package jqian.sootex.dependency.slicing; import java.util.*; import jqian.sootex.location.AccessPath; import jqian.sootex.location.HeapAbstraction; import jqian.sootex.location.Location; import jqian.sootex.ptsto.IPtsToQuery; import jqian.sootex.ptsto.PtsToHelper; import jqian.sootex.util.SootUtils; import soot.*; import soot.jimple.*; /** * Slicing criterion on Java source code level */ public class JavaSlicingCriterion implements SlicingCriterion{ protected Set<String> _varNames = new HashSet<String>(); protected String _typeOrMethod; protected int _line; protected boolean _postExecution; /** * @param varNames A string identifier for the concern variable. * The variable can be the name of a local, a full qualified field signature like * "<java.lang.System: out>", or an access path like * "local.<java.util.List: int size>". * @param scope Which could be a method signature or a full qualified type name * @param postExecution Whether to start slicing from the state that the given line * has been executed. */ public JavaSlicingCriterion(Collection<String> varNames,String scope,int line,boolean postExecution){ this._varNames.addAll(varNames); this._typeOrMethod = scope; this._line = line; this._postExecution = postExecution; } public String getEnclosingScope(){ return _typeOrMethod; } /** * Turn line into Units in bytecode level, map variables to Location in IR, and map type into SootClass * @param query A points-to query is demanded when a slicing criterion concerns on access paths. * This parameter can be null if you are sure the slicing criterion does not concerns * on any access path. * The specified points-to query should be the one used to construct dependence graph */ public Collection<JimpleSlicingCriterion> toJimpleCriterion(IPtsToQuery query, HeapAbstraction heapAbstraction){ //locate the method, and the units LinkedList<Unit> units = new LinkedList<Unit>(); SootClass cls = null; SootMethod method = null; try{ cls = Scene.v().getSootClass(_typeOrMethod); }catch(Exception e){} try{ method = Scene.v().getMethod(_typeOrMethod); }catch(Exception e){} if(method==null && cls!=null){ for(SootMethod m: cls.getMethods()){ unitsInLine(m,_line,units); if(units.size()>0){ method = m; break; } } } else if(method!=null){ unitsInLine(method,_line,units); } // can not map the criterion from source code to bytecode if(method==null) return null; //locate the concerned access paths Set<AccessPath> aps = new HashSet<AccessPath>(); for(Local loc: method.getActiveBody().getLocals()){ String name = loc.getName(); if(_varNames.contains(name)){ Location stackLoc = Location.valueToLocation(loc); AccessPath ap = AccessPath.getByRoot(stackLoc); aps.add(ap); } } //parse names with dots for(String name: _varNames){ int index = name.indexOf('.'); if(index>=0){ //must be a global field if(name.charAt(0)=='<'){ try{ SootField field = Scene.v().getField(name); Location global = Location.getGlobalLocation(field); AccessPath ap = AccessPath.getByRoot(global); aps.add(ap); } catch(Exception e){} } else{//an instance field String local = name.substring(0,index); String fieldSignature = name.substring(index+1); try{ SootField field = Scene.v().getField(fieldSignature); //find match locals if(local.equals("this")){ Local loc = method.getActiveBody().getThisLocal(); Location stackLoc = Location.valueToLocation(loc); AccessPath ap = AccessPath.getByRoot(stackLoc); ap = ap.appendFieldRef(field); aps.add(ap); } else{ for(Local loc: method.getActiveBody().getLocals()){ if(loc.getName().equals(local)){ Location stackLoc = Location.valueToLocation(loc); AccessPath ap = AccessPath.getByRoot(stackLoc); ap = ap.appendFieldRef(field); aps.add(ap); } } } } catch(Exception e){} } } } Collection<JimpleSlicingCriterion> criteria = new HashSet<JimpleSlicingCriterion>(); if(_postExecution){ //collect in reverse order, choose slicing criterion on the tail Units first while(!units.isEmpty() && !aps.isEmpty()){ Unit u = units.removeLast(); collectCriterion(method,query,heapAbstraction,u,aps,criteria); } } else{ for(Unit u: units){ if(aps.isEmpty()) break; collectCriterion(method,query,heapAbstraction,u,aps,criteria); } } return criteria; } private void collectCriterion(SootMethod method, IPtsToQuery query, HeapAbstraction heapAbstraction, Unit u, Set<AccessPath> aps, Collection<JimpleSlicingCriterion> out){ Set<AccessPath> occur = occuredAccessPaths(method,u); Collection<AccessPath> tmp = new LinkedList<AccessPath>(); tmp.addAll(occur); occur.retainAll(aps); if(!occur.isEmpty()){ Set<Location> locs = getAliasedLocations(occur,u,query, heapAbstraction); if(_postExecution && u instanceof DefinitionStmt){ Value left = ((DefinitionStmt)u).getLeftOp(); AccessPath ap = AccessPath.valueToAccessPath(method, u, left); //If the postExecution flag is set, then the temporals should be //considered in slicing Java stmts. //Here we heuristically assume varibales with name start from '$' //are temporals introduced in jimple. if(ap!=null && aps.contains(ap)){ for(AccessPath x: tmp){ if(x.length()>0) continue; Location loc = x.getRoot(); String name = loc.toString(); boolean isTemporal = name.length()>0 && name.charAt(0)=='$'; if(isTemporal){ locs.add(loc); } } } } JimpleSlicingCriterion criterion = new JimpleSlicingCriterion(method,u,locs,_postExecution); out.add(criterion); } aps.removeAll(occur); } private Set<Location> getAliasedLocations(Set<AccessPath> aps,Unit u, IPtsToQuery query, HeapAbstraction heapAbstraction){ Set<Location> aliased = new HashSet<Location>(); for(AccessPath ap: aps){ if(ap.length()>0 && query!=null){ // TODO ����Ҫȷ���ѳ����һ���� Set<Location> x = PtsToHelper.getAccessedLocations(query, heapAbstraction, u, ap); aliased.addAll(x); } else{ aliased.add(ap.getRoot()); } } return aliased; } protected Set<AccessPath> occuredAccessPaths(SootMethod method,Unit s){ Set<AccessPath> vars = new HashSet<AccessPath>(); List<?> boxed = s.getUseAndDefBoxes(); for(Iterator<?> it=boxed.iterator();it.hasNext();){ ValueBox box = (ValueBox); Value v = box.getValue(); if(v instanceof Local || v instanceof FieldRef || v instanceof ArrayRef){ AccessPath ap = AccessPath.valueToAccessPath(method,s,v); vars.add(ap); } } return vars; } protected boolean useVariables(Unit s,Set<String> variables){ for(ValueBox box: s.getUseBoxes()){ if(variables.contains(box.toString())) return true; } return false; } public static void unitsInLine(SootMethod m,int line,Collection<Unit> units){ if(m.isConcrete()&& !m.hasActiveBody()){ m.retrieveActiveBody(); } if(m.hasActiveBody()){ for(Unit s: m.getActiveBody().getUnits()){ if(SootUtils.getLine(s)==line){ units.add(s); } } } } }