package com.alarmclocksnoozers.runnershigh; import android.content.Context; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; public class SoundManager { static private SoundManager _instance; private static SoundPool mSoundPool; private static HashMap<Integer, Integer> mSoundPoolMap; private static AudioManager mAudioManager; private static Context mContext; private SoundManager() { } /** * Requests the instance of the Sound Manager and creates it * if it does not exist. * * @return Returns the single instance of the SoundManager */ static synchronized public SoundManager getInstance() { if (_instance == null) _instance = new SoundManager(); return _instance; } /** * Initialises the storage for the sounds * * @param theContext The Application context */ public static void initSounds(Context theContext) { mContext = theContext; mSoundPool = new SoundPool(4, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0); mSoundPoolMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); mAudioManager = (AudioManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); } /** * Add a new Sound to the SoundPool * * @param Index - The Sound Index for Retrieval * @param SoundID - The Android ID for the Sound asset. */ public static void addSound(int Index,int SoundID) { mSoundPoolMap.put(Index, mSoundPool.load(mContext, SoundID, 1)); } /** * Loads the various sound assets * Currently hardcoded but could easily be changed to be flexible. */ public static void loadSounds() { // loading WMA causes problems on HTC Sensation // mSoundPoolMap.put(1, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.reset, 1)); // mSoundPoolMap.put(2, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.threek, 1)); mSoundPoolMap.put(3, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.jump, 1)); mSoundPoolMap.put(4, mSoundPool.load(mContext,, 1)); mSoundPoolMap.put(5, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.slow , 1)); mSoundPoolMap.put(6, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.trampoline, 1)); mSoundPoolMap.put(7, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.petenicesplash , 1)); mSoundPoolMap.put(8, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.bonus, 1)); mSoundPoolMap.put(9, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.ninek, 1)); } public static void playSound(int index,float speed, float volumeL, float volumeR, int loopMode) { float streamVolume = mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); streamVolume = streamVolume / mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); if(mSoundPoolMap.get(index)!=null), streamVolume*volumeL, streamVolume*volumeR, 1, loopMode, speed); } /** * Plays a Sound * * @param index - The Index of the Sound to be played * @param speed - The Speed to play not, not currently used but included for compatibility */ public static void playSound(int index,float speed) { playSound(index, speed, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0); } /** * Stop a Sound * @param index - index of the sound to be stopped */ public static void stopSound(int index) { mSoundPool.stop(mSoundPoolMap.get(index)); } /** * Deallocates the resources and Instance of SoundManager */ public static void cleanup() { if (mSoundPool != null) mSoundPool.release(); mSoundPool = null; if (mSoundPoolMap != null) mSoundPoolMap.clear(); if (mAudioManager != null) mAudioManager.unloadSoundEffects(); _instance = null; } }