package jqian.sootex.dependency; import java.util.*; import jqian.sootex.util.CFGExit; import soot.Unit; import soot.toolkits.graph.DirectedGraph; import soot.toolkits.graph.DominatorNode; import soot.toolkits.graph.DominatorTree; import soot.toolkits.graph.InverseGraph; import soot.toolkits.graph.MHGDominatorsFinder; import soot.toolkits.graph.MHGPostDominatorsFinder; import soot.toolkits.graph.StronglyConnectedComponents; public class DependencyHelper { static class PatchedGraph<N> implements DirectedGraph<N> { final DirectedGraph<N> g; final HashMap<N, HashSet<N>> node2preds = new HashMap<N, HashSet<N>>(); final HashMap<N, HashSet<N>> node2succs = new HashMap<N, HashSet<N>>(); public PatchedGraph(DirectedGraph<N> g) { this.g = g; } private void addPredInternal(N n, N pred){ HashSet<N> preds = node2preds.get(n); if(preds==null){ preds = new HashSet<N>(); node2preds.put(n, preds); } preds.add(pred); } public void addSuccInternal(N n, N succ){ HashSet<N> succs = node2succs.get(n); if(succs==null){ succs = new HashSet<N>(); node2succs.put(n, succs); } succs.add(succ); } public void addPred(N n, N pred){ addPredInternal(n, pred); addSuccInternal(pred, n); } public void addSucc(N n, N succ){ addSuccInternal(n, succ); addPredInternal(succ, n); } public List<N> getPredsOf(N s) { HashSet<N> preds = node2preds.get(s); if(preds!=null){ List<N> out = new ArrayList<N>(g.getPredsOf(s)); out.addAll(preds); return out; } else{ return g.getPredsOf(s); } } public List<N> getSuccsOf(N s) { HashSet<N> succs = node2succs.get(s); if(succs!=null){ List<N> out = new ArrayList<N>(g.getSuccsOf(s)); out.addAll(succs); return out; } else{ return g.getSuccsOf(s); } } public List<N> getHeads() { return g.getHeads(); } public List<N> getTails() { return g.getTails(); } public Iterator<N> iterator() { return g.iterator(); } public int size() { return g.size(); } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked" }) static DirectedGraph<Unit> patchCFG(DirectedGraph<Unit> graph){ // XXX if there are infinite loops, patch edges to the graph so that the algorithm can work // StronglyConnectedComponentsFast<N> scc = new StronglyConnectedComponentsFast<N>(graph); StronglyConnectedComponents scc = new StronglyConnectedComponents(graph); List<List> components = scc.getComponents(); Collection<Unit> tails = graph.getTails(); PatchedGraph<Unit> pgraph = new PatchedGraph<Unit>(graph); for (List<?> c : components) { HashSet s = new HashSet(c); boolean withSuccs = false; boolean containTails = false; for (Object n : c) { if (withSuccs) { break; } if (tails.contains(n)) { containTails = true; break; } List<Unit> succs = graph.getSuccsOf((Unit) n); for (Unit p : succs) { if (!s.contains(p)) { withSuccs = true; break; } } } // infinite loop if the condition is satisfied if (!withSuccs && !containTails) { Unit nodeWithPred = null; for (Object n : c) { if (nodeWithPred != null) { break; } List<Unit> preds = graph.getPredsOf((Unit) n); for (Unit p : preds) { if (!s.contains(p)) { nodeWithPred = (Unit) n; break; } } } pgraph.addSucc(nodeWithPred, tails.iterator().next()); } } return pgraph; } /** * Compute the control flow dependences for each statement. * Using the algorithm from: * Ferrantet et al. The Program Dependence Graph and Its Use in Optimization. TOPLAS, 1987. * @note previous algorithm using INFL set seems incorrect. * @note Currently only handle hammock graph * * TODO: ������һ����Ȩ�ص�Worklist�㷨�����к���ؾ��ڵ�������ܸ���һЩ. * Ŀǰ�İ汾δ���ǵ���˳��, ����Ч�ʿ��ܲ��� */ public static Map<Unit,Collection<Unit>> calcCtrlDependences(DirectedGraph<Unit> cfg){ int size = cfg.size(); Map<Unit,Collection<Unit>> node2depend = new HashMap<Unit,Collection<Unit>>(size*2+1,0.7f); // find post dominators and build post dominator tree //MHGPostDominatorsFinder postdomFinder = new MHGPostDominatorsFinder(cfg); CFGDominatorsFinder<Unit> postdomFinder = new CFGDominatorsFinder<Unit>(new InverseGraph<Unit>(cfg)); while(postdomFinder.containInfiniteLoops()){ cfg = patchCFG(cfg); postdomFinder = new CFGDominatorsFinder<Unit>(new InverseGraph<Unit>(cfg)); } DominatorTree postdomTree = new DominatorTree(postdomFinder); // process each conditional edge to find the control dependence relationships // a. a virtual edge from ENTRY -> START Unit exit = CFGExit.v(); for(Unit head: cfg.getHeads()){ DominatorNode startNode = postdomTree.getDode(head); DominatorNode endNode = postdomTree.getDode(exit); Collection<DominatorNode> ancestors = findAncestors(postdomTree, startNode, endNode, true); Collection<Unit> dependby = dominatorsToUnits(ancestors); addCtrlDep(node2depend, head, dependby); } // b. other conditional edges for(Iterator<Unit> it=cfg.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){ Unit u =; List<Unit> succs = cfg.getSuccsOf(u); // conditional edges if(succs.size()>1){ DominatorNode srcNode = postdomTree.getDode(u); for(Unit tgt: succs){ // skip edge to dominators if(postdomFinder.isDominatedBy(u, tgt)){ continue; } DominatorNode tgtNode = postdomTree.getDode(tgt); DominatorNode commonAncestor = findCommonAncestors(postdomTree, srcNode, tgtNode); Collection<DominatorNode> ancestors; if(commonAncestor==srcNode){ //Case: L = A. All nodes in the post-dominator tree on the path from A to B, //including A and B, should be made control dependent on A. //XXX: exclude A to avoid loop dependence ancestors = findAncestors(postdomTree, tgtNode, srcNode, false); ancestors.add(tgtNode); } else{ //Case. L = parent of A. All nodes in the post-dominator tree on the path //from L to B, including B but not L, should be made control dependent on A. ancestors = findAncestors(postdomTree, tgtNode, commonAncestor, false); ancestors.add(tgtNode); } Collection<Unit> dependby = dominatorsToUnits(ancestors); addCtrlDep(node2depend, u, dependby); } } } return node2depend; } private static Set<DominatorNode> findAncestors(DominatorTree postdomTree, DominatorNode start, DominatorNode end, boolean includeEnd){ Set<DominatorNode> ancestors = new HashSet<DominatorNode>(); DominatorNode parent = start.getParent(); while(parent!=null && parent!=end){ ancestors.add(parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } if(parent!=null && includeEnd){ ancestors.add(parent); } return ancestors; } private static DominatorNode findCommonAncestors(DominatorTree postdomTree, DominatorNode n1, DominatorNode n2){ Collection<DominatorNode> ancestors2 = findAncestors(postdomTree, n2, null, true); ancestors2.add(n2); DominatorNode parent = n1; while(parent!=null){ if(ancestors2.contains(parent)){ return parent; } parent = parent.getParent(); } return null; } private static Collection<Unit> dominatorsToUnits(Collection<DominatorNode> dominators) { Collection<Unit> dependby = new ArrayList<Unit>(dominators.size()); for (DominatorNode d : dominators) { Unit u = (Unit) d.getGode(); dependby.add(u); } return dependby; } private static void addCtrlDep(Map<Unit, Collection<Unit>> node2depend, Unit n, Collection<Unit> dependby) { for (Unit dependbyUnit : dependby) { Collection<Unit> depend = node2depend.get(dependbyUnit); if (depend == null) { depend = new ArrayList<Unit>(); node2depend.put(dependbyUnit, depend); } depend.add(n); } } }