package jqian.sootex.location; import java.util.*; import jqian.Global; import soot.jimple.*; import soot.jimple.internal.*; import soot.*; import soot.util.*; /** * Encode an access paths in the program. * An access path always starts with a Location * <immutable> */ public class AccessPath implements Numberable{ private static Object UNCLEAR_INDEX = new Object(); private static Map<Location, AccessPath> _root2AccessPath; private static int _count = 0; protected static void reset(){ _count = 0; //XXX: Use WeakHashMap instead of HashMap from 2008-09-18 _root2AccessPath = new WeakHashMap<Location,AccessPath>(); } static{ reset(); Global.v().regesiterResetableGlobals(AccessPath.class); } public static void release(SootMethod m){ if(!m.hasActiveBody()) return; Body b = m.getActiveBody(); Collection<Local> locals = b.getLocals(); for(Local local: locals){ Location root = Location.valueToLocation(local); _root2AccessPath.remove(root); } } /** * @note In this method, the null constant, string constant are represent with * HeapObject. The implicit return object also can be represented with a HeapObject */ public static AccessPath valueToAccessPath(SootMethod method,Unit stmt,Value value){//throws Exception{ AccessPath ap=null; //the atoms if(value instanceof Local //||value instanceof NullConstant //||value instanceof StringConstant ){ Location loc = Location.valueToLocation(value); ap = AccessPath.getByRoot(loc); } else if(value instanceof ParameterRef){ //Location loc = StackLocation.getLocation(value); //ap=AccessPath.getByRoot(loc); return null; } //handling the identity references else if(value instanceof JCaughtExceptionRef || value instanceof ThisRef || value instanceof NewExpr){ //Location loc = CommonHeapObject.getHeapObject(method,stmt,value); //ap=AccessPath.getByRoot(loc); return null; } //handling the new expressions else if( value instanceof NewArrayExpr || value instanceof NewMultiArrayExpr){ //HeapObject hobj=ArraySpace.getHeapObject(method,stmt,value); //ap=AccessPath.getByRoot(hobj); return null; } //handling array element references else if(value instanceof ArrayRef){ //may be some problem Value base=((ArrayRef)value).getBase(); Local local = (Local)base; ap=AccessPath.getByRoot(Location.valueToLocation(local)); //ap=ap.appendArrayRef(((ArrayRef)value).getIndex()); ap=ap.appendArrayRef(); } //handling instance field references else if(value instanceof InstanceFieldRef){ Value base=((InstanceFieldRef)value).getBase(); Local local = (Local)base; ap=AccessPath.getByRoot(Location.valueToLocation(local)); ap=ap.appendFieldRef(((FieldRef)value).getField()); } //handling class field references else if(value instanceof StaticFieldRef){ SootField field=((StaticFieldRef)value).getField(); GlobalLocation loc = Location.getGlobalLocation(field); ap=AccessPath.getByRoot(loc); } //handling cast expression else if(value instanceof CastExpr){ Value base=((CastExpr)value).getOp(); if(base instanceof Local){ Location loc = Location.valueToLocation(base); ap = AccessPath.getByRoot(loc); }else{ return null; } } //handling the access of array length //NOTE: the array length access is translated to a special instruction in .class files else if(value instanceof LengthExpr){ //as it return an integer, the expression is left unhandled return null; } return ap; } /** * Get the AccessPath instance by root pointer. If it is not found, just build * it and store it to the map. * @param root * @return */ public static AccessPath getByRoot(Location root){ AccessPath ap= _root2AccessPath.get(root); if(null==ap){ ap=new AccessPath(root); } return ap; } private final Location _root; private final AccessPath _father; private final int _id; private final Object[] _accessList; // accessor can be SootField/Value/UNCLEAR_INDEX // private List<AccessPath> _extensions = new ArrayList<AccessPath>(5); // XXX: Using list to store extensions is too slow // Using map will improve efficiency, but some program may fail to run due // to OutOfMemoryException private Map<Object, AccessPath> _extensions = new HashMap<Object, AccessPath>(5); //The access path can only be build from an implcit factory private AccessPath(Location loc){ this._root = loc; this._accessList = new Object[0]; this._father = null; this._id=_count; //register to the factory _root2AccessPath.put(loc,this); _count++; } private AccessPath(AccessPath father, Object extraAccessor){ this._root = father._root; int fatherAccessors = father._accessList.length; _accessList = new Object[fatherAccessors+1]; System.arraycopy(father._accessList, 0, _accessList, 0, fatherAccessors); _accessList[fatherAccessors] = extraAccessor; this._father = father; this._id=_count; _count++; } public int getNumber(){ return _id; } public void setNumber(int id){} public final AccessPath getRootModified(final Location newRoot){ AccessPath ap=getByRoot(newRoot); for(Object accessor: _accessList){ ap=ap.appendAccessor(accessor); } return ap; } final AccessPath appendAccessor(final Object accessor){ //if found, do not reconstruct it /*for(AccessPath ap: _extensions){ int index = ap._accessList.length-1; Object ac = ap._accessList[index]; if(ac==accessor){ return ap; } } AccessPath ext = new AccessPath(this,accessor); _extensions.add(ext); return ext; */ AccessPath ext = _extensions.get(accessor); if(ext==null){ ext = new AccessPath(this,accessor); _extensions.put(accessor,ext); } return ext; } public AccessPath appendFieldRef(SootField field){ return appendAccessor(field); } /** Append an array reference without distinguish the index. */ public AccessPath appendArrayRef(){ return appendAccessor(UNCLEAR_INDEX); } /**Truncate the access path by the given length*/ public AccessPath getTruncated(int length){ if(length<0){ throw new RuntimeException("Truncate access path error"); } AccessPath cur=this; while(cur!=null && cur.length()>length){ cur=cur._father; } return cur; } /**Return a sequence of ancestor access paths*/ public List<AccessPath> getAncestors(){ List<AccessPath> list=new LinkedList<AccessPath>(); AccessPath cur=_father; while(cur!=null){ list.add(0,cur); //add to list head cur=cur._father; } return list; } /** return the length of this access path */ public int length(){ return _accessList.length; } public String toString(){ String str=_root.toString(); for(Object ac: _accessList){ if(ac instanceof SootField){ str+='.'+((SootField)ac).getName(); }else{ str+="[]"; } } return str; } /** return the root of this access path */ public Location getRoot(){ return _root; } /**Check whether the access path contains an array element access*/ public boolean withArrayElmtAccess(){ for(Object ac: _accessList){ if(!(ac instanceof SootField)){ return true; } } return false; } /** Get the declaration type of an access path. * NOTE: To save memory space, we do not have a type field for the AccessPath, * and for long access paths, accessing its type may have some cost. * For an access path with length in 3, this will not be a problem. */ public Type getDeclareType(){ if(_accessList.length==0){ return _root.getType(); } Object lastAccessor = getLastAccessor(); if(lastAccessor instanceof SootField){ return ((SootField)lastAccessor).getType(); } else{// if is a array accessor, return the type of array element Type type = _father.getDeclareType(); assert(type instanceof ArrayType); return ((ArrayType)type).getArrayElementType(); } } public AccessPath getFather(){ return _father; } /**Check whether the current access path is a prefix of another access path. */ public boolean isPrefixOf(AccessPath that){ if(this._root!=that._root){ return false; } int length = _accessList.length; if(length > that._accessList.length){ return false; } for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ Object thisAc = _accessList[i]; Object thatAc = that._accessList[i]; if(thisAc!=thatAc){ return false; } } return true; } public boolean isTruePrefixOf(AccessPath that){ if(!isPrefixOf(that)){ return false; }else if(this.length()>=that.length()){ return false; } return true; } public static Collection<AccessPath> getAllRootAccessPaths(){ Set<AccessPath> rootAps = new HashSet<AccessPath>(); Set<Location> rootPtrs = _root2AccessPath.keySet(); for(Iterator<Location> it = rootPtrs.iterator();it.hasNext();){ rootAps.add(_root2AccessPath.get(; } return rootAps; } /**Return all currently constructed access paths*/ public static Collection<AccessPath> getAllAccessPaths(){ Collection<AccessPath> rootAps = getAllRootAccessPaths(); List<AccessPath> list=new LinkedList<AccessPath>(); for(Iterator<AccessPath> it=rootAps.iterator();it.hasNext();){ AccessPath ap =; list.add(ap); list.addAll(ap.getAllExtensions()); } return list; } public Collection<AccessPath> getImmediateExtensions(){ //return _extensions; return _extensions.values(); } /**Recusively get all extensions of the current access path*/ public List<AccessPath> getAllExtensions(){ List<AccessPath> list=new LinkedList<AccessPath>(); for(AccessPath ext: _extensions.values()){ list.add(ext); list.addAll(ext.getAllExtensions()); } return list; } /** Get the sequence of accessors. */ public Object[] getAccessors(){ return _accessList; } public final Object getLastAccessor(){ int index = _accessList.length-1; return _accessList[index]; } public AccessPath appendAccessors(List<Object> accessors){ AccessPath cur = this; for(Iterator<Object> it=accessors.iterator();it.hasNext();){ Object access =; cur = cur.appendAccessor(access); } return cur; } /** Get the last accessed field in the accessor list. * This method only work correctly when withArrayElementAccess()==false*/ public SootField getLastAccessedField(){ Object accessor = getLastAccessor(); return (SootField)accessor; } /** Check whether two access path is the same in a limited length. */ public boolean isPartialyEquals(AccessPath that,int length){ if(this._root!=that._root) return false; if(_accessList.length<length || that._accessList.length<length) throw new RuntimeException("Too big length to compare."); for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ Object thisAccessor = _accessList[i]; Object thatAccessor = that._accessList[i]; if(!thisAccessor.equals(thatAccessor)) return false; } return true; } public boolean match(AccessPath ap){ if(getLastAccessedField()!=AnyField.v()) return this==ap; else{ int len=this.length(); if(len!=ap.length()) return false; if(this._father==ap._father) return true; return false; } } public static boolean isFieldSelector(Object accessor){ return accessor!=null && (accessor instanceof SootField); } public static SootField getAccessedField(Object accessor){ return (SootField)accessor; } }