; import; import; import dan.dit.whatsthat.testsubject.ForeignPurse; import; import; /** * //TODO For publishing on amazon appstore, * //TODO Migrate google billing to amazon billing, also for donations view add paypal and remove googleplay * Created by daniel on 09.01.16. */ public class PurchaseCurrencyArticle extends ShopArticle { private final SortimentHolder mHolder; private final int mGainedCurrency; private final String mGoogleProductId; private PurchaseCurrencyProduct mProduct; private int mCostInCent; /** * Creates a new article to purchase in app currency for real money using GooglePlay billing. * Requires inapp billing (and internet) and can fail on various reasons during the process. * This article can be purchased infinite times, the gained currency is displayed where * normally the spent currency is visualized. * @param articleKey The key of this article. Must be unique for all ShopArticles. * @param purse The purse used to add gained currency to. * @param holder The SortimentHolder used to get a valid BillingCallback of when click on * purchase. * @param nameResId A string resource for the article name. * @param descrResId A string resource for the article description. * @param iconResId A drawable resource for the icon. * @param gainedCurrency The gained currency on successful purchase. Must be positive! * @param googleProductId The product id as specified in the google developer console. Must * be valid! * @param costInCent A visual hint as to how much real money this is going to cost in cents. * This is normalized for prices in germany including taxes, but the actual * price for billing will differ from country and currency used. */ public PurchaseCurrencyArticle(String articleKey, ForeignPurse purse, SortimentHolder holder, int nameResId, int descrResId, int iconResId, int gainedCurrency, String googleProductId, int costInCent) { super(articleKey, purse, nameResId, descrResId, iconResId); mHolder = holder; mGainedCurrency = gainedCurrency; mGoogleProductId = googleProductId; mCostInCent = costInCent; if (mGainedCurrency <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No currency gain to buy."); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mGoogleProductId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No google product id given."); } } @Override public int isPurchasable(int subProductIndex) { if (subProductIndex != 0) { return HINT_NOT_PURCHASABLE_OTHER; } if (areDependenciesMissing(subProductIndex)) { return HINT_NOT_PURCHASABLE_DEPENDENCIES_MISSING; } return HINT_PURCHASABLE; } @Override public int getSpentScore(int subProductIndex) { return mPurse.getShopValue(mKey) * -mGainedCurrency; } @Override public CharSequence getCostText(Resources resources, int subProductIndex) { return resources.getString(R.string.article_purchase_with_real_money);//will most likely // not be displayed } @Override public int getSubProductCount() { return 1; } @Override public SubProduct getSubProduct(LayoutInflater inflater, int subProductIndex) { if (mProduct == null) { mProduct = new PurchaseCurrencyProduct(); } if (mProduct.hasNoView()) { mProduct.inflateView(inflater); } if (!mProduct.hasNoView()) { TextView start = ((TextView) mProduct.getView().findViewById(; if (mCostInCent <= 0) { start.setText(R.string.article_purchase_start_plain); } else { start.setText(mProduct.getView().getResources().getString( R.string.article_purchase_start, mCostInCent / 100.f)); } } return mProduct; } @Override public void onChildClick(SubProduct product) { if (product == mProduct && mHolder != null && isPurchasable(0) == HINT_PURCHASABLE) { Log.d("Billing", "Clicked on " + mProduct + " child, holder not null, callback null=" + (mHolder.getBillingCallback() == null)); BillingCallback callback = mHolder.getBillingCallback(); if (callback != null) { callback.purchase(mGoogleProductId, mProduct); } } } @Override public int getPurchaseProgressPercent() { return mPurse.getShopValue(mKey) > 0 ? 100 : 0; } private class PurchaseCurrencyProduct extends SubProduct implements StoreActivity.ProductPurchasedCallback { public PurchaseCurrencyProduct() { super(R.layout.shop_purchase_currency_product); setParentArticle(PurchaseCurrencyArticle.this); } @Override public int onProductPurchased(String productId, TransactionDetails details) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(productId) && productId.equals(mGoogleProductId)) { mPurse.purchaseCurrency(mKey, mGainedCurrency); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onArticleChanged(PurchaseCurrencyArticle.this); } return StoreActivity.ProductPurchasedCallback.CONSUME_PRODUCT; } return StoreActivity.ProductPurchasedCallback.DO_NOTHING; } } }