/** * * Copyright (c) 2014, the Railo Company Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * **/ package lucee.runtime.sql.old; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Vector; // Referenced classes of package Zql: // ZExpression, ZConstant, ZExp, ZTuple, // ZqlParser public final class ZEval { public ZEval() { } public boolean eval(ZTuple ztuple, ZExp zexp) throws SQLException { if(ztuple == null || zexp == null) throw new SQLException("ZEval.eval(): null argument or operator"); if(!(zexp instanceof ZExpression)) throw new SQLException("ZEval.eval(): only expressions are supported"); ZExpression zexpression = (ZExpression)zexp; String s = zexpression.getOperator(); if(s.equals("AND")) { boolean flag = true; for(int i = 0; i < zexpression.nbOperands(); i++) flag &= eval(ztuple, zexpression.getOperand(i)); return flag; } if(s.equals("OR")) { boolean flag1 = false; for(int j = 0; j < zexpression.nbOperands(); j++) flag1 |= eval(ztuple, zexpression.getOperand(j)); return flag1; } if(s.equals("NOT")) return !eval(ztuple, zexpression.getOperand(0)); if(s.equals("=")) return evalCmp(ztuple, zexpression.getOperands()) == 0.0D; if(s.equals("!=")) return evalCmp(ztuple, zexpression.getOperands()) != 0.0D; if(s.equals("<>")) return evalCmp(ztuple, zexpression.getOperands()) != 0.0D; if(s.equals("#")) throw new SQLException("ZEval.eval(): Operator # not supported"); if(s.equals(">")) return evalCmp(ztuple, zexpression.getOperands()) > 0.0D; if(s.equals(">=")) return evalCmp(ztuple, zexpression.getOperands()) >= 0.0D; if(s.equals("<")) return evalCmp(ztuple, zexpression.getOperands()) < 0.0D; if(s.equals("<=")) return evalCmp(ztuple, zexpression.getOperands()) <= 0.0D; if(s.equals("BETWEEN") || s.equals("NOT BETWEEN")) { ZExpression zexpression1 = new ZExpression("AND", new ZExpression(">=", zexpression.getOperand(0), zexpression.getOperand(1)), new ZExpression("<=", zexpression.getOperand(0), zexpression.getOperand(2))); if(s.equals("NOT BETWEEN")) return !eval(ztuple, ( (zexpression1))); return eval(ztuple, ( (zexpression1))); } if(s.equals("LIKE") || s.equals("NOT LIKE")) throw new SQLException("ZEval.eval(): Operator (NOT) LIKE not supported"); if(s.equals("IN") || s.equals("NOT IN")) { ZExpression zexpression2 = new ZExpression("OR"); for(int k = 1; k < zexpression.nbOperands(); k++) zexpression2.addOperand(new ZExpression("=", zexpression.getOperand(0), zexpression.getOperand(k))); if(s.equals("NOT IN")) return !eval(ztuple, ( (zexpression2))); return eval(ztuple, ( (zexpression2))); } if(s.equals("IS NULL")) { if(zexpression.nbOperands() <= 0 || zexpression.getOperand(0) == null) return true; ZExp zexp1 = zexpression.getOperand(0); if(zexp1 instanceof ZConstant) return ((ZConstant)zexp1).getType() == 1; throw new SQLException("ZEval.eval(): can't eval IS (NOT) NULL"); } if(s.equals("IS NOT NULL")) { ZExpression zexpression3 = new ZExpression("IS NULL"); zexpression3.setOperands(zexpression.getOperands()); return !eval(ztuple, ((zexpression3))); } throw new SQLException("ZEval.eval(): Unknown operator " + s); } double evalCmp(ZTuple ztuple, Vector vector) throws SQLException { if(vector.size() < 2) throw new SQLException("ZEval.evalCmp(): Trying to compare less than two values"); if(vector.size() > 2) throw new SQLException("ZEval.evalCmp(): Trying to compare more than two values"); Object obj = null; Object obj1 = null; obj = evalExpValue(ztuple, (ZExp)vector.elementAt(0)); obj1 = evalExpValue(ztuple, (ZExp)vector.elementAt(1)); if((obj instanceof String) || (obj1 instanceof String)) return (obj.equals(obj1) ? 0 : -1); if((obj instanceof Number) && (obj1 instanceof Number)) return ((Number)obj).doubleValue() - ((Number)obj1).doubleValue(); throw new SQLException("ZEval.evalCmp(): can't compare (" + obj.toString() + ") with (" + obj1.toString() + ")"); } double evalNumericExp(ZTuple ztuple, ZExpression zexpression) throws SQLException { if(ztuple == null || zexpression == null || zexpression.getOperator() == null) throw new SQLException("ZEval.eval(): null argument or operator"); String s = zexpression.getOperator(); Object obj = evalExpValue(ztuple, zexpression.getOperand(0)); if(!(obj instanceof Double)) throw new SQLException("ZEval.evalNumericExp(): expression not numeric"); Double double1 = (Double)obj; if(s.equals("+")) { double d = double1.doubleValue(); for(int i = 1; i < zexpression.nbOperands(); i++) { Object obj1 = evalExpValue(ztuple, zexpression.getOperand(i)); d += ((Number)obj1).doubleValue(); } return d; } if(s.equals("-")) { double d1 = double1.doubleValue(); if(zexpression.nbOperands() == 1) return -d1; for(int j = 1; j < zexpression.nbOperands(); j++) { Object obj2 = evalExpValue(ztuple, zexpression.getOperand(j)); d1 -= ((Number)obj2).doubleValue(); } return d1; } if(s.equals("*")) { double d2 = double1.doubleValue(); for(int k = 1; k < zexpression.nbOperands(); k++) { Object obj3 = evalExpValue(ztuple, zexpression.getOperand(k)); d2 *= ((Number)obj3).doubleValue(); } return d2; } if(s.equals("/")) { double d3 = double1.doubleValue(); for(int l = 1; l < zexpression.nbOperands(); l++) { Object obj4 = evalExpValue(ztuple, zexpression.getOperand(l)); d3 /= ((Number)obj4).doubleValue(); } return d3; } if(s.equals("**")) { double d4 = double1.doubleValue(); for(int i1 = 1; i1 < zexpression.nbOperands(); i1++) { Object obj5 = evalExpValue(ztuple, zexpression.getOperand(i1)); d4 = Math.pow(d4, ((Number)obj5).doubleValue()); } return d4; } throw new SQLException("ZEval.evalNumericExp(): Unknown operator " + s); } public Object evalExpValue(ZTuple ztuple, ZExp zexp) throws SQLException { Object obj = null; if(zexp instanceof ZConstant) { ZConstant zconstant = (ZConstant)zexp; switch(zconstant.getType()) { case 0: // '\0' Object obj1 = ztuple.getAttValue(zconstant.getValue()); if(obj1 == null) throw new SQLException("ZEval.evalExpValue(): unknown column " + zconstant.getValue()); try { obj = new Double(obj1.toString()); } catch(NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { obj = obj1; } break; case 2: // '\002' obj = new Double(zconstant.getValue()); break; case 1: // '\001' case 3: // '\003' default: obj = zconstant.getValue(); break; } } else if(zexp instanceof ZExpression) obj = new Double(evalNumericExp(ztuple, (ZExpression)zexp)); return obj; } public static void main(String args[]) { try { BufferedReader bufferedreader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.db")); String s = bufferedreader.readLine(); ZTuple ztuple = new ZTuple(s); ZqlParser zqlparser = new ZqlParser(); ZEval zeval = new ZEval(); while((s = bufferedreader.readLine()) != null) { ztuple.setRow(s); BufferedReader bufferedreader1 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.sql")); String s1; while((s1 = bufferedreader1.readLine()) != null) { zqlparser.initParser(new ByteArrayInputStream(s1.getBytes())); ZExp zexp = zqlparser.readExpression(); System.out.print(s + ", " + s1 + ", "); System.out.println(zeval.eval(ztuple, zexp)); } bufferedreader1.close(); } bufferedreader.close(); } catch(Exception exception) { } } }