/** * * Copyright (c) 2014, the Railo Company Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * **/ package lucee.runtime.sql.old; public interface ZqlJJParserConstants { public static final int EOF = 0; public static final int K_ALL = 5; public static final int K_AND = 6; public static final int K_ANY = 7; public static final int K_AS = 8; public static final int K_ASC = 9; public static final int K_AVG = 10; public static final int K_BETWEEN = 11; public static final int K_BINARY_INTEGER = 12; public static final int K_BOOLEAN = 13; public static final int K_BY = 14; public static final int K_CHAR = 15; public static final int K_COMMENT = 16; public static final int K_COMMIT = 17; public static final int K_CONNECT = 18; public static final int K_COUNT = 19; public static final int K_DATE = 20; public static final int K_DELETE = 21; public static final int K_DESC = 22; public static final int K_DISTINCT = 23; public static final int K_EXCLUSIVE = 24; public static final int K_EXISTS = 25; public static final int K_EXIT = 26; public static final int K_FLOAT = 27; public static final int K_FOR = 28; public static final int K_FROM = 29; public static final int K_GROUP = 30; public static final int K_HAVING = 31; public static final int K_IN = 32; public static final int K_INSERT = 33; public static final int K_INTEGER = 34; public static final int K_INTERSECT = 35; public static final int K_INTO = 36; public static final int K_IS = 37; public static final int K_LIKE = 38; public static final int K_LOCK = 39; public static final int K_MAX = 40; public static final int K_MIN = 41; public static final int K_MINUS = 42; public static final int K_MODE = 43; public static final int K_NATURAL = 44; public static final int K_NOT = 45; public static final int K_NOWAIT = 46; public static final int K_NULL = 47; public static final int K_NUMBER = 48; public static final int K_OF = 49; public static final int K_ONLY = 50; public static final int K_OR = 51; public static final int K_ORDER = 52; public static final int K_PRIOR = 53; public static final int K_QUIT = 54; public static final int K_READ = 55; public static final int K_REAL = 56; public static final int K_ROLLBACK = 57; public static final int K_ROW = 58; public static final int K_SELECT = 59; public static final int K_SET = 60; public static final int K_SHARE = 61; public static final int K_SMALLINT = 62; public static final int K_START = 63; public static final int K_SUM = 64; public static final int K_TABLE = 65; public static final int K_TRANSACTION = 66; public static final int K_UNION = 67; public static final int K_UPDATE = 68; public static final int K_VALUES = 69; public static final int K_VARCHAR2 = 70; public static final int K_VARCHAR = 71; public static final int K_WHERE = 72; public static final int K_WITH = 73; public static final int K_WORK = 74; public static final int K_WRITE = 75; public static final int S_NUMBER = 76; public static final int FLOAT = 77; public static final int INTEGER = 78; public static final int DIGIT = 79; public static final int LINE_COMMENT = 80; public static final int MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 81; public static final int S_IDENTIFIER = 82; public static final int LETTER = 83; public static final int SPECIAL_CHARS = 84; public static final int S_BIND = 85; public static final int S_CHAR_LITERAL = 86; public static final int S_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER = 87; public static final int DEFAULT = 0; /*public static final String tokenImage[] = { "<EOF>", "\" \"", "\"\\t\"", "\"\\r\"", "\"\\n\"", "\"NEVER_USE_AVG\"", "\"NEVER_USE_BETWEEN\"", "\"NEVER_USE_BINARY_INTEGER\"", "\"NEVER_USE_BOOLEAN\"", "\"NEVER_USE_BY\"", "\"NEVER_USE_CHAR\"", "\"NEVER_USE_COMMENT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_COMMIT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_CONNECT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_COUNT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_DATE\"", "\"NEVER_USE_DELETE\"", "\"NEVER_USE_DESC\"", "\"NEVER_USE_DISTINCT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_EXCLUSIVE\"", "\"NEVER_USE_EXISTS\"", "\"NEVER_USE_EXIT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_FLOAT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_FOR\"", "\"NEVER_USE_FROM\"", "\"NEVER_USE_GROUP\"", "\"NEVER_USE_HAVING\"", "\"NEVER_USE_IN\"", "\"NEVER_USE_INSERT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_INTEGER\"", "\"NEVER_USE_INTERSECT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_INTO\"", "\"NEVER_USE_IS\"", "\"NEVER_USE_LIKE\"", "\"NEVER_USE_LOCK\"", "\"NEVER_USE_MAX\"", "\"NEVER_USE_MIN\"", "\"NEVER_USE_MINUS\"", "\"NEVER_USE_MODE\"", "\"NEVER_USE_NATURAL\"", "\"NEVER_USE_NOT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_NOWAIT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_NULL\"", "\"NEVER_USE_NUMBER\"", "\"NEVER_USE_OF\"", "\"NEVER_USE_ONLY\"", "\"NEVER_USE_OR\"", "\"NEVER_USE_ORDER\"", "\"NEVER_USE_PRIOR\"", "\"NEVER_USE_QUIT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_READ\"", "\"NEVER_USE_REAL\"", "\"NEVER_USE_ROLLBACK\"", "\"NEVER_USE_ROW\"", "\"NEVER_USE_SELECT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_SET\"", "\"NEVER_USE_SHARE\"", "\"NEVER_USE_SMALLINT\"", "\"NEVER_USE_START\"", "\"NEVER_USE_SUM\"", "\"NEVER_USE_TABLE\"", "\"NEVER_USE_TRANSACTION\"", "\"NEVER_USE_UNION\"", "\"NEVER_USE_UPDATE\"", "\"NEVER_USE_VALUES\"", "\"NEVER_USE_VARCHAR2\"", "\"NEVER_USE_VARCHAR\"", "\"NEVER_USE_WHERE\"", "\"NEVER_USE_WITH\"", "\"NEVER_USE_WORK\"", "\"NEVER_USE_WRITE\"", "<S_NUMBER>", "<FLOAT>", "<INTEGER>", "<DIGIT>", "<LINE_COMMENT>", "<MULTI_LINE_COMMENT>", "<S_IDENTIFIER>", "<LETTER>", "<SPECIAL_CHARS>", "<S_BIND>", "<S_CHAR_LITERAL>", "<S_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER>", "\"(\"", "\",\"", "\")\"", "\";\"", "\"=\"", "\".\"", "\"!=\"", "\"#\"", "\"<>\"", "\">\"", "\">=\"", "\"<\"", "\"<=\"", "\"+\"", "\"-\"", "\"*\"", "\".*\"", "\"?\"", "\"||\"", "\"/\"", "\"**\"" };*/ public static final String tokenImage[] = { "<EOF>", "\" \"", "\"\\t\"", "\"\\r\"", "\"\\n\"", "\"ALL\"", "\"AND\"", "\"ANY\"", "\"AS\"", "\"ASC\"", "\"AVG\"", "\"BETWEEN\"", "\"BINARY_INTEGER\"", "\"BOOLEAN\"", "\"BY\"", "\"CHAR\"", "\"COMMENT\"", "\"COMMIT\"", "\"CONNECT\"", "\"COUNT\"", "\"DATE\"", "\"DELETE\"", "\"DESC\"", "\"DISTINCT\"", "\"EXCLUSIVE\"", "\"EXISTS\"", "\"EXIT\"", "\"FLOAT\"", "\"FOR\"", "\"FROM\"", "\"GROUP\"", "\"HAVING\"", "\"IN\"", "\"INSERT\"", "\"INTEGER\"", "\"INTERSECT\"", "\"INTO\"", "\"IS\"", "\"LIKE\"", "\"LOCK\"", "\"MAX\"", "\"MIN\"", "\"MINUS\"", "\"MODE\"", "\"NATURAL\"", "\"NOT\"", "\"NOWAIT\"", "\"NULL\"", "\"NUMBER\"", "\"OF\"", "\"ONLY\"", "\"OR\"", "\"ORDER\"", "\"PRIOR\"", "\"QUIT\"", "\"READ\"", "\"REAL\"", "\"ROLLBACK\"", "\"ROW\"", "\"SELECT\"", "\"SET\"", "\"SHARE\"", "\"SMALLINT\"", "\"START\"", "\"SUM\"", "\"TABLE\"", "\"TRANSACTION\"", "\"UNION\"", "\"UPDATE\"", "\"VALUES\"", "\"VARCHAR2\"", "\"VARCHAR\"", "\"WHERE\"", "\"WITH\"", "\"WORK\"", "\"WRITE\"", "<S_NUMBER>", "<FLOAT>", "<INTEGER>", "<DIGIT>", "<LINE_COMMENT>", "<MULTI_LINE_COMMENT>", "<S_IDENTIFIER>", "<LETTER>", "<SPECIAL_CHARS>", "<S_BIND>", "<S_CHAR_LITERAL>", "<S_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER>", "\"(\"", "\",\"", "\")\"", "\";\"", "\"=\"", "\".\"", "\"!=\"", "\"#\"", "\"<>\"", "\">\"", "\">=\"", "\"<\"", "\"<=\"", "\"+\"", "\"-\"", "\"*\"", "\".*\"", "\"?\"", "\"||\"", "\"/\"", "\"**\"" }; }