package jqian.sootex.util.callgraph; import java.util.*; import jqian.sootex.util.SootUtils; import soot.*; import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.*; /** * A framework for worklist algorithm on the call graph */ public class CallGraphWorklist { private final MethodVisitor _visitor; private final CallGraph _cg; private List<SootMethod> _topoOrder; /** * Note that when visiting a method at the first time, the return of visit() * should better be true, given the data of m is not empty. */ public static interface MethodVisitor{ /** return if the analysis result of method m has been changed. */ public boolean visit(SootMethod m, Set<SootMethod> changeSources); } public CallGraphWorklist(CallGraph cg, MethodVisitor visitor){ this._cg = cg; this._visitor=visitor; TopologicalOrderer orderer = new TopologicalOrderer(cg); orderer.go(); this._topoOrder = orderer.order(); } public CallGraphWorklist(CallGraph cg, MethodVisitor visitor,List<SootMethod> topoOrder){ this._cg = cg; this._visitor = visitor; this._topoOrder = topoOrder; } public CallGraphWorklist(CallGraph cg, MethodVisitor visitor,Collection<SootMethod> entries){ this._visitor=visitor; this._cg = cg; assert(entries!=null); TopologicalOrderer orderer = new PartialTopologicalOrderer(cg,entries); orderer.go(); _topoOrder = orderer.order(); } private static class MethodComparator implements Comparator<SootMethod>{ private int[] _order; public MethodComparator(int[] order){ this._order = order; } public int compare(SootMethod m1, SootMethod m2){ return _order[m1.getNumber()] - _order[m2.getNumber()]; } public boolean equals(Object obj){ if(obj==this) return true; else return false; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void process(){ //get an order number for each method int[] order = new int[SootUtils.getMethodCount()]; int i = 1; for(Iterator<SootMethod> it=_topoOrder.iterator();it.hasNext();i++){ SootMethod m =; order[m.getNumber()] = i; } //initialize the queue Comparator<SootMethod> comparator = new MethodComparator(order); PriorityQueue<SootMethod> worklist = new PriorityQueue<SootMethod>(_topoOrder.size(), comparator); worklist.addAll(_topoOrder); //set change source Map<SootMethod, Set<SootMethod>> inque = new HashMap<SootMethod, Set<SootMethod>>(_topoOrder.size()); for(SootMethod m: _topoOrder){ Callees callees = new Callees(_cg,m); inque.put(m, callees.explicits()); } //worklist processing while(!worklist.isEmpty()){ SootMethod m = worklist.poll(); Set<SootMethod> changeSources = inque.get(m); inque.remove(m); boolean changed = _visitor.visit(m,changeSources); if(changed){ Iterator<SootMethod> it = new Sources(_cg.edgesInto(m)); while(it.hasNext()){ SootMethod caller =; int id = caller.getNumber(); //if originally reachable if(order[id]>0){ changeSources = inque.get(caller); //if not in worklist if(changeSources==null){ worklist.offer(caller); changeSources = new TreeSet<SootMethod>(comparator); inque.put(caller,changeSources); } changeSources.add(m); } } } } } }