package jqian.util; import; import java.util.*; /** * */ public class Utils { /** Calculate the time between two events */ public static String getTimeConsumed(Date start, Date end){ long time = end.getTime()-start.getTime(); return ""+time/1000+"."+(time/100)%10+"s"; } /** Transfer a free style string into a string that is valid as a file path. */ public static String toValidFilepath(String str){ StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(str); for (int i = 0; i < strBuf.length(); i++) { if (strBuf.charAt(i) == '<') strBuf.setCharAt(i, '_'); if (strBuf.charAt(i) == '>') strBuf.setCharAt(i, '_'); } return strBuf.toString(); } /** Get entry class of the application. Use exception mechanism for implementation.*/ public static String getEntryClass(){ StackTraceElement stack[] = (new Throwable()).getStackTrace(); return stack[stack.length-1].getClassName(); } static void clearFile(File file){ if(file.isDirectory()){ for(File f: file.listFiles()){ clearFile(f); } } file.delete(); } public static void clearDirectory(String dir){ File dirFile = new File(dir); File[] files = dirFile.listFiles(); if(files!=null){ for(File f: files){ clearFile(f); } } } public static void assureDirectory(String filepath){ File f = new File(filepath); File dir = f.getParentFile(); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } } }