package dan.dit.whatsthat.riddle.control; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import dan.dit.whatsthat.util.general.MathFunction; /** * Created by daniel on 05.11.15. */ public class RiddleCanvasAnimation extends RiddleAnimation { private List<CanvasAnimation> mAnimations = new ArrayList<>(); private RiddleAnimation mWrapped; protected RiddleCanvasAnimation() { super(RiddleAnimationController.LEVEL_GROUNDING); } protected RiddleCanvasAnimation(@NonNull RiddleAnimation animation) { super(RiddleAnimationController.LEVEL_ON_TOP); mWrapped = animation; } @Override boolean isAlive() { return mAnimations.size() > 0 && (mWrapped == null || mWrapped .isAlive()); } @Override public void onMurdered() { for (CanvasAnimation anim : mAnimations) { anim.onMurdered(); } } protected void addAnimation(CanvasAnimation animation) { mAnimations.add(animation); } @Override protected void update(long updatePeriod) { for (int i = 0; i < mAnimations.size(); i++) { CanvasAnimation curr = mAnimations.get(i); curr.update(updatePeriod); if (!curr.isAlive()) { mAnimations.remove(i); i--; } } if (mWrapped != null) { mWrapped.update(updatePeriod); } } @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas, Paint paint) { boolean saveAndRestore = mWrapped != null; if (saveAndRestore) {; } for (int i = 0; i < mAnimations.size(); i++) { CanvasAnimation curr = mAnimations.get(i); curr.apply(canvas); } if (mWrapped != null) { mWrapped.draw(canvas, paint); } if (saveAndRestore) { canvas.restore(); } } @Override public void onBorn() { super.onBorn(); Log.d("Riddle", "Riddle view animation is born!"); } @Override public void onKilled(boolean murdered) { super.onKilled(murdered); Log.d("Riddle", "Riddle view animation is killed: " + murdered); } public static class Builder { private RiddleCanvasAnimation mAnim; private MathFunction mInterpolator; private int mLives = 1; private int mNextLifeMode = CanvasAnimation.DEFAULT_NEXT_LIFE_MODE; public Builder() { mAnim = new RiddleCanvasAnimation(); } public Builder(@NonNull RiddleAnimation toWrap) { mAnim = new RiddleCanvasAnimation(toWrap); } public Builder setInterpolator(MathFunction interpolator) { mInterpolator = interpolator; return this; } public Builder setLives(int lives) { mLives = lives; return this; } public Builder setNextLifeMode(int nextLifeMode) { mNextLifeMode = nextLifeMode; return this; } public Builder addRotate(float rotateDeltaDegrees, float rotateCenterX, float rotateCenterY) { mAnim.addAnimation(new Rotate(rotateDeltaDegrees, rotateCenterX, rotateCenterY, 0L).setLives(CanvasAnimation.LIVES_LIFE_FOREVER)); return this; } public Builder addRotate(float rotateDeltaDegrees, float rotateCenterX, float rotateCenterY, long duration) { mAnim.addAnimation(new Rotate(rotateDeltaDegrees, rotateCenterX, rotateCenterY, duration).setInterpolator(mInterpolator).setLives(mLives).setNextLifeMode(mNextLifeMode)); return this; } public Builder addTranslate(float translateDeltaX, float translateDeltaY) { mAnim.addAnimation(new Translate(translateDeltaX, translateDeltaY, 0L).setLives(CanvasAnimation.LIVES_LIFE_FOREVER)); return this; } public Builder addTranslate(float initialDeltaX, float initialDeltaY, float translateDeltaX, float translateDeltaY, long duration) { mAnim.addAnimation(new Translate(initialDeltaX, initialDeltaY, translateDeltaX, translateDeltaY, duration) .setInterpolator(mInterpolator).setLives(mLives).setNextLifeMode(mNextLifeMode)); return this; } public Builder addTranslate(float translateDeltaX, float translateDeltaY, long duration) { mAnim.addAnimation(new Translate(translateDeltaX, translateDeltaY, duration).setInterpolator(mInterpolator).setLives(mLives).setNextLifeMode(mNextLifeMode)); return this; } public Builder addScale(float scaleDeltaX, float scaleDeltaY, float scaleCenterX, float scaleCenterY, long duration) { mAnim.addAnimation(new Scale(scaleDeltaX, scaleDeltaY, scaleCenterX, scaleCenterY, duration).setInterpolator(mInterpolator).setLives(mLives).setNextLifeMode(mNextLifeMode)); return this; } public RiddleCanvasAnimation build() { return mAnim; } } public static abstract class CanvasAnimation { public static final MathFunction INTERPOLATOR_LINEAR = new MathFunction .LinearInterpolation(0., 0., 1., 1.); public static final MathFunction INTERPOLATOR_ACCELERATE = new MathFunction .QuadraticInterpolation(0., 0., 1., 1.); public static final MathFunction INTERPOLATOR_DECELERATE = new MathFunction .QuadraticInterpolation(1., 1., 0., 0.); /** * If set to lives, the animation ill never die. Remember to remove animation at some time! */ public static final int LIVES_LIFE_FOREVER = -1; /** * Cycles from 0 to 1, then repeats. One cycle requires 1 life. */ public static final int NEXT_LIFE_MODE_REPEAT = 0; /** * Cycles from 0 to 1, 1 to 0, then repeats. One cycle requires 2 lives. */ public static final int NEXT_LIFE_MODE_REVERSE = 1; /** * Cycles from 0 to 1, 1 to 0, 0 to -1, -1 to 0, then repeats. One cycle requires 4 lives. */ public static final int NEXT_LIFE_MODE_REVERSE_INVERT = 2; public static final int DEFAULT_NEXT_LIFE_MODE = NEXT_LIFE_MODE_REPEAT; protected long mLifeTime; private final long mTotalLifeTime; private MathFunction mInterpolator; // evaluated from 0. to 1. private int mLives; // dies if lives is zero private int mNextLifeMode; private int mCurrModeState; //handled by NextLifeMode private boolean mLifeIsIncreasing; protected CanvasAnimation(long totalLifeTime) { mTotalLifeTime = Math.max(totalLifeTime, 0L); mLifeTime = 0L; mLifeIsIncreasing = true; setLives(1); setNextLifeMode(DEFAULT_NEXT_LIFE_MODE); } public CanvasAnimation setInterpolator(MathFunction interpolator) { mInterpolator = interpolator; return this; } public CanvasAnimation setLives(int lives) { mLives = lives == 0 ? 1 : lives; return this; } public CanvasAnimation setNextLifeMode(int mode) { mNextLifeMode = mode; mCurrModeState = 0; return this; } protected double getInterpolatedLife(long lifeTime) { if (mTotalLifeTime == 0L) { return 1.; } final double lifeFraction = Math.abs(lifeTime) / (double) mTotalLifeTime; if (mInterpolator == null) { // default linear return Math.signum(lifeTime) * lifeFraction; } return Math.signum(lifeTime) * mInterpolator.evaluate(lifeFraction); } protected abstract void apply(Canvas canvas); public boolean isAlive() { return mLives != 0; } public void onMurdered() { mLives = 0; mLifeTime = mLifeIsIncreasing ? Long.MAX_VALUE : Long.MIN_VALUE; } public void update(long updatePeriod) { boolean die; if (mLifeIsIncreasing) { mLifeTime += updatePeriod; switch (mNextLifeMode) { case NEXT_LIFE_MODE_REVERSE_INVERT: die = mLifeTime >= mTotalLifeTime || (mLifeTime >= 0L && mCurrModeState == 3); break; default: die = mLifeTime >= mTotalLifeTime; break; } } else { mLifeTime -= updatePeriod; switch (mNextLifeMode) { case NEXT_LIFE_MODE_REVERSE_INVERT: die = mLifeTime <= -mTotalLifeTime || (mLifeTime <= 0L && mCurrModeState == 1); break; default: die = mLifeTime <= 0L; break; } } if (die) { if (mLives > 0) { mLives--; } switch (mNextLifeMode) { case NEXT_LIFE_MODE_REVERSE_INVERT: mCurrModeState++; mCurrModeState %= 4; mLifeIsIncreasing = mCurrModeState == 0 || mCurrModeState == 3; break; case NEXT_LIFE_MODE_REVERSE: mCurrModeState++; mCurrModeState %= 2; mLifeIsIncreasing = mCurrModeState == 0; break; case NEXT_LIFE_MODE_REPEAT: mLifeTime = 0L; break; default: //do nothing break; } } } } private static class Rotate extends CanvasAnimation { private float mCenterX; private float mCenterY; private float mRotateDeltaDegrees; protected Rotate(float rotateDeltaDegrees, float centerX, float centerY, long totalLifeTime) { super(totalLifeTime); mRotateDeltaDegrees = rotateDeltaDegrees; mCenterX = centerX; mCenterY = centerY; } @Override protected void apply(Canvas canvas) { float rotate = (float) (getInterpolatedLife(mLifeTime) * mRotateDeltaDegrees); canvas.rotate(rotate, mCenterX * canvas.getWidth(), mCenterY * canvas.getHeight()); } } private static class Translate extends CanvasAnimation { private float mInitialDeltaX; private float mInitialDeltaY; private float mDeltaX; private float mDeltaY; protected Translate(float deltaX, float deltaY, long totalLifeTime) { this(0, 0, deltaX, deltaY, totalLifeTime); } protected Translate(float initialDeltaX, float initialDeltaY, float deltaX, float deltaY, long totalLifeTime) { super(totalLifeTime); mInitialDeltaX = initialDeltaX; mInitialDeltaY = initialDeltaY; mDeltaX = deltaX; mDeltaY = deltaY; } @Override protected void apply(Canvas canvas) { float interpolatedLife = (float) getInterpolatedLife(mLifeTime); float dx = interpolatedLife * mDeltaX; float dy = interpolatedLife * mDeltaY; canvas.translate(mInitialDeltaX + dx, mInitialDeltaY + dy); } } private static class Scale extends CanvasAnimation { private float mDeltaX; private float mDeltaY; private float mCenterX; private float mCenterY; protected Scale(float deltaX, float deltaY, float centerX, float centerY, long totalLifeTime) { super(totalLifeTime); mDeltaX = deltaX; mDeltaY = deltaY; mCenterX = centerX; mCenterY = centerY; } @Override protected void apply(Canvas canvas) { float interpolatedLife = (float) getInterpolatedLife(mLifeTime); float dx = interpolatedLife * mDeltaX; float dy = interpolatedLife * mDeltaY; canvas.scale(dx, dy, mCenterX * canvas.getWidth(), mCenterY * canvas.getHeight()); } } }