package jqian.sootex.dependency.pdg.builder; import java.util.*; import jqian.Global; import jqian.sootex.CFGProvider; import jqian.sootex.ConservativelyHandledEntities; import jqian.sootex.dependency.pdg.PDG; import jqian.sootex.dependency.pdg.DepGraphOptions; import jqian.sootex.dependency.pdg.SDG; import jqian.sootex.du.IGlobalDUQuery; import jqian.sootex.du.IReachingDUQuery; import jqian.sootex.location.HeapAbstraction; import jqian.sootex.location.Location; import jqian.sootex.ptsto.IPtsToQuery; import jqian.sootex.sideeffect.ISideEffectAnalysis; import jqian.sootex.util.SootUtils; import jqian.sootex.util.callgraph.CallGraphHelper; import jqian.util.Utils; import soot.*; import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.CallGraph; import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.ReachableMethods; import soot.toolkits.graph.UnitGraph; /** */ public class SDGBuilder { protected SDG _sdg; private boolean _verbose; //--------------------- temporals --------------------------// @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Collection _entries; private DepGraphOptions _dgOptions; protected IPtsToQuery _ptsto; protected IGlobalDUQuery _gbRdQuery; protected ISideEffectAnalysis _sideEffect; protected CFGProvider _cfgProvider; protected int _javaLibDepth; protected CallGraph _restrictedCallGraph; protected HeapAbstraction _heapAbstraction; /** Build a context-insensitive SDG constructor. * @param options A set of options for PDG construction * @param rd The Reaching Definition query should cover all methods reachable from the specified entries * Or else there may be runtime exceptions. * @param javaLibDepth Analysis depth for Java library methods */ public SDGBuilder(Collection<?> entries,DepGraphOptions options, CFGProvider cfgProvider, IPtsToQuery ptsTo, HeapAbstraction heapAbstraction, IGlobalDUQuery rd,ISideEffectAnalysis sideEffect,boolean verbose, int javaLibDepth){ this._entries = entries; this._verbose = verbose; this._dgOptions = options; this._ptsto = ptsTo; this._gbRdQuery = rd; this._sideEffect = sideEffect; this._cfgProvider = cfgProvider; this._javaLibDepth = javaLibDepth; this._heapAbstraction = heapAbstraction; this._sdg = new SDG(); } public SDG getSDG(){ return _sdg; } public Collection<Location> getTgtUsedHeapLocs(SootMethod callee){ return _sideEffect.getUseHeapLocs(callee); } public Collection<Location> getTgtUsedGlobals(SootMethod callee){ return _sideEffect.getUseGlobals(callee); } public Collection<Location> getTgtModHeapLocs(SootMethod callee){ return _sideEffect.getModHeapLocs(callee); } public Collection<Location> getTgtModGlobals(SootMethod callee){ return _sideEffect.getModGlobals(callee); } public void buildMethodPDG(SootMethod m){ Date startTime=null; if(_verbose){ startTime=new Date(); } int edgeCount[] = new int[5]; int nodeCount = buildForMethod(0, m,edgeCount); Date endTime=null; if(_verbose){ endTime=new Date(); Global.v().out.println("[Method PDG build] Complete in "+ Utils.getTimeConsumed(startTime,endTime)); Global.v().out.println("[Dependence Count] nodes "+nodeCount+", "+PDG.statisticsToString(edgeCount)); } } /** This method should be called before buidling any dependence graph fragment. */ public void preBuild(){ } private int buildForMethod(int id, SootMethod m,int edgeCount[]){ if( !m.isConcrete() || !m.hasActiveBody()) return 0; Date startTime=null; if(_verbose){ startTime=new Date(); } PDGBuilder builder; CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph(); if(ConservativelyHandledEntities.isConservativelyHandledMethod(m) || ConservativelyHandledEntities.isConservativelyHandledClass(m.getDeclaringClass())){ builder = new PDGInterfaceBuilder(m,_dgOptions, this); } else if(_javaLibDepth>=0 && !_restrictedCallGraph.edgesOutOf(m).hasNext() && cg.edgesOutOf(m).hasNext()){ builder = new PDGInterfaceBuilder(m,_dgOptions, this); } else{ UnitGraph cfg = _cfgProvider.getCFG(m); IReachingDUQuery rd = _gbRdQuery.getRDQuery(m); builder = new PDGBuilder(m,cfg,_dgOptions, _ptsto, _heapAbstraction, rd,this); }; PDG pdg = builder.getPDG(); pdg.compact(); _sdg.addPDG(m, pdg); PDG.updateStatistic(edgeCount,pdg); int nodeCount = pdg.getNodes().size(); //Release rd query _gbRdQuery.releaseQuery(m); Date endTime=null; if(_verbose){ endTime=new Date(); Global.v().out.println("[PDG] " + id + ": " + m + " -- " + Utils.getTimeConsumed(startTime,endTime) + ", " + nodeCount +" nodes"); //Global.v().out.println("[Dependence Count] nodes "+nodeCount+", "+PDG.statisticsToString(edgeCount)); } return nodeCount; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void buildAll(){ Date startTime=null; if(_verbose){ startTime=new Date(); } int edgeCount[] = new int[5]; int nodeCount = 0; ReachableMethods reachables = null; if(_javaLibDepth<0){ // no restriction on library methods reachables = SootUtils.getReachableMethods(_entries); } else{ // only limited depth of library methods are considered CallGraph cg = CallGraphHelper.tailorLibMethods(Scene.v().getCallGraph(),_entries, _javaLibDepth); reachables = new ReachableMethods(cg,_entries); reachables.update(); _restrictedCallGraph = cg; } int i = 0; for(Iterator<?> it = reachables.listener();it.hasNext(); i++){ SootMethod m =(SootMethod); nodeCount += buildForMethod(i, m,edgeCount); } Date endTime=null; if(_verbose){ endTime=new Date(); Global.v().out.println("[Context-insensitive SDG] "+ reachables.size() +" methods analyzed in "+ Utils.getTimeConsumed(startTime,endTime)); Global.v().out.println("[Dependence count] nodes "+ nodeCount+", "+PDG.statisticsToString(edgeCount)); } } /** This method should be called after the whole building to release resources. */ public void postBuild(){ _restrictedCallGraph = null; //clear temporals to save space _entries = null; _dgOptions = null; _ptsto = null; _gbRdQuery = null; _sideEffect = null; } }