package jqian.sootex.dependency.slicing; import java.util.*; import jqian.sootex.location.Location; import jqian.sootex.util.SootUtils; import jqian.util.CollectionUtils; import soot.*; public class JimpleSlicingCriterion implements SlicingCriterion { /** * * @param mc Currently, this parameter can only be a SootMethod * @param stmt * @param variables The variable set can be empty or null. In that case, only the <code>stmt</code> is used * as slicing criteria. * @param postExecution Whether to start slicing after the given statement has been executed */ public JimpleSlicingCriterion(MethodOrMethodContext mc, Unit stmt, Set<Location> variables,boolean postExecution) { this._mc = mc; this._stmt = stmt; this._variables = variables; this._postExecution = postExecution; } public Unit statement() { return _stmt; } public MethodOrMethodContext context(){ return _mc; } public boolean startFromPostExecution(){ return _postExecution; } /* public Collection toStmtCriteria(IReachingDUQuery rd) { Collection criteria = new HashSet(); //get the definitely defined location and used locations //Set useLoc = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = _variables.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Location loc = (Location); } /*Collection criteria = new HashSet(); //get the definitely defined location and used locations AccessPath def = UnitInfo.v().getDefAccessPath(_stmt); AccessPath use = UnitInfo.v().getCopiedAccessPath(_stmt); Location assigned = null; if (def != null && def.length() == 0) assigned = def.getRoot(); //Set useLoc = new HashSet(); if (use != null) { } for (Iterator it = _variables.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Location loc = (Location); if (loc == assigned) { } } //TODO return criteria; } */ public Set<Location> variables() { return _variables; } public String toString() { StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); str.append("<"); str.append(SootUtils.toShortString(_stmt.toString())); str.append(",{"); str.append(CollectionUtils.toString(_variables.iterator(), ",")); str.append("}>"); return str.toString(); } protected MethodOrMethodContext _mc; protected Unit _stmt; protected Set<Location> _variables; private boolean _postExecution; }